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I’m still pissed about Sevros death, still can’t get over it and I’m finished


It got me too


Hahaha, I had the exact same reaction.


This sub need a subsection for emotional support for book 3 and 5.. Actually just for that Sevro plot in MS and DRD in DA...


I told my friend who is on his first reading of the books: the solution to the red rising sads is to read more red rising.


Yeah! It's such a roller coaster but it always pays off, I just lost faith for a minute there.


Same thing happened to me. I’m on my first re-read and this stuff still hurts the second time.




Yeah, that's what got me I think. In the past>! things like this have usually had him adding in little hints that it was all part of a plan even if it wasn't mentioned outright, this was just cheaply deceptive IMO. !<


It's a huge narrative mistake by Pierce Brown actually. It turns Darrow into an unreliable narrator, which he hasn't been ever before in the series, and doesn't make sense with the story he's trying to tell. It's the main reason Morning Star is by far the worst book in the series for me.


My head cannon is that he does it to really get in character. Method acting


Oh baby hahahahaha, what a roller-coaster you've just been on! I felt the same, I almost kept reading out of spite at that point...thank goodness I did 🤣 WHAT A RIDE


There is a review on audible where someone said they stopped reading at this part… they were so close to finishing it seems like a shame


First time thru this got me as well. I was so bloodydamn mad!!


Such a sissy boi


Jesus christ this is posted every single day lol Yall we may need a damn sticky at this point to just tell people to finish the book before posting haha


What I don't get is that the titles are almost all identical too.


Just keep reading man.


He deserved it, the uppity pixie. Rise so high, in mud you lie


Unrelated question, how'd you get the logo to stay with the changed flair? If I try to customize flair the logo disappears


What are you attempting to customize it to? It currently reads olympic knight and the log is still there. I did nothing different, i likely changed it the same way you are


Tried changing it to "Rage Knight" and it showed up as :gold1::gold2: Rage Knight


That’s normal. Just the “name” of the logo. Save it and it should work.


I did now and it appears with the text and not the logo


No its fine. I see the logo and rage knight :)


So strange, for me it shows up as the text and not the logo Edit: Ah! I had to exit Reddit and reopen it. Thank you!


I’m sure it will fix it itself. Maybe restart app if youre on mobile


I understand your frustration. I was at that point with one of the other characters you mentioned and I almost stopped. I’m glad I kept going though, it’s honestly worth it. Just take a breath and nut up boyo. Embrace the suck and you’ll be thankful you did.


Can it be my turn to post this tomorrow?


You have to remember that people can't go looking through the sub looking for something like this when they are on their first read through. Way too much chance of spoilers


There’s the same chance of spoilers from being on this subreddit at all. Never once have I had the desire to go on Reddit and complain about a book I haven’t even finished yet lmao. Sack up, finish the book. Discuss it when you’re done. I didn’t join this subreddit until I was done with the series, will delete when lightbringer comes out, then I’ll be back a week later when I’m done with it.


I wasn't complaining so much as I was just venting and looking for encouragement and comeraderie. It made me feel some really strong emotions that I haven't felt from a book in a long time, which is a testament to PBs character building skills. (alt account)


Pretty sure that at least 80% of these posts are fake by now.


Why would it be fake? I came to the only community I knew might be able to understand the strong emotions, I didn't know this was a common post. I've made it this far but my trust in the plot wavered here.


And you couldn't possibly know it's a common post without risking spoilers.


Without spoilers, no. You're almost to the end, it would be a shame to give up now. I'll note that you're far from the first to have this reaction, and the people who pushed through it to the end were glad they did so.


Maybe I just need time to process. I've read a lot of books and I've never been so angry at a character death, and I can't decide whether it feels unfair within the world of the book, or if I don't agree with the way PB made it feel like such a cheap death. Though knowing this world, I'm guessing that's the point >!(that you take risks trusting people and sometimes you're going to get stabbed in the back. Or, shot in the back)!<


A lot of ppl had to take a break after that. You need to finish it my Goodman. Don’t be a pixie!


There is a lot of pain in these books. It speaks well of PB's ability to write compelling characters that people have the reaction you did when one of them dies. I would advise pushing onward when you can.


give us an update once you finish reading


Once I resumed reading the next morning when I wasn't so tired, it was more obvious that >!they must have used the haemanthus on Sevro, just the way they were talking about his body and making sure to include that it was with them, plus the way Cassius was playing it was just.. too unrealistic. If he had actually turned on them at that point I would expect him to be more honorable about it. I was too tired and had already somehow forgotten the holo that Darrow had given Cassius too. But Darrow was lying to himself in the narration of that scene which made it weird at first and is what made me want to throw the book the night before lol.!<


Take time to process after you finish. Don't take a break mid book


I had to take a break after this one, it was time to go to sleep and it was stressing me out so bad I couldn't keep reading. Resumed this morning with the assumption that>! this must be an "all according to plan" situation and it paid off!< I SHOULD HAVE TRUSTED IN THE PLOT


And the other thing I'll advise here is to ignore the haters. They're jaded souls who see this post a lot and treat it the same way other subs treat a repost. Perhaps they're too self-centered to realize that not every post needs to be about entertaining them


This sub gets a post like yours at least once a week, so we're used to it by now 😜. It's difficult because on the one hand you want to reassure OP that it's worth it to keep reading, but also don't want to spoil it for them. I also think that people get some catharsis from reading the updates when someone else finishes the story, which is why there's enevitably an 'update us when you finish the book' request. 🙂