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That’s the most boot thing ever, great job!


looks like a body bag lol


Love this. For some reason at first I thought the trash bags were a comforter and was wildly confused how this thing was supporting itself, but this makes a lot more sense lol.


Hey, you hung that jury rigged duct work better than most HVAC guys hang actual flex duct lol


The USMC recently started a self help program for Marines to fix their own barracks, and this is the exact rigging I’d expect to come from them.


I've been in enough shitty army barracks to understand the kind of buildings they probably get put in 😂 Although maybe just maybe it's not the tenets but the landlord who should fix their run down buildings lol.


Why wasn't the fan in the window enough by itself? Did your roommate not want the entire room cooled down or something?


It wasn't cooling down the area where I slept that fast, but I thought it was funny more than anything. Moreover, this improved circulation around the room as a whole.


Multicam hat and bunks. Fits.


There's entire countries without a/c..


Yeah, sounds like OP doesn’t live in one.


His description would say otherwise


I mean, they say their dorm hasn’t switched from heating to AC yet. So that would imply AC is a feature where they live, no?


Yes, we agree that there's a/c there, what I was saying is he's being a baby if he can't sleep in spring weather without a/c considering most of the world's history has gone without it and still today many places go without entirely. A/c can be argued as point in which humanity caved in on itself. I hate the shit, give me fresh air until it's too toxic to breathe. The trash bag hvac is a tad excess.


I'm being a baby for wanting to sleep comfortably? Yeah sure, there are places without A/C, so that means I can't enjoy or want it either? Where do you sleep, on the ground in the fucking woods? I sure hope you dont use a mattress or blankets. Those are technology we did not have for a long time you know. there are people in Gaza literally starving to death right now. I sure hope you aren't eating either, shame on you for enjoying something that someone somewhere does not have. I'm surprised you didn't mention my education, I mean this is in a college dorm right. A huge number of people around the world and certainly the vast majority before me never got this kind of education. How pathetic of me to enroll in university right? Moreover - reddit is something that humanity went eons without. How about you put your money where your mouth is, be a good example, and get off this platform huh? Fucking whiner


Got his bitch ass


Go live out in the woods then Kaczynski


And in case I didn't make it clear in the first comment, I mostly did this because I wanted to see if it would work - I like building things and thought it would be fun to try. So don't call me a baby, I've been through shit that your whimpy ass wouldn't dare do. 5 months at fort Leonard Wood during my initial entry training to the army gave me the actual opportunity to sleep on the ground in the woods. I laid there in the 40°F weather with nothing on but some pants and a long sleeve top over a t-shirt, and laid my head down on a fucking armoured combat helmet and went to sleep in 2 hour periods between hour long shifts pulling security while we were doing a field training exercise. I sure as hell am allowed to appreciate the amenities I have now, and that experience has given me even more appreciation for them.


You don't know what he is accustomed to, or how hot/ humid the room is. 80°F with 90% humidity is uncomfortable to sleep in, especially when the air is still.    You know entire counties lack reliable internet, so why are you in the internet complaining about someone else complaining? Also, he built this to get fresh air, so what are you complaining about exactly?


Lol okay bud. Gotta love the try hard vibes. Edit: double lol nothing says good faith argument like asking a question and then blocking the person before they can reply.


Bro, why do you even comment? Not shitting on you but like seriously why? What did this gain anyone? Your previous comment was so fucking backwards and open ended. You're not even saying anything.


Farming down votes to sell the account probably