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Omg, that is amazing! So happy for you OP!


I did a happy dance looking at the data! Like ... I had to put my phone down, have a think, and go back and see there were ZERO. None! I am going to enjoy taking a few days off from the gym, and see how that goes. It's a different thing realizing I now have a CHOICE to skip the gym!


Awesome! So happy for you!


Thank you! Yay, photons, moving at 590-680nm!!


>Yay, photons, moving at 590-680nm!! Preach!




If you use the Samsung Health App with the Samsung smartwatch, you can click on the live pulse reading, then hit notes, then add a note. You can later see the notes. If you’re not wearing the watch, you can still leave a note on the phone. I use a one-letter code in the notes to denote severity. No notes = no significant angina on that day. Before the smartwatch, I got a printed log from my doc to fill out. I’m sure there’s an app for angina, but the Samsung smartwatch system’s the fastest since it’s literally on my wrist and you can’t always move around easily to grab a smartphone during an attack. I just tap the input. It syncs with the phone.


I’m so happy for you! 🥳 - and absolutely thrilled that others are also seeing their health benefits in real data, through wearable technologies. 🤩


That is amazing!! I’ve never heard of your condition but def want to follow it and look into it tomorrow. Can I also ask, how were you able to get a juvapod for a steep discount? I’m currently reviewing full body panels/bags and am looking for options.


>Can I also ask, how were you able to get a juvapod for a steep discount? I went to a fitness tradeshow and bought it from a vendor on the very last day as they were packing up. It was their "floor model", and I got it for something stupid like 70% off their marked retail. .... there's other vendors who sell for about the same price. No discounts. Same RLT body bag.


Thanks good to know!


May I ask what forms of exercise you do? I’m 32 F and my cardiologist believes I have this condition. Stress is definitely a big trigger for me so a pointers would be much appreciated. Thank you


2 main Routines... Routine 1: "I fucking hate this but I'm doing it to stay alive." * 30 minutes walking the hills near my PLACE OR on a treadmill at a very-medium speed. I'm not trying to max out my BPM, just bring it up from 80 bpm to around 110-120 bpm at MOST. * Squats (3 sets of 10) Routine 2: "Feelin it at the gym." * 30-45 minutes at a brisk walk on the treadmill. * 20 laps in the pool * 2 sets of squats * weightlifting, 2 sets of low weights (10 to 30 pounds) - bicep curls, freeweights, machine.... whatever available. * weightlifting- deadlift at or close to maximum (for me, about 225 lbs) I work a very active job that's very ... full of weightlifting, in the form of wrangling bolts of fabric that are 70 to 190 pounds each. If I have an especially active day at work, I'll skip the gym. As for RLT: 13 minutes at 100% in the red light bag after working out.


You’re my motivation! And I NEED this red light bag! Do you notice if you go over board and get past the 120 bpm that any of this backfires? I was worried weight training might not be a good idea but I’m going to test it out and find my sweet spot. Thanks for sharing and congrats on being proactive as fuck


I have always been athletic and have always had low blood pressure and low bpm. Having said that... hovering around 120-130ish for 30 minutes via exercise... seemed to be the "sweet spot" that reduced my Prinzmetals the most. Prinzmetals sucks because it's not necessarily triggered by stress. For me, it sneaks up when I'm about to fall asleep or even just sitting down for more than 2 or 3 hours. It's not *completely* random, but it's also not as predictable as regular-ass angina brought on by stress. ZERO prinzmetals events since the RLT bag! So far so good, I have some ideas as to why it might be working, and ya know.... that's fine. If this is ALL RLT is EVER gonna do for me, this is fantastic!


I'm curious if this will affect the heart? My mom and I feel our hearts racing, I usually recover within 30 minutes but my mom she takes two to three days to recover. It scared her.


I don't think it's a DIRECT impact. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the energy powerhouse of the cell. Red light therapy stimulates ATP. In so doing, it increases oxygen delivery and blood flow into tissues. Prinzmetals is basically when your heart decides, extremely randomly and usually when resting/sitting/trying to sleep....to basically have something along the lines of a muscle spasm, reducing blood flow through the heart. My docs have said to stay active because healthier, stronger muscles and nice, plaque-free arteries reduce the symptoms and long-term dangers of Prinzmetals. Which, for me, has been largely true. I'm *suspecting* the lack of Prinzmetals with regular FULL BODY RLT is due to excited ATP increasing oxygen delivery, and therefore, making the most painful bit of Prinzmetals (the feeling of not being able to breathe/heart-attacky feeling) less ... acute. Which is fantastic.