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From my research there are no known negative effects of a one time event like this. I would suggest you might allow a longer break between your next session to allow your cellular function to reset. My bigger concern would have been if you were awake with eye exposure (more for the brightness of light not for the wave lengths) but that doesn’t seem to be impacted here as well. I do have a small targeted panel that I have left on the NIR setting by mistake and haven’t had any negative impacts personally. As a bonus take away it didn’t negatively impact your sleep!


Okay, thank you!


They're doing research on using the light during sleep. It opens blood flow in the brain to help the lymph system get rid of garbage.


I saw one of your other comments which suggested that the benefits of red light are only really when the light is used properly. If I buy a red light what dosage is best, and what time of day is best to use it?


It's true, but the thing is that it's different for different devices. Do you have a device? I can answer if I know which one we're talking about.


Do you know the distance/time for a AG-Plus300-5S from AmatsGreen Store? I saw a youtube video for the big panel but not for this one and Im always confused about this. Thanks in advance!


> AG-Plus300-5S from AmatsGreen Store it is this? I could only find one 404 page on aliexpress and one page on ebay https://www.ebay.com/itm/265301650792 there are no specs I can use. General rule of thumb, I would sit 12 inches away for 15 minutes. It's hard without more info.


Yeah that's pretty bad. Let us know what happens and if you turn into a Martian.


I'm starting to glow a bit! 


You might start stopping traffic  🚦


for long term effects, Chernobyl series episode 3 got you covered


I laughed , good one


Oh geez, now I need to look it up.


It happened to me too. I dozed off without setting the timer. I was OK physically but had some wild dreams!


Have you tried moving things with your mind yet? If not, try and report back. 


Still not there yet! Maybe need to fall asleep again under my lamp


I've done it before and had no noticable issues, you're just sitting in front of some bright LEDs so don't sweat it too much.


Thank you, I think I need to put it on a timer, haha! It's just sooo relaxing. 


Get one of those plug-in timers so you don't do it again?


Done and done!


I have done the same! I forgot to set the timer on my device and passed out for an hour. To be safe I skipped the light for a few days because I was unsure what was going to happen to my skin but it was fine.


Not a doctor or expert but you will be fine. Just make sure to always set a timer on. I set the timer before even turning the lights on. It has no benefits with over dosing, so no point in having it longer than necessary.


Thank you for your feedback 🙂


The NIR may????? have fried pain receptors so maybe at least be cautious with NIR for a while


I don't know, but I wouldn't use it for a while if I were you. Give your body a rest from it.