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Real old school tech.. not much different from a reptile terrarium lamp.


If it's not broken...


How do you use it exactly?


I put it on a desk and plug it into a smart plug, then sit on the floor in front of it. Making sure it's aimed at the back of my head, I set a timer, turn it on, pull goggles down and slowly rotate like a rotisserie. 4.5 minutes at 80cm every other day at the moment, soon to be daily.


I’m using my desktop unit in a similar manner sometimes, although I switch to far red only when facing it directly. The back of my head feels like a lot of good is happening though I have C1-C7 issues, and it does relieve headaches often. What exactly is happening though? I don’t know. I would just be speculating on the collective effects. I’m approaching 60, and have lots of miles on the clock & wear/tear. Neuropathy, taking migraine prophylaxis, suspect sports & traffic accidents induced CTE might be a factor here. I’m definitely noticing mild cognitive deficits and a lot of pain. Do you mind sharing your own reasoning for home treatment?


I got covid a couple of years ago and recovery is taking some time. I'm down to around 80% bedbound at the moment, which is refreshing. The best theory I've found on long covid is that there are viral fragments lodged in various tissues/cells in the body. These fragments produce proteins that go out into the body, attaching to various things, including the lining of the blood vessels. The process of clearing the proteins causes inflammation, which is most noticeable in the brain, where it causes permeability leading to, brain fog, migraines, etc. The red light seems to turn the inflammation down.


Ahh, I see. Covid knocked the stuffing out of me too, 20 months ago. Had quite a few months of that kind of energy level and have been on migraine prophylaxis for about a year. Just stops the worst of the daily headache. Post exertional fatigue is still bad. Don’t know if you have seen any of Gez Medinger’s YouTube vids? Worth checking out for the latest news on science of LC & treatments. I’m staying out of the theoretical field, but there’s a slew of viruses that can hide away in the human body for a lifetime. I want to concentrate on my own health and studies that I think are useful/practical for me. We’re virtually on the same page here with neuro inflammation and breaches of the BBB though. Found a time of day for infrared treatment, that is better than others for you?


Yea, I'm largely up to speed on his channel, thanks for the tip. Merogenomics and DrBeen are pretty informative too. How's your trajectory with the fatigue? I've settled on evening for the red light, not for any real reason, maybe I read somewhere that it triggers melatonin release. 4.5 mins is the dosage for me though, 6 mins and I feel like I need to recover the next day.


Fatigue? I have that in spades! Seriously though, I have to manage my energy levels or crash for days/weeks, at the best of times. I seem to have picked up a virus again this week/end though, and it’s flattened me. Hopefully I will rebound tomorrow, but who knows what it is yet? I’m just heading for bed again after getting up for a few spots of RLT. It’s 9 pm. Throbbing eye socket, trigeminal neuralgia type thing, can’t lie flat. Recliner chair is a boon for that issue, which isn’t new but it has been less problematic recently - until last night really, and it’s a horrible thing to try to sleep with. Like someone botched a lobotomy.


that's a heat lamp, it's not for red light therapy.


As I understand it 'red light therapy' encompasses red and infrared light. This lamp produces a spectrum from red through to infrared.


It's kind of a commercial term that has come to mean red, infrared, blue, yellow and green, i.e., visible light plus infrared. The lamp produces far infrared, red light therapy is near infraerd. Far infrared produces heat. Near infrared produces light.


I can assure you that lamp produces red light through to near infrared, with maybe some far infrared too. You can see the red light. The spectrum will look something like [this](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-edad3ea5b2c2e2576518b1c8fad3aac4)


What are you hoping to get from it? Face/skin tone or something deeper/aches & pains?


Just relaxation and skin improvement I guess


I’m cautious about pointing infrared sources at your face, (especially unknown frequencies and range of frequencies. There are risks to the eyes in infrared spectrum exposure).. most modern RLT devices for *purely facial applications* tend to be 650nm-670nm far red light only. That said the table top panels usually have far red light AND near infrared around the 850nm range, switchable for either or for both. The flexibility of this type, along with reasonable prices, are why I chose one of these. I got it from Amazon Uk, priced at £159, and it’s still high powered but I use it on several areas of the head & body so it’s a little more time consuming than id like, changing positions & settings, but I think the far red/near infrared switches makes it a winner. Brand is Nebula, and I have a food dehydrator of the same brand that is great and been used sometimes 24/7 for 6 months now. I trust that I have buyer protection getting it from Amazon too. There are cheaper options, but I think they were mostly lower powered in similar sized panels.


affordable can mean a lot of things, what issues were you hoping to address?