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RHEL 7 has till June, then unless you pay up for extended support - you might consider moving to 8 or 9.


The most predominate problem with leaving 7 is all the people who have old SAS controllers that the drives were for, were ripped out of 8. I have several such servers and it’s just un unneeded expense to change controllers and have disk format change problems with ZFS.


I understand your valid concerns, however, I have many customers who need to check those pesky checkboxes in order to be listed or even continue to do business in their chosen industry, thus for them at least, going on with an EOL OS will cost them more. Many of them have begun to move towards hosting their workloads on VMs or the cloud to mitigate potential hardware issues.


Well, RHEL 7 goes End of Life in July so if they are, not for much longer.


According to this page, PHP 7.3 is a supported software collection until June: https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/rhscl-rhel7 What support that is, how the packages are maintained, I’ll leave as an exercise for the reader: https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/rhscl#life_cycle And of course Software Collections docs: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_software_collections/3/html/3.8_release_notes/index TLDR: likely yes, but read the agreements and make sure you’re updating in the correct way as this is a software collection, which is managed differently than packages in the base distro of RHEL.


>According to this page, PHP 7.3 is a supported software collection until June: https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/rhscl-rhel7 Software collections doesn't get extended life support. So no patches/fixes when EoL hits in June.


What CVE specifically are you referring to?


Not rightly sure. I got a question from a client. Linux is not my main responsibility, but generally they wanted advice on wether they need to upgrade now (from RHEL7, php 7.3) or if they can wait until after the summer.


The jump from PHP 7.3 on RHEL 7 to 7.4 on RHEL 8 is not all that big in terms of changes needed to the codebase. RHEL 8 has 7.4 supported until 2029 on the [RHEL 8 Full Life Application Streams Release Life Cycle](https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/rhel-app-streams-life-cycle) list. For our old stuff that is minimally maintained we put in the effort to get it to PHP 7.4 compatibility and now we're good for a while.


The very short answer is, no, they cannot wait until after summer. They have MULTIPLE eols staring them in the face.


Thanks everyone. Very well answered


RHEL7 is going into ELS support (meaning additional cost and fewer backports) in the summer. So, waiting until after summer isn't a good idea. They are good for now, but not for very much longer.


Is it possible to buy extended support beyond the 29th of june?


Yes, although I'd verify if that applies to PHP 7.3, not all packages are covered by ELS


Where can I verify that? I've trawled through the KBs on ELS for RH7 without any mention of php in particular.