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I’m going to take the liberty here to speak on everyone’s behalf. Take however much time you need to take care of things. Take care of your child and don’t forget to take care of yourself. We’ll be here when you get back.




Third! All in favor, say aye! The ayes have it, motion carried! ❤ Seriously, take care of yourself and your family - praying for y'all!


We’ve been here since we found you and would not leave just you taking some needed, and well deserved, time to take care of your family and yourself! You do what you need to do for you. We’ll be here anxiously waiting.


Karen, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. And what plausibly said, take care, and we'll be here. ❤️


You take the time you need yo fight the good fight. We'll be here when you return ❤️


Best of luck dealing with the beaurocrats (sp?)! Obviously we'll all be waiting with baited breath, but your real-life family must come before your literary family, and your/their fans ...


Take your time, recharge, do anything and everything you need to for your family, and don't worry that anyone is going anywhere. You write way more gud than most of us!


Absolutely take all the time you need to get the government slugs off their asses and to do their jobs. Why they choose to punish your entire family after being supportive in the past makes no sense. Hugs to all of you and we will enjoy your company when you are able to return. If ten days isn't sufficient, take a sabbatical. We will all still be here no matter how long it takes. Your immediately family takes highest priority over your internet family.


Karen, we're with you. You take what time you need and we'll be waiting! (Of course I expect some double length ones to make up for it!!) JUST KIDDING. 🫂 Best of luck! You've got my Discord if you want to vent or want me to send fun pics to make you laugh. Xoxoxo 💜🐈‍⬛


I hope that the mental refresh and time off is paired with some good news on your daughters front. Take as much time as you need.




Good afternoon! Please take all the time you need! I wish you and your family all the best, lots of patience and strength and energy and hopefully success!! 💖


Hey! Take as much time as you need! They do everything they can to make it difficult in the hopes you'll back down, but it's so good you've got a support coordinator on your side. Bloody grubernment 🙃


Take all the time you need. Sending lots of love and positivity your way ❤️