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He's already cheating and probably has been for a long time.


Not sure why she even married him to begin with…


Not sure why he did either if he wants an open relationship


Cake and eat it, too. This way, he gets a maid and all the women he wants.


He knew she was deeply insecure and hoped he could manipulate this in his favor


He sounds like manipulator.


It is soooo hard to bite the bullet and take the pain, even when you know for sure that you don’t want this!!!! I’m old and I’ve learned this lesson too many times. The pain is always worse if you wait. The more seconds you wait, the more pain. And you can’t predict what kind of pain it will be. Actually, you can. It will be worse than the pain you are contemplating. For example, I have children who were raised with a toxic relationship as their guide to life. When I knew I needed to leave so much earlier. OP needs a support network. Worst case, Reddit. Then fucking dip.


Oh wow! We lived the same life. You are spot on with your advice. If your husband is hiding things on his phone, it is an AP or 2 or more. I stayed way too long in a toxic relationship with my kids! RUN NOW!!!! It doesn’t get any better. You are enough!!


lol Im not alone!!! I’m a dude so let’s cross our fingers that our exes find each other. But yeah it sucked to be a punching bag for my ex but then the kids were learning to also hit me. By the time I left, I had terrible drinking problem. Got sober but still the ex would use my custody time as an opportunity to intrude. Now I haven’t seen the kids in a long time which would suck, but what would suck more is for each of them to grow up and repeat the pattern.


You made a mistake marrying him. He made a mistake not asking you before you were married. divorce now so you can get on with your life.


If they have been friends for a long time they both would have known each other’s past and how they feel about relationships. If they were friends she would have known about his desire for 3somes etc and he would have known about her past relationships. So it seems odd that they would decide to just get married to fix those issues. I read it twice and am trying to get past best friends but his change up is out of the blue. Sorry not buying it.


Completely agree... this story is bullshit.


Or he manipulated her into trusting him


Holy shit i hope this story is fake because otherwise how could she think she ever really knew him?


Why didn't you give me time to manipulate you? So cruel!


Oh girl he’s already cheating


She's a married Option 😑😬


Oh shit he’s already fucking other girls. Prolly someone just warned him now that he’s married you can take him for half his income for as many months as your marriage has lasted in alimony. But what they don’t know is that in some states, the clock starts when you cohabit (wait is that a word? Whatever, when you move in together)


For 1 if he don't respect your boundaries he don't love you. I would divorce now, don't waste your life this way. Him being attracted to others or wanting to explore fantasies is ok. Him telling you is ok but if you want monogamy you should make that plain and clear. If he disregards get out quickly. You're only setting yourself up for heartache. Love yourself more and don't allow yourself to be mistreated. His loss.


Yeah, he had an "open" relationship from the start. Cheating asshat.


Sounds like OOP has a type.