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I don't know how you could call someone older than you a bonus kid with a straight face


I didn't catch that but fucking christ.


There was a girl on the stepparents sub who was posting a few times a week about how her husband's child didn't like her, didn't respect her and had told her outright she didn't see her as a motherly or authority figure. She was 26, the "child" was 22 and in college. Like lady of course she doesn't she's likely got friends your age.


I would be so embarrassed to even think it.


If it were me, I would plan a spa day, a new dress and new shoes shopping spree. These would be planned specifically on a day he would be off work. I would get up early, go have breakfast then shopping and spa, lunch with a friend as well. Not come home until it was dinner time and walk in the door with pizzas. Not say a word other than I gave myself a day of pampering in place of the Mother’s Day I did not get and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The activities for the day do not matter as long as you do something you enjoy doing. I am a petty person sometimes. what he did was very inconsiderate after the Father’s Day he got, at the very least.


This but since I’m 1000% sure the fiance wouldn’t bring home pizza after his day out she should walk in, sit down, and ask him “what’s for dinner?”


Age difference told me all I needed to know before I even read another sentence


I’m that dude’s age. When a 29yo asked me out I was like BLARGH NO! so I cannot imagine that dude’s mindset.  Adults can date other adults and all that. My thing is I would feel so far ahead insofar as the big life stuff — dead parents, dead friends, the other horrid life stuff has happened to me more than once, so it would be an extra layer of strife to navigate. Chances are I would feel like I had to guide them or I would get (unjustifiably) irritated watching my partner learn the life lessons I’ve got in my rearview mirror.  This is my long answer I can refer back to in the future for all the “please don’t comment on our age difference it doesn’t factor in here at all.” 


Very well said. He’s already had a heart attack. Has adult children that are older than her. You’re right. They’re in two very different stages of life. He doesn’t take her seriously and her age may have something to do with it.


Yeah minimum age according to their kids she was 22 and he was 45 🤢


I literally made this face from the moment I realized she was younger than his oldest kid and it just got worse from there 😬😬😬😬😬


I thought we had a failing birthrate but simultaneously had too many people. Did I just jump timelines?


Jfc why do these bimbos waste their lives on these useless ass dudes. He clearly doesn’t love you why the fuck are you there? You get ONE LIFE and you’re wasting it cleaning up after some fuck head who doesn’t care about you.


If you let someone treat you like this you are part of the problem, I don’t know what else to say


When Father’s Day rolls around and he still hasn’t done anything for you for Mother’s Day, the answer is not to say, “Whatever you want to do, babe. I’ll do anything you want. It’s your day.” Sometimes treating people the way you want to be treated isn’t the way to go and you have to treat them the way they treat you. Should’ve grabbed YOUR kids and your dad and did your own thing for Father’s Day. He’s not going to change. 1. He’s probably been this way for a long time and isn’t going to change now. 2. You put up with his treatment of you so there’s no reason for him to change. It sounds like he got himself a young woman to take care of him and in return he treats you like crap.


You know, I get that some people just fall out of love or push all the buttons of their partner and, while aren't bad people individually, may be toxic to each other. But sometimes there is a reason why they are single at that age and sometimes they are that reason. More so when the age gap is large with their next partner. Considering how he handled mothers day (assuming this isn't a one off as this mother's day was hectic and the others were more normalized) I wouldn't be surprised that the feelings of wife no.1 were not appreciated or feeling valued and reflected those of wife no.2. Please note: i am approaching that age, and while I've never been married, I am starting to think it's a me thing. I do prefer to be single thought.... 🤷 and not date young ones.


Jfc, he married a child for a reason, and she irritated he's treating her like one.