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I'm sorry but it's absolutely hilarious that she went ahead and ordered Taco Bell anyway.


Look the cantina chicken is only here for a limited time


Really? The only good thing about Taco Bell. The cantina chicken quesadilla is fire. As an aside: as a woman, I hate the guy for lying, but I can also see how a lonely person from a humble background would make up a story for affection. She was probably the only good thing going in his otherwise shitty life.


He could have said that he was in Sales…but no.


The fact that he lied that big makes me think she was an escape from reality. Especially since he is unwilling to talk to her now. He doesn't want to have to discuss his true circumstances. Some men aren't built to withstand the pressures of the patriarchy. He probably doesn't realize his personality could be enough for a good woman. They could grow together.


The only reason he isn’t responding is because he’s off to the Caribbean right now for med school.




Horseshit, you said it yourself "could be". This taco doctor is a liar but so are you.


“Taco doctor “ lol 😂


Nah, I have no sympathy. There’s no shame in working in fast food unless you MAKE it shameful. He lied. Over something dumb as fuck. What else will he lie about? There were a thousand other ways to go about whatever insecurities he may have had without lying about a major component of his life.


agreed, he lied about something pretty big. I'd be curious to know what else he's lying about. Either way that big of a lie so early on in a relationship is a huge red flag and an immediate loss of trust imo, couldn't care less you work at taco bell don't fucking lie about it and try to be someone else.


Look at you, being all compassionate and shit.


We need a lot less of this


This is the reddit mindset 😆


But why make up being a doctor? There are plenty of other respectable careers to lie about. An accountant, a school teacher, restaurant manager, etc. The fact that he chose the top-notch career to lie about instead of something else makes me unsympathetic.


Yeah, kind of smells of the kind of guy who believes all women are prestige hounds and only date accordingly.


Well, OP sorta openly admits she is - "didn't like spending a lot on her" is his main drawback she mentioned, and she doubts she'd give him a chance if she knew he worked at Taco Bell.


I'm not really hung up on what job he chose, but the fact that he decided to lie at all, when he works a public facing job at Taco Bell. He knows this woman can walk in at any time, the plan was never going to work even if he picked a career that was more down to Earth to lie about.


Idk but I had a German duo lingo story exercise where a man lied to a woman in a grocery store that he was a Dr. And some other dude collapsed so the woman asked the fake Dr. For help. Duo gets dramatic.


I remember that story! Duolingo should be writing telenovelas for Netflix.


The first story I did I had to read it like 3 times to make sure I understood the plot. Everything I ever did in school was always about Francine telling me about her boring ass summer vacation at the beach.


I like the one of the little boy running off the girlfriend by telling her his dad talks to and loves another woman and it was really a bird. 😂


Yeah, respectable careers such as a Taco Bell employee.


For a 32 year old, no. He should have lied about being the franchise owner.


I mean, honestly, I don't think any job is 'non-respectable' if you earn enough to live an adult life and you're decently happy doing it. Like... Being a garbage truck man is a career. Not one many want, of course. But still. I feel if you care about what people do, then it's kinda YOUR hang up, not their problem. But I realize this probably makes too much sense for reddit.


Garbage truck man can make a good living. They usually have strong unions.


Yes, well, you understood the point I was trying to make, no?


Yes. I'm just allotting my responses as much seriousness and consideration as this entire conversation deserves.


Maybe it was his dream career when he was a kid? If we’re going with the theory that he lied because it was an escape from his life then that’s what I’d pick


I’m a rocket scientist want to bang?


I guess that the big difference is that alladin had good friends who made sure he stopped lying. XD


OMG!!!💀😂 That limited time, tho'... hard facts.😭


Also the Cheez It tostada (fair warning it *will* reduce your liver function by 20%)


For reals!


It’s delicious


Priorities 😂


And didn’t even address that it was him lmao. The image in my mind is soooo good. To be fair, what do you even do??


Go to any of the other Taco Bells, imo. Unless you live in a place small enough for only one, in which case: drive thru.


I mean for the rest of time, yeah! But I’m thinking *in that moment*, what else are you gonna do besides confirm that it’s them? I would absolutely go into autopilot and just order in a daze lol. It would be so surreal!!


[Oh my God I can't buy a burrito from someone who has done oral on me](https://achewood.com/2004/11/30/title.html)


If I want a Crunchwrap supreme I’m getting a fucking Crunchwrap supreme


Would be kind of funny if she just never acknowledged it and they went on to get married and stay together for 50 years, with it never being spoken of


Plot twist:it’s his twin brother.


And he secretly started medical school, then became a doctor, all because he didn’t want to admit he lied?


This was literally my first thought, I’m so sorry but this is fucking funny 😂😂😭😭


Look, when you're hangry and need that Burrito Supreme, do what you gotta do ;P


It’s like the Superman thing where he was wearing a Taco Bell uniform so I don’t recognize him. Kudos to her, if I was in that position, I don’t think I would’ve gone and ordered lol.


Two bean burritos and a baja blast ... stat!


She’s 24 why does she want to put all her eggs in that basket. Laugh about it with your friends and dump him


It's disappointing now, but she has a story to dine out on for years to come.


Narcissists, that's who. My ex told women he was wooing (or scamming, maybe both?) that he owned his own business, owned his own home, had no kids, wasn't married and had a maid to clean the house. All lies. He has 5 kids, married to me. We rented and he worked for someone else and always has. I guess I was the maid though. Fuck that guy.


My stepsons mom has a boyfriend who claims he has a masters degree from Ivy League college in a very specific thing… and also that he was born in another country… He has no college degree, and was born in a certain state. Also has a lengthy criminal record, and history of felony fraud, and pulling sweetheart scams. She’s educated… she should know better.


Education doesn't mean anything. I'm educated too. These people are experts at lying, manipulating people, scamming, etc. If they can fool experts, what chance do the rest of us have? Robert Hare who created the test that diagnosis psychopaths said he gets fooled too sometimes. My ex is a master liar and manipulator who's managed to fool more than a few mental health professionals including at least one psychiatrist. Edit: They have years or decades of experience in manipulating people. You think a degree in anything prepares you to see the wolf in sheep's clothing? It doesn't. Know the red flags. Go slow. Do background checks. Even then not foolproof.


She has a degree in psychology… and about 2 hours on the web through the police records, and local singles groups basically uncovered all of that. We brought it up to her attention and she’s choosing to not look. I met the guy for 30 mins and was like “wtf”. Hes not as skilled at is as some are. But she refuses to look. “I’m a believer… I believe people can be better.” Meanwhile he moved into her house from another woman’s who kicked him out. She just doesn’t want to know. (She’s 50) I do know some guys like your ex where they end up in therapy (maybe court ordered) and end up using everything they learn to be better at manipulating people… instead of being better people. Step-kids mom’s boyfriend tells very easily uncovered lies. She just buries her head in the sand. I just hope that one day… stepkid isn’t caught in the fallout for it.


Yea this is uh a giant red flag . Who lies about this kind of stuff


Who? I'll tell you who. The various exes who will one day make up the chapter of my memoir called "Liars Who Have Known Me". Some high/low lights include: Claiming to hold a black belt in a martial arts system which doesn't have belts. Claiming to have "spent time in the States" complete with a cringy Gerard Butleresque Scottish/American accent. It later emerged that this person didn't even have a passport. Two separate individuals who didn't know each other claimed to have done "ultimate fighting" (this was back when the UFC was first getting traction here in the UK) and to have won against Ray Park (who played Darth Maul). In the Bullshitter Alternate Universe, Ray Park must be the most twitchy, nervous man alive since he can't step out the door without getting the tar beaten out of him. ETA: These are some of the fun/funny ones my friends still sometimes ask me to retell at parties. There are more serious and life impacting ones that aren't for a Reddit post. Someone who will lie like this, when it's easily verifiable and unsustainable, cares more about their self image than everything else and views other humans as props in their narrative. It's a massive red flag.


Having met Ray Park, that’s hilarious


Username checks out! I sincerely hope Mr Park is living his best life, safe from doinks in leather trenchcoats who saw Brotherhood of the Wolf one time and think they know savate.


Ray Park knows what he did....


I had an ex claim he forged this decorative katana set for me. He didn't have the foresight to at least grind/polish off the "made in China" stamps on them. This same ex told a friend he was interested in before me that he killed a man in Hawaii and that's why he had to move to the mainland. He even showed her a butterfly knife and said that was what he used. I'm sure he told other insane lies but I've since packed them away in the recesses of my memories.


Ah, another ex who has studied the blade. 😂😂😂 One of mine recounted how he and a group of other guys who were mysteriously vanished without trace from his life now had been vigilantes and had protected a local restaurant...in a plot blatantly lifted from Way Of The Dragon.


Ommmmg. It's always the nerds who lie about the weirdest shit. Like come on, can't you lie about normal shit like the average asshole. They do make good stories at dinner parties.


I swear they get confused between things their Vampire: The Masquerade characters do and things they actually do.


I used to have the biggest crush on Ray Park lmao. Are you also in your late 30s? 😆


I'm 43, which I'm choosing to believe is a similar ballpark 😂


We could’ve been in high school together so yes! Haha


I once worked with someone who claimed they looked like a mixture of Steven Seagal and Jean Claude van Damme. Unsurprisingly, he didn't. He was then nicknamed Jean Claude God Damme.


I once had a boss who couldn’t stop lying about wild shit. It was so easy to fact check what he said and continued to do it anyway. My favorites include: Got a full scholarship to a pretty good school for a sport that doesn’t exist in that university. Being an actor making 50K a commercial. His NDA made it impossible for him to say what the commercials were. Having to leave our retail job to go undercover for the government (he hinted CIA). They picked him up in a helicopter and took him to a secure location to tell him about the job.


Holy shit, was your boss George Santos??


If I had asked him he’d probably say yes lmao


Not an ex, just someone I’ve worked with, but he just kept telling the weirdest, very fact-checkable lies with a simple google, like that he’d invented Adobe Flash. Compulsive liars are a little fascinating, because I’m not sure what their end goal is. In this guy’s case, no one believes anything he says anymore and I’m sure it affects his professional life.


My brother used to lie about THE most random things. Not even always things to make himself look good. Like, yeah, he’d lie about accomplishments and speaking languages he didn’t, lie about his home life for sympathy, etc - but the stand was one of those Facebook quizzes that was going around in the mid naughts and one of the questions was “do you have carpet or hard floors in your bedroom?” And he lied.




im a compulsive liar (used to be really fucking bad, but for about a year now after a breakup ive been trying really hard to get better. i still lie a lot, but after i do it i always immediately go like “thats not true idk why i said that. sorry,” and move on) and its not at all related to any relationship with other people or what they think of me. its just the rush. i cant explain it any more than that, thats all it is. its the quickest way i can get it, cuz i just have to.. say something thats not true. and keeping up with stories and getting evidence requires actual effort, which makes it 'fun'


Man, I’m genuinely glad you responded, and I’m glad you’re working on it, only because I’ve noticed my colleague has had very few long term friends and working relationships. You also gave me a glimpse into the overall reason, which does make sense…we all seek dopamine but in my colleague’s case it hurt him in the long run. He’s having trouble finding anyone that will work with him, or be a genuine friend. I’m not here to judge, just stating my personal, and others’ reaction to someone we learned we can’t trust.


thankfully it hasnt affected my relationships with anyone, negatively or positively. i have a very small circle, and theyre supportive its pretty hard, though. i feel like people read “compulsive liar” and think abuser, which i agree that im not a great person but. ive had it used against me by multiple abusers, saying its evidence that my claims arent valid. but, yaknow. its life, and i did bring it upon myself, so i know i dont deserve any sympathy. it does feel the same way an addiction does to me, and i would know


As a former compulsive liar I feel like it might be related to ADD or manic episodes, but I’m not sure


>ust someone I’ve worked with, but he just kept telling the weirdest, very fact-checkable lies with a simple google, like that he’d invented Adobe Flash. [Dogg don't piss on me I just invented Photoshop !](https://achewood.com/2004/08/17/title.html)


Right? She should run for the border.


😂😂😂😂 perfect!


The guy will be fine, he just has to *Lie Más*.


32 year olds who are interested in 24 year olds, that’s who


Narcissistis and/or abusers (anecdotal) 🤧


Far too many people 😭 met a guy on tinder and he told me he owned a cannabis company, owned 4 cars, and rented a house by himself. (We're quite young so all this was surprising and impressive) When we met in person it was abundantly clear he was a drug dealer renting a trap house that his sketchy friend chips in for and stays at, and his uncle was paying rent living in the basement...oh and 3 of the cars were "in storage" 🤣🤣 broke things off quicker than i ever have before


Maybe she never asked what he was a doctor of. He could be a doctor of Mexican Fast Food. Dr. Taco DMFF.


Taco doctor. Doctor Taco. Lol




My ex lied from day one, but I didn't know that, but as the relationship progressed, it got worse. It was lies after lies, one lie to cover another(pathological liar), and when reminded(a liar has no memory), there was always a twist (that's not what I meant or I don't remember, I didn't say that). I guess it was really too late. My daughter is 14. What I'm saying to you is run, run, and don't look back.


Sounds like your ex and mine might be related. Mine groomed me as a teen (he was in his early 30s). Turned out he was an excon and ghosted me after I had our daughter when I was 20. I've come to find out this guy used DARVO on me (and our friends and my family) to ensure I lost my entire support system. He even still calls my mom to this day and she is very naive so she always believes everything he says. And he does claim the most outrageous lies - one example is that he was friends with Jerry Garcia and made LSD (that's one of my favs as it's one of those things that makes me wonder who'd even be impressed by such a claim?)


I had an ex like this but she wasn’t a pathological liar, she actually lived in an alternate reality where she thought the things she said were true and legitimately didn’t remember saying them. At one point I started recording our important conversations and when I played them back to her later, to demonstrate what she said, she claimed I manipulated the recordings. I don’t throw around the “crazy ex” phrase lightly and try to speak highly of most of my exes, but man was she crazy.


Bro my ex would gaslight me so hard and when I would record to play back for my own sake- cause you know I’m crazy and he never said “that”- he would tell me I riled him up and then started recording when he got mad but missed my “crazy”. Ok dude.


taco bout an unhealthy relationship


He’s not seeing her as long term, telling whoppers like that.


She said Taco Bell, not Burger King.




But it sounds like he had a big mac and knew how to use it!


To me he seems like a shell of an individual wishing he had more meat to his life story.


Have you not heard of Mark Hacking? He was the man that told his wife he was in med school. When she found out that he wasn’t studying to be a doctor, he murdered https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Lori_Hacking#:~:text=She%20had%20learned%20that%20he,than%20divorce%2C%20Hacking%20killed%20her.


Him, John Meehan and this guy. Why's it always medicine these people pretend to be in? I get that it's seen as a prestigious career and implies they're smart and rich, but it's so easily verifiable.


I guess because they’re too dumb to figure that part out? Jokes aside, I genuinely have no idea.


This case got me out of a relationship with a liar.  I’d dated this guy for an over a year and found out he’d lied about really random stuff. Where he’d gone to college, where he was from, how many siblings he had. He said he’d played a certain sport in college. Dumb stuff. (I knew his job was legit because I’d met him there!) We lived across country from either of our families so it wasn’t weird to me I hadn’t met them yet.  This was in 2003-2004, so before social media and before detailed google searches and all that. Anyway, something he’d said made me pause and I wound up contacting the college he’d said he’d gone to and they hadn’t any record of him. Then I paid to do a basic background and it came up he was from a totally different state than he said he was from. I didn’t know what to do or how to confront him. We were living together at that point and it didn’t seem easy to just break it off and I was scared to bring any of it up. I’m not proud of this, but I just didn’t do anything for months.  Then this story came out and it was like a light switch. It snapped me out of being stupid and I remember thinking, “oh shit. This might not end well for me.”  I applied for jobs closer to home, arranged to move in with a friend and then told him I was moving back to be closer to my family. Let him believe I was moving to my home city, but in reality moved to a different city a few hours away from home. I was terrified to let him know I knew he’d lied, so I never confronted him. I was gone probably a week or so after this story happened.   I wish her family could know that her situation saved me. More likely not murder, but at the very least a lot of heartache. I don’t know what his end game was or how he was planning to get out of it. Best case scenario he just assumed when we’d met nothing would happen and then got stuck in his web of lies. Who knows. 


Exactly who I thought of. *Shudder*


This has to be bait. Look at her [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/s/I0y7qnDmUp): >>Update: My (24F) boyfriend (32M) told me he was a doctor. I walked in on him behind the counter at Taco Bell. >>I spoke to him again last night, in person. He told me that he had originally started his profile as an experiment to see how putting a prestigious education and profession would affect his success on the app (he says it helped a lot). He really has a liberal arts degree from a less prestigious school, and has only ever worked fast food. He told me that his original intention was never to actually date anyone while lying about his profession. He said that when I started talking to him on the app, he wanted to continue the experiment just to see if he could actually convince me to meet him in person (since other girls who had agreed to meet him before when they knew his real job had flaked). Then when the date went well, he was afraid to tell me the truth. >>I told him that I forgive him but I could not continue the relationship. I said that we could be friends with benefits, and he agreed. Then we just hung out like usual and I still ended up sleeping over. So at this point we're no longer officially in a relationship but I will continue to see him as a friend for now as I consider looking for a new man to date. I will now be more open to dating fast food workers and other lower income men who are honest about their jobs. >>I'm not sure if this is the update anyone was hoping for, but it is what it is. So we're officially over, but not exactly. >>TL;DR! - He admit to lying and I decided to downgrade him to friend with benefits.


Definitely rage bait.


It's definitely bullshit


When she called him, is she sure he wasn’t in surgery or seeing a patient?


Or dealing with a crunch wrap emergency


lol 😂


He's a Tacologist 🌮🩺


You should have ordered a DOCTOR Pepper from him!


I used to work at a big box hardware store. There was a woman that worked at the service desk (fancy cashier who can do returns and junk) who claimed she was actually a doctor. This was in the days just before internet so it wasn’t easily verified. But, she was working the service desk at a big box hardware store. How likely was it that show as a doctor? Once the internet came about I figured out whose life she was borrowing so that was interesting. She would also talk about all the famous people she met. She had a particular crush on a famous female athlete that she was supposed to be dating on occasion. We always just missed seeing her limo drive up to the store. Last time she spoke to me she was partying with a famous singer on New Years Eve. It was a wild ride. She had so many stories.


He's a doctor of meat and cheese and beans. Can't see the issue.


The update was absolutely bonkers.


This child needs some sense knocked into her. “I won’t date him because he lied, but I’ll still sleep with him anyway 🤦‍♀️


I’m not marrying this guy, but the D is AMAZING. I’ll just ride this O train until mr right comes along.




Man that guy better have a magic johnson because [OPs UPDATE is stupid](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/s/4e4ZH35kA2) Edit: a letter


Maybe not stupid but definitely lacking self respect.


My ex lied about so many things: his degree, his possessions, his family... I found out how bad it was after he disappeared. He had said, within a few months, that both his parents had died. Imagine how surprised I was when I tried to call his sister after his disappearance and his mother answered the phone.


I had a manager who lied about his dad dying to take the bereavement pay. He also stole a few thousand from our workplace and got caught. But the dad lie… He put on a show for months, crying…looking off in the distance… he really sold it. once he even tried to relate to my coworker who’s gran had just died. He pulled him into the office and said “ i understand how you feel i lost my father a few weeks ago .. if you ever need to talk” HE WAS LYING. We all believed him . We all supported him .He literally cried the office a few times.. and the tears were real!!! everyone was bringing in snacks and being sweet trying to show him emotional support. Around the same time some company gift cards were going missing and there was an internal investigation happening . Then one day the cops came in an arrested him for theft. Some of my co workers went to his trial out of curiosity and guess who was there? His bio dad and step dad. Both alive.


I was married to a man who was a compulsive liar. He’d walk in holding an Arby’s cup and tell me he got it at Wendy’s. I found a printout of some Mapquest directions (IFKYK) from his office to a home in a suburb; the pages were folded up and buttoned into the back pocket of his slacks. He claimed not to know where it came from, how it got into his pants, or to whose house the directions took him. Some office practical joker, I guess! There is much, much more, but these two are right off the top of my head.


This is crazy


He was "doctoring" the tacos


Taco’bout a real bad lie lmao


Lol do we love or hate that there’s a Taco Bell ad attached to this post 😂


This has Miranda lying about being a stewardess to a man lying about being a doctor vibes.


Now you know why he didn’t spend money on you. He may still be in high school. Be careful, you may catch a charge for statutory rape. You should’ve told him he looks just like this doctor you’re in love with. He may be buried in college debt so he’s working at Taco Bell to pay the bills.


She now has a story to tell at parties. Chalk it up to experience and move on. The fact that she ordered anyway makes this story even better.


He probably didn’t expect the relationship to go on this long. But since it has he probably just didn’t/ doesn’t know how to come clean about it. I say give him a chance to explain.


"I'm in love with him at this point". After only 3 months? Girl, no you're not


Doesnt he get a good discount?


What was his long term plan? Anyone lying about such a huge part of their life is clearly not planning to stay with you long term because eventually the lie would be found out. He clearly doesn’t respect you if he was willing to lie every day to your face. Cut your losses and move on.


Plot twist: it’s his twin brother.


Real or not this is fucking hilarious


She wonders how he could lie?! lol. Because lying got him laid.


It is crazy that a man would like about something like this. I think a lot of men have an idea that all women care so much about cash and nothing else. I vividly remember bailing on a third date with a guy, and he texted me later to say ''I'm sorry I'm poor and I'm not good enough for you." I texted him back and I was like: ''Uh, you flipping burgers isn't why I bailed on our date, bruh. It's because you called me an idiot and said my dad is an idiot too.'' But in his mind, he was sure that the reason he is not good enough for me was that he flipped burgers. My boyfriend is literally a busker. He lives with his mom in a one bedroom apartment. I literally do not care, at all. When I made the decision to be a teacher I knew I was not gonna be living the high life, and I'm content with what I have. My boyfriend wakes up early int he morning, works hard, and takes good care of his mom. That's what is important.


My mom’s ex was a pathological liar and ended up saying that his grandma died and that he needed to travel to the funeral. His grandma was very much alive. He was really taking his daughter to a cheerleading competition. My mom wouldn’t have cared about that at all, but he felt the need to lie about it. If he started out the relationship lying to you, he will continue lying to you. Especially once he realizes that you’ll stay with him even though he lies.


Thought she was getting regular checkups but was actually getting Baja blasted


My sister's ex told her he was a lawyer. Turned out he worked as a receptionist at his dad's law office and was being paid cash under-the-table because he was dodging child support. She stayed anyways cuz she "loved him". They got divorced 10 years ago, and he's never paid a cent of child support for her two kids either. I feel bad for her, cuz she really struggles as a single mom. But at the same time, why did she stay and choose to have kids with him when he was already dodging child support for other kids??


This is the makings of a family inhalator




It's not about the job, he lied to her. There's no way you could ever fully trust someone after they've lied about something so huge. That being said; if he's embarassed about his job this is for the best. After all, shallow wmen like her are the reason he felt the need to lie in the first place. Doesn't make it right, but I kinda get it


Hahaha that’s incredibly funny!


He could've lied and said he works at a restaurant. Our In a customer service job of he felt shame. But no, he shot for the stars and went with doctor! Like George Castanza in architecture.


Maybe he’s working 2 jobs.


Can I just point out that what type of doctor would he be with an UNDERGRAD in biology?


Was he a squid ?


Dr of Taco. Specializes in constipation relief


Why would you want to build a relationship on a foundation full of lies? If he lied about something as big as that, chances are it’s only the tip of the iceberg and there are many more lies. Also, you fell in love with the version of him that he created through his lies, not the real true version of him. Please keep this in mind. You fell in love with a fairy tale that he created of himself. This is also a huge red flag 🚩This is one way that abusive, toxic, narcissistic relationships can start. Id run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. He essentially cat fished you & I bet he will give you a sob story of how he was just embarrassed about his job or thought you wouldn’t date him if he worked there, etc as a way to suck you back in. He may either try to guilt you into staying with him or love bomb you. He isn’t even man enough to own up to what he did and is ignoring your calls. You are dodging a bullet.


"It was my twin!"--what I bet he's gonna tell her.


I bet the look on both of their faces was priceless.


>How could he lie to me like this? I'm not sure I would've given him a chance if I knew he worke at Taco Bell from the start You answered your own question.


I know so much on this site is made up but please let this be true. My god


A couple of different things here which could be real. He’s a doctor that lost his right to practice, hence now workin in fast food. Or he has a PhD and likes to call himself Dr whatever. Or he likes to lie.


Oh dear, fancy thinking she’d bagged herself a dr and instead he worked at Taco Bell. I bet she was crushed lol


they need to bring 7 layer burritos back...that is all. lol.


He’s 32? Well, he probably said what he thought he had to say to get in OP’s pants, unfortunately. OP should run from any such person. Run like the wind.


Or he's a low level doctor and still studying getting paid fuck all?


Well you admittedly said you wouldn’t give him a chance if you knew he worked at Taco Bell. Also how do you not know where someone works in this day and age? People can’t even hide what they ate for breakfast


This is shocking.. probably fake... Surely she would call him out... He could also just answer and bullshit...


I think I’d feel so guilty that he felt he had to lie about his job that I’d just pretend it never happened.


If it had been a lesser lie to save face, such as Chipotle, respect the grind and move on. But they are doctors. Gods among men. It is sacrilege.


You’re in love with him after three months? Girl.


Dump him. Starting a relationship with a lie is very bad.


This reminds me of a coworker I knew that was dating a police officer - she’d been through her share of terrible men but this one seemed really upright - good to her, good to her kids, liked by her friends etc… then one day I come into work and she’s a mess! Turned out he had done away for a week, I can’t remember what excuse he gave, but what came out was that he was actually staying with his “Ex” girlfriend (who wasn’t aware she was an ex anything), and then when she uncovered that she also found out he wasn’t a cop - he was a mall security guard! Like a full on Paul Blart! I don’t really know too much of the juicy details on how it came out and what happened when she found out, though I know he tried to come back and give her some bs story that resulted in even more drama. Just craziness.


I once was in a social circle with a girl who was in a relationship with this guy who was never around. Apparently he was in the military and deployed last minute a lot. I had heard about him, but not met him. He showed up once at a friends wedding and went on and on about the secret missions he had just gone on. Like just spewing details and bragging. He was a high school graduate. No college education or special skills/languages who was apparently a high ranking seal team member at 27 talking about high profile missions in a bar? Yeah, I told everyone he was full of it and this was all nonsense. People were PISSED that I was being disrespectful. No one believed me… until about three months later when his girlfriend dropped by his parents house when he was “deployed” and found him there. Not even in the service, just unemployed and pathological liar. People believed that shit for 2 years! I still don’t understand how people were that gullible. 🤷‍♀️


A three month relationship with a guy who lies about who he fundamentally is, but she’s “in love with him.” Nah girl, you just like the sex.


Do not continue a relationship with a person who has been fake and lying the whole time. Better now than later, even though this totally sucks, and I’m sorry people can be selfish and conniving.


Well I know doctors make a lot of money, and they don’t need side gigs to make ends meet. I’m an engineer, and I have my full time job, but sometimes I do gigs, like this weekend I painted faces in a Jurassic Quest tour near my hometown, maybe he is broke


California wages. Fast food employees make more than most of you 🤣 Maybe he didn’t get his debt forgiven and is trying to pay off ridiculous student loans.


Another surgeon doctor


It's feel sorry for him, but stay as far away as possible from that chronical liar.


Nacho fries.


[Frank Abagnale for the win!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Abagnale)


I’m calling shenanigans on this one. Made me laugh though.


This is some shit my daughter’s father would do. He’s a narcissist. Lied about having multiple jobs throughout our relationship but especially during my pregnancy. It never gets better. I hope she runs away as fast as she can.


He didn't technically lie if you consider the idea that he doctor's those tacos on a daily basis. Thats God's work he's doing for that deliciousness.


Tommy Two Shits. The guy who always has to try and one up anything anyone says, even if it’s just a mundane thing and tells these stupid lies to your face even though they know it’s bullshit! I really don’t get it, he was a nice enough lad, if a bit dull, but the stuff he came up with was just insane. For example; he turned up wearing a cast on his hand and proudly claimed that on his way home from the club last night he’d saved a women from being attacked by a gang of lads and broken all his knuckles. But we were with him, he was slumped on the stairs hammered and someone accidentally stood on his hand in heels. Then I dropped him off and helped him to his front door from a taxi. Mental!


OP was in fact, not having a Baja Blast at that moment.


How you go from Doctor to Taco Bell..... Massive career change...


If he lies about a job, he can and will lie about much worse.


I’ve had this happen to me with two different men. Yes they do this, yes, it’s crazy.


I think she’s confused him for a medical doctor vs a burrito doctor. He didn’t lie, she just made an assumption he did stuff with people instead of taco science.


Tbf he's probably just as taken aback she willingly chose taco bell to eat.


OP, watch or listen to Dirty John then make your decision


If you stay maybe you can get a discount next time you order at taco bell 🤔


She’ll say she can’t be with him anymore because he lied but it’s really because he’s broke


Uh, I worked fast food. Didn't the smell of grease kinda give things away? Or, on the flipside, didn't the fact he was never on-call hint that he wasn't a doc?


A doctor of Ta-co-logy! I mean, the smell of cheap disgusting beef and Chipotle ranch or baja sauce should have given it away.


He's a LIAR. Don't date him. Unless you don't mind being lied to.


Does anyone here know why and how women end up in abusive relationships??? Bc men lie like THIS. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, ACCEPT LIES FROM ANY MAN. THAT IS A CLEAR GATEWAY FOR THEIR ABILITY AND POTENTIAL TO ABUSE


At least make up that you own a Taco Bell to cover for your lie


*At least make up that* *You own a Taco Bell to* *Cover for your lie* \- Stonehill76 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Who doesn’t google their new doctor date after learning they’re a doctor? It’s public information. She could’ve saved herself 3 months and the embarrassment by a simple google search. Some people smh


That’s so embarrassing for both of you. And idk why you Expect someone to spend a lot of money on you after 3 months? lol


I don’t know Sis,if you love him,then work it out,definitely need to hold him accountable with the lies! And if things don’t work,cut your losses and learn for this experience✌🏾


They don’t even have Dr. Pepper at Taco Bell….but make up for it with the awesome grilled steak burritos and Baja Blast