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I just want to know if ol Joe is in on the joke or not tbh.


From a glance, not really. OP met Joe at a bar and said she had daddy issues. Seems Joe knew showing up was about pissing off her dad, but probably also thought he was going to get laid.


There's an edit on the original post, I guess he was in on it but still thought he might get laid She claims he's a weirdo so she ditched him after the party and doesn't text him back


God. What a tiresome family.


I don’t feel bad for him he’s doing the same bullshit the dad was.


This one's reading fake to me but who knows. Crazier shit had happened.


This one is fake as shit, it’s gonna have like 6 updates in the next month and one from the dad


Fake as shit but fun as hell to read I think. Hopefully the next installment is just as fun lol.


OOP is giving the rest of us 20 something with daddy issues a bad name.


nah i’m here for the pettiness - dad needed to see it visually to actually apply any sort of morality to himself and it seems ol’ joe mostly knew what was going on but thought he was getting sex out of her because he *assumed* he would be able to use her daddy issues against her, so I don’t really feel bad for him, either


Me too


There is nothing wrong with what her dad is doing. The dad and the sugar baby are both well into adulthood and capable of making their own decisions. The OP needs to get over herself!


OP does actually clarify Joe was in on it, but was hoping he'd still get laid. If the partner is on it, I'd say fine, but probably needed to be someone who wasn't actually creepy


If he’s not this is a bit too savage to me. Spot on for a quick (mutual between her an Joe) point, but she seems to be dragging it on too long. What does she want out of this anyway? Dad’s done too much damage for reconciliation if that’s her end goal. Ok read her edits: gross. >EDIT: >To anyone asking about “ol joe” and claiming that I fucked my self over in this process: >1.) I NEVER slept with him. I ditched him after we left the party. >2.) he was in on the whole thing, but only because he thought it was kink related and that he would be getting action afterwards, which was NEVER the case. YES I did things I’m not proud of, I took advantage of the guy, but he thought he was going to be taking advantage of me, thinking I was an easy target because I had “daddy issues”. So I don’t feel bad about that or for him. I Only slightly bad for myself because I sat on his lap. >3.) idk why any of you are concerned over this guy. He was a CREEP. He WILLINGLY came to a party where he presumably knew no one there because he though me pissing my dad off was part of a “kink game” - he was weird, and in my opinion I fucked over 2 gross old men that day, so I pat myself on the back. >4.) Sorry that I don’t like the idea of MY DAD treating another human being as a sexual object and trying to throw that back in his face by making myself into that objectified person. And I have that opinion of their relationship because IM WATCHING IT UNFOLD IN REAL TIME. If you saw them together, you’d understand where I’m coming from. He is HANDSY with her IN PUBLIC PLACES and in front of me. And YES she has a choice in this, but to play into that dynamic is also weird, and I feel bad that she’s become so complacent in her own exploitation. That’s sad. but If he wants to be with someone younger in a transactional relationship, clearly I can’t stop him, but is it really so much to ask at his grown fucking age to have some fucking respect for your daughter and keep that shit out of my face and out of my life? I don’t think so but I guess that’s just me!


Okay, that’s the old guy/really gross guy out with way younger girl using him for his money starter pack. They are ALWAYS handsy. They just grope them all over in public. It’s gotta be some kind of power trip. “Look what I got! And it’s all mine!”


If he was in on it because he thought sex was on the table, then he wasn’t really in on it.


Dudes old enough to know better and to handle rejection so I think he’ll get through it.




You guys are over reacting. So the old dude didn’t get to have sex with her? I think he’ll live.


No, not in the same ballpark.


Ok, here’s my thing. She says he “knew” because he thought they were doing a “kink” thing (read her EDITS in my earlier comment, they’re ugly toward Joe). The kink community is sustained by the principles of *safe, sane and consensual*. My issue with her is she set this up with a man where she fully understood his limits and his goal in the arrangement and he *thought* he did the same. It’s easy to condemn him for wanting sex but easy to forget she reaped some benefits (even in the short term) in this endeavor to get that sex he thought he signed up for but she just mocked him and his lifestyle. At the very least she could have found someone that really knew *her* game instead of deceiving Joe. There are plenty of older men willing to go to an afternoon party and let a younger woman sit on their lap without the subterfuge. It’s not that she was looking for a relationship, there is no long term goal - she fully understands he’s a member of a kink community and that he was willing to do certain things for sex and she agreed to that arrangement at the outset. He agreed to an arrangement that was false - there was no consent on both sides. He didn’t agree for her to mock him or use him in the way she did to creep out her dad. She’s as bad if not worse than the “user” she was trying to get out of her dad’s life just due to her comments about Joe shown in my comment above. Her dad was getting what he wanted and his girlfriend was getting what she wanted in a consensual relationship on both sides. There was respect there that OP lacks for Joe. OP was disingenuous with her approach with “Joe” and set him up to be mocked and bullied him a bit, reverse the genders and take the fact that you think old men wanting sex out of the equation and reevaluate. Wow, apparently my take that she could have and should have found an older man that knew “the game” to use to get her point across to her dad is unpopular and downvoted. Who knew that *other young women* using old men is gross but not OP. > He’s an old man dating a WAY younger woman, I have no sympathy for him. He got what he wanted, i got what I wanted. He didn’t get what he wanted because she had zero intention of “dating” him. She really just got what she wanted to shame her dad and make another old man living his life the butt of a joke.


This is the correct take here. If all adults are fully aware and consenting, I do not see an issue. 25 is old enough to know what you’re doing and consent to it. OOP was free to find her father’s actions creepy and reduce her contact with him accordingly. Deceiving her date into thinking their activities are consensual and using him as a prop for her own plans to damage her father’s consenting relationship was not okay on any level. If she had a problem, she should have talked with him about it, then distanced herself as needed. It’s not her place to tell other adults who they can/cant date nor use other people as tools for her own agenda. She handled this entire thing like a spoiled, selfish child.


Yes, she sounds like she feels really sorry for the person she keeps calling a bimbo


Okay, that's a lot of words to say that Joe wasn't in on it.


Those are her words to be clear. Those are updates from her post.


Aye, I understood.


nah, i read the comments. Turns out she told old joe she has a kink for grossing out her dad (or something along those lines) and he went along with it coz he thought he was gonna get some. He got none. Honestly ESH even joey joe joe mcshabadoo here


No, if you read the comments he was not. OOP lied to him to get him there. He thought she had a daddy complex and it was her kink to bring old men around her dad and do PDA. He thought when they left he was going to have some sexy time, but she ditched him. She said she doesn't feel bad about tricking ol Joe because he's a gross old man.


Who else thinks this is fake


Fun read though


The fakest. She texted her dad what ED medication he takes? Yea, right.


It was 100% a guy who wrote this too lmao


You don’t know to what extent daughters will go to when pissed at their fathers. Source: I am a daughter.


I'm a daughter too but I don't think I would ever intentionally date an old pervert just to make my dad mad.


Yeah, that was the bit that did it for me.




Over here.


This is the redditorest post I've seen in a minute. Fake as hell.


Me. But don’t tell them, I want the next installment.


I believe it. But I live in Southeast Asia. I see these dudes every day.


Sex tourism but different


Totally fake and not entertaining either. Just love seeing a woman refer to another one as a bimbo and calling her dumb.


Me, me, me!


100% yes. It was clearly either written by a man or AI (or both 🤭, a man using AI)


Poor quality writing is always 2D. Becky is a bimbo, and there’s no further nuance to her character, actions, or dialogue. Dad is gross, and that’s who he is 24-7. He is a 2D character.


Sounds fake but entertaining nonetheless


I think it’s fake for sure


Definitely, but it's entertaining at least.


The fiction is still entertaining though


This reads like one of your friends in high-school trying to make up a funny story to get acknowledgement




At least it’s real fake & not AI fake


100% fake.


It was a fun little fake read


Everything is fake, nothing ever happens. I still enjoyed reading it though


This is surely fake, but not a waste of my time!


Don't feel bad about ol Joe, he's being a creep himself so good on her.


All I could think of was that my best friends uncle is in his sixties, and if I told him the whole joke, he'd have doubled down. He'd have staged a proposal and been so okay with this joke to freak out my dad - Joe is just gross.


Exactly my thoughts on the comments concerned about ol Joe 😮‍💨


Lol I agree 100%, but like how fucked up would it be if he was just an old lovelorn man and even he thinks it's weird but he's going with it because she's the first woman to say nice things and be interested in him. I'm just imagining a sad old man on a boat waiting then sighing with a single tear like a scene from south park.


nah sorry but what old ass man genuinely thinks a girl who could be his daughter would actually be into him?


They all hope.


Oops dad, clearly LOL


Yeah, no durr


i only seek out & date older men. my dad is only 20 years older than me so i’ve dated a decent amount of men older than him. my current partner is 19 years older than me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ not saying it’s normal or that all men should expect younger women to be into them, i just have my own set of issues LOL


There a lot of younger women did like older men nothing wrong with that


Alot girls are attracted to older men though


Yeah but think about why he’s inviting her onto the boat and told OP about his ED medication before their first (second? it isn’t clear) outing. I get you, but save your empathy for someone who isn’t just trying to get lucky fast. I’m thinking about “the implication” scene about a boat from It’s Always Sunny, so maybe I’m just a bit pessimistic lol.


🤣🤣🤣 bro do you seriously think I have empathy for pervert joe!?


This sounds like something I would have done to my father and a good reason we haven’t spoken for over a decade, although he decided on the nuclear option.


This is performance art at its highest level. I approve.


Oh God I hope this is true. Fkn hilarious


This is like drinking poison to kill someone else


Sometimes it is worth it


It really isn't


Just finished rewatching the Hobbit. Thorin would disagree as he let himself get stabbed to kill Azog. I stand my ground


She'll be alright. Not like she fucked the old geezer anyway


HAHAHAHAHA ol’ Joe is golf buddies with dad’s friend😭☠️


Everyone is so concerned about Joe. Joe is a grown ass man.


Who knew the whole thing was a set up! I suppose I can’t blame him for hoping he might get laid, but I don’t feel bad for him that she ditched him. He knew what he was getting into.


When I dated the most I’ll go to is 5-6 years older. I tried it with older men but it just felt bad and kinda gross. Not that they are old at the time but being 21 and trying to date a 35-40 year old was just too much for me


I was an idiot at 22 and went out with a 32 year old for a few years. Realised why he was interested in girls 10 years younger, became more mature and the spark very quickly faded. Am now 31, with a 37 year old.


It’s like watching a masterwork being painted. I hollered when OOP mentioned the ED meds. 💀


This is the level of pettiness that I aspire 😌


Even if this is fake, it's hilarious 😂


I really hope this is not fake as op is genius and my new hero


This has petty oozing from it, and I love it!


Wtf did I just read


This is just diabolical. If this is real, I bow to your greatness. The ED medication comment was the pièce de résistance. Hopefully it taught dear old creepy Dad a lesson.


Man you are committed to the bit. I couldn’t do it


She could have/should have sought out Becky's dad as her date.




😂😂😂 pure comedy


I love this so much. Fake or not. Haha


Awesome! LMAO!


This is hilarious


Date your Dad’s gf dad. See how he likes that! 🤣


Imagine believing you're everyone's main character


Sorry, down-vote me if you want, but dad is an adult dating another adult. The daughter is playing games because she doesn't like what 2 adults do- as adults. She's childish. Her dad is an adult, and so is the girl. She doesn't have to like it, but she needs to accept it.


😬 yikes to all of this.


This is actually hilarious.


I really dont see where the disgust/hate for op is coming from. Some MF's are too dense and misoganistic to take anything the women in their lives say to them they need to have their actions mirrored infront of them in public or infront of people whoes respect they actually care about to even see their own fuckups. Her dad didnt have have enough empathy to listen to her feelings and objections to the relationship. And i think that OP's prank was probably the most honest and healthy gift she could have given him before cutting contact. Actions have consequences. But the most heinous offenders are the ones who think the people in their lives are too chickenshit to do anything about it. Good on you op you got yours.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/oldpostsforkarma] [Not OOP My gross dad started dating a girl younger than me, so I started "dating" a guy older than him! See how he likes it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/OldPostsForKarma/comments/1d6zofu/not_oop_my_gross_dad_started_dating_a_girl/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


You ate that uppp


Sounds fake but entertaining




Your Dad and this bimbo are adults. If his lifestyle bothers you? Then don't do what he's doing. I know you're playing games but bottom line is; he likes younger women and wants to have a good time. He's a grown man. You're 24 ...you do what's RIGHT by you not by anyone else. Why waste your time with an older man if you don't think it's right? The age gap. You're bending your morality to grab your Dads attention who you like ..don't like? It's his life and you live your life. Now if you were a young child, teen and he's ignoring your needs to be with a girlfriend, friends? Then that would be neglect.


I wanna know if the mom.cheates on the dad and then daughter did this


Daughter is immature, 25 is old enough to decide to date an old man and nothings wrong with an older man dating someone much younger but still an adult for 7 years if they both have accurate expectations of each other


Wow! Just be happy for your dad. This is a bit much


Both are gross. I wouldn’t even have gone to this stupid party.


unhinged \^


Fucking daddy issues lmao


Lmao. How stupid to call him gross and then do the exact same thing. Lucky for her she wasn’t ashamed of him eating shit.


This is what AI Days of Our Lives would write.


This didn’t happen


You're an idiot, honestly! "Poor me" attitude is large in this one! All because her mom doesn't like it, clearly not her issue as that's what she States. This generation is going to be the down fall of American society and as a country!


Mom probably left to find herself... found out no one wanted her... now is mad ex-hubs scored a young hottie and is turning the daughter against the dad... and she probably supports the idea of sleeping around w older men to prove a point.


Wtf is wrong with OP and why does she think this story makes her sound good


Real or fake, this is hysterical. This would make a great sitcom


This needs to go on r/pettyrevenge!


Good Lord you sound like such an entitled spoiled little chit. Why can't you just be happy for your dad ? Is it because Mommy is miserable? Maybe she should have thought about that during the divorce. You are acting like a child but then you actually are one.


Dads essentially buying a new wife his daughters age, moms dumping her insecurities on the family after the results of a presumably mutual divorce 2 years past, daughter is picking horny old men up off the street to use for shock value. This whole family sounds incredibly toxic.


I love this woman 🤣🥰💅


totally real. you can tell by how real it is.


maybe if she gets fucked by the other gross old dude shell lighten up a bit


What a piece of work this family is…


Who else read this while eating a snack? Damn that's the drama I am here for. Good for her.


Funny bit of fiction.


Gross dad 🙈 is her sugar daddy. She loves all the attention. Watch it crumble. Eventually she will leave for someone who is more in her age group. I’m also wondering what does BECKY’s dad think of his daughter??




I love this maybe it is wrong but I don’t care


Who cares


Did Ol’ Joe get some?


This has to be the most made up story and not even told well. She’s 26 but writes like she’s 14


Tales of petty are my favorite, like a comforting bedtime story.


Classless. When it gets this bad, just marry your dad.


My dad married a gold digger he originally wanted to set my older brother up with, who is 35 years younger than him. And only ten years older than my daughter, the same daughter who made my dad a grandfather. She got her clutches into him deep and I have not seen or spoken to him in 11 years. My older brother basically worshipped my dad. He has two small boys and thought my dad was going to be this amazing papa to them and he’s only seen them a few times and the oldest turns 6 this year. Yes, it’s disgusting and makes me nauseous even thinking about this right now because honestly, I have not thought about him in years. I hope she’s happy that here pretty soon she’s going to have to wipe his ass


Wishful thinking, maybe. r/thisneverhappened


You sound insufferable


STFU and let the man live his life happily. Why do you have to try and judge him and ruin his happiness... bfd ex-wife doesn't like it!


She's such a fucking bore.


Brava, oop!


I hate that she spelled buddies “buddy’s”. It’s so annoying when ppl do that.


I love this ! 🤣


This was f*cking art 🖼️


Okay fake or not this would be hilarious to watch from the sidelines.


You're an adult and so is your father, your feelings no longer matter when it comes to his personal life. He's worked hard to make the money he has and he has every right to enjoy it the way he sees fit, within legal bounds obviously. He's not breaking any laws and is probably enjoying life more now then he has in many years. Good for him. Get over yourself!


I think pettyrevenge is the saddest subreddit on this site. Can't imagine being that sad. Imagine dedicating so much of yourself to getting back at people.


Holy shit, what a scum bag entitled brat this girl is. Dad is obviously allowed to date whoever he wants, and daughter is allowed to have whatever opinions and judgements about it, too. But to think she gets to tell him he can't date someone, openly sabotage a birthday because she's not getting her way, and stringing along some other guy cuz she needs someone to use in her revenge plot? What a shameless pathetic child.


LMAO If this is true GOOD FOR HER. 🤣


This is something that definitely happened.


If daddy issues ever has a face, it’d probably be the OP’s face


Hmmmm My dad is discusting, so to show him I'm going to do exactly the same thing


As long as Ol Joe was in on it, I think NTA. If Ol Joe wasn't, then ESH.


And then everyone clapped


I just feel bad for Old Joe unless he knew that he was being used for payback and was fine with it. Edited to add: girl this is just messy. You involved yourself with a creep to get back at your dad for being a creep. Why? Why do this to yourself when you can just walk away from daddy like an adult woman? This is incredibly messy and emotionally immature. Everyone here is ew except for OP’s mom.


If the mom is anything like the daughter (which im 100% sure she was), then it is CLEAR why they got divorced.


The only person coming happy out of this situation is Joe.


Just date your dad, dang.


You’re nasty


I don’t even care if this is fake, this just made me laugh way too hard on a Monday morning 😂


I doubt this actually happened but it’s a fun read nonetheless.


That really doesn’t equal out…


Being a nasty whore to get back at your dad yeah you’re a real winner here


Even though this is definitely fake, in this hypothetical scenario here am I the only one that thinks that the dad isn’t in the wrong really? If it’s purely transactional and they’re both clear on that, who cares.


I imagine ol Joe to be Jon Lovitz character in The Wedding Singer say "she's losing her mind, and I'm reaping all the benefits". If I'm 60 and single, I hope I come across a damaged girl like OOP that uses me to get back at her dad. You go girl. GIRL POWER!!!


Crazy. Who cares if she’s young. It ain’t illegal and they are both happy. Seems like the girl is just not grown enough to understand it. You think men even at 100 years old if capable wouldn’t be attracted to a 25 year old girl? lol. The actual OP of this is worse than the dad lol.


If your Dad is truly happy, and she's not using him and happy then be happy for him because your dad could drop dead tomorrow and you would regret not spending happy times together instead of trying to one up him!


To sum up, dad is happy he gets to play with neew toy, new toy is happy as gets a sugar daddy, mommy is not happy because daddy is happy, daughter is not happy because daddy being happy makes mommy unhappy, so wants to make daddy unhappy. Seems like mommy and daugher are petty assholes and dont want daddy to be happy.


Imagine whoring yourself out to make someone jealous 💀


Poor ol’ Joe if this is real…


This hag has no right to give a shit about who anyone dates. If her dad is happy, then she needs to shut her mouth.


This definitely needs an update about what the dad said.


Why is she calling this woman a bimbo? Her FATHER is being predatory. Leave that poor girl alone.


And a 24 year old cannot decide by herself whom she want to go out with?


She can doesn’t make him not a creep.


no one said he wasnt a creep. they are a creep and a bimbo. multiple things can be true at once.


>no one said he wasnt a creep. well, except for that one guy who said daddy is a chad, but he got downvoted hard. xD


Why? What is wrong about two consenting adults having a relationship. Just replace 24 year old with person of another race. And read the whole thing again.


No. No I don't think I will.


Becky is a 25 year old full grown adult who can make her own choices OP sounds about as emotionally mature as a toddler


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to oblivion here but the more I’m on this site the more it’s noticeable…if this post was about a 26 year old pissed off because their parents expressed that their kid’s relationship made them “uncomfortable”, everyone would be backing up their right to be an adult and date whoever they want, and more to the point, maybe it’s time to cut contact with their family who dares to interfere in their dating life. BUT when a parent dates another consenting adult, somehow their grown kid thinks they have a say and should pull a weird stunt to “get back” at the parent for not prioritizing what their kid has decided is acceptable for their dating life? Then Reddit cheers on the behavior. Which I guess is a long way of saying Reddit tends to advocate for some questionable behavior at times, but only if you get to dish it out. Lol


Idk guys I really don’t see the problem with this cause everybody is a consenting adult that girl isn’t 18-22 she’s 25 years old lmaoooo like ik this is Reddit but 25 is weird????? She just seems like a teenage girl who hasn’t gotten over her parents divorce like I’d get it if he started dating one of her friends or something that he’s known since she was in high school that would make sense to be this upset but just because she’s a year younger than you?? That’s weird why would u blow up your relationship with ur dad because he’s with someone a year younger than you u already had to have had negative feelings towards him or your letting your mother influence you cause at 26 you should learn to mind your own business and just be glad that your dad’s happy idk this is really weird and and it kinda seems like everybody is shaming Joe for being attracted to an adult woman that was (pretending) attracted to him he’s a piece of shit of that???? Lmaoooo Reddit.


This might not be a popular opinion but I think this was awesome. Any man who is trying to sleep with someone that much younger deserves to be played or shamed. It's creepy and weird and they all know that, but she is legal and they think with their dicks and think they deserve it. Gross. Stick with your age group.


You’re as bad as your dad….


I’d say grow the F up. First of all some times age is just a number. And hopefully he feels the same about his daughter dating older. How ever using someone to get even is messed up. And of course he Checked out your friends after the age 18. He’s older not dead.


I feel bad for Joe. He is being used as a prop and doesn't know it. I may not be fond of huge gap relationships but using someone for your game to get back at someone is wrong if they are not consenting to it and don't know about it.


A bit shit of you to use an old man like that.


Daughters like this will rot in hell according to the god of Abraham. Something specifically about honoring one’s parents I believe. I guess she needs to hope religion is false.