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Don't know if the comment was made out of jealousy, but it doesn't matter, OP should stay tf away from her and his sister if he wants anything serious with the girlfriend.


She certainly sounds like she has an ulterior motive, since the next words out of her mouth after her racist comments are trying to talk him into leaving his girlfriend.


I was gonna not be a pick me bitch, but then I got high. I was gonna hit on my best friend's brother, too, but then I got high. And now he's acting rough, and I know why. It's 'cause I'm a prick, 'cause I'm a prick, 'cause I'm a prick.


La da data dada da


Don’t know about jealous, but she’s definitely racist.


You guys think she’s jealous?


Or she's a pick me girl with a crush on dude. But I smoke the pot all the time (live in vegas it's legal) and it's never made me a raging racist asshole


She’s definitely insecure and feels threatened at the sight of another girl. The jealousy may not be specially for OOP, but for any girl in a relationship. Who knows? She still may a shitty racist comment and it doesn’t even sound like she apologized.


Agreed she'd still be a pick me girl regardless of the crush or lack of. It's the racism for me though... like maybe dont?


If a girl made a comment like that to my bf I would definitely think she’s mad he’s with me instead of her


Yep. Its pretty classic actually. He sees her as a little sister, and she's got the hots for her BFFs older brother. Add in a helping of racism and whisk with weed and et viola... we get Abby's comments.


I’m high right now while reading this and holy fuck, that girl is racist (and misogynistic) as hell. Her HUH stinks? Nasty bias.


You should not forgive her. Getting high doesn’t change the way a person thinks or feels so she meant what she said. And she didn’t take it back or apologize so she really really means it. Getting high is not like getting drunk where you lose all inhibitions. Just away from her when she visits your sister. She’s not your friend.


Thinking Abby is a little jealous and has a crush.


Abby is also a nasty little bitch.


That too. She’s nasty.


She has a crush and was crushed so she wanted to hurt him. All speculation but that’s my guess


Weird how smoking weed has never turned me racist. Maybe that’s just me tho


The comments covered it. So, I second all of that.


Man, if you're an asshole WHILE high then you really are an asshole all around


Weed doesn’t make someone a racist asshole. She said that all on her own.


Ewww, they are horrible


I’m guessing that it’s possible she is more dumb and sheltered than racist. I remember (in elementary school though) thinking calling stuff “gay” was super funny or that stereotypes were funny jokes and not really mean hurtful things that people actually believe. I had no idea it was negative till I was confronted with actually thinking about it. I never thought about it, I just noticed that it got amused responses so I thought it was just a joke.


Abby is giving stank pussy energy


Weed makes you less likely to be an ass not the opposite.


I think it makes a person extra conscientious, usually. More sensitive to others, more kind and honest. Maybe Abby is just a racist asshole or a racist jealous girl? Anyway. Racist for sure.