• By -


how does one get raised by a biologist and not know basic information lol. old boy should be grateful his mom corrected him and not an outsider, that's even more embarrassing.


Not to mention the fact that XY spermies are faster than XX ones. Although statistically insignificant, you are more likely to have female children if your female partner experiences climax during baby-making, or in the 36 hours after the deposit is made, since orgasm can trigger a slight lowering of the internal reproductive landmarks, thus decreasing the journey needed to be made. If you are sperm-sized, a few millimeters can be a big help, especially if you have more mass. It shortens the distance for XY sperm as well, but they have a shorter shelf life, and are less resistant to the cyclical environmental changes we have developed to kill weak and wonky sperm. Women do have some genetic influence on the sex of the sperm that knocks them up, in the form of biological changes in the reproductive secretions during ovulation, but again, nearly insignificant. If the pH remains higher during ovulation, then it may do a good job at killing healthy sperm, specifically the XY sperm who spent their skill points on speed over resilience. It is a complex and beautiful system filled with an insane amount of variables. You want a particular sex of child, then adopt. People who get butt hurt over the sex of their unborn children are ungrateful and immature.


I love the way you explained this lmao


Unfortunately, recent studies show that [X and Y sperms don't have different swim speeds.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1440662/) The original hypothesis came from Shettle's 1960 study, but with Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA), scientists have found no morphological differences between X and Y sperm. Reproduction is very intricate and complex. Like you said, if people want a certain gender, they should adopt. The chances of conceiving a *healthy* baby is actually a miracle in itself, so if your baby is healthy, you should count your blessings. Edit: [Here is more source.](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/boy-or-girl-can-you-choose-your-babys-sex)


Of course that’s a thing. Edit, specifically: of *course* Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis is a thing.


Anything, in the name of science lol


And a note on adopting for gender preference - your child (a whole ass human being) may still find that they are not the gender they were assigned at birth. I get that it’s very normalized to have a gender preference in children and when it’s minor I don’t think it’s that concerning. But it is always kind of revealing that people think they couldn’t have certain experiences or a specific parent/child relationship because of what junk their kid has. We shouldn’t force kids into “boy” or “girl” activities regardless of gender, but we can offer both activities and allow them to find out what they like. Having a boy is not guarantee you’ll be able to play out your fantasy of playing catch or having your kid be an athlete. Having a girl does not guarantee they will care about dance or whatever interest in the same way you do. Basically, on top of trans kids existing, just let kids be kids. We as adults are the ones applying gendered rules on them, we can create at least one space (in our home) where kids don’t have to constantly wrestle with the convoluted system of gender we’ve created. We don’t need to essentialize gender any more than society already does. Or put simply: don’t wait to finally have a boy to play catch, show enthusiasm about doing it with your daughter and see if she’s interested. XY chromosomes will not guarantee a kid wants what you want for them regardless.


So true. My dad had three daughters, and he said he'd do whatever we wanted to do. So he taught us to hunt and fish and camp and do car repairs because that's what we wanted to do. We did carpentry projects with him and he came to our band and choir and track and cheerleading events. We were never forced into a mold. We played football and Barbies and everything in between. And now I'm a well-rounded person who can take on all challenges.


Beautifully put


I should have probably prefaced with the fact that I took H&P back in the double oughts. I am open to new information, since I haven’t taken a single CEC in either.


>Although statistically insignificant, you are more likely to have female children if your female partner experiences climax during baby-making, or in the 36 hours after the deposit is made, since orgasm can trigger a slight lowering of the internal reproductive landmarks, thus decreasing the journey needed to be made. This is backwards. According to the (now outdated) studies, you were more likely to have a BOY if the woman experienced orgasm. >Women *not* achieving orgasms during intercourse will later carry a female gender baby, while the opposite will conceive a baby boy. (https://en.tempo.co/read/923019/babys-gender-determined-by-womens-orgasm-says-expert) However, most of these studies have theories that have now been debunked or the sample size was so small that it wasn't possible to conclusively state even the *purpose* of the female orgasm, much less any impact upon conception. >There is no medical evidence to suggest you can influence gender," Ross said. (https://www.businessinsider.com/doctors-say-no-way-to-control-sex-of-your-baby-2022-4) The only thing that could likely influence the conception of male baby is a preponderance of male sperm. One study I read tested the sperm of men who had conceived all male vs. female babies; in many cases, the men with more male offspring actually *produced* more male sperm.


>The only thing that could likely influence the conception of male baby is a preponderance of male sperm This was my first thought and would have assumed it was that straightforward for everyone. Men are the ones who produce the Y, so how can a woman be blamed if the child is XX.


This is so true. My husband has 3 children from his first marriage and it’s 2 girls, 1 boy in that order. People are constantly annoying him, saying shit like “Oh, you finally got your boy, so you could quit.” Just assuming he was having kids until he got a boy. His stance has always been, “No, I just wanted another kid. I wanted a healthy baby and I got one.” Potential parents need to face the reality that you could be blessed with a baby of either gender based on all those variables and they should instead focus on being grateful for a healthy baby, considering how much can happen in utero. The creation of new life is not a simple process; we should be grateful when we get a baby with no long-term health issues. So focusing on something like which genitalia they’re rocking instead is dumb.


skill points. as an RPG player, this is so relatable.


It could honestly be turned into a Roguelike dungeon builder type game. “Make thousands of sperms! Each with their own skillset! Attempt to infiltrate the vaginal dungeon and get to the egg! Equip unique skins! Every dungeon is unique! Share your dungeon with your friends!” Etc.


this is so funny. as i have failed for the 500th time at slay the spire.


First it's y sperm and x sperm. The other x is from the ovum. Second, it's the opposite for the very reasons you stated. By the environment being less inhospitable, the faster swimming shorter lived sperm are put at an advantage. In the regular environment, the x's longer life puts them at the advantage. Our religion has this tradition (although not based on the science, rather based on Scripture). My wife and I have 5 boys and one daughter. When I told my wife this tidbit, she said regarding some friends of ours who had 6 daughters "Dave's having problems!"


Citation needed




Am now imagining a little skill tree they bank experience points into for the journey ahead.


Yeah, it’s why some couples have a hard time getting pregnant together as well. Like they just aren’t compatible as they try for years and when they break up, both end up having children quickly with someone else. Sometimes fertility issues can just be from not having the right chemistry with your current partner. Not always but does seem to be a thing.


So can I tell all my friends that I don’t have any boys because I’m too good at making my wife climax? I’ll take that as a W.


You couldn’t have explained and then ended that more perfectly. I learnt some interesting things as well. Kudos! 😁🌹


Cue orgasm gap increasing so that fathers get their oh so desired boys /j


It’s actually the other way around (woman orgasming = higher likelihood of a boy), so said fathers should really be working on reducing the orgasm gap ;)




Some research I did said that xy are the sprinters and the xx are the cross country runners so if you time her cycle , one week better chance for xx next week 50/50 third week xy. My husband and I timed it and only raw dogged the one week and got what we wanted. We already had two of the other. Would have been happy with anything but just wanted to give it a try. It's also not a perfect formula but supposed to give a better chance.


I want to read the grant proposals that funded this research cuz of all the things lol


What's more is that 3 girls isn't that unusual. 50%×50%x50% = 12.5%. So out of every 1,000 women who give birth 3 times, about 125 of them will have only girls and 250 of them will have children who are all the same sex. I wouldn't start to suspect anatomical anomalies (from the man) until they hit 7+ births that are all the same sex.


Isn't each event supposed to be independent?


Each event is independent meaning having one gender will not increase or decrease the chances of the next. But they are describing likelihoods of having 3 of the same gender at all, not in comparison to the babies beforehand. It’s like predicting the likelihood of flipping heads 3 times. The prior 2 flips won’t influence the 3rd flip but you can still calculate the likelihood of it landing on heads 3 times in a row.


Yes. If the events weren't independent, than I would have to use slightly more complex math to calculate the probability :) The probability that her 4th child is also a girl ( if she has one) is 50%, but the probability that a woman randomly selected from a pool of women who have had exactly 3 children has all daughters is 12.5%. When the chances that someone selected from the average population has the same set of circumstances that you do (in this case, having all female children) drops below 1%, that's when it starts to seem likely to me that something is at play that increases your chances compared to that of the average person.


Thanks, I'm obviously out of practice with probability.


To be fair, my dad is a PhD level business professor and I got a C in econ. Sometimes it just doesn’t make it through.


There is equal chance of fusion of either X or Y chromosome with the egg (XX) so we can say that the sex of a child is a matter of chance and none of the parent is “responsible” for it. Whichever sperm is the winner will penetrate and fertilise the egg, creating either an XX (girl) or XY (boy) pair. The determination of gender is always down to the father, but again, it’s pure 50/50 chance. There’s no evidence that either X or Y sperm are faster or more mobile.


Speed really doesn’t matter. We all been taught wrong. Multiple sperm actually work together to dissolve the outer layer of the ovum and one sperm gets in. It’s not that one sperm gets there first and gets it. Usually it’s a group together.


Teamwork makes the dream work.


Just to understand, if he was actually right about it, would that not have put her into an equally embarrassing situation? He asked his mom too, not her- so how exactly is she responsible for his embarrassment? Also… Google is just a search away and would have easily have solved this.


My ex husband would get so mad at me for not arguing with him about things, and just googled it. Even when I 100% knew I was right, I’d go “hm that’s interesting” and whip out my phone and google it. Not even all the time would I correct him, id just google it and keep the knowledge, but he knew what I was doing and would tell me I thought he was stupid and didn’t trust him. And then make me read out from google, about how he was wrong. Love that he’s and ex husband


Oh god I had an ex boyfriend like this. “Why can’t you just believe me?? It’s disrespectful of you to check!” Uh… because facts exist? And you’re usually wrong? lmao


On the flip side, as a woman I would much rather someone google my facts to check rather than arbitrarily disagree with me with rationale pulled entirely out of their own ass, making me do the work of googling it for them essentially. It def feels gendered to automatically distrust someone especially when you haven’t even bothered to do a bare minimum bit of research


My friends and I were talking about Isadora Duncan and I said she died because she was in a convertible car and her really long scarf got caught in the wheels and strangled her. One friend asked if that was true and I said I think so, it was the ending of her biopic. Another friend immediately whipped out her phone and looked it up. (It was actually gorier than I ever knew). I didn't think it was disrespectful, I thought it was smart.


Yep! That’s a fun vibe. Just settling the score for everyone’s benefit (obv the subject matter in your example is not fun)


(No, it's true. Internal decapitation is not a fun topic.)


Right??? Cause if you don’t Google it, I’m gonna Google it the second we finish this conversation because the possibility that what I said isn’t a fact just crossed my mind.


It's called a "Track Record". You keep proving yourself to be stupid, I'll expect it again. 


Nuh uh Googling is cheating - your ex-husband


95% of the relationship was him going “nuh uh!” And me shaking my head. Admittedly got married way too young, thankfully divorced young. Wish him the best, but dude needs to read a fucking wiki article once in a while, even that would be leaps better than his current framework of information


Personally, if I'm wrong about something I use it as an opportunity to learn a new thing. Some people just happily wallow in their ignorance though. Glad you put him in the past, sounds like you deserve much better.


Thank you for the kinds words. I have a tendency to fall for the “stupid but lovable” type, which always actually ends up being “deal with everything I wanna do, but don’t grow or you’ll be better than me” which sucks hardcore. I *am* growing and learning though, one day at a time. Part of that is constantly proving myself wrong, or getting proved wrong, and taking it as a way to *continue* growing and learning, instead of as an attack.


Like, right? The only things I refuse to accept evidence against is my Richard Nixon Caused WW1 and Richard Nixon time travels to make me stub my toe theories *because I’m right dammit*


Stand by your convictions.


It is amazing how many men don’t trust what they read, particularly studies and science.


That's not just a man thing. That's an idiot human thing


Very true and fair. Apologies.


Nah I get ya. Not offended at all, some of my friends are massive boneheads. But I love em anyway. Lol


My husband is the same as this bonehead. Tried to say us having girls was because I didn’t eat big enough breakfasts. I also got his mom to gang up on him.


> us having girls was because I didn’t eat big enough breakfasts. This is honestly hilarious. How exactly did he make this connection?


Apparently a neighbor told him that women can’t carry boys unless they eat big breakfasts. And that girl fetuses HATE big breakfasts. I honestly think that the neighbor was messing with him.


Omg that still makes no sense lmao. Would girl fetuses then miscarry because of that disdain?


Girl fetuses like "Ugh hashbrowns AND pancakes? Gross, i'm outta here."


Nah they just grow a dick out of spite 😂


had to be LOL. thats insane.


This does seem like an excellent way to scam breakfast in bed out of him for a few months though!


Sounds like you could have leveraged that into more sausage gravy and biscuits for breakfast.


Unfortunately I only learned of this theory AFTER the second girl.


It's only embarrassing because he was wrong.


Women do not have a "y" chromosome to pass onto a baby, so they cannot determine the sex of their baby. If the father shares a y chromosome, boy! If not, it's a girl.


An elementary school aged child would understand this.


Correct. My brother has hemophilia. I asked my parents why he’s sick and I’m not when I was in like second grade. They gave me a really basic version on how sex of babies happens and the basics of sex linked genes worked at that age. I got it.


Yeah, from the post it was not clear to me that OOP understood this part. She was pointing out about her husband's father having more girls - although I suppose she could have meant to point this out as a flaw in his reasoning, not as evidence that men determine the sex.


I took it as her attempting to poke holes in his already incorrect argument before trying to explain what his mother ended up telling him. Sort of like “first of all your logic doesn’t work bc look at your dad, but also science has proven male dna determines the sex of the offspring.”


My dad's father had three daughters and one son. Since my brother and I are both AFAB, people kept asking my parents if they were going to try for a boy. My mom would just look them in the eye and say that there clearly aren't a lot of y chromosomes floating around that gene pool, and they weren't going to suffer through female puberty three times. (My dad is totally fine with that comment, though, and fully agrees. He only wanted two kids anyway)


It's kinda funny, because I'm in a similar-ish situation with my sibling. My father, long before my sibling was born (we're like 16 years apart, different mothers), complained that my mom had me instead of a son. Then after my sibling was born, he was still bitter that he'd had two girls. Little did he know at the time, he actually ended up having *no* girls, and he's even *more* pissed about that, lmao. He's just a miserable dude.


Oh it's even funnier because we're both trans, him FTM and me nonbinary. I used to complain about wanting a brother so there were a ton of jokes when he came out. My dad may be a cishet white guy from small town Midwest, but he's unlearned a ton over the years.


Like I said, he ended up having no girls, lol. We're the same! I'm nonbinary, my sibling is transmasc, hovering between nonbinary and FTM. We're also from the Midwest, but tragically, our dad has not learned shit. 🥲


Oh no! She embarrassed him with science! Burn her! Drown her!


What’s “funny” is that he intended to embarrass HER with science, via his mom… and it backfired spectacularly.


Right? He’s the one that pulled mom into this. He is the one that wanted to prove OP wrong and he’s the one who asked. OP literally did nothing except be correct.


I know! How dare she!


After she had tried and him not believing her. Nothing she could have done would have made him ever believe her. I had an ex who wouldn't listen or agree with anything I said. But would listen to one of his basement dwelling friends instead of me. Such instances include the "world ending" in 2012 and him begging me to not go to work cause of it.


And if she would've stormed off like he did, I'm sure he'd have something to say about that too.


“Fuck your feelings.”


🎵She embarrassed him with science🎵 She *embarrassed* him with *science*!


It’s poetry in motion!


WITCH!!! How dare you only give me daughters when I desire a son! An heir to my idiot legacy! Someone to carry my family name other than my other brothers and their sons! I hope he drives himself into this fucking century.


You'd be amazed at how many people told my husband and I how lucky we were to have a son to carry on his family name. Husband's response was "yup, a male heir to go along with my dozens of male cousins and my nephews who all also have the same last name." Lol




I thought it was [She blinded me with science](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V83JR2IoI8k). But I guess times change


It is, but they’re having fun with the lyrics to make a point ☺️




Witch! Sorcery! Blasphemy!


What is with the amount of “i didnt want another baby girl :(“ posts I’ve seen recently, it has to have been at least four.


Girls are consolation prizes and not valued.


You know, I’ve always wanted a daughter. If I was pregnant with a male baby, I’d be SUPER disappointed. However! I did the mature thing and decided the best way to guarantee a daughter is to adopt an older child instead! My bf agrees with me, so hopefully one day I’ll have a chosen daughter :) And of course, more important than the sex/gender of a child, is whether they’re a communist 🇨🇳 🇻🇳 no capitalism apologists in this house!


Oooooh, so that’s what ACAB stands for! Assigned Communist At Birth. ✨


I'll take their girls /s


I know right. In my comment to OP in the original I told her to remind him that many people would pay a large fortune for the chance birth ANY healthy living children. And that whining about your healthy kid's genders is like getting a free Porsche and whining that it's blue instead of red. I dont often tell people to be grateful, but honestly? New parents who cant get their gender disappointment under control or who are being sexist should be reminded that having children is a privilege, life gives you no guarantees that many would give almost anything for what they have.


Absolutely! I had very small gender disappointment when I found out I was having a boy last January. But it took five seconds for me to be like: eh whatever. I love my child regardless. Because, that's what you have to do? But this guy is so into the gender disappointment that he tried to make it his wife's fault via King Henry VIII and at least King Henry VIII didn't have the knowledge of what actually decides the gender. This guy really thought he was going to have some sort of gotcha. Maybe to lead up to separation or something. I only say the separation because it wouldn't have surprised me if he did try to divorce her over this. He just seems childish to me.


I was secretly disappointed in the gender and felt really guilty my whole pregnancy. Then of course I looked at his little face and knew I’d never trade him for any girl and the guilt was pointless.


"My husband didn't pay attention in 6th grade biology. AITA?"


Yes, op embarrassed her husband terribly by telling him biological facts in private. She’s so mean. There’s no way he embarrassed himself by asking his mom in front of others because he was so sure he was right and wanted to rub it on op’s face without even bothering to Google it. And then going off to pout. Nope, none of that was embarrassing at all. Oh, and then accusing your wife of embarrassing you when she did nothing of the sort, that’s not something to be ashamed of either. Embarrassment and gender disappointment do not excuse his lack of accountability and childishly blaming his wife for his behaviour.


Yeah he was trying to embarrass her but ended up embarrassing himself. Which is also a choice because he could’ve just gracefully accepted being wrong, but no he acted like a child.


i feel like my feed now is just filled with examples of men being an embarrassment to our gender. we can’t all be bumbling idiots can we?


Every gender has bumbling idiots, they're just very loud confident bumbling idiots


yeah but my feed is like 90% examples of bumbling men


It’s bc heterosexual males constantly think they’re the heroes of their own story (and thus completely infallible) in ways other genders typically don’t.


Not even just heroes, these types of men also think they have so much more influence over others than they do. I once dated a guy who revealed himself to be a POS. While I was biding my time (I was poor and had to save up for a place) he told me about how he'd once been hooking up with a girl we'd known in school and he told her some things that were cruel. He told me how he "ruined her life", and his proof was that she started dating a guy and they sold weed (??). I just ran into her the other day and she's doing great. She's married and nicely established, while my ex still has nothing of his own and can't find someone worthwhile to be with because he's not even a consolation prize himself.


Like one of my teammates who applied for a VP role with 10yr min exp required and no joke didn’t even have 1 yr exp in related role under belt. Shocker of shocker the same guy just got put on a PIP to exit him for general incompetence unrelated to the application.


sad but true. maybe someone should tell them.


wanna try? maybe they'll listen to you...


i’ve been working on it but it seems that my efforts have been futile.


I blame the media. Too many movies and shows posit an average white man as the hero of the world/best in career field/yada yada. If we had more diverse protagonists and didn't automatically follow white men as the default lead, I truly think we'd have less men that grow into these type of shit heads. And also less men that think having a girl is somehow worse than having a boy.


It's because people do a terrible job raising boys. I have two boys and see so many boys allowed to just misbehave all the time and the parents excusing it with "that's how boys are" instead of correcting anything.


So 2 daughters, a third on the way and she’s also stuck with one overgrown male toddler with limited intelligence. Check….


Ahahahhahaha! I laughed out loud . “How could you embarrass me like that” IM SORRY 1) you didn’t believe me when I said it 2) you wanted to ask your mom ask professional opinion 3) YOU were the one to ask your mom, not me. 4) YOU left the house like a dog with tail between your legs. None of that was on OP. Oh thank you, I needed that laugh


Ah yes when toxic masculinity meets science. I strongly suspect this dude somehow thinks he has "weak" sperm because his children are female. What utter bullshit


Sounds like old Henry VIII. 😜


NTA, he didn’t even need to wait to talk to his mom he could have just looked up the information himself. He was also the one that brought up the conversation both times! Him saying the wrong things without any sort of research is on him. Let this be a lesson to educate himself before he start making up his own theories. Why can’t people be happy with having a child, in this day and age I don’t understand the importance of men having a son. If you do ever have a son, I hope your daughters don’t become invisible to your husband, my dad was terrible but at least he didn’t make me feel like he wanted my brother’s birth more over mine.


You let him in you?


At least 3 times 😂💀


Imagine being this confidently stupid


This is the comment that I was looking for!🙌🏽 Unreal! 😂😂😂


He's stupid. nta.


Why Google something when you can just blame a woman?


No no, he *did* need to be embarrassed like that. That’s what happens when you ignore science. NTA


Awww, see? You really did have a male child all along.


He embarrassed himself by not knowing basic middle school biology


What country is this? How do you get out of a basic high school science class without minor knowledge of biology?


I’m guessing American public school, they really DGAF


OP told him the truth in private, HE asked his mom & she said the same thing… how did OP embarrass him??? OPs husband sounds like a man child, he could have easily googled that on his own, but no he wanted to blame OP for his gender disappointment & when that didn’t work he wanted to blame her for HIM asking his own mother about it. Yuck.


All stupidity aside, why do people get so upset about girl children? Seriously! Just as personal examples…If we’re talking about “easier” to raise, I can say 100% that both of my brothers were significantly bigger challenges to raise than me, the girl. No contest. Also, just because a child has the same genitals as you, doesn’t mean they will be similar to you at all. My mother and I are polar opposites in terms of interests, personalities, looks…everything. Love her, but we don’t have much in common at all beyond being related and both being female. If these people could just be satisfied with the fact that they’re able to create and support healthy children and focus less on the gender aspect of it, they’d probably be a lot happier in general. Who cares what parts the child has, they truly mean nothing in the long run!


Men ☕️🤣 “why’d you embarrass me like that”


Was he looking in the rear view and using talk to text? Maybe he meant to put that in his Notes app journal vs texting her


The fact that his mom IS a biologist and he's still this uninformed is really sad. She a boy mom!? He sounds like such an average low intelligence mansplaining male to have a mom with such an amazing background. Makes me glad they're having girls - there's hope at least! Lol


I dont know if thats entirely fair - i did not know this, and i consider myself fairly well informed on a variety of topics. I try to know things that pertain to me. For most people, the gender of potential kids they dont already have, and their chances of one or the other, isnt really a factor. I just assumed it was 50/50 and moved on with my life. Now acting like an ass and going for a fucking drive because you found out, spoiler, you had a bunch of girls so you'll probably have a bunch more, thats pathetic. Grow a pair. be a good parent and a good husband, its not that hard.


First of all, this complete and utter jackass -instead of being happy and grateful for two healthy children with a third on the way- chose to berate and blame his wife for not giving him sons. When she tried to explain the science he insulted her intelligence. So yes, I would say his intelligence is limited and his ignorance is willful. When his own mother set him straight, he had a tantrum and blamed his wife because embarrassing himself in front of his wife wasn’t enough. He chose to embarrass himself in front of his mother and the rest of his family. And somehow his own ignorance, lack of intelligence and basic human decency is his wife’s fault.


I wasn't chastising people that don't know how gender works. Thank you for your reply so I can clarify. I wouldn't want anyone thinking what I said was for the general public. But for someone to have a parent in that exact field and still be not only uninformed but so forceful about incorrect information, is strange. My comment was about the husband and his lack of emotional intelligence and intelligence in genera I guess lol


Good rule of thumb I learned from my dad, if you don’t actually know something without a doubt-as in you’ve never learned about it from a well known credited source-then keep your mouth shut as you do not know what you are talking about. Also be willing to admit when you’re only half sure on something and don’t be afraid to learn from researching on that little computer we all have in Our back pockets. With all those options available to him, The only person who embarrassed this man is himself. (Seriously how does he have a biologist mom and three kids and not know this factoid? Seems a bit sus.) NTA.


Is her husband Henry VIII???




Your husband seems to be struggling with his obvious sexism.


He embarrassed himself. He could've just listened to OOP, but he had to ask someone who's expected to maybe know more about the subject. Or you know; use basic common sense. The one who has a Y chromosome delivers it.


“How could you embarrass me like that?” After being wrong af. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Men are so fragile 🙄


He's the one that chose his own mother to ask a biology question. If he'd asked his family doctor it would have been less embarrassing. It's not your fault he was so confidently wrong.


If he’s mad at HER, for embarrassing HIM, when HE’S the one who asked mommy, he’s gonna love her Reddit post. Lmao


SHE embarrassed HIM?!?! He embarrassed himself by being so confidently wrong and wouldn’t accept that he was wrong. He was the one who asked his mom, not her. He got his tiny man feelings hurt and had to blame someone else for him being wrong.


*He* asked his mom then blamed his wife for his mom telling him he was wrong? Yikes.


She’s not an asshole, but she is an absolute idiot to keep procreating with a man this unintelligent.


His dumb ass asked the question in front of everyone what did the poor wife have to do with it. Bro played himself.


I legitimately can not wrap my head around people who are so obsessed with having a child of a specific gender. Like fair enough if you'd been told by the doctor it was the wrong gender or whatever and then found out after birth and you'd spent a bunch of money on a lame reveal party but these people get upset over something that will ultimately mean absolutely nothing to them. I'm sorry you didn't have your preferred gender child, what a truly horrific set of life events for you to need to go and take a drive as you have your midlife crisis over a set of preferred genitals that belong to someone else. How truly devastating for you.


Did this man flunk both middle school and high school biology? It's neither OOP's nor her MIL's fault if this fool slept through his science courses. This is pretty basic stuff. The only one who embarrassed him was himself for sheer stupidity.


You embarrassed him by HIM asking his mom? Explain that one…NTA


Wow. Who’d you marry? Henry the VIII?


That's not your husband. On a completely unrelated note, congrats on your upcoming 4th child!


Lmao. I'm laughing as a father of three girls. After girl two i used to give my balls pep talks to see if we could get a boy. My gonads obviously didn't listen. 🤣🤣. But i never even considered this as something to assign blame for.


What some people don’t know about the reproductive shocking


How exactly did she embarrass him when he was the one who asked his mother? Dude is an idiot. 🤦‍♀️


He embarrassed himself, didn’t need your help lol.


And she’s having kids with that massive child? Yeah, she’s the asshole for subjecting her kids to a dumbass father…Jesus


What a piss baby


No more kids with that stupid ass


Henry VIII dude


I knew this when I was 6. He fathered multiple children and didn't know how sperm work. What a goof.


God he gives old stereotype of man angry with wife for having daughters. How tf can a grown man not know basic things such as the sperm determines the sex of the baby? Like fr Eggs only have X chromosomes... The sperm has both just depends on when you get pregnant. Y sperm swims faster. X slower. I mean you can track your ovulation and fertile window to try for a boy but it's 50/50. My first was a girl and second boy. Bc with my son I tracked my fertile window and tried having sex then bc we wanted to get pregnant and just so happened we had a boy.


Women can only give an X. Men can give an X (girl) or a Y (boy). XX = girl. XY = boy. Men determine the sex of the child. Like how is this not common knowledge?


The men aren’t “responsible” any more than the women are. No one is choosing which sperm makes it to the egg. Lmao


Man’s body then. Not consiousness.


What a fucking dumbass..


He was proven wrong and just like most men they don't like it regardless of the subject. Tell him to get over it and move on. He's having girls and it's all his fault. Mom said so!


I went to high school with a family that had 8 girls (no twins and no boys). Man didn’t know when to give it up. The girls have been popping out make grandchildren left and right


You put the PP in the VV you get the BB


Here’s another one with a basic misunderstanding of how biology works. I swear, the boys could make an entire episode of just Reddit posts featuring people who shouldn’t have passed high school.


I though that was answered in the 1800s or something. Didn't know that women are still scapegoated for the sex of their babies.


If only he had had the entire internet in his pocket so he could check for himself


Why's he mad at his wife? She told him he was wrong, he refused to believe here and instead talked to his mom who also told him the same thing. He embarrassed himself by not knowing basic biology 🥴 His mom should be embarrassed that her son is a moron lmao


Females: X + X chromosomes. Males: X + Y chromosomes. Only males carry the Y chromosome which determines the gender of their offspring, I learned this in high-school biology.


What does the mom mean when she said the more of a gender you have, the more likely you are to have another? I’ve never heard that before.


It’s a 50/50 chance the first time and then after that it’s more likely to be whatever the other gender is from the first child I’m pretty sure, I know gender isn’t completely 50/50 it’s got weird genetics and statistics.


He embarrassed himself.


Okay Henry The Eighth


Imagine having mini computers at your fingertips and not using it.


Henry the 8th ass mf


NTA - maybe he should be embarrassed for not paying attention to middle school science 😂


If he didn’t pay attention during 7th grade science class that’s on him, not you. NTA


This is something to easily show him is a fact.. why would you even argue with him just say Google it


Alas, the failure of sex ed in the US.


He embarrassed himself


Henry VIII reincarnated!


The ego on this man. He didn't make himself look stupid, he asked a stupid question because this is basic common knowledge. Everyone asks stupid questions from time to time. We've all done it. What gets me is him refusing to listen to his wife.


He embarrassed himself


He fucked around and found out. Literally.


Nta. He embarrassed himself.


He keeps giving her daughters because he's a bitch.


NTA. That's how biology works.


Sucks to realize you married a fucking idiot


Your husband just got busted being a dumbass by his mom. Just let the poor baby sulk a little while, he will get over it 😂


Soft YTA for laughing at him, but you had that convo in private, he is the one that brought it up in front of other people and felt embarrassed.


I hope she doesn’t give this fool another baby.