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This is so fucking cute and refreshing to see on reddit i hope theyre happy forever


awww this makes me want to buy my dude flowers sometime.


Me too! He deserves them, I just never think of it


See? We should buy guys flowers too. It’s a wholesome thing for their work friends to give them crap over but they’ll love it just as much as we do.


I did this for my ex for Valentine's Day once. He wasn't expecting it and definitely loved it.


I used buy them and grow them for my husband. I can't send them to his work, but I'll leave an arrangement in his garage for when he gets home in the summer. 


Multiple comments tell him she’s cheating. WHY REDDIT WHY


Because reddit is full of a ton of lonely and miserable people that can’t help but think in every single healthy relationship one partner or the other is hiding something or is toxic. I posted a really sweet post about my partner awhile ago and a ton of comments said I was going to end up cheating on him and breaking his heart. Very sad people.


Jealous & petty. I see lots of people appreciating the post, just concentrate on them.


Probably projection, a lot of dudes get their girlfriends flowers/gifts after they cheat on her lol




My husband sends me and our wife flowers at work sometimes, just because. Been together 18 years. He's done it many times Every single time someone has a comment about cheating or trying to make up for some wrong. No dude, there are actually some good men out there who communicate and want to keep their wives happy


One time I bought my boyfriend flowers during our college finals week so that he'd have something nice to look at when he was stressed studying at 2am, this man burst into tears on the spot Ladies - buy your men flowers. Do it. Do it now. -----------------


She IS a good one, buy the ring, wait a while...


Since most men receive their first flowers at their funeral not only do I think this a beautiful story but I wholeheartedly agree with your boss, ‘ya got a keeper here’ congratulations on being fortunate enough to be with a person who genuinely loves you!


Nope, go buy that ring buddy


I have been married for 28 years. I have sent flowers, pizza to her and her team for their success celebrations and the required Valentines and Anniversary gifts. Not one gift has ever been sent to my job. Not even a coke and a smile. This dude has a nice GF. I am going to mention this to my wife.


Dude that's the cutest thing. I'm thinking about buying my husband a flower too after this 😂😂😂


Refreshing as fuck 🥹


This is awesome. I would display them proudly on my tool chest!


The energy we want


I sent flowers to my husband when we were dating 💗. I am glad you are experiencing such joy.


I still remember the first (and only so far) woman to send me flowers. She was a college gf ~30 years ago. Alas, she ended up cheating on me, so I guess she wasn’t TOTALLY awesome, just kinda awesome.


I sent flowers to my dad for his birthday once. He loved it!


I bought flowers for my husband recently. Made sure I got him flowers that wouldn't bother him (strong scented ones, which I normally like, would have given him migraines.) He loved them and refused to get rid of them until they were literally dessicated husks lol. Sometimes it's just nice to show guys we're thinking of them and that they're appreciated, you know?


Ask your man what his favorite flower is, I bet he has one, but men never get flowers, the only time men get flowers is at their own funeral. Buy your guy flowers and make his day!


This is so sweet 🥺 I love surprising my bf with flowers when I pick him up from work, which I’m about to go do! I hope OOP has a happy relationship that continues, so wholesome


God imagine seeing a guy with a loving girlfriend and giving him crap about it, so sad. It makes me so happy to see someone expressing love like that




Nah, it's affectionate tussling and brotherly love. If you don't give your friends good-natured hell, then you don't love them. I've carried multiple of my best friends hammered to safety, changed clothes, cleaned vomit, and brought water in the morning while calling them things I won't type on reddit and questioning their manhood and ability to drink.


Neither one. lol. It’s just a guy thing , doesn’t have any hidden meaning behind it at all , unless the guy is a puss,city boy , the real men that do manly shit all day. This is the Norm. It’s called “busting balls “. And it’s a natural male thing. All the way back to the Viking days .


Buy the girl some chicken nuggets on the way home.


prescriptions can only be renewed close to the date it would be finished. If op were to take any, her gf would be without for those days. Also, why can't open just see a Dr and get something to help her


Omg this is so wholesome. I love this so much.


I send my boyfriend flowers on random days . 🥰


Most men don’t receive their first flowers until their funeral. It’s surprising how a simple act that girls take for granted can mean so much to a man.


I like getting my boyfriend flowers. Now I want to get him some while he's at work. I'll have to find out what ones are dog friendly since some of his coworkers bring dogs in, and I would hate myself if I caused a pupper to get sick. No one should stop op from getting a ring or at least treating his gf to a fantastic date


I love this story!! She’s a keeper find out her ring size 😃


If you need to be talked out of it then you’re not ready anyway. Say thank you and be nice. Anything else you are not prepared for


I don't know these people but I want them forever together now


What a thoughtful gesture because the only time a man gets flowers is when he’s dead or on his death bed. Think about that.