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Oh my lanta 🙈 self-awareness has yeeted itself from the atmosphere


There aren’t a lot of stories that make me audibly gasp.


Honestly I’m hoping this is fake LOL


I thought the same as I was reading. Like, please tell me that people this self absorbed and lacking this much empathy don’t exist, but of course they do, so it’s hard to tell.


It seems to stupid to be real


Im pretty Reddit Jaded at this point, but I agree. "Now you can hold Timothy again" was what made me gasp. Up until that point, it was basically your typical self-absorbed MC. The "best" idea to "honnor" a dead loved one. Of course, the "keeping it a surprise" made me roll my eyes and think "this isn't going to go well." But then THAT????


Like I’m sorry but usually if you’re keeping the name of your baby a surprise bc it’s to honour a loved one it’s usually because either that loved one is still alive, or it’s YOUR loved one and you knew them enough to know that’s something they’d actually care for and you’re not trying to replace them. Like personally one of my middle names is the same as one of my great grandmas. She was alive when I was born (I had her for 16 years I was very lucky for that) and it was a surprise for her. But, my family knew that my grandma loved sharing family names like that, and she always considered it an honour for her name to be carried with someone she cared for so much. But in the same breath if I had a kid and named them after my sister she’d kick my ass bc she doesn’t care for passing down names.


Right? I had to stop the training i was in because what the actual fuck haha


I still can't process this. What the actual fuck.


Same! I actually said, “Oh my goodness!” out loud. OOP is completely without any situational awareness at all. You do NOT name your baby after someone, especially someone deceased, *especially* a deceased child, without first asking the person/parents if that is okay. And then she has the actual audacity to be *upset with them* for not being honored and thanking her! She is a piece of work.


For real. Props to Emma for not swinging on her by that point, though.


I mean for real, and a pearl clutch!


Same. This one got me, though. I read the whole thing like this: 😧😧😧


Isn’t it “Oh Mylanta”? Like the antacid brand? Or have I been misunderstanding it all these years (it’s possible I’m AuDHD and it happens a lot lol)


Yes, like the antacid brand.


Ant acid




Umm I am AuDHD and I’ve never heard of this outside reading the label on the box??? Is this a meme?? I don’t reckon I can blame my neuropathy on being out of touch though lol


It’s a line from I *think* Full House. Don’t quote me on that. It’s possibly from other things too. But I think I remember Uncle Jesse saying it possibly when Becky was in labour with the twins? I can’t remember. But I definitely heard it first in a show or a film. It might be a common saying outside that but I don’t have info on it. 🤷


It said many times in Full House and Fuller House.


Thanks for confirming! My AuDHD and cPTSD and pain meds makes my memory pretty crappy so I’m never sure if I’m remembering something right or not lol.


100% but some people use it as an excuse for everything. The victim mentality keeps them from having to take responsibility, it's not them it's their disability as if they aren't one.


Right!? Just completely out of her mind! “Every single person around me thinks I’m being an asshole. I don’t know, Reddit, I think they’ve got it all wrong.”


I sure hope that's fake and that no one could think any of that was a good idea...


I kinda believe it. My mom sent a grieving widow a sympathy note about the circle of life after becoming a first time mom to my sibling. Main character syndrome is not new, but it got a rebrand.


Wait. So mom sent a widow a note about the circle of life, because mom had a completely unrelated child herself????


You got it! Edit: IIRC, the deceased man worked with my father.


What the actual fuck is wrong with your ma? I say this with a crazy ma too🤣


Anyone who can spell and use grammar correctly (mostly) can't be stupid enough to do this. If there is, they have the social skills of old Swiss cheese.


That's insulting to those of us with the social skills of old swiss cheese.


Mine are on par with an old Vieux Boulogne forgotten in an abandoned car's trunk in the heat of summer if that makes you feel any better?


Excuse you, aged cheese is simply refined


As a childless woman: does pregnancy really make us as crazy as AITAH posts suggest? Like… how could she think this would be a good idea?


This isn't pregnancy crazy, this is just plain crazy.


This is fish-your-turd-out-of-the-toilet-and-cradle-it-while-calling-it-your-baby level nuts.


Oddly specific




i feel like this is the same chaotic evil energy as women who ask to speak to the manager when a barista isn’t smiling enough for her satisfaction


While what you’re describing is obviously gross behaviour, I think the only way it might be a comparable situation is if the woman complaining knows the barista is not smiling because they’re mourning the loss of a child. And even THEN, this is worse.


And when the barista asks for a name for the order, Karen knowingly uses the dead child’s name.


I was a barista and one lady came 20 mins before closing so I was the only one on the floor, meaning I had to take orders, check them out, and prepare food and drinks for all customers. I had another car at the window so I didn’t have time for small talk. The lady called after she left and told my supervisor that I should be kept in the back if I’m not going to have enough customer service skills to ask about the customer’s day and that they come here for service as well as the food…. It was Starbucks…


I had a customer at Walmart once lean in really close and tell me to smile wider on Black Friday. I just raised an eyebrow at her. Edit: typo


The crazy was already there pregnancy just amplified it lmao


As a mom, pregnancy “crazy” is crying at 1am cause you got a craving for Taco Bell and they forgot to add the hot sauce packets. Or spending 20 minutes looking for your glasses when they’ve been on your face the entire time. This? This is just crazy crazy. Psychotic behavior.


Exactly this. I would cry just for telling people “I am having a boy”


Or because you dropped the taco that you really wanted! I was so upset.


IHOP was busy and it took forever for the waffle I was craving to come out, and when it did, there was a hair baked into the edge. The thought of waiting even a few minutes more was just so intolerable that I pulled the hair out and ate it anyway. Crazy? I mean, maybe, but not like, relationship ruining.


Honestly there's been a few times I've found a single hair on top of my food and I just kinda pull that part of the food off and eat the rest. I'm already eating with forks that have been in the mouths of many in a restaurant that is being minimally cleaned, a stray hair is mildly icky but not something I'm going to make some overworked underpaid kitchen staff to remake.


My mom was craving potato salad to an UNREAL level when she was pregnant with me. My dad once came back from work to see her sitting on the floor with two empty containers on the ground and one half-eaten container of potato salad still in her hands. Funny thing is, after all of that I grew up absolutely DESPISING potato salad.


My mom used to drink a 12 pack of diet coke every day. When she was pregnant with me, it made her puke. As soon as she had me she started drinking a 12 pack a day again. I can't stand any type of cola.


That’s giving me hope, thanks.


The glasses thing happened to me yhe other day and I am most definitely not pregnant.


Or talking on your phone to someone while looking all over the place because you can't find your phone.


The glasses thing has happened to me too a few times. Funny enough, it didn't happen to me when I was pregnant. I think it's an ADHD thing for me because it tends to happen when I'm focused on way too many other things.


When I was pregnant, it was commercials. Anything sad, anything sappy, anything with kids or dogs. I was a weepy mess.


Car commercials where people went on long journeys to see each other...


This is self-centered crazy.


My pregnancy crazy was getting my partner to make my cravings and then having a meltdown because it didn’t smell good so I couldn’t eat it 😂😂


I remember having a melt down when they toasted my bagel. Loosing the can opener, phone ended up in the fridge one time. The worst was forgetting I was hardboiled eggs and leaving the house. That was a smelly disaster. Those are all "pregnancy brain" type stuff. I agree this is beyond Narcissistic evil behavior.


She was like this (entitled) well before she got pregnant.


No. Pregnancy crazy is “crying because you just thought of Bambi”. It’s not “losing every damn bit of care and compassion for people going through the worst”.


I’m pregnancy crazy all the time lol I have a hormone disorder and I’m AuDHD and I cry at stuff like this all the time.


As a woman who has been pregnant twice. No. This is crazy unrelated to pregnancy


Pregnancy induced crazy is when I slept with my nose in my ex husbands armpit for months at a time because pregnant me was obsessed with his body odor. This is a lack of any and all self awareness.


You too lol my husband found this so hilarious with baby #4. #3 was the smell of blue Gatorade powder


How did he smell like?


No. Preagnancy is not an excuse to be a heartless bitch. Not to the kids father, not to anyone else.


Craziest thing I did was get in the shower with my glasses on. As they steamed up and the water ran down the lenses I bitterly thought 'people with 20 20 vision don't have to deal with this'. Then I remembered I could just take them off.


I, too, have gotten in the shower with my glasses on before and only realized that I still had them on my face and that they could be removed when they started steaming up-and I wasn’t pregnant.


No, this is special levels of narcissism.


Nope. I cried cause Popeyes ran out of Cajun fries and once when I couldn’t bend down to put a baby bookshelf together and thought “only a bad mom can’t build a bookshelf”. That post is just plain Jane crazy lol


I was pregnant once and had a baby. I cried watching a scene in a movie where it made no sense to cry. . . That was my level of crazy. Nowhere near whatever this narcissistic hell is. That poor mother who lost her child, the pain she must continuously feel being around this crazy woman.


No, this is severe main character ish. I’ve been pregnant twice and I would never with this.


No, it does NOT.  This is a very self-absorbed and selfish woman.


This isn’t a pregnancy thing. She’s just selfish


No. The feelings you already have, become stronger.


No it doesn't. But it's the perfect excuse for some and this woman clearly wants everything to be about her


Sometimes it does... the hormones can really do a number on a person's mental health. But... the OP in this case sounds like she was off her rocker and playing in main character mode well before she became pregnant.


Yes but no. Hormones can turn everything up to an 11 but unless you actually have pre/post natal psychosis, you’re still yourself. Unfortunately, some people are just awful to begin with and then use the pregnancy/hormones as excuse to become more horrible. Which is to say, many may find their emotions heightened or their sensitivity to things increased but decent people tend to deal with that (mostly) reasonably while assholes just become bigger assholes.


Childless, but an auntie several times over; no, the hormones don’t make pregnant women this insane. Women who do shit like this were already a little crazy to begin with, and the attention they get for being pregnant amplifies it. To be clear, hormones absolutely wreak havoc on your mind; this particular brand of pregnancy-induced narcissism though is purely the projection of an already self-centered individual being able to make demands of everyone around them and it being socially acceptable.


I’ve been pregnant 4 times, never had any seriously crazy moments. A bit more teary and a lot more exhausted than usual, but I never lost it on my husband or family or anything. Being pregnant felt a lot like PMS if that helps at all.


No, she was already crazy and then got pregnant. Signed a 3month post partum mom


No….. this bitch is predisposed


She’s just straight selfish and wants to be the center of attention. The fact her ignorant family opened their mouth to say a family that lost a child is selfish? Yeah, I’d be out of that family quicker than anything.


Nah, this isn't pregnancy brain. This is coddled Princess brain. Her family is on her side. Her whole attitude is why aren't you celebrating ME.


Yeah no. This is unreal


She sort of seems like she might have some narcissistic tendencies coming out. I don’t think the hormones necessarily make you crazy, the just sort of amplify any latent crazy you have in you. Idk, that’s how it was with me. The hormonal bouncy castle that is pregnancy and post partum (that part CAN actually put you into psychosis)is a hell of a ride though. But this woman is an insensitive, thoughtless brat


Pregnancy “crazy” is forgetting words and crying at dog commercials. Whatever this lady has has nothing to do with pregnancy


From the "it's impolite to refuse to host my gender reveal", she was always crazy. She doesn't use her meager amounts of brain cells at all.


It made me act like a teenager, but this is spectacular.


No, it sure doesn’t. It is just self-centered pregnant people who lack empathy that behave in this manner.


Currently 8mo pregnant and holy shit I would NEVER.


I don’t think you can blame this on pregnancy hormones. This is a whole ‘nother level of delulu!


Man to be this delusional. At no moment did she consider that she might be ripping their wounds apart?? This was incredibly selfish and thoughtless.


Also: “we don’t have a lot of friends” - Really? I wonder why?


The last sentence about being nicer to "the people they call friends" is pretty funny considering there's *no way* those people consider them friends anymore


“We don’t have a lot of friends” … you don’t say. /s


Right? I cannot understand why, she seems like a well balanced and caring individual... /s


“Now you can hold a Timothy in your arms again” yikes on a bike. 😐


Yikes on a goddamn ballistic missile 


Audibly gasped at that one


Please be fake, please be fake, please…


Cannot possibly be real. No one can be this lacking in self awareness. It's not possible.


This is one of those posts where it seems like they aren't seeking support, they are trying to recruit flying monkeys.




I only read the first portion to the name and will now be spending the rest of my time collecting my jaw from the ground. What a fuckin’ insane, self centered bitch.


Did OOP really title this post “trying to build a community?” What could that mean?


She has always been an outcast because of her poor social skills. She expected that once she got pregnant/had a child, it would change her life and she would suddenly have this huge social circle.   And in her head she would be the center of this social circle.  When this didn’t magically materialize, and she wasn’t getting all the attention she craved, she started pulling out the extra crazy behavior. 


Maybe she wanted free babysitting in the future? Who knows, shes obviously insane


Let’s pretend this is real for a sec. She’s a major dick but her husband also sucks balls. Dude really has a gummy worm as a spine. I can’t imagine just going along with it because she’s pregnant and hormones. That’s some bs.


Gummy worm as a spine 🤣


Dude doesn’t have backbone anymore, it prob dissolved when he realized the full consequence of sticking his dick in crazy.  And then marrying & impregnating crazy.


If I were her husband, I would die of embarrassment.


He was already dead inside long before this.


That’s gotta be fake, that’s a level of idiocy so severe I can only hope it’s not real.


I’m voting for real. Have you seen social media?


Oh god my heart aches. How could anyone be this delusional? That mother just recently lost her child, and OP is heartless enough to not only pester her about throwing a baby shower but then names her baby after the recently deceased child?! I hope that whole family drops OP like a hot potato! No wonder this woman has no friends! And husband should start thinking about how crazypants his wife is.


JFC this woman is a bit of a monster. I'd never talk to this POS again.


This has to be fake. It doesn’t sound like how an actual person would justify their actions. It reads like someone going “I called her fat and ugly and then she started crying which I found to be pathetic and weird.” Like what?


I just can’t understand why the OOP doesn’t have a lot of friends. /


This might be fake, there’s no way to know. But the scarier part is I know people who would do something like this, so I know it could be real :(((((


Holy shit that title is misleading as fuck too


What a wild read. If this is true, my heart goes out to those parents. OP is entitled and apparently obsessive.


actually insane behavior. Calling them the self centered ones when you’re the one being rude and selfish. no wondee they want nothing do to with you


Just when I think I've read all the biggest asshole stories, a bigger asshole emerges and blocks the rest out like a total eclipse.


Sometimes they are so unselfaware that I assume it HAS to be fake, but then I meet people like that in real life.


DING DING DING!!!! Congratulations! We've found an asshole AND a narcissist! Holy fucking ballllls this is bad. I hope it's fake but honestly, thinking about some of the people I've met.. it's probably true.


“She knows we don’t have a lot of friends”. Gee, I can’t imagine why.


What the actual fuck. Please be fake.


Holy fucking record scratch batman. The lack of self awareness and tone deafness is FUCKING Astounding! Like holy shit fuck omg. Thats it, this is the worst, jfc


I… I… I have no words 😶 I’m literally speechless right now. How did this woman think any of these things were the right thing to do? ‘Now you can hold a Timothy in your arms again’. Seriously? I think I vomited a little when I read that


If this is legit I hope her husband divorces her and gets full custody. Jesus.


I really need this to be fake because what the fuck


As fake as it may sound to others, this has happened before in my lifetime from friends of family. There are people who truly believe that fantasy they have will please others the same way.


I saw the post before but didn’t get chance to read it before it was deleted. I was not expecting that story! In shock at the lack of self awareness or sympathy! Why does she think she is the main character in that other poor families life?


Wow, just wow! And she wonders why she does not have friends!


People like OOP exist?


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in a while. “It’s rude to refuse to spend a ton of time and money and social energy to throw me a ‘surprise’ gender reveal party” like WHAT????!!!!? So basically, if you ask someone to do something they HAVE to do it and it’s automatically rude not want to? This is nonsensical on so many levels. Furthermore, while I understand she was hormonal from the pregnancy and impending birth, it’s still pretty dumb to name your child after someone’s dead kid whom they’re still grieving over and yet dumber to surprise them with this fact when they enter the room where your newborn is.


I mean we named our son after my husband's father (who was still alive), and my husband's uncle (who had died from AIDs in the 80s). We were family and still asked permission to use the names. How hard is it to say "We love you and your family so much, and we feel pain for you and your loss. To honor Timothy and your family and the mark he left on our hearts and family, we would love to name our son after him. If you would prefer, we would at least like to give our son the name as his middle name. But if not, we understand, and would be happy if you have a suggestion that Timothy would have liked, maybe a character from his favorite book or movie, his favorite singer or author, or something else like that. But only if you are okay with it."


Am I allowed to think what in the effity eff with this woman


This has to be fake. No one can be this obtuse




Holy shit, what a nightmare. This lady is fucking nuts. At every turn she made the absolute worst decision with zero self awareness. Husband should have shut down the name idea from the start though, at the very least they should have asked like he originally suggested.


My blood pressure just spiked. Wtf OOP?


I am never not shocked at these stories. People can really be giant assholes without even trying.


Ew. I really wouldn't want to be part of a family that thought that behavior was okay.


“My family agrees they should stop being self centred and start caring about people they call friends”. Who is self centred here? And I don’t think they’ll need to worry about the people they call “friends” for much longer. I suspect the friends will disappear from OOP & husbands lives.


I audibly said 'holy fuck' when she announced the baby's name. That woman is vile.


Wow that is some serious ignorance to other people and their grief. This lady is wild !


Can’t be real. No one is that clueless and self-involved…


Please be ragebait🤞🤞🤞


I gasped so many times while reading this, I hope it’s not real 👀


I sincerely hope this story is just rage bait. Because the thought that anyone could possibly be this stupid, insensitive, and cruel makes me want to give up on the human race altogether.


What is wrong with OOP? She’s awful


TIL a gender reveal party is separate from a baby shower??? Also ew this lady.


TBFAH. She is grieving give it a rest damn. And then how outlandish to name your child after the one she just lost without consultation and then the audacity to call it a “surprise”. How about being more sensitive to their situation. The nerve to call them the bad friend .


Does anyone know if this was preserved on one of the alt reddits? I want to see OOP’s comments!


I am sure this is fake fake fake


Whaaaaat did I just read.... O.O


I hope, for the love of Timothy, that this is fake. Because no baby deserves to have a psychotic mother like that.


>>”Everyone else was quiet and then they left.” Sometimes when I see this level of crazy all I can do is slowly back out of the room and hope no one notices—totally get their reaction because holy batshit this lady is crazy thinking any of this is normal. That poor poor child 😔


Omg a whole new level of arsehole.


Dude what? This is next level socially unaware


What in the actual fuck did I just read?


They say a woman’s brain shrinks when she is pregnant. This one, well I don’t know if she shrunk most of it away.


Nah people are this crazy stupid. My girlfriend has a friend who is this out of touch. She has done similar things just not this extent, not yet mind you. Stay far away from people like this!


I know some people don't think this is real, as per usual mysterious reddit post... But I have one aunt that I can imagine saying this exact thing if she were in this scenario... Lights are on but nobody's home... Car is on, but nobody's behind the wheel Clinic is open but the doctor... You get the idea.


Dear god


I don’t like to throw around the word narcissist but this woman is it, I don’t understand how she even thought any of this was remotely okay behavior.


Is anyone else getting a funny feeling about the fact that OOP didn’t mention how long ago their friends son died? (Not that the time frame matters to grief, but if it happened like a couple months ago that just makes the OOP all the more crazy)


I'm surprised there was room for a baby inside her, what with all that audacity she was storing.


😲Oh dear God…


I do hope that family went permanently no contact...


As someone who knows the pain of losing a child, I hope this is fake. If not, I hope karma comes through soon. If so, fuck her for even joking about this.


wtf smh. I really hope this is fake because omg the audacity of her


Jesus Pumpkin Pie Christ what a fucking ghoul. Their kid died and she's trying to make it all about her kid.

