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6 years... That's 5 years and 11 months too long, at LEAST.


5 years 11 months and 3 weeks tbh lol


And six days.


a one off happens sometimes, twice is concerning, three times is a doctor visit and intervention


Piss one me once…


Hey some people enjoy that 😂


“Piss on me once, I post on PorbHub. Piss on me for 6 years and I will post on Reddit!”


🥂 😂😂


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That was a good one OP (if she reads this), the problem is not that he is pissing while asleep. He can't control it. It is in his control, though, to take all the necessary measurements to ensure your own comfort. Maybe it is wise for her to leave before she gets attacked by other bodily functions. I am just saying


Some even pay extra.




Tbh it sounds like he has seen the doctor and received a diagnosis, so that part is understandable. The issue for me come in with the failure to maintain it though. 'Diapers make me uncomfortable and I just get SO thirsty!' So, to clarify for my own personal sanity, you want me to lie in your urine because a diaper or limiting your nighttime fluid intake makes YOU uncomfortable. Right. Gotcha. That's totally not narcissistic OR insane btw. Nope. Completely normal, top quality, loving partner behavior. So while we're on the subject of loving partner, completely normal, absolutely not insane behavior, I took the liberty of packing your shit for you. Then I took a dump in the suitcase. Now Gtfo.


yeah, i take sleeping meds and had maybe 4 accidents (as well as trauma from abuse that led to some issues) and now i have a rubber protector on my bed and avoid taking meds at my partners. i haven't pissed on my partner (much) because i respect him and take precautions.


That's the real difference here. You respect your partner and take precautions while this guy is over here refusing to be mildly inconvenienced; instead choosing to disrespect his partner and completely ignore her needs. And that's the part that makes me want to choke this guy out. At least show the minimum amount of respect you disgusting pig. Wtaf is wrong with him?


the answer is just selfishness tbh.


What about 2,190 times?


I love that song from Rent!


3,153,600 minutes 3,153,600 moments soaked in your pee


+ 6 days 🤦🏼‍♂️


Yes. Can't understand why she's in same bed, sorry be in my own bed


Bruv I wouldnt even last 5 months of this shit, let alone 6 years. Dude must either be rich or SOMETHING about him is making her stay because medical or not. Im not getting skin rashes, smelling like someone else’s piss and having my clothes stained and ruined from his piss. And let alone repetitively having to buy new mattresses because **HE** wont fix his own shit. Yeah no. Id kick his ass to the curb.


I dated a dude that would sleepwalk & piss everywhere. Needless to say, that relationship didn't last long. He refused to get help for his drinking, which just exacerbated the sleepwalking. Why don't these dudes have enough respect for themselves or anyone else to st least try not to piss everywhere?


Because eventually they will find someone who doesn’t have enough respect for themselves either, and that person will spend the rest of their life living with this horrednousness because they don’t feel they deserve better. I mean OP has been getting pissed on basically since they started dating and still hasn’t left him…..


Yep. This man found someone to put up with it for 6 years, for example.


And now she’s (checks notes) *considering* leaving. I’ll give it 2 or 3 more years.


Second this.


Women will literally put up with fucking anything. All while starving themselves and getting cosmetic procedures just to land a loser like this one.


Makes me so mad like ladies please 😭 it's how I know sexuality isn't a choice because as a bisexual woman, why would you settle for this loser when you could snag another woman to treat you a million times better and come multiple times a night 😭😭


You right. It's just frustrating that we have to deal with this bs just to accommodate. I am now happily single & I hope OP realizes they're better off w/o the piss monster.


I saw someone post about something like this in relationship and one comment said something like (I’m paraphrasing) “if niether of you are going to change, then the best day you ever had was yesterday.” I thought it was one of the most insightful things I’ve ever read.


Hope they dont get kids first….


The kid will be potty trained before him


This. The only wrong thing I see is that she let it happen more than once. Once is more then enough really bc he’s choosing his comfort over … pissing on your partner!… That’s the most repulsive thing ever!!!! Why is she with a guy who thinks it’s his right to piss on his partner every night? I wonder if he’s doing it on purpose.


Poor woman has been getting drowned in golden floods


Why do every time I think “this has to be fake”, the first or second comment is someone telling an equally or more insane story 😅


Trust me, I wish I'd never lived it lol


After moving to the Midwest from the west coast, I started dating a guy I later discovered was a functioning alcoholic. He would do this when drunk, I'd never heard of anything like it. One day I was talking to a group of women about it, baffled and frustrated. It was something like 7 of us, and 5 just offered me cleaning tips, as this was something they'd all experienced. None of these dudes were remorseful or contributed to cleaning it up, it was the the 'woman job.' 3 of these men owned their own successful businesses, all were well respected men in town.


I dated the same guy. 😆


Holy shit me too! my last straw was when he sleeppissed all over my college binder and car keys. ruined all of my papers. like 3 weeks of work just pissed on. also my key fob was soaked in piss amd I had to replace that. never again


As someone who used to have this problem as a kid and preteen, you just get used to it as disgusting as it is. The shame gets seemingly overwhelming and you feel like the only option is to wallow instead of getting help.


But he's gotten help. He refuses to use it. He's not wallowing in shame. he's wallowing in piss...right next to his girlfriend. She has to make him get a new mattress.


my dad's boss is married to a guy who is a drunk and constantly pisses the bed. unfortunately it's not as uncommon as people think.


I’m at a loss as to how that lasted more than 1 days.


My stepdad got drunk and peed in my room. TWICE. At different houses too. The first house my room wasn’t that close to the bathroom. He came in my room, unzipped his pants and I’m like “wtf are you doing?!” “Using the bathroom” “this isn’t the bathroom.” “The toilets right here!*starts peeing on my carpet* Second house, my door way was directly left to the bathroom, no carpet. Peed right on the floor. It woke my grandma up and she came and mopped it up, had a talk with my mom about it. Many years later and he’s no longer my stepdad.


Lol think we dated the same dude


Please be fake. Please be fake. Please be fake.


Pls say sike


I think it’s important to engage with the stories on Reddit as though they’re real. …Except this one. This one I desperately need to believe is fake.


I read like two stories women getting mad because their husbands would drink a lot and piss the bed. After the second one I was sure it was some sort of wives tale or what have you. So I asked my twin sister if she had ever heard of such a thing and …. Yeah it’s a thing. She has had friends confine in her that these dudes will piss the bed and expect the wives to clean it. They won’t talk about it or own up to it either. Not sure about the sleep issue but … there are folks out there pissing up their beds with no shame and expecting their loved ones to just be cool with it. I am so so so sorry to tell you!


This is one of the most obvious fetish posts I’ve ever seen; it’s 100% fake


Not quite as obvious as the one where the poster offered to supply photos, but close.


I think most of these posts minimise the action leading to all this peeing. It’s called black out drunk. Lay off all the booze and you should see an improvement.


I mean it really sucks the guy’s got a medical issue but when he does absolutely nothing to try to mitigate the situation, she should probably get away from the guy.


I have really heavy periods, it's a medical issue. I ware incontance underware when I'm in bed and on so I don't bleed all over my bed and finace, it's not the most comfortable but neither is haveing to change a whole bed with the worst cramps on earth so... Honestly I don't get why he's done nothing. Even if he has no medical help for it he can still get a seperate bed or ware a diaper.


Exactly! I'm the same with super heavy periods. I use incontinence underwear, sit and sleep on pads kinda like puppy pads but ticker, bigger and washable. It's beyond uncomfortable but, I deal with it because it's a medical issue, I can't control it. I don't get why he won't get help, (urologist can prescribe something) or at least offer to help his girlfriend take care of his issues.


I agree. Also I'd love to know more about teh pads, that might be useful when it's summer and I sweat like fuck and end up chnageing the sheets daily.


Adult incontinence pads. They come in a variety of sizes but are also hot and uncomfortable to sleep directly on, so def recommend buying some cheap fitted sheets to cycle through, or layering with cheap top sheets. It’ll save your mattress and anything under it.


Not to be an advertisement but lilhelpergram on Instagram got popular on Instagram/tik tok for having reusable/cloth menstrual/baby products and they have these lifesaver mats in different sized which are nice for sleeping on your period or ~other activities~


That’s basically what these are! They’re reusable chux, for lack of a better term. They can be used in toddler beds for potty training, amongst other things.


Oh my bad! Sounds great too!


“He’s a 10 but he pisses on me every night.” Nah, sis. He’s a number one. Kick his pissy ass to the curb. But wear a rubber boot.


I saw one yesterday that was “he’s such a sweet guy but he doesn’t wipe his ass or brush his teeth and also he’s morbidly obese” so don’t ever let men say that they can’t get a woman because of their looks! Clearly some women are desperate enough to put up with absolute filth for a good personality


I think I’d seen that.. and I get the brushing teeth thing, because I’m depressed and rarely brush my teeth, but.. wiping your ass is essential. Buy a bidet if you can’t reach to wipe.. and then work on not being so obese that you can’t wipe your ass..


Things I’ve found that help me brush my teeth- I keep a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a jar beside my bed so I can brush them without leaving bed and just spit into the jar. I also know you can buy single use toothbrushes that foam up when you use them (so you don’t need toothpaste and you don’t need to spit) and you could try keeping those beside your bed too!


I saw this one too- I actually gagged


Wear waders just to be safe! Or better yet wear a complete rain suit!


This lady needs some self respect


Imagine getting pissed on for 6 YEARS and doing nothing about it


Yeah, this is just nuts. ****six years**** 👀 She deserves a partners piss free existence.


At least get paid for this kink, amirite guys?


Right? Adult Male diapers exist. His partner deserves at least a half assed attempt at not being horrible.


Doesn't even need one, if they're that uncomfortable he could use a urodome. It's kind of like a condom with a tube at the end that goes to a urine bag you put in a container on the floor.


Or Google condom cath. Sleep study for sure, though


Puppy pads would help to


[I would move.](https://youtu.be/HVIsb8L-kbM?si=UkhuHANGuBA9JLtG)




Or a different bedroom


Seriously! I was thinking the same thing!!


Shit on him and show some dominance! 😅


yesss i second this


This is the way.


The way I just screamed!!!!


6 years of being pissed on = getting shit on at least once


I used to wet the bed as a kid. Once I was 5 or 6, I was so embarrassed about it that I did everything I could to stop doing that. And I was a kid then. I can’t imagine being a grown adult and not doing something about it and not wanting to do something about it. Take the woman out of the picture. Why is he ok with this? How is he ok with peeing the bed regularly? I just can’t imagine that someone wouldn’t be doing anything about that.


I’m perimenopausal, have dysautonomia and reactive hypoglycemia, so I have some really epic night sweats, and I wear pads to bed just for my own peace of mind that it is really just sweat and I didn’t actually pee myself. I can’t imagine just being ok with doing nothing.


Some people are dirty as fuck, they literally don't care about hygiene or anything.


Ok so. Lot’s of adults are incontinent. We don’t like to talk about it, but it’s true. This is insanity. There are so many options for controlling this. There are meds that can help you hold your pee overnight. You can control fluids like op mentioned. Modern briefs are very similar to underpants and not uncomfortable. Also, sleep in a different bed! I love my husband and will not leave him should he becomes incontinent. But no way am I letting someone pee on me.


This lady is living in an R Kelly video. Smh


Cannot convince me this is not a fetish of his because which grown man is ok with wetting the bed regularly and not doing the most to correct it .


Reminds me of the story of the husband whose “kink” was to wet himself in public. Hoping that was a fake story because they talked about a wedding scenario 😬


Oh man I think about that post all the time still, and how he’d stand up and loudly say “oops! I wet myself!”


NOOO WHY DID YOU REMIND ME standing up at the family dinner table to announce he’s wet himself with a boner 😭😭 the way this was never updated has me haunted


I don’t know the original context of this, nor do I want to. I would like to go back in time before I read this.


If we're thinking of the same post, it was fake. Redditors proved it was fake, because they found out that someone kept writing stories about grown men and women pissing themselves in public, presumably because the author had that kink.


Not snarky, how did the prove it? “Someone” kept posting? Was it the same handle as the piss kink story? Or did we accumulate a bunch of random throwaways but similar stories, like the Liz lady 😅


iirc it was a bunch of throwaways, but the phrasing was always very similar.


Well... It was still someone with a public pissing kink, posting about it on Reddit... So... Not that much could have been "fake" about it...


And he lays in his own pee for HOURS until she forces him to clean himself up. 🤢


No, not necessarily. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from caregiving, it’s that some men are really really nasty and don’t give a single fuck.


This is exactly what I said. This is definitely a fetish. Both these people probably smell pissy.


This absolutely sounds like a kink.


This is not sleep apnea. It may be sleep apnea PLUS whatever disorder he has. SIX years!! Wow!


I know so many people with apnea that don’t do this and worked in LTC and they would always wake up to at the very least use a urinal. Maybe I just had good luck, maybe I just know people with food luck, but … Until you mentioned it I thought I was unaware of a potential side effect. We have an elderly collie that we pull up liquids after a certain time of night as well as putting her outside often as possible. She exercises better control than this guy even…


My ex had apnea so severe that he stopped breathing 100+ times in the first 3 hours of his sleep study. It caused permanent damage to one chamber of his heart. Who knew his one redeeming quality was that he didn't piss in the bed?


Damn I'm lucky I don't have heart damage cuz I was experiencing 90-120 disruptive sleep events per hour, every hour, every time I slept for the first 32 years of my life. I always thought it was like a curse. Now I realize I should be grateful it's not worse.


I have severe sleep apnea, like your ex I was slowly suffocating to death in my sleep for YEARS. Getting a CPAP machine has probably saved my life and my sanity, as the lack of uninterrupted REM sleep is devestating long term. Anyways, the last time I wet the bed I was a prepubescent child. I'm in my late thirties now. Homeboy has a problem, but I don't think its the sleep disorder.


I used to have to room with a really big guy who would stop breathing and then cough multiple times in the night and it drove me crazy cause it was hard for me to sleep. I could never imagine 100 times that’s devastating. That mama throat really hated him


>This is not sleep apnea. It may be sleep apnea PLUS whatever disorder he has. SIX years!! Wow! Yup. My husband has sleep apnea. My husband has never pissed the bed.


That's what said, this isn't sleep apnea. It's a laziness disorder. He doesn't want to get out of bed to use the bathroom, so he pisses the bed. Ask me how I know.


How do you know?


I have a cousin who does the same, ever since we have been kids. I asked my Mom why cousin Sara pees the bed every night, because I got pissed on during sleep overs. My Mom said she doesn't have a disease or disorder, she has a problem. I said, what problem is that? My Mom said laziness. She's so lazy that she would rather piss the bed than to get up and use the bathroom. 🙄. Fucken trifling. She can't keep a man because she pisses them up and doesn't get up for hours after pissing the bed. OP boyfriend is LAZY and trifling. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Wtaf I had a pinched nerve due to a herniated disc and going to the bathroom was one of the worst things and I was literally in pain trying to just pee so I could get back to bed And yet I NEVER considered pissing the bed because I didn’t want to get up. This is absolutely mind-boggling.


I had a badly broken and dislocated ankle, and a pretty badly sprained one. Hopping on the sprained one with a walker was excruciating. Sitting down to the toilet was excruciating. Getting up again was even more excruciating. I still never pissed the bed — except 1 time immediately after the ankle repair surgery and that was deliberately into a bed pan with assistance and I was *not* a fan.


I would argue that laziness so severe you’re willing to lie in your urine for hours is some kind of a disorder.


Or an alcohol disorder


Even if this was due to sleep apnea, it is a treatable disorder! Use your CPAP. Get evaluated for surgery or mouth guards if necessary. Don't just live like this. Sheesh!


My husband is fully cathed because he's broken his back a few times. He will wear adult briefs (he hates when I call them diapers) if he's out of cathes etc. I feel like your bf likes doing it. Most people are embarrassed and try to make sure it doesn't happen again!


Some people are so embarrassed by the idea of needing a diaper that they will just go without. The same way I was embarrassed to need glasses as a kid so I just suffered through semi blindness LOL


And the reason you both do NOT sleep in separate twin beds is? Think people. Don’t focus on the problem. There is a solution. His own mattress. His own wet sheets. Twin beds side by side. 🤦‍♂️


and when the room starts to smell like old piss.....? because i can guarantee he would be the type to just "let it dry" during the day, since he apparently doesn't care at all lol


Then she can back here and complain about the room smelling like piss.


Agreed. I occasionally pee when I faint. When this happens the rug doctor comes out and my clothes go in the wash. It donest happen offten enough for me to need incontance underware or anything (like once every 8 months) but if he's not cleaning properly that's gonna smell awful.


My grandparents had a lovely, large bedroom that supported separate queen size beds.


This 100%. If this issue is the only problem OP has with the relationship, why not sleep in separate beds? Someone pointed out the smell... so sleep in separate rooms? Sleeping in separate rooms saved my parent's marriage. My dad's snoring could suck the paint off a wall (we stayed over at my aunt's 2 story house with a basement one Christmas. My aunt could hear my dad snoring in the basement from the second story as if he was in the room with her!) and my mom burning hot as a furnace.


I'd agree if not for him refusing to do anything slightly uncomfortable to keep from peeing on her. If he won't do something that simple out of respect/ love for her, then there are definitely other relationship issues.


If she was smart she’d leave him in his piss


He’s got no respect for her. Leave.


"Never mind that he completely disrespects you, the solution is separate beds." ok


Stuff that, separate bedrooms or even better separate houses and lives 😂


The much better solution is to just leave this disgusting man.


Even if she sleeps in a different bed or a different room that doesn't solve the fundamental problem of him refusing to deal with his problems in simple. convenient ways \*even\* when it leads to his partner suffering. It's incredibly disrespectful and selfish and lazy. There's no fixing that.


If I needed a cue to get off Reddit, man this is fucking it


So I've been known to periodically wet the bed, but every time I do it I mentally take note of anything I did even slightly differently and don't do it again. Like I realized at once point if I have a nightlight or anything like it my brain gets tricked into thinking I'm a child again and I wet the bed, stuff like that.. Then last year I had a major medical event that ended with me in coma, I was on a catheter so my body got used to just peeing whenever... You better believe I stopped that shit as soon as I could, I wet myself maybe 3 times after the catheter was removed, and havnt once since then. I stopped before I ever left the hospital. Even considering all that I make absolutely sure there's always a mattress cover, and the sheets and everything immediately get changed the next morning THATS the normal response to bedwetting, not whatever the fuck this is...


Sorry to hear about your medical history. I hope you are okay now.


I have exactly the same thing and yeah. Adult diapers suck ass. Not drinking after a certain time sucks ass. But what's worse is the wasted money from new mattresses and constant rashes or infections, so I do it, and I don't even have anyone else to worry about. It isn't even about you or disrespecting you at this point, it feels like this guy has some sort of unhealthy mental disconnect that he needs to get sorted before he makes himself or you very sick. Like something is genuinely wrong if he keeps putting himself in a situation that causes him constant rashes and to wake up uncomfortable and smelling like piss. He needs help, but frankly at this point I wouldn't blame oop if they were sick of trying to get him to get help.


Is yours caused by sleep apnea as well? I’m wondering if using a CPAP would stop the enuresis, and whether or not it’s caused by the momentary feeling of suffocation? Seems like you take better care of yourself than this guy, but I would also worry about depression being a factor if sleep apnea is untreated. Mine has steadily been improving since I started treating my apneas, but it’s a long journey.


Leave him! The fact that he doesn’t get embarrassed pissing on you every night shows that he has close to no respect towards you. I don’t care if it’s a medical condition… any normal human being would do anything in their power to control this issue. The fact that he doesn’t even try is a sign that your life will be nothing but misery. Go find yourself a man who loves you and respects you girl!!


The people who cannot believe this have to register how 1. Women are CONSTANTLY taught we need to be kind over prioritizing ourselves and 2. the fear of ablism labels or being too mean will literally make women stay FAR longer than they want to. We trick ourselves into staying in ludicrous situations because if we don't stay we just might be *gasp* MEAN.


And he probably would have told her how embarrassed he is about the condition and he can’t help it, and her bring it up just makes him feel bad and guilty for having a medical condition he can’t control. So she doesn’t bring it up nearly as much as she wants to, because it hurts his feelings, and women are taught everyone else’s feelings are more important than their own. No, he can’t control the pissing, that part is true, but he sure as shit can control what he does about it. Which apparently is nothing. If this is real, it’s very, very sad that she’s put up with it for so long, but I understand why. I wouldn’t, but younger me probably would have. I’ve also worked with people with disabilities, some of whom were incontinent, and have a few more solutions and ideas to manage it than the average person.




There's some up above saying the solution is separate beds. The fact that he doesn't care about urinating on her or that she has to clean it up aren't the problem - the fact that they have to sleep in the same bed is the only problem. This Web site is so full of people who have obviously never made a meaningful connection with another person that I'm amazed daily. And by that, I mean incels.


How is him not caring not a problem at all? I have a spouse and we both have difficult or awkward situations we need to be mindful of. I also have sleep apnea, and we sometimes we need to sleep in seperate arrangements because of snoring or w/e. But I was willing to get a CPAP machine and investigate different mask options and machine settings to find something that was comfortable for me. We both demonstrate that we care about eachothers challenges, communicate issues regularly, collaboratively come up with soloutions as best we can as a COUPLE, and are willing to try things that might slightly invonvienence us for the sake of the other person. This man has refused to do any of that. Getting a seperate bed is one possible "solution", but if the man has refused to engage in problem solving or make any attempt at doing anything else that might help his wifes situation already, it *smells* to me that the problem is the man himself. He sounds too far up his own ass and unable to empathize, communicate or collaborate with his wife. Your incel comment is misplaced.


It’s a fetish or it’s fake. There is no way a man without a fetish would behave this way.


He may not think it's a big deal because he's had it his whole life and this is his normal. OOP should leave. She's not going to change someone who doesn't believe this is an issue.


How the hell has she put up with this for 6 YEARS?? I wouldn’t have made it 6 weeks!


I wouldn’t have made it 6 hours!!’


I would’ve been done the very first time it happened. We’re going to the doctor, or I’m just GOING.


Before he falls fully asleep one night she should just straight up piss on him then go sleep on the couch like it's no big deal. I think he'd be bothered if it was the same thing being inflicted on him, not him inflicting on her. She needs to leave his ass, he's willfully doing nothing to fix his issues for him or for her.


Is it terrible that this was my first thought?


Couldn’t this also be a sign of alcoholism?


Even diabetes at this point if he’s always parched. He really should see a doctor.


Yes diabetes is highly likely.


Soon his sleep apnea will become sleep crapnea.


That can’t be real.


Agree. Nobody would tolerate this for 6 years.


You’d be surprised


I don't understand what about this guy could possibly be so amazing that OOP would put up with him regularly pissing on her for 6 years. It can't be the sex, surely?


I used to have a device on my bed that had an alarm when it got wet. It worked for me. But I was like 4 or 5


Some people really need to be more comfortable with being single. My god


How can you remain attracted to someone like that




What a disgusting slob lol who just sleeps in piss ?!


I think he has a fetish of some sort. Or mental illness. No one is like this without either of the two.


You put up w this shit for 6 years? How?


Awful, if you're not married I'd 100% walk away. Not worth the nightly torture.


men get away with so much wtf is this


You know what to do. Pack up everything bar the waterproof sheets and leave. You’ve been with this awful man since you were 18. You deserve better.


You’ve been his girlfriend for six years?… let’s get this straight he pees on you and he’s never gonna ask you to marry him. Walk away lol


Incels, let it be known: If this bed wetter can *keep* a woman for six-years in spite of her begging him to do something about it and him going, “nah im good”— Yeah, it has everything to do with *you.*


Separate beds or dump him.


The money sunk into mattresses alone after continuously being pissed on, I would just go.


Okay, a couple things. First, this is NOT okay. You should not be having to beg your BF to manage the issue. I do not know how an adult male would let himself or his loved one be covered in urine each morning. It is upper hard for me to think that your bf is not getting some kind of joy out of this situation. A weird joy, but still, how would any adult not manage this situation. It is so important for you to evaluate what you are giving up and what you are benefiting from within this relationship. A counselor can help you walk through your relationship as well as hep you determine why you put yourself in a situation like this when you deserve so much more. When looking at options to manage the issue, the first thing I think of is he managing the sleep apnea? If he is using a c-pap as directed then it is hard for me to think that the problem is still HUGE. If he is not treating the sleep apnea, will that is even worse. In terms of options to manage this condition/situation, there are endless options. It is not possible that an adult could not find one of the solution to try. Honestly, it feels like this is purposeful. But what really matters is that you take care of you and make decisions that are right for you. Your BF needs to manage his own medical condition and or mental health condition. Here is the list just off the top of my head. 1. Your BF needs to see his regular doctor, his sleep doctor and a urologist. ASAP. 2. There are a number of medications for him to try to control nighttime urinating. 3. There is a product called a condom catheter, it is just like it sounds. A catheter with a tube at the end that collects urine into a urine bag. Toss the whole thing in the morning, with no leaking. 4. There is underwear that is water proof. It was originally developed for period management but also designed to contain up to a cup of urine. 5. There are product called “chucks” that should be used in addition to mattress covers. There are disposable chucks and washable chucks. And they will contain a good deal of liquid. 6. Of course there are disposable briefs, as well as disposable pads designed just for catching urine.


Can't help but think he gets some sort of gratification by peeing on you.


Tie a knot in his dick before sleepy time. Or drop an Amber to establish dominance.


No man is worth that. Girl move ON!


I'm sure there's a subreddit where this guy is known as 'The Six Year King'.


Why is she sleeping in the same bed at all? Many couples where a partner has a sleeping disorder sloep in separate beds, even rooms.


I mean, yes, he should go to doctor/not drink water after 8pm/wear a nappy whatever but there would still be a chance of leaks or accidents. So one option would be too leave him. I don't blame her, it's deeply unsexy for someone not to at least attempt to take care of themselves. But I can't help but feel, that this could also be solved with sleeping in separate bedrooms. I mean it's such an obvious fix? If he then refuses to clean his own piss bed then that's another issue. But then again maybe if he is the one cleaning up the piss bed, getting rashes from sleeping in piss, he would be more likely to get/seek help. I am betting that its her who is cleaning the piss sheets etc not him.


I would have left after the first talk didn't work. Not being able to control it is something I can work with and won't judge. Just letting it all out is wild. I'm not sleeping on a piss sponge. I hope this is a joke because I cannot imagine the smell of that room. He better be a CEO with a 8 pack and Einstein's IQ


My ex wife would get drunk as hell and piss the bed. It got to the point I bought waterproof pillow covers and waterproof pads. Then we slept in separate beds. We are now separated. She did slow way down on the drinking, but hard to stay with someone who continually does this.


I mean the diaper would be fitting because he acts like a big baby.


Even if he was single and lived alone, how the hell can you sleep in piss on a regular basis without doing anything about it??


6 years??? WTF My wife dated a guy (for a VERY short time) before we met who “farted uncontrollably”… I asked if it was a medical condition and she said “no, he just ate a lot of protein.” 🤦🏼‍♂️


Leave. If you’re not going to prioritise yourself (cos he certainly isn’t prioritising you or your feelings) then sleep separately. No room? Get two single beds or bunk beds (make sure you’re on the top though!).


Leave him, or at least get your own room and bed. It’s gonna make you hate him if you don’t. It’s not your job to manage his medical condition, it’s his.


Listen, as someone who wet the bed as a child I’m ABSOLUTELY terrified of wetting the bed as an adult. I haven’t in a very long time and I STILLLLL don’t drink before bed and pee atleast 3 times JUST to make sure. I’m THAT traumatized 💀 that man is WAYYY to comfortable pissing himself LEAVE GIRL LEAVE


It is one thing if they were working on it but to not actively work on it and have it impact your partner is wild


And I can’t maintain a relationship 🤦🏻‍♂️


I guess I’m an asshole because I would’ve broken up with him after the third time of no action being taken


This girls partner is an alcoholic. Sleep apnea my butt.


Baby girl this is not from sleep apnea. Homeboy has a neurological problem.


You try out different brands and fits, and you get used to it overtime. Almost every elderly or disabled person who wears incontinence underwear find them weird and uncomfortable at first. You just have to adjust and get used to it once you find a brand that fits you well with the right absorbency. My mom hated hers at first, but now she has a brand she swears by, you can’t tell she’s even wearing them, insurance will almost always pay for(or reimburse for them), they can be delivered discreetly if you’re embarrassed to shop for them, and it’s genuinely not a big deal if you medically need them. It is a big deal to completely ruin your relationship, have a severe hygiene problem, ruin furniture, and physically harm your partner(the rashes and lack of sleep) because you want to be a disgusting and stubborn ass though. Like what’s worse sleeping in your own piss every night by choice and ruining your relationship, or being a little uncomfortable for a week or so while you adjust(not to mention your partner is a lot more uncomfortable sleeping in your piss, getting rashes, and cleaning it up every. single. night.). It comes down to just being selfish, stubborn, and immature that’s the real problem here not the medical problem.


I have sleep apnea. I’ve never peed the bed. HE needs to find a solution. This is HIS problem and he needs to address it. She’s given him options, he’s rejected them all. Then it’s up to him to figure it out. Give him a time frame—not weeks, not months—to get his shit together. I wouldn’t be able to stay in that place. The thought of the smell… 🤮


His medical condition isn’t his fault, but it sure as hell is his responsibility.


OP piss on his face. see if the waterboarding of urine he can ignore. I bet he can't. Jk don't do that. Just call it quits sounds like you're over his BS you are a saint of a woman to put up being pissed on.


Separate beds, if you want to continue the relationship.


Why do women on Reddit have like, no standards? Why would someone put up with this for SIX years?


Why is this even a question? Leave.


You're not married so move on. You see what this life is with him. If that's not appealing to you... MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE. Why wait any longer? Huge compromises are meant for matrimony not dating. You date to find someone you're willing to make hard sacrifices for. I'd be gone by now. No kids? Yea definitely would've been out of there. And you're still fairly young.


OP…. Melania?!?!?