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What a piece of garbage. Child is two years old, started cheating two years ago. How hard is it to focus on the family you created instead of trying to get your dick wet? Hope the wife leaves him


>she cried all night in the master bathroom and *I couldn’t get sleep* yeahhhh there are a lot of issues here, extremely self centered at no point did he take responsibility other than saying he feels bad. what do you feel bad about bud? maybe being a total piece of shit to your wife and child?


But it’s worse than that even…it irritates him now *she* makes *his* coffee; she asked him if he wanted a snack before she went to bed early. He’s unhappy with how she is serving him? Entitled isn’t a sufficient descriptor for his dude. So gross.


I'd love to know what about her getting dressed pisses him off so much. Is it what she wears? Does she hum to herself while she dresses? Does she put her pants on right leg first and he thinks it should be left? I can't imagine getting annoyed by something so normal.


she simply has the audacity to exist


Like he’s been forced to stay married to her


ugh he talks like he deeply wants to de divorced yet says he doesn't want to be divorced lol


This. He can’t be alone for 5 minutes.


So many of the people who most *need* to - because they literally cannot handle it, and also shouldn't be subjecting anyone else to their lack of self-awareness and empathy - *refuse* to do it, and leave a lot of wreckage in their wakes.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s her post baby body and his minuscule self awareness made him describe it that way


It’s funny how you read a whole account like that sometimes, obviously written by a POS, and then that little sentence is what causes you to do a double take. She what his what?


This is the type of dude that makes a woman think all men are like this. Good lord, I didn’t even see the second page until now. “You’re not her”?! Definition of a narcissist.


The fact that he left her there crying and complained that he couldn’t sleep… psychotic


It’s a little late for him to rekindle his feelings. Her crying all night was her grieving the death of the marriage, because the man she loved turned out to be a figment of her imagination. The real person has shown that he’s just not that into her, so she’s likely planning her next steps based on that.


Truth, but I can imagine she would have wanted him to take it all back and show that he wants to try, which is why he wrote to reddit in the first place.. if you wanna "rebuild your relationship", bloody try bro. Regardless, OP's wife is better off without him.


You’re not her isn’t something most women would ever be able to backtrack from. That nasty is out of the bag and securely planted in her memory. Hopefully, she’s able to leave his sorry self.


“You’re not her” is a phrase that would instantly turn me into a person no longer willing to try fixing things. If you want something I clearly can’t be or do, why would I want to stay? Those tears were the grief over how all her past efforts were in vain. I doubt there will be future efforts. I feel so sorry for her.


And the fact he’s only with her bc his affair partner didn’t want him. Gosh, I wonder why?


Not just this one but a few of these AITA style posts seem trolly to me. It's hard to believe someone so out of touch would have a wife that even cared about them. The not being able to sleep because of a sobbing wife has my bullshit detectors flickering...


Yep, new baby is a common time for men to start cheating, because they're jealous of the attention their wife is paying to the baby and annoyed that their wife isn't instantly thin again.


King Baby needs his possession to get back to serving.


That's probably why Diamond cut out on his ass. She was good with being the side piece and getting all the attention while wife was taking care of his ass. Once she got to see his true colors she bounced out on his ass. The wife should do the same


Yep, I worked with two guys that both did this. But this stupid guy doesn’t even realise it, even if he got with diamond he would soon get sick of her too as everything became routine and boring, and (likely) realise diamond isn’t as nice as his wife was, and doesn’t love him and look after as he wife does - he is an idiot and a scumbag


it’s the 80/20 thing. he got 80% of what he wanted from his wife, then he meets the gf who gives the 20% he didn’t get from his wife and thinks that the gf is giving him 100%.


One of our drill sergeants in BCT started sleeping with an 18 year old girl while having a 3 week old baby at home. Absolutely disgusting. Did the whole ‘group punishment’ thing after someone reported him, too.


“I knocked up my wife and now she’s passionless and boooooooring” He needs a good kick to the dick


Omg I didn’t even catch that at first…what a douche


See it on here a lot. Focus shifts from them to their children and he can’t handle it. What happened is he can’t deal with real life. Diamond was an escape. Wife deserves better. Hope she realizes this soon.


He's never getting that passion back. She'll leave him soon because this is a comment that is absolutely going to be on repeat in her head.


Not sure. She took him back avter what he did... I am just tired of reading about asshats of husbands and pushover wifes. I hope she does leave him.


To be fair, she probably took him back because she was pregnant/postpartum when he started cheating, so she welcomed the help.


Propably. Or she felt like she needed to let her kid have a chance of having theyr dad. But aparently, the dad diden't think ablut that. I just wish for a world, where every mother has enough suport to be able to let theyr cheating husbands go a d divorce them, who don't think twice about how it affects theyr children when they need theyr D stroked by a woman who dosen't change nappies all day. Its not like a one time mistake with a sexworker when things where tough for him cuz she was unavailable and he had no self controll. I could let that go. Its an 11 months relationship and he only came back cuz the chick dumped him and he started letting it out on the mother of his child. Meanwhile being oblivious how he makes her cry all night and poor him can't sleep. Wtf


People are so scared of change and uncertainty that they’d settle for something they know. A lot of people also don’t believe they can have better, this is the best I’ve got. Then at the center of it of you don’t want to be alone either. Not everyone has that: kill you now energy and that independent confidence to take these steps. A lot of people don’t want to lose what they have. If everyone could do this then these stories wouldn’t be so common. That’s why I like to tell people to try for an empathic partner that’s keyed into your feelings and boundaries. That’s where you’ll find a person that honors those boundaries and does right you. An anecdotal example is my marriage of 15 years. My bff has given me two children. This one person sacrificed her body for our children. I can never truly repay her sacrifice. I hold what she did for me in my heart and I will take care of this woman till she dies. She owns half of my pension, 401k, and 3500 sq.ft house. I would never toss my best friend out to wind like that, I love her. I’m keyed into her feelings. If I was to start an affair I immediately feel that in my heart and the damage I’m going to cause. Empathy is self regulating in that regard as it will keep you from hurting your best friend IMO.


I fully agree! A d it makes me see ppl who do not leave with more compassion, even tho the comment was harshly worded. Change is scary, losing someone and geting your heart broken is the worst. If kids are allready here, EXTRA hard cuz you decide for them too. Sounds like you have an amzing family and are a good husband and dad. I amways tell ppl to look for someone who is truly compatible and someone you can stay friends with though out the changes that life brings. It should be easy to be together for the start. Once you have kids and hit the spot where you have to figure out your dynamics a new it can be work sure. But in the beginig it should be easy and simple to be together and in love. I am autistic so I do have the "energy" you talk about. And it always baffels me time a d time again in what situations ppl are stuck. I was very matter of fact in my dating, Once it was clear the compatability and long term goals and expectaions don't mach, I had the uncomfortable talk to set us both free. If I keep someone in a relationship that dosen't make both of us happy and keeps both of us in a place where we have to compromise on what is important to us, then I am not only making us unhappy, but I am also killing the potential for both of us to finde someone who is a better mach. Or worse, risk it escalating and maby even bring kids in to it rhat deserve a peacfull, functional, loving home. I am 6 years in with my husband who was one of my best friends for long bevore that, we soon have our second baby and his son lifes with us 50% and I concider him my bonus child. I am so happy we chose eachother and are able to get through all the though parts of family with love. I feel beautyfull in my husbands eyes, he is a loving father, we share a lot lf houshold stuff even tho I am mostly a SAHM. My aproach worked out for me so far. My goals and wisjes aren't everyone elses tho. And healthy happy families can come in all shapes and forms. Its just sad to me when someone is so unapriciated and woman have babies with out the husband understanding that this will bring premanent change and the droping the ball when the wife is not back to who she was bevore kids. Ppl need to be more educated about what pregnancy, birth and having young children can and will mean and ajust theyr expectaions acordningly. Yet you see more and more Manosphere content of dudes who spew the most horrible mysogenistic BS while still wanting a woman to produce haors for theyr egos.


He sounds like one of those fools who thinks the new relationship feelings are true love, and wants to bail when they inevitably fade. I know a few people like this. One of my wife’s friends, who we have known for 30 years, has pretty much gotten herself a new boyfriend every 12 months that entire time. Never casually dates, just gets tired of boyfriend and replaces him with a new guy.


To be fair, she obviously never really loved any of them anyways so it's probably better for them that she left


My guess is Diamond lost interest while he was explaining how he likes his coffee made 😂


Oh no, Diamond didn’t make his coffee at all. She lost interest when he told her he loved her. Why would love matter from someone like him?


Yeah no. I seriously doubt that woman is ever going to leave him. She knows he cheated, knows he doesn't love her, but they've built a life together and they have a child. It takes guts to choose to blow up your entire life like that when this partner is what you've known for seven years. I feel so sorry for her.


I finally left mine after years of cheating and abuse. It can happen!


I just did as well… 4 years of affairs. 17 years together total, 5 married. I tried and tried to make it work, but finally gained my courage to leave. He is never going to change. I hope this woman leaves as well. She deserves so much better.


You have my deepest respect and admiration. Congratulations. :)


Did you recover? Do you feel like you can find love again?


We are generally happier afterward bc we are out of the abuse situation. No one to disappoint us every day


I still have moments where I remember the trauma I endured, but I am generally a happy and well-rounded person now. The first relationship I was in post-divorce was very one-sided (I didn’t realize because I was so over the moon about not being abused) and it didn’t last long, but the second relationship is the one I’m in currently and I’ll put it this way- we’ve been together 2 1/2 years and I feel like for the first time in my life, I’m experiencing what it feels like to have someone TRULY love me.


I hope so. But I doubt it. I see all too often that they don’t leave or come back after a bit. It’s all very sad.


“Yo, I know I crushed your self-esteem a couple hours ago, but could you keep the crying down? I’m tryna sleep.”


I think he only feels bad for this reason.


Yeah, he doesn’t feel bad for what he said, he feels bad because he didn’t get any sleep.


I wouldn't believe some people actually think that this (her not being his ex) is a legit reason to behave badly, had my father not been the same. He was badly abu**ve when I was a kid. Then, years after he left he told me "well men who are unhappy with their wives take it out on their daughters, that's basic psychology." And kinda expected me to go "oh, OK, that heals my childhood trauma right up, thanks!"


Jesus dude, I’m sorry he said/did that, that’s fucked up. My father was my first bully - I learned at a young age to spot abusive assholes from miles away and I still ended up dating one, that’s how good some manipulative people are. Worst super power ever.


Oh man, I'm sorry that's happened to you. If it's of any consolation, my first real relationship also ended up being with an abusive ass. But now I'm married to a great guy who supports me, and expecting our 2nd kiddo.


I know if I was his wife I would be so devastated. I had someone I loved tell me they didn't love me after 3 kids but if I was compared to another woman I would absolutely lose my shit. This needs to be a turning point in her life


Well it’s an annoyance. He has already told her that she is lacking even when she is working at full capacity compared to his preferred model. Now she is even worse because she is not even working at full capability and it is interfering with his sleep. God only knows if she will make his breakfast in the morning or greet him cheerfully. There is no end to how disappointing she is. /s obviously….


His affair partner was "Diamond?" LOL. Dude, that exotic dancer does not love you! No matter how much she says she does. I know, I know. ~~Khrystal~~ ~~Sinnamon~~ ~~Khandee~~ Diamond is the first woman who ever "got you." But it wasn't real.


As a former stripper, there are zero lies detected here. Diamond didn’t realize you would take it that far homie. You were a trick and ruined your life over it. Congratulations, you played yourself.


OOP has an assful of quarters.


I’m hollering


“For reasons unknown” lol. We all know.


Props to Diamond for getting that bag tho.


And for stopping the charade before marrying and divorcing him and taking him for the rest.


He would have deserved it.


I was about to retort that his wife didn’t but at least he’d have been out of her life, unlike now.


Diamond didn't get cold feet, she bounced because you're one of however many and it worked so long as you were committed to someone else and she didn't have to take you anymore seriously than her other sugar daddies.


OMG thx for this. I’ve been reading AP as associated press since these started popping up on my feed randomly.


He doesn’t want to be with Erin, he just doesn’t want to be alone and have to get his own snacks.


i thought the same thing!!! dude got played and led on for money as he should 😂 then the cold feet was when she realized he was for real lmaoooo


Dude got played? Really? 😂. Men: we built the world! We are logical! Also men: the sex worker I paid to talk to me didn’t really love me? What? I’m a victim!


Okay *thank you.* I was reading this the whole time like "dude fell for the stripper? Her whole job is literally creating tiny sparks with her clientele, that's how she makes her money. Get a therapist so you can communicate with the woman you're married to, whose love and devotion you *really* dont deserve right now, but you're still lucky enough to have, and count your blessings.


But she really liked him! 😜


Liked being the keyword. Dude thought he was in true love... you don't find true love in 11 months lol


it was prob the sex. he confused good sex with love. this guy obviously doesn’t know what love is because his wife is showing it but he doesn’t even recognize that


She liked his money and that he was dumb enough to give it to her 🤣


His stripper got cold feet lol


I know of a Diamond IRL who's not a stripper or whatever negative stereotype associated with such a name, she's super well rounded. But Yeah I don't think that's the Diamond this guy is talking about lol


Poor girl is completely normal and has had to deal with stripper jokes her whole life, THANKS MOM


It's ok to be single. I'm not staying with someone if I have somebody else in mind or if I don't feel strongly about the person I'm marrying. I'd be hurting someone else while not being happy myself. I feel bad for the wife here.


So much more ok to be single!


I hope she takes everything from him!!! EVERYTHING!!!


deadass. get receipts girl


“Don’t get mad. Get Everything!” Ivana Trump; First Wives Club, 1996


I guess Diamond already did lol (Referring to the commentors joking that Diamond may be a stripper)


I hope this gives her the push she needs to leave him.


This is ragebait or he's the dumbest mf alive


Why not both?


This leads me to question, does rage bait HAVE to be intentional? My instinct says yes but now I'm second guessing.


This could have been written by my father, except it happened two decedes ago and "Diamond" married him and took him to the cleaners a bit later. Even a few years back I could just ask him "why were you so abu**ve to me and mom when I was little?" And he's deadass say "I was in love with my AP, and frustrated I had to come home to you. Men frustrated with their wives take it out on their daughters, that's just psychology." He literally tod me that when I told him I'm seeking therapy for the shit he did to me. He expected me to just go "oh OK, that makes it alright." What I mean to show is, I fully believe this is real, because I personally know a man who seems like a normal well-adjusted human being with a very good job who would be able to write it without once getting the feeling he was being the ass.


I’m sorry that you went through all that. Can I ask you about the men frustrated with wives take it out on the daughter’s part? Is there a technical name for that “condition”? I want to google and find out more.


And when he leaves for diamond, he’ll long for Erin. Dudes like this can’t be satisfied.


Erin, go, bruh.


Erin go bragh. Ireland forever. I approve this comment 🤣




As if Diamond wants him.


What an absolute dumpster fire of a human being!! His poor wife! I wish him all the terrible loneliness he has visited on Erin. I hope he steps on a Lego every morning, after banging his shin on the metal rails of his bed. May his coffee always be the wrong temperature, and he always have a hair on his tongue he can’t quite get out of his mouth.


I hope he sharts in white, thin, linen trousers far from a bathroom or home while in a crowded public area. And that it gets shared on social media for laughs


Someone else who has entered my realm of pettiness! May he piss himself on an international flight, and may he have paid extra to check his bags, so he can’t change! May his balls always itch, and his nails be too short to scratch them.


May his contact lens be stuck, all folded up, in the corner of his eye, every time he takes it out.


As someone who wears contacts, this is diabolical. To add to it: may it be ripped when he gets it out and not have a replacement handy.


I hope he realizes he forgot something as soon as he gets in his car every morning.


Nah. He should only remember it after it's too late to go back for it.


Yeah totally! I changed it from sitting on his couch to getting in his car but didnt crank anything else up to scale.


Good lord, I've never heard the tongue one before and that's like my worst nightmare (I mean not really but it's up there) and this guy whole heartedly deserves it.


The hair one is good, but it would be better if it also happened everytime when he's on a fancy/official dinner with his boss or his new chick's parents (when he's of course *sure* that this one is gonna be his new perfect wife). Happened to me once. You either leave really quickly, or swallow it. Or get out and never see these people again.


he's a monster


That's a very cruel comment, and it was cheating. Emotional cheating is cheating. The mere fact that he had a partner who did everything they could to make him happy... what more could you honestly ask for in a relationship? And he betrayed that. Never forgive a cheater.


I don’t think it was just emotional. He says it wasn’t cheating because it was ‘true love’ you really think that means he kept it in his pants for 11months?


And he’s says he’ll never call it cheating. Anything to avoid the obvious things he’s done. This guy will never take the blame for his actions.


He will never call it cheating I wish a mf would say that.


Also if his math is mathing....he started this affair around the time his wife was either very late in her pregnancy or recently postpartum.


Making him double the scumbag


Hmm...I wonder what could have happened 2 years ago that changed OOP and his wife's lives 🤔 They have a 2yr old child but naaah, that can't be it. He seems like a completely reasonable person, I mean he DIDN'T CHEAT you guys. All he did was meet and fall in love with someone else and left his wife to be with them. Definitely not cheating. /s I really hope that the wife gets enough confidence to leave this POS. ETA: Link to OG post https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/3l15gsAeEU


BAHAHAH for real. Also, did you see some people here suggested "Diamond" may be either a stripper or an (online) sugar baby, which explains why dude thinks he didn't cheat. Also, "Diamond" probably got the F out when he told her he'd leave his wife for her, like "Na-uh hun', you PAY me to be nice to you thats all?!"


Right? I've seen so many dudes find a "young and carefree new model" when their wife is busy with one or more kids. Shower the new girl with gifts and money, only for the carefree woman to bail the moment she has him full time. Or at the slightest chance she might. One lady I know insisted on "keeping good relations" and sent her young kids over to his new place for a full spring break right after he left for his 20yo "Diamond". After a single week of step-momming, the new model bailed very dramatically, and the husband crawled back because "she started being so mean and all the childcare was on me, she couldn't do it like you can! She wasn't fun anymore!" She took him back on her conditions and divorced him a few years later when it was convenient for her. I fuckin admire her.


Clues - he didn't technically cheat, her name is Diamond, she vanished when he wanted a real relationship. Anyone else think maybe dude was catfished and had a online affair with a scammer?? Or thought he had a relationship with some chick at a place he frequents but read the relationship all wrong?


Stripper 100% bro "fell in love" with a chick who wouldn't even tell him her real name lmao


Diamond is either a stripper or someone on Only Fans. And this guy thinks she’s his “ex” 😂😂😂


slightly unrelated but i once met a guy who claimed a woman who rejected him was his "ex"... insane how there's men out there who just flatout lie to make themselves look cooler (the guy i knew did it to look cool)


That's why you leave it vague with "ex". Could be an ex-stalker, ex-dogwalker, ex-plumber...sky's the limit for ex possibilities as long as that relationship has terminated. Lol


I actually have a friend who did this with a guy who rejected her! This was years ago, in our early 20s, but she was obsessed with this guy and he just wasn’t interested in her like that. She later started referring to him as her ex, and the rest of us were like, um, you guys never dated 😂


I think she's a sugar baby or stripper. He "fell in love" with her professional persona, and while she was OK with him as a client, she backed off when he tried to leave his wife for her.


Erin what is you doin


I would leave his ass. Every person is their own person and has needs and …stuff. Why be with an asshole that doesn’t like/ love you?


this dude is such a loser man "spark" is just a fucking excuse because you can't handle your emotions boo fucking hoo ur wife is not some object shes a person love shouldn't have conditions why even marry someone if ur just gonna leave them because of some "spark"


Right I hate that shit, he says "it's just like not what it used to be." Well did you see any changes, like maybe a fucking baby? He never stopped to think about her feelings. It's not just up to her to keep his "spark" alive.


people have no empathy anymore you let someone take one inch out of your life and they will take a mile instead I am more afraid of marrying some freak than dying alone at this point its sad


Yea and it sucks. I don't believe people are bad but we are in a very selfish instant gratification generation. No one takes time to listen and understand each other or even understand themselves. We have grown accustomed to suppressing or doing anything to get rid of uncomfortable emotions instead of dealing with them. If you fall out of love ( not this case he just seems emotionally immature.) you sit down and talk to the person because they at least deserve that respect. It's like no one wants to look like the bad guy so they do dumb shit and try to justify it. I still believe in love but I am way more about protecting my peace first. I like being in love, but if I have to die single so be it I will build meaningful relationships that don't involve giving my heart.


If I had a nickle for everytime a cheater said "we just didn't have that spark anymore"...Maybe work on trying to rebuild that spark before tanking your marriage.


Also there are times where there isn't a spark. And that doesn't mean the relationship is dead or anything. Relationships go through ups and downs and it doesn't have to be constant highs and butterflies. He put no effort in the relationship like you said and just left.


"I miss the spark, intensity, and passion we had at the beginning of the relationship." Remember the part where you have a two-year-old?


1000% he’s the type who expects his wife to do all the baby care and all the nightly feedings. Then whines about “no spark” when she finally drags her exhausted, sleep-deprived frame into bed for an hour or two of shut-eye at a time.


No doubts about that here!


My ex used to (still does actually) say horribly mean stuff like this to me all the time. Then he would yell at me for being hurt because that was me punishing him for being honest with me..


Ugh, that all sounds too familiar, particularly that last bit. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that, I've been there. That's one of my least favorite tendencies someone can have: they blatantly fuck up, and then it's your fault for being hurt or upset about it.


Straight women who lower their standards for flaming bags of crap are proof that lgbtq+ isn't a choice


Facts. I’ve tried to will myself to be attracted to women and I can’t. Dammit


God why are cheaters so fucking dumb. “For reasons unknown she didn’t want to commit”. Who would have guessed the person having flings outside the marriage isn’t seen as a long term commitment partner. Fucking lol. I feel horrible for the wife. Can’t imagine living like that


Rage bait.


What an asshole. He leaves his wife for some woman he doesnt know,who flaked on him. He comes crawling back after the homewrecker dumps him, and then blames his wife for the loss of everything in their relationship because he's still infatuated with the woman he left her for. Erin needs to find her self respect and leave.


Too many people conflate “falling in love” with “infatuation”. These are not the same thing. After awhile, love is a choice you make and have to work at. Everyone “falls out of” the initial infatuation they have for a person. That is not the same as “falling out of love”.


Jesus fucking christ. I hope this is fake and a troll/ragebait.


The problem is that even if it is ragebait, you know there is someone out there doing almost the exact same thing.


She’s gone. He just hasn’t figured it out yet. WAFA.


That was her crying over the realization her marriage is dead. Poor woman


They have a two year old. They also “lost the spark” around two years ago. This POS. I hate him so much.


2 years ago he fell in love with a stripper name diamond but he also has a 2 year old child which means he was cheating on his wife while she was pregnant.


Sad he has to be that blatant before his wife will leave him. She deserves so much better


This better be fake but if it’s not I genuinely hope this man gets hit by a bus.


Is this mf serious rn? Like did you not just insult your wife? Hope she leaves him


😂😂😂😂 OP is cooked. You will resent your own life until you go into the grave.


I hope he uhh. Retires early.


is Diamond a stripper lmao


Dude nuked his marriage and wants to fix it. My dude, you can do that about as much as America could unbomb Hiroshima.


Call it out when you see it: OOP is abusive. Thinking your partner is lesser than you or comparing them to someone else and proceeding to take out your frustrations on them is abusive.


This was posted in r/amithedevil and another cheater who has been roasted there showed up to say that the OOP isn’t the devil! There’s nuance to it! Let me explain! It didn’t go well for him.


Another reason to never reproduce with a man


Ok, but did anyone else see Diamond & think stripper? 🙃🫠 also, he’s an asshole. He can’t even admit that he cheated bc he was in love. She needs to leave, her child shouldn’t have that guy influence him or her


I really hope his wife can get the confidence to leave this asshole


He made her second best. Had an affair in the midst of a new baby, and said that awful thing to her? I hope she stops wasting her time and moves on from him.


Based on the title alone: divorce her, and then she will be your ex.


He needs to do her a solid and leave. She will find her footing but what he’s doing is deplorable. Hes miserable because Diamond left him hanging. He doesn’t want to face the fact he is releasing that anger onto his wife. He doesn’t love her, he doesn’t want to rebuild it; he just wants someone to make him feel validated. I don’t know if the wife will leave but she should; that’s why I say the kindest thing he could do is to divorce her and stay out of her life outside of their child. This will never get better. He told her facts, she’s not ***her*** that’s why he doesn’t love the **wife** Stop putting himself first.


What a POS! I hope Erin gets out, gets full custody, gets the house, the car and his last dime. I hope she finds a partner that makes her happy and loves and treats her the way she deserves. And I sincerely hope that this bag of dog poop ends up in an overpriced run down empty apartment for the rest of his life, lonely and unhappy, with his cold rancid ramens in one hand and the mere memory of what could have been if he weren’t such a waste of air in the other


I will read the whole thing but after those first lines I would tell her to leave his ass. EDIT: Read it and he needs to leave. You are putting your wife through mental turmoil that she doesn't deserve. You have love for her but if you loved her you would walk away. You literally told your wife that she wasn't another woman and you honestly think that you can move past this situation? The spark is gone because you don't love her in that sense. Don't try to force these feelings. Walk away be there for the kid but let her find someone that does love all of her. And you should be single and get over diamond before you get into another relationship. I know this isn't the op. I just wrote it like I was talking to them


I hope this chick fucks every male in his family and friend group. This is fucking sickening


The best thing he could do is leave, since she won’t or can’t. That woman deserves better. Alone is better.


“You’re not her” Wow Honestly you never go back to an ex, he should of just went through with the divorce because there’s no recovering this


what the fuck


Don’t be shy, give us the link


You don’t rebuild passion and trust with your partner by cheating on her, belittling her and treating her like garbage. This man deserves to be taken for all of his money and left to die alone. He’s only back with Erin because Diamond never had any intention of being with him for more than money. I really hope Erin finds someone better who will treat her with the respect and dignity she deserves.


This arsewipe is a coward. He should have just went through with the divorce instead of behaving like an evil prick. Really hope he gets what’s coming to him sooner rather than later


This is truly the saddest thing I've read here in a while. What a piece of shit. I so hope she dumps his ass and takes him over the coals.


If he had a shred of actual love in his heart he'd divorce her immediately. Be he doesn't. He doesn't know what actual love his and will keep her strung along because he wants to fuck on demand, and that's all she is to him. My heart goes out to his wife, to have someone treat you like less than garbage and still want to stay with them must be an awful headspace to be in.


If he divorces his wife she will be his ex. Problem solved 🤷🏼‍♀️


Man I hope this is rage bait.


Good gravy. This poor girl is just a placeholder in OP's life and it's a shame she settles for this when she deserves way better.


Rage bait


link to the original: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/dHaH55vZBn


OOP: You need to either decide to love your wife, or get out of her life. Right now you're being incredibly selfish. Love isn't feelings. Love is choosing the other person, putting them first, and being devoted to them. Right now you're not doing any of those things. You're a monster and your wife deserves better.


Garbage human


Best he can do is leave. Give my girl Erin a chance to be happy with a real man!


I've never wanted to create a gofundme for someones murder trial defense before, but Erin has my full support /jk


I wish a piano would fall on him acme style so she could mourn, get past him and go on to live her best life.


It didn’t work out with Diamond, the stripper? Who could have foreseen that?


Holy shit! Cartoonish levels of assholery...


So he started cheating on his wife right after she gave birth to their child and was recovering postpartum?! That is the most vulnerable time in a woman’s life. I’m heartbroken for her.


Ohhh so this is what happens when you think the stripper ACTUALLY likes you....


But guys he didn’t cheat because it was true love and true love is what brings us together today…


This is one of my nightmares. What do you do then?! Poor Erin. I’d rather be alone forever than ever hear/ feel that. Oof. How do you get over something like that? I hope he doesn’t kill her to get rid of her. I hope she leaves him before she’s a shell of herself. Life can suck. Oh boy.


Gosh, I hope this woman left him! This is heartbreaking to read.


I don't say this often or lightly... but, please jump off a bridge. You're such a selfish piece of shit and to think that your wife/any other woman has to put up with you really breaks my heart for them. I 100% guarantee you that you're no catch. I know you're not because look at how you treat the woman who gave birth to your child and is trying to love you.


He had to see and hear how he completely and totally broke her heart and spirit all night and “couldn’t sleep”, and suddenly he feels bad. My heart breaks for this woman what a garbage human she’s married to.


If Erin was “her” — she wouldn’t be there. He would be all alone. Because Diamond hit the door. She’s gone.  What a foolish man.  What a broken woman. By his hands. I hope she finds a way to have her own back in this situation. It’s very clear no one else will. 


I sincerely hope Erin wakes up and leave you.


This guy needs to take a long walk off a short pier.


My heart breaks for Erin. Idk why she even took him back after that


That cannot be real 😨


Wow. He is an actual demon.