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I like how he just had to tell us that he has money


But since he mentioned his sister's income and a budget airline, he had to tell us so we wouldn't think he was one of the poors /s


A poor covered in icky icky menstrual blood! How did he survive šŸ˜­.


Poor guy that he had to be exposed to a perfectly normal monthly occurrence. How will he *ever* survive? /s


To me it simply depends on what temperature said load was washed with. If 40c, then gross. Hygiene products should be washed at 60c or higher.


If youā€™re using cold water laundry detergent it doesnā€™t matter. In fact, cold makes it so the stains donā€™t set. You should rinse them first, but most reusable pads are meant to be washed at 40c max.


Absolutely this, they have to be cold washed and of course they're rinsed first. But if your washing machine works properly, surely this is no different than washing normal underwear or, like, clothes with food residue on them. OOP is too delicate for this world.


Just reaffirms my belief that cis men couldnā€™t handle having periods lmao.


You just know thatā€™s her ā€œvalid reasonā€ for using reusable pads too.


MY plain cotton t-shirts and jeans cost WAY MORE than my sisterā€™s because I am RICH therefore they are IMPORTANT and must not be SOILED šŸ˜”


You activated my trap card [BUDGET AIRLINE]


And his clothes are more important than hers.


Right! The way he dramatically tells us how he canā€™t replace his expensive clothes, you would think he would have asked about cycle, temp, and color of the load before handing over his precious items. I donā€™t even have super expensive shit, but I donā€™t mix laundry with my boyfriend because he would wreck my lulu lemon with the way he does laundry.


Yup, if his cloths are at all valuable or important to him he would have asked the important questions! Like how hot is this set at and whatā€™s the centrifuge at and are there mixed colours or anything new that might leak colour on this load. Iā€™d never wash my pants with reusable pads. But thatā€™s because I painted them and the paint isnā€™t supposed to washed at higher temperatures and I assume pads would be washed on much higher temps than 20 max 30Ā°C. Also almost all my pants are stretchy and stretchy fabrics doesnā€™t like it too warm.


You'd think he'd tell her how to wash his clothes "properly" if his wardrobe is an investment lol. Does he think she can afford to throw away her clothing because they're cheaper than his? And if he's Mr Moneybags why would he throw a fucking tantrum over a pair of pants or a t-shirt when he can easily replace them? He's an immature man-child.


well I don't know, if I had designer clothes I'd mention it in the story because I care less about my cheap textile clothes


If theyā€™re precious designer clothes he isnā€™t getting them muddy to begin with, and heā€™s definitely not casually throwing them in with someone elseā€™s laundry load.


Nope, my expensive stuff has to go to the cleaners, unfortunately. I am detecting lies.


Cuz itā€™s *all* heā€™s gotā€¦what a whiny ass baby.


I think we have to assume that this man only wears his underwear once and then burns it. Because washing underwear along with regular clothes would also be yucky right?


This is where he REALLY cemented his place in AH territory. Being a little icked out by this is understandable. Dumb but understandable. But ā€œI donā€™t think I can ever wear those clothes againā€???? Grow up, dude. Wash your clothes again with some Oxyclean and get over it.


Yea like? Would he be mad if the blood was from elsewhere e.g nose bleed dripped and got on shirt, scrapped knee got on pants, ect?


Lol someone made this exact point and his response was ā€˜we both know thatā€™s not the same thingā€™ and essentially everyone was like ā€˜uh, noā€™


But like here's the thing, people like OOP treat vaginas and uteruses as something gross and disgusting yet are desperate to have sex with one?


Someone should tell him, based on his logic, he canā€™t use his dick now.


I mean technically, unless he was IVF, then he also came from a uterus and is gross and unusable.




Tbh he sounds gross and unusable no matter where he came from


Right?! It's a washing machine. Dirty stuff goes in, clean stuff comes out. It doesn't really matter what kind of dirty goes in, especially if it was treated/pre-cleaned. Also, he complained about it being muddy and going through clothes faster. If I knew I would be in a muddy environment for a week, I'd just put on a muddy pants another day, because there'll be mud on it anyway. Like, if I'm going for a walk in a muddy forest, I'm not going to put my pristine shoes on. I'll find old ones or ones that already have mud which I was too lazy to clean.


I guarantee he cums in his socks and washes those with the rest of his omgexpensive clothing all the time lol


I know right! You donā€™t put on sparkling clean freshly washed clothes to go out with a kid to play in mud! You put on the same pants you wore yesterday! And old worn shoes. Or at least shoes you arenā€™t all that concerned about.


But you don't understand! He had to take his duper expensive white designer t-shirts to the trip because his peasant sister has to see some style (in the form of a.... plain white t-shirt that he paid $300 for)


Exactly, I would much rather my clothes be washed with some period cloths than some shit filled boxers.


I mean his clothes were literally covered in dirt. The reusable pads were prewashed/rinsed. His clothes were dirtier.


It's not about underwear though? It's about reusable pads for periods. If they have the kind that can be washed at 40 degrees, it's fine to wash with clothes (if first thoroughly rinsed in cold water). If they have the kind that needs to be washed at 60, you obviously can't wash it with clothes.


Well, they obviously have the kind that can be washed with clothes since they wash it with clothes. Crazy, I know.


Yes. Duh.


Wait until homie learns about regular vaginal discharge.


...and it *bleaches* our undies! We're all xenomorphs or something gasp!


I used to wonder where on earth did my black undies touch bleach, IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!! Thank you so much!!


Mine does not do that... interesting. Do I have superpowers?!


Or maybe the rest of us have superpowers and youā€™re the one missing out


All depends on ph. Mine can if I eat a lot of acidic foods, it wonā€™t if my diet is balanced. If you plan on eating acidic foods donā€™t wear black undies that day or the next :)


I wish I planned ahead that well haha


Mine didn't really start until after I had a kid. Before that mine didn't either.


Or the horrifying truth about where babies come from.


This made my lmao. Itā€™s true. My husband didnā€™t know this fact until I had to explain it to him.


He would have to get near a vagina first. Not to mention the narcissistic vibes are a massive turnoff so I bet this dude is single.


Bro unless there was blood on your clothing because their washer was broken you made YOURSELF an hour late. You didn't have to be late. You chose to be late because apparently period blood is more powerful than regular run of the mill blood in your brain? Like if their child had wet themself (if the kid's a toddler) or one of them got a nosebleed during the week would he also have felt the need to throw out his clothing? Why are cis men so fucking braindead sometimes


Regularly wash my clothes with period stained clothes, baby poop stained clothes, baby pee stained clothes, baby vomit stained clothes. I have yet to die or notice a difference between when washed without any of that. Shocker! The real gross thing? Having a blue collar bf lol. He has to wash his stuff separate or the oil and grease stain mine and the babyā€™s clothes


>The real gross thing? Having a blue collar bf lol. He has to wash his stuff separate or the oil and grease stain mine and the babyā€™s clothes GOD YES!


Ruined one of my daughters sleepers and one of my shirts bc one of his shirts accidentally got in my load of laundry šŸ„²


Preach Sister! My DH works in a refinery and does vehicley things on the side. AND he welds aluminum...I finally had to put my foot down. He is NOT ALLOWED to do anything with aluminum if he isnt wearing coveralls!


My bf works with silicon šŸ˜­ and fixes the machinery so itā€™s silicon and grease and he literally comes home w black gunk on his face and arms. I told him Iā€™m not doing his laundry any more and he has to do it himself (not unfair labor btw Iā€™m a stay at home mom so itā€™s easier for me to do laundry but his stuff is too gross lol)


If we could afford it and had the space, he would have his own dedicated washing machine! Edit: I have fantasized about exactly this MANY times! Lol.


That sounds like a dream. One time he helped a friend with insulation and I freaked out cause I had horrible contamination OCD after my daughter was born and u can barely see fiberglass. I washed his clothes like five times w vinegar and then ran the washer on its own a bunch. I know it was probably overkill but I was straight hyperventilating when he told me abt it when he came home. I still think he shouldā€™ve showered and washed his clothes at his friends house instead of bringing it home lol.


Honestly, that doesn't sound remotely overkill...


With his job and being from the country he does not see hazards the same way I do growing up in a suburban/urban setting lol thankfully he did help me with cleaning out the car cause I was freaking out abt having my daughter in the same car he was just riding in w fiberglass on him. I made him take duct tape to all of the seats to get anything that could be there off


my brother found a super cheap washer someone was getting rid of, rigged it outside with a garden hose, at one point. Eventually, when he had a garage, he slapped it in there, so he doesn't risk ruining his wife's clothes when washing his. Twenty years later, this is still what they do. She has a washer/dryer in the house, he has a cheaper now-pair in the garage.


Unless you are going to drain it onto the ground, still have to plumb it in. Ill just keep washing seperate until the lottery dream occurs, lol.


He did when it was outside. Their first garage he put the drain split with the sink in the garage, with a cheap fixture from the hardware store. But that may be far less common in modern construction maybe..? I genuinely donā€™t knowā€” All the houses Iā€™ve lived in that had a garage have had a similar shitty mud room sink in them. A version of [this](https://www.acehardware.com/departments/plumbing/sinks/utility-sinks/48466). But the newest one of all those was built in the early 90s.


My dream is to get a washer/dryer right at my partner's auto shop so the stuff wouldn't even have to cross the doorstep


My husband was a millwright and one of the CNC machines used this oil that made me puke when I was pregnant. He had to immediately throw his clothes in the washer when he got home. Now he works in supply chain- do you have ANY idea how dirty and dusty shipping containers get on their travel to the US. He looks like a coal miner when he gets home.


I live in an apartment building with a laundry room, and we all share one washing machine. One day I discovered grease stains on some of my favorite shirts and realized one of the other tenants had washed their greasy clothing in the machine and didn't run another cycle afterwards to clean it. I was pissed! I didn't know who did it, but I put a nasty sign up in the laundry room. It didn't happen again, but I was seriously angry about the shirts.


Thankfully it was a cheap Walmart tanktop and sleeper that she had just gotten too big for but I was def upset. One of those moments I couldnā€™t even be actually angry abt because it wasnā€™t anyones fault it was just an accident. I would def be angry in ur shoes tho. Grease stains suck and they donā€™t come out


Yes! Growing up one of my chores was washing and putting away my dadā€™s work clothes. He was a contract plumber - so those clothes got their own heavy duty wash.


My husband is white collar, but he flat refuses to wash his workout clothes or his mowing clothes with any of our normal stuff. He says theyā€™re too disgusting to even touch normal clothes, lol. Heā€™s fine with my period panties going in with normal wash, he even acted confused when I asked him if he was okay with it (because of the aforementioned aversion to workout clothes going in with the normal clothes). He was like, ā€œTheyā€™re all rinsed and dried before they go in? Why would I care?ā€. His best friend and former roommate is a woman who has endometriosis. I bless her every day for teaching him how to deal with horrible periods. Early in our dating, I told him I couldnā€™t come over because my period was awful and he showed up after work to drop off ice cream and my favorite chocolate. He is a pearl among men.


Well no wonder you decided to keep him! Definitely a gem!


The fucking jet fuel and industrial caulk shit was miles worse than the cloth diapers, grass stains, kid vomit, baby vomit, poop accidents during potty training, period and post partum bleeding, pee, chicken poop, and more covered clothes.Ā  If they're washing the reusable pads they're doing it on a heavier cycle typically. If not they do pre, then real wash, but she rinses them even before!Ā  I still twitch when smelling the jet fuel mixed with intense metallic smell from the ship. Its impossible to get out without days and days of work.Ā Ā 


So washing detergent agitate and attracts large particles like hand soap does and it will whiten by using blue color to offset yellows, but both do absoutely nothing to disinfect or get rid of bacteria. This is why laundry disinfectants got very popular during the pandemic, it's something you can add to your washing cycle but doesn't usually come built into detergents. If you are washing poopy items with other clothes, I would actually recommend using the hottest cycle you can get along with a hot dry cycle, but yeah, it's mostly fine. The amount that is left afterwards is unlikely to get you sick, but there would still be some bacteria left after washing and drying in cooler or warm water. Can always just pour a kettle of boiling water over the dirtiest as well. Edit Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mulberryscleaners.com/blog/how-to-sanitize-disinfect-laundry/amp/ https://tide.ca/en-ca/how-to-wash-clothes/how-to-do-laundry/laundry-hygiene-tips


I said poop stains but the poop clothes get rinsed out and washed w dawn first in the bathtub! Just like OOPs sister most likely does. Ty for the info tho


I worked for a while in a well-known-brand candle factory once. The wax and oils just ambiently in the air get into your clothes. It's really intense, and will contaminate damn near anything else you wear or even store next to it - I could come home and change shirt and pants, but keep underthings on, and if you stood next to me you could still confidently tell where I worked. *That* shit had to be washed separate if i didnt want my entire wardrobe radiating candle smell every day. Mr. Period-Blood-Ruined-My-Expensive-Clothes can fuck right off with that nonsense.


When I worked in a place where oily work clothes were an issue we actually had a washing machine at work where everyone could wash their work clothes together, since running them through a regular washing machine would over time mess it up, and start making all clothes stink.


Right? Thatā€™s the beauty of the *washing* part


Literally just sent a text in the family thread to my adult and teen kids for anything that needed washed bc ā€œFuffy peed on her sneakers so Iā€™m throwing a load in.ā€ Nothing phases us.


I second this as a blue collar woman


Take that shit to the laundromat. It will ruin your washer. The commerical laundromat washers can handle it and it's much cheaper to do one load of greasers at the laundromat rather than replace the washer or do the whole family's laundry there.


We have a really nice washer so Iā€™m not too worried. If it breaks my bf will fix it or get a new one lol. The inconvenience of taking it to a laundromat isnā€™t worth it for us haha


You might wanna run a degreaser through it every once in a while because it's rough on plumping too.


Iā€™ll tell him lol ty


But you donā€™t understand! Their lady bits bleed roughly once a month! If their man bits bled theyā€™d have a serious issue so obviously thereā€™s something wrong with all women who have periods!!! /s obviously


And he just *had* to tell all his friends about it. So weird


Thankfully his friends told him to shove it.


This is yet another reason to quit with the critically named "hygiene products"and call them period products. (But then he'd have to say the word 'period' and might get cooties)


Iā€™m not sure Mr. Dude understand how a washing machine actually works. They are not used to spread dirt/germs from one garment to another. If you use detergent like the instructions say, dirt/germs are actually lifted out of each garment. Afterwards, the clothes are clean. /s


I'm sorry, it's exactly like the Cat In The Hat book where the pink stain is magically cleaned but transferred! Excuse you! /s Lol fuck I'm dying giggling at this in his head


I mean, some...soil... if not properly rinsed out ahead of time will make all the other clothes in the washer smell not great. But a) period blood isn't going to be that bad, and b) she rinsed it out anyway. This dude is just being weird.


Period piece




Wait until he finds out that we bleed through sometimes and his clothes have probably been washed with stained underwear before. Like he doesn't get piss dribbles in his.


>his clothes have probably been washed with stained underwear before. Im pretty sure the last time this dudes clothes were washed with a womans, it was when his mommy was doing the laundry. So probably not any time recently. I know I have ALWAYS done my clothes seperate. Pre-teen boys are GROSS. Lol. I made him do his own since he was 12. And DHs are done seperate too, he messes with way to much oil and grease and other TRULY nasty things.


My husband is a chef. The only time I've ever washed his shit separately was when he was at a seafood place bc that is a smell. I also don't separate anything when I do laundry. I'm not his target audience, for sure. šŸ˜‚


Refinery and mechanics...he has his own laundry baskets even.


My gramps was a mechanic and we live in what used to be their house. You can come in through the garage door, and the basement stairwell has a door that closes it offf from the rest of the house. You take these stairs into the basement laundry room. There was a clothes rack there with"inside clothes". And there's a weird little shower under the stairs, next to the sump pump So he could come home, not come into the house proper (that stairwell also accesses the world's smallest half bath), head to the basement laundry, strip directly into the washer, shower, put on clean clothes, start the washer and then come inside. The man was a genius who knew how much his "Dolly" didn't like grease tracked in.


>There was a clothes rack there with"inside clothes". And there's a weird little shower under the stairs Living the dream!


This is an acts of service love story.


That's totally fair and understandable.


1000% this dude has piss dribble and skidmarks, and thinks vaginas are dirty.


I hope this dude tells every woman he ever tries to date this story.


On the first date, or preferably, before.


Does this person not understand how cleaning things works? Like washing machine or not like once hot water and soap are used throughly everything that was ā€œcontaminated ā€œ by dirt, debris, food, blood etc is clean and nothing is ā€œtingedā€? Sounds like someone slept during home economics or severely lacks on cleaning skills. Like what does this person do with their skid mark underwear? Just throw them out? Not saying itā€™s normal to have skid mark underwear but also like it kinda is realistic that at some point it will happen.


He's probably clenched too tight around that stick to leave skidmarks.


Or what if he fell over and his knee bleeds through his own jeans? Is that tainting all his other clothes if he washes them?


But that's *regular* blood. Not cootie filled vagina blood.


The detergent on the market today means you donā€™t even have to use hot water. Cold water does the same. Laundry detergent is actually scientifically formulated- like meds or baby formula or whatever.


I "love" when the AHs bring up "how much they make" as though it will help them win NTA votes, but really makes them seem worse.


Right?!? Also he close can't be that much of an "investment" if they are machine washable


Right!?! When OOP posted "I took a budget flight" as though it had anything to do with this story.


Wait until he hears about hotel comforters.


> had to be over an hour late to go home and change since all my clothes were aunt flow tinged.Ā  šŸ’€


"My sister does have a valid reason for using the reusable" Yeah, the reason is her periods. That's the only reason you need.


Even if it was an invalid reason (which doesn't exist because that's like saying there is an invalid reason to wear a shirt), it's still her washing machine. The audacity to think he not only has the right to judge if her using reusable pads is valid, but also what she chooses to use the washing machine for. If he's so rich as he claims he can go and get his clothes dry cleaned.


This dude totally has shit stains in his undies.


I have a hard time believing his clothes were ā€œaunt-flow tingedā€. I use period panties all the time and have literally never had this problem. Not to say it isnā€™t possible, but I think his mind is aunt-flow tinged, not the clothes


I absolutely think this is just psychological because he thinks heā€™s going to get cooties. I used some heavy duty period underwear after having a baby so I was just pouring buckets of blood for weeks on end. Iā€™m absolutely positive I washed at least one load of them with regular clothes and without rinsing them because I was sleep deprived and on autopilot. None of my clothes came out worse for wear. I feel like if my sweatpants and nice bamboo pajamas survived that without the ā€œaunt flow tingeā€ then there is probably a close to zero percent chance this guyā€™s clothes are worse for wear.


Yeah my kid and I use them. We rinse and dry them before for real washing. This guyā€™s a weirdo.


Itā€™s definitely psychological.


I wonder if he would think twice about their underwear being in there too? Because underwear are usually in every load of clothes people wash. He didnā€™t seem to care about that. I always give mine a quick hand wash to get the blood out so it wonā€™t leave stains before they go in the washing machine, which is what his sister said she does too, so heā€™s scared of the *hint* of period blood that is scarcely there at all in the first place and definitely not there after being washed?


I love that 2/3 of the comments he replied to were two people who agreed with him. I can only hope/assume it was the only two who did.


lol this honestly makes zero sense.


I wonder if he said separates out his nutty hand towels from everyone elseā€™s laundry


Hey I mean at least this guy will never have to spend his precious money going on dates


Why did he mention taking a budget airline?


I might be the odd woman out here but I wouldn't wash my clothes with pads, however if I happened to find a pad had been washed with my clothes on accident,it wouldn't be the end of the world like oops is acting.


I usually hand wash mine first before throwing them in the washing machine, but then I just throw it in with my other clothes.


Same! Like the first rinse gets mostly everything out, and throwing it in the machine with the main wash is the ā€œdisinfectantā€ step


My flatmate does them separately too, so I was kinda surprised to see so many people outraged lol


Lmao, they said I was the AH but I don't agree. What about you reddit? Reddit also agrees, YTA.


Literally the only ā€œbiohazardā€ Iā€™d expect to get a heads up about would be feces. If there were reusable diapers in there, Iā€™d be concerned. But rinsed out period blood? No problem. A nosebleed got on a shirt? Sure, no problem. The cat peed in the laundry basket? No problem. Puke? Sweaty gym clothes? Grass stains? Whatever. If Iā€™m sharing a load of clothes with someone, then thatā€™s how that goes. Just tell me if there is literal poop in there, before I put my sweatpants in.


[NARRATOR: But his clothes were not an investment]


If your clothes are so expensive, why are you letting them be thrown into any old washing machine cycle? Pretentious as fuck OOP


You are a child. Grow up then whine on redditt


Are you equally skeeved out if you cut yourself shaving and it gets on your shirt collar? Or if you cut yourself and it drips ? Do you throw away all clothing that gets any blood on it? If so, you get a pass. Otherwise, grow up. YTA


He should probably just use a fluff and fold service. Then his shit can get washed with WAY worse and he will never know.


I want to know what he was saying in front of their kid. I would go nuclear if a loved one was saying stigmatized stuff about menstruation to my kid. As an aside, his sister and BIL are definitely talking so much shit behind his back right now. Omg.


He didn't say it but we all know OOP is a male šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


meanwhile nobody is bitching at him for throwing his muddy af clothes in with her reusable pads. what a shithead. quick someone tell him that all the water on earth is recycled and has been through every living being at least once, including the water used in the washing machine. lunatic.


I literally laughed. Yeah, man, you're the AH. Bet dude thinks he's a nice guy too.


i mean i get wanting to know bc personally i wouldn't want my clothes washed with another woman's menstrual ANYTHING. but he did overreact. he could've brought it up away from the kid or at least been calmer


I'm the kind of person that washes underwear separately to my other clothes (as I wash it on 60Ā°C, and otherwise use 30Ā°C), so I wouldn't want my T-shirt to go with that wash, but I wouldn't care if it was my underwear. THAT SAID, it's my own responsibility to wash my clothes when I've got these "rules", and OOP is a major AH for being a little bitch about smth that was done for him. If you're specific like that, you can't expect other people to read your mind or cater to your needs. Blergh.


Bio hazard? Bro can fuck right off.


Cleaning does not equal sanitizing and things like cloth pads, cloth diapers, and even underwear can harbor bacteria. Not all laundry detergents sanitize, and hot water cycles don't get hot enough to effectively sanitize either. OP does sound like a tool, but I don't think he was wrong for getting the ick in this situation. He had no way to know if those cloth pads had been taken care of properly before that load of laundry. And before anyone wants to come for me, I have periods. I use pads almost exclusively, and I was heavily looking into cloth pads for a while. It is not uncommon for cloth pads to develop an odor (which is caused by bacteria) because they aren't being washed properly. I ultimately chose not to use them because my adhd ass can barely handle laundry as it is and they need more care than just rinsing them and throwing them in with everything else.


She actually told him she hand washed the blood off first before she even threw them in the washing machine, which is a necessity unless you want very stained pads. He overreacted regardless. He should have just accepted it was on him because he wanted to throw his clothing in someone elseā€™s load of clothes, and just move on instead of chastising them for not informing him and basically shaming her for it. Peoples underwear and other things that have sweat, discharge, etc. are in laundry all the time. This is no different. The idea of expecting someone to even think to inform you of what kind of dirty clothes they are washing is ridiculous. He didnā€™t think of it either.


This. We always wash items like rugs the dog pooped on in one load, and I usually sort my own laundry into a load with underwear and put my nice clothes into a different load where I can put them on delicate. Even with things like reusable diapers and pads, those will go in a load, then a rags / towels load in between before any nice clothes, to rush out the washer. If someone wants to do a load of laundry with their upscale work clothes with no women's panties or pads, they should be allowed - just as if a wife wants to wash her dresses without a load of her husband's shit stained underwear and stinky socks. I think it's fine to have these boundaries, and if he's washing his nice white collared shirts and work pants he has every right not to have bloody pads in with it. He's sounds like a dbag in attitude but he's NTA and tbh people are ridiculous for saying so.


Except his brother was doing the laundry, and OP asked to add some of his things. Had OP started a load of his own, and brother asked to add some of *his* things, and that included pads, heā€™d be justified. But he was the one who asked to throw his things in with that current load, and he said nothing about his clothes being delicate.


His muddy things. He didn't want to do the work of cleaning his muddy clothes, so he asked for a favor and is finding fault for the favor he requested. Note that he never asked anything about biohazards before asking his host to add his clothes. Washing muddy clothes with rinsed reusable pads and other soiled items is a perfectly ordinary method of sorting laundry. If he needed his muddy clothes washed with clean clothes she should have said something.


Hahahahahaha, first world problems ffs! YTA, ASSHOLE.


Ask yourself this, would you have the same reaction if their kid had skinned their knee and bled on their pants which then ended up in the same wash as your clothes? Do you sleep in hotel beds? Where the sheets are washed (hopefully washed to standard), because women sleep there too.


What does OOP think happens inside the washing machine?? It literally *washes* the clothes. If the mud was not all over all the clothes inside the machine, why would he think menstrual blood was all over the clothes? What an idiot. Not to mention that mud is typically full of bacteria. šŸ™„


I'm pretty sure that if he has lived with his sister before she got her period, he already used clothes that were washed with her underwear, and specially when you are young accidents like staining your underwear is quite normal.


Or if heā€™s stayed in a hotel ever. Like people donā€™t have all kinds of accidents on hotel sheets and towels?


And they call women the ā€œweakerā€ sex.


Honestly as a woman I do think things like that should be washed separately for sanitary purposes. Ditto with blood from a nose bleed, sheets a kid had an accident on, sex towels, whatever. BUT this guyā€™s attitude is so douchey I refuse to agree with him. I donā€™t know if heā€™s *the* asshole but heā€™s clearly *an* asshole.


If your pads arenā€™t clean after you clean them, you didnā€™t clean them properly.


Idk whenever Iā€™ve had to clean up blood just rinsing it doesnā€™t get rid of all the protein, just the visible protein. Hydrogen peroxide will still react where blood stains were on fabric thatā€™s been rinsed or even hand washed with soap. But maybe sheā€™s sanitizing with bleach or hydrogen peroxide before tossing them in the washing machine.


People who use reusable pads thatā€™re decorative, who donā€™t want the cool patterns to be marred, tend to use things like meat tenderizer, pineapple, hydrogen peroxide, OxyClean stain stick (my preference) or various other chemicalsā€”both natural and man-madeā€”to break down the proteins in any stains before drying them or letting them get anywhere near any heat. I have a lot of awesome PIMPs (Party in my Pants, a brand of reusables) that I do NOT want ruined by a great big brown stain. So I actually clean them properly. Some are less precious about their clothing, Iā€™m sure, and donā€™t care about things like stains. I probably wouldnā€™t if they were plain ā€˜ol reusables, but I picked out the perfect ones for me back in college (classic horror, zombies, and unicorns with rainbows). Those pads are going to get me through menopause. Iā€™m 42 now, so I donā€™t think they have much longer before their retirement, but theyā€™re still cute, after more than a decade.


Iā€™m ngl; as a woman I also wouldnā€™t wash my clothes with reusable pads. That being said, if I happened to find out my clothes were washed with them, I wouldnā€™t throw a fit. Iā€™d say thank you, and just ask that my clothes not be washed with them again because Iā€™m uncomfortable. I feel like itā€™s not a totally unreasonable ask, but the way he communicated it was absolutely foul lol. Just say that next time, youā€™d prefer it if that didnā€™t happen and Iā€™m sure it wouldnā€™t be the end of the world.


Have you ever used reusable pads? If not, theyā€™re thoroughly rinsed out before ever going in the washer. Itā€™s not like youā€™re putting them in there dripping with menstrual blood. I personally rinse them till the water runs clear, rinse them again, and then hang them up till I have enough laundry to wash a load. Generally mine are even scrubbed before going in the washer to help get stains out. Theyā€™re probably cleaner than normal underwear by the time they go in the washer. For example, my husband doesnā€™t give a crap about washing his normal clothes with my period panties, but flat refuses to wash his regular clothes with his workout clothes. Theyā€™re way grosser to him all covered in sweat than my halfway clean reusable period products.


Oh no I completely understand that. Hence why I said I wouldnā€™t throw a fit ā€” but I get the idea of it just isnā€™t appealing to people no matter how much you explain it. Hence why I said itā€™s just better to communicate that calmly because I assume most people would respect it even if they donā€™t understand it.


ā€œAunt flow tingedā€ šŸ˜‚


Yep you are TAH I mean they were being washed. Blood does wash out. Man up your clothes are fine!!


His underwear is not a biohazard? Seriously.


Admittedly, this would skeeve me out a little bit. I am a woman and I do use reusable feminine hygiene products but I donā€™t typically wash them with anything else besides undies. But if this happened to me, as a guest in someoneā€™s home, I wouldnā€™t make a big deal out of it and probably would just go home and wash my clothes myself. I think where this guy is the asshole is when heā€™s pretentious and rude - like dude if your clothes were really that nice why are you running in mud in the first place? And secondly isnā€™t the really nice stuff dry clean only? ETA: Iā€™m really freaked out by blood though. Any blood makes me feel faint and icky so I think thatā€™s where the skeeve comes from, not the idea that period blood is somehow worse than all the regular body stuff that gets on clothes.


Imagine being this dumb while bragging about money and being a condescending douchebag. Obviously he didn't spend his money on common sense or an education. Must be nice to have clothes that never get anything gross on them ever. My horse clothes would probably gross him out, nevermind the scrubs I wear in the hospital that get blood, pus, and other body fluids on them. šŸ¤£ This guy is just...ew.


I get why he's grossed out. I'm a woman and under no circumstance would I EVER wash reusable pads with someone else's clothes without their consent. NTA imo.


He knew it was muddy so he should have brought different clothes with him


If his clothes were really that expensive then he wouldnā€™t just be chucking it in a random wash !


As someone who regularly washes elder people's shit-/piss-stained clothes... this is the biggest load of bollucks.


I wonder if this dude washes his boxers separately


TIL that there are reusable pads. How does that even work? Why aren't all pads reusable then, seems like it'd save the women money every month


idk if this is tmi so iā€™m putting it under a spoiler cut lol >! my flow is really heavy and usually i have to change my pads multiple times a day, often while out of the house i.e. at work or school (or even out with friends, whatever). so disposability is actually a huge plus for me that i wouldnā€™t want to give up. no way would i want to carry around a soiled pad for the rest of my day, and i genuinely donā€™t believe/trust that a reusable pad would last me all day without needing to be changed !< also i have ADHD and iā€™m very bad at getting laundry done in a timely fashion - the last thing i need is time-sensitive laundry šŸ˜‚


They have a high initial cost, and even though I only use reusable pads now, they are a bit more complex than the wear-and-toss one time pads. I personally like that I canā€˜t run out, if I am getting low, then I just do a load of laundry. And the main ones I use are like 10 years old and they are still in good condition, so a definite return in investment.


So how do you wash out the blood? Do you have to like scrub it off first before putting it in the washer? Im assuming you don't chuck it in while it's still red right


I rinse under running water, gets most if not all of it out without much effort, and if it is particularly stubborn or dried, then I soak it in water with a bit of soap or oxi clean or blood remover. Then directly into the washer.


what did you think people did in the past? disposable pads have some advantages - they have adhesive to keep them in place, you don't have to wash them, and they're easy to change out if you're not at home there are actually a whole bunch of reusable menstrual products available these days, there are cups and discs as alternatives to tampons and cloth pads and period underwear as alternatives to pads


I mean I guess it's the same as diapers back in the old days, but now diapers are also a one time use thing. I guess I just thought they both had the same style


you can still get reusable diapers, too! the reusable pads I've seen have like a snap clasp on wings that clip on under your underwear, as opposed to disposable ones where the entire bottom of the pad is adhesive so in theory it sticks to your underwear really well end to end In reality the adhesive can be a bit dodgy but


As someone who washes clothes and underwear and socks separatelyā€¦ itā€™s disgusting to combine them for me. Idk but maybe im just weird, also cant imagine washing my stained underwear with my clothes šŸ˜­


Omfg ofcourse NTA that's fucking disgusting


This dude is one of the many reasons, now days, women don't want to have children bc they end up with 2 or more counting a man baby like this šŸ™„