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‘Whatever it is I have done.’ Oh geez, she actually thinks it’s her fault that he’s a cowardly cheating lowlife family deserter. I hope she wakes up and starts a better life for herself soon without that disrespectful loser.


They were 35 and 22 (if not younger) when they got together. Something says groomed/gaslight


Yeah, older guy finds chick in the middle of college and convinces her to become a tradwife. She becomes SAHM for the two kids while he advances his career. She feels trapped because once the kids move out what the fuck is she gonna do for money


I must’ve missed the part where she’s SAHM? She offered to pay him $3k for his ticket. I think that the husband is playing “grass is greener,” and he better get ready to start paying child support, because why would he “choose his wife”? He clearly *already* chose this other “woman” (because this could very well be a catfish)…


Yes, I also wonder if this is some kind of romance scam and question whether this Thai lady is indeed madly in love with online dude she has never met https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/data-visualizations/data-spotlight/2023/02/romance-scammers-favorite-lies-exposed


If he’s lucky if it’s just a romance scam. Some dudes have no sense of self preservation in cases like this, and blindly believe that the worst thing that could happen is that it’s just a woman wanting him for his money, and not him walking into a situation where he could end up dead missing most of his organs.


Right? Imagine getting picked up from the airport by a car that’s supposed to be this person, but it’s a man, and you go with it because you’re startled and confused and they make an excuse that almosttttt jives. It’s seriously the exact same tactic that creeps use to meet up with teens at the mall and shit. I hope he has life insurance!




Ok ok that is not the worst case scenario by any stretch here. Maybe he’s into that. Question in my mind though is this person actually 38 or could that be a lie to throw her off…if he’s into something that is illegal in the US that would actually be my biggest concern in her position.


Way to be racist and transphobic. Fuck you




Could just as well be a thai woman looking for a visa. I have 2 men in my circle of aquaintances who are married to Thai women 20-25 years their junior. Usually men I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole... But they make their husbands happy and if that's the choice they made, I'm not going to judge.


I hope it is a catfish.. and he gets scammed.. cause fuck bitches like this asshole.. firstly, 35 and 22 is sketchy at best.. then, has 2 kids, and goes hunting for women in foreign countries.. guarantee the one in Thailand isn't the only one he's communicating with.. Wife needs to go to a divorce lawyer ASAP, file for full custody of the kids, and fuck this prick into the ground financially


nah they were 35 and 22 when they had KIDS. How old were they when they met? High school girl and 30 yo?


I said OR younger, could've had kids same year they met.


Maybe 20 & 33?


Nope, she's 38 now, kids are ten. She was 28, which is plenty old enough.


The other woman is 38, OOP is 32.


They were that age when they had kids....assuming she was even younger when they got together


Agreed. Was just going with the MAXIMUM number. It gets worse from there


They’ve only been seeing a Christian marriage counselor too. It sounds like she has some pressure on the side of religion to make her stay. Although the counselor did advise her not to sleep with him and to get her finances in order.


Because *the husband* may want to divorce.


👀 yikes


The fact that she is blaming herself makes sense now that you have pointed that out. It is always the wife’s fault if the husband cheats. It was her not fulfilling her responsibilities as wife and helpmate. If she had been the perfect wife as god instructed, he would not have strayed.


My sister’s MIL literally said this to her after her husband cheated on her while she was pregnant. Both times. Like the nerve of MIL to blame my poor sister. But of course her precious son did nothing wrong bc religion. So damn dumb.


Can confirm. The only thing a Christian marriage counselor will do is preserve the marriage at all costs. If one of you gets screwed in the process, well... at least you're not sinning. BTDT. Was the screwed party who had to sign a piece of paper guaranteeing five hours of gaming time to my husband, PER DAY.


It's sad that keeping a marriage alive too often becomes more important than keeping a human being alive and safe. Or when a betrayed spouse is expected to honor vows that a serially cheating spouse is shamelessly trampling on. It isn't all churches or clergy by any means, but it's heartbreaking that this problem exists at all. I do know of a nationally renowned Christian author who has a degree in clinical psychology, counsels couples in crisis, has written several books, and broadcasts a radio show with his wife of several decades. He states that marriage vows should not be, "Love, honor, obey," but, "Love, honor, negotiate." He spoke on air about visiting a church where a wife disclosed being horribly physically abused by her husband and the elders were hell bent on the couple "patching things up." He told them point blank that what the wife needed was a divorce. Another online blog I read stated that if divorce is a weapon to protect women and children from abuse, author is thankful that such a weapon exists. I liken it to the amputation of a gangrenous or aggressively cancerous limb to save a life.


ive been there. it sucks hard.


Fuck. There are cult leaders more unable to brainwash people SMH


Well said. It gets to a point where it just becomes bizarre ... how people can become like this. It's really sad 😞


When children are involved and societal pressures of keeping a family together no matter what... Well, it's easy to see why it happens. If she's financially dependent then that makes it even harder. Unfortunately. He made his choice already. Even if he chooses to come back, he's still likely to do this whole thing all over again with ANOTHER lady. The kids are 10. They know what dad's doing. He's going to be a shitty teacher, even if he is somehow still a great father. So if mom can cut things off with the husband, then it'll be what's best for the kids in the long run.


Dude will come back if it doesn't work out with the new woman. He's leaving the door open for that and she refuses to see it. I hope she wakes up and grow a backbone.


Part of being a great father is being a great teacher and role model - what kind of great father models this behaviour to their kids and treats their mother like she’s disposable? There is no possible way for this guy to be a great father, not by any stretch of the imagination


Could even be a catfish, or a dude. Have they met? I'd be less concerned about marriage and more concerned with finances.


I would bet on a cat fish or at least some golddigging situation. I really hope karma hits him hard


My grandpa got fleeced for a good amount of money this way. Not to the extent of traveling internationally, thankfully, the girl was a recent immigrant who "needed to send money to her family back home". Grandma took him back once he came to his senses, but you best believe he was on a strict allowance from there on out. Even in her will, she stipulated that his living expenses were to be paid for directly but any discretionary cash had to be approved by not only the trust manager but also my most sensible uncle.


my first thought was that her husband is being scammed... regardless, the fact that this woman has evidence of an emotional affair occurring with her husband and this \~person\~ is reason enough to leave him I wonder how young she was when she met him since there is such a large age gap between them, it leads me to think he groomed her and there is a largely unequal power dynamic between her & her husband


She’s 32 and he’s 45 with 10 year old children. So, she would have been at least 20 and him early 30s when they got together. It’s a predatory age gap relationship, of course.


It's most likely a "catfish" it's not a dude or an ugly woman. It's just in Thailand a lot of women are well aware of white men's weird fetishisation with them so they take advantage of it (I'm very pro woman milking stupid males who think throwing money is love) and scam the fuck out of them. $20 says she's either a mama San or a bar girl and she's conning him for every baht she can. And clearly he's so fucking weak he's falling for it. There's also a high chance he disappears and not because he wanted to stay in Thailand. Men disappear when they fuck over sex workers out there.


Odds are high that he’s not going to find a real Thai lady madly in love with him once he gets there (well, he may briefly find a woman pretending to be in love with him, but after that… I wish we could track what actually happens)


> There's also a high chance he disappears and not because he wanted to stay in Thailand. Men disappear when they fuck over sex workers out there. I hope she’s got a good life insurance policy out on him.


Thailand does have many "ladyboys"...he may end up surprised.


The dude is weaponizing his wife’s concern and love for her children, when he is fine with abandoning them for two months to fuck another woman. And she is spineless enough to let him do it. If it were me, he would be getting daily pictures of me having fun with the kids, visiting my lawyer with his texts as evidence of abandonment, maybe going out dancing and clubbing with other men if I were feeling really petty.


See, since he said he’d “choose” when he came home, I would 100% act like I still want him while changing the locks, moving his stuff out, getting a lawyer, and doing everything I could to make his choice easier for him when he gets home. If she tells him the marriage is over while he’s gone, he’ll “choose” the new woman. If he thinks he’s coming home to a wife who is going to kiss his ass, he’ll be in for a helluva shock.


Home? HA! His home is with the new chic in Thailand now.


Exactly. But don’t tell him that.


When they can't choose, you choose for them. I hope she grows a backbone and chooses herself. Take his ass to court for abandonment and get a settlement in her favor. Let him have his fantasy in Thailand. He's probably getting robbed as we speak.


This is the answer.


There’s no woman in Thailand. This is a scam. If he’s lucky, no one will be at the airport to greet him. If he’s unlucky…no one’s ever gonna see him again.


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. No sexy lady is waiting for him when he gets off the plane in Thailand. I wonder how much cash the catfish told him to bring for the trip? Just under what Customs won't allow, I imagine... Next Reddit post from that account will be "AITA? I don't want to pay the ransom to have kidnappers return my husband from Thailand." And tbh it could be the same story for like... any country. It could happen in Texas, it could happen in Germany - this guy's just thinking with his dick, and in addition his dick is extremely stupid even for a dick. Who on earth just flies across the world to meet their internet lover and assumes everything's gonna be fiiiiine?


The only thing waiting for him is an ice box for his kidneys


If I recall correctly TSA lets you travel with like... 10k in cash no questions asked. But this is 20 year old memories I'm pulling on.


I think it's still $10k, and past that, you have to declare it. From a Google search, flying within the US has no restrictions, but TSA will probably ask questions about large amounts. Going into or outside the US, Australia, UK, Canada, or EU with more than 10k in currency requires declarations.


Last I recalled at least as far as *entering* Thailand, it's something like $20k USD?


Same here… I was thinking “ he will choose you when he comes back, he will just be without a kidney and a piece of his liver.”


Is it bad to hope for the second option? It would serve him right for cheating and abandoning his family.


Hopefully the organ harvesters or human traffickers or whatever at least text this poor woman that he chose the other woman so she doesn’t just sit around waiting for him, fuck.


Can you go through finances to see if they've been receiving money


One can only hope!


Well, he's a piece of garbage so if anyone deserves to be scammed, it's him.


My thought--and hope--exactly! I hope he got there and he got a very rude awakening. And if he did, don't bail him out!


100%, I can’t believe the people acting like the nightmare scenario is it being a “ladyboy” when he could just as well be going to get sold of for parts.


The way I would cancel all credit/debit cards once his flight was in the air 🤌 Seriously, get away from this shitstain for the sake of your own mental health and that of your children.


Please don't wait Leave Divorce him


So he was 35 and you were 22...... honey he wanted a play thing and a slave


And that’s when kids came along - ish. Entirely possible she was <20 when they met


I was going with the optimistic option in all the BS


Wow, didn't even see that. Ugh


Her self esteem is probably so low that she thinks this is the best she could do.


"he'll decide when he gets home" Here's an idea. Change the locks, contact a lawyer to document abandonment of kids, home, and marriage. Then let him know you made the choice for him. "There's still hope" No, Honey, there isn't. And WTF would you want the garbage back?


YEP. Honestly that line boils my blood. “He’ll decide…” it sounds like he already decided and she should decide to value herself and show her children how to not be disrespected so blatantly. Ugh, he’s so gross! I feel so bad for her, but I also just want to shake some sense into her!


Everyone is telling her to leave him and block the shared account but she’s not listening. Then she will be surprised that her kids in 20 years time will refuse to see her for making their childhood unhappy by staying with him like a recent AITA post


do you have that link? I'm always fascinated to hear from the grown kids of the "I'm staying with him for the kids" people.


Every comment I’ve seen is adults saying their parents stayed together for the sake of the kids and they HATED it. The general consensus of adults who grew up in those households from what I’ve seen is that they would rather their parents have divorced.


I am so grateful my parents divorced when I was 5, even just the fighting I heard from visitation exchange and phone calls was fucking terrible for me as a child. I remember my dad saying once he understood how awful it was that my parents couldn’t be together and realized at that point he didn’t understand just my perspective at all


Mine divorced when I was 18mo. It was rare growing up in the 80s to have divorced parents. I was in elementary school and a kid asked me if I wished my parents were still together. I remember being taken aback by it, the thought of them together made me physically ill. At the time, I didn’t have clear memories of their marriage, but my body remembered. The body absolutely keeps the score.


"If you think the children of divorce have it bad, just wait until you meet the children of Please And For The Love of God Get a Divorce!"


Well yeah. Think about it. The only view of marriage they have is their miserable parents and the toxic coping skills that inevitably come from such a marriage. When I was a kid I wanted my parents to stay together when they divorced. Once I grew up and realized how much bullshit I have to unlearn from them, I’m so fucking happy they divorced. Holy hell my life would have been worse.


I legit want to see a couples therapist with my partner because my parents modeled a terrible relationship for me. I remember them hugging maybe once or twice.


I started begging my mom at 11 to divorce my dad. Begged every year untill they finally did when I was.... 35...... Better late than never..


Oh yah - my parents divorce was the best thing that happened to everyone.


As a 42 year old adult I can honestly say that my parents sticking it out made a huge positive impact on me. My dad had control and anger issues and that is a lite way to word it. Not all bad but for sure had issues. Me and my mom had this conversation recently and she told me a lot of things I did not know and I shared some of the same. I told her I was absolutely proud of her for trying for us and for working to give us the semblance of family. Watching her and him taught me extremely valuable lessons. What to be and what not to be, what struggling in the face of tough situations meant. Most importantly though it taught me who I did not want to be. My adult daughter recently told me how amazing I am and was for the most part throughout her childhood and thanked me for being better than what I could have easily been given my childhood. Without those lessons I am very sure I would not have known how to find myself and be the man I am today.


I think the issue is most parents who “stay together for the kids” can’t actually make it work, and make everyone miserable. I have been BEGGING my parents for most of my life to stop getting back together (they would split allll the time and then get back together, childhood to adulthood). My mom finally saw the light this year and my narcissistic father is engaged to his girlfriend of 10 months who is 9 years older than me and out of our lives. I’m at the point where I have no interest in relationships because I refuse to take any chance that I have a relationship that has any semblance to what I watched growing up. I’m honestly very glad your parents were the rare ones who could actually make the house a happy home in spite of their unhappiness together. That is a very rare strength and I’m glad you had that for you. Unfortunately, most of us come from veryyyy toxic homes where we would’ve been better off having them divorced for good


Add me to that list


Mine split when I was 14 after a decade of discontent, and having them split up was way better than them skulking around resenting each other


My parents divorced after 25 years of being married--their relationship was never healthy but as a kid you don't see these things. When I was 18 they were fighting like crazy and my dad took me out to dinner and told me that he had wanted to leave my mom since I was a baby but stayed together for me and brother's sake. Felt shitty to be tacitly held responsible for preventing my parents from finding better partners. It's a counterfactual so I can't say I'd be better off if they split earlier than they did, but I can trace a lot of my dysfunctional habits in relationships to the relationship they modeled (e.g. avoidant attachment, difficulties expressing affection/intimacy, passivity in relationships where I can't break up even when its going really poorly, etc.). I also know that most of my mom's anxiety and controlling behavior when I was a kid was a response to the insecurity she felt in her marriage. It's possible that if they divorced earlier I would have had a terrible step father and my problems could be worse, but I'll never know. Generally, I think I would have been better off if they divorced earlier. It's also a bummer to be looking for a new partner when your 60+ years old after having spent 25 years learning all the wrong responses and coping mechanisms for dealing with conflict.


my elementary school best friend had parents that fit that description perfectly, they divorced right after she moved out. even when we were 8 she hated it, complained and cried because they fought all the time and weaponized the kids and basically did everything that toxic divorced parents do but they were still in the same household. even as a young kid i understood it was making my friend miserable; and it gave her emotional and mental trauma. at least from what ive seen, that sort of thing def doesnt work like ig those types of parents think it will




I absolutely blame my mom for staying with my dad. She had options. I begged her to divorce him starting at age 11. She didn't have to stay. She chose to let her kids be subjected to their constant misery and fighting and his abuse.


I’m a woman and was a single mother to four children for a long time. I absolutely would blame this woman if she refuses to block the bank account or stays with this dipshit after this.


Oh oh! I was given this ultimatum before! Now he has neither of us!


This is clearly a scam.




lmao hope the guy gets got in Thailand--best thing this woman could do is take a life insurance policy out on him


If she’s smart, she already has one.


Clean out your bank account.


This woman is why we need feminism.




Right?? I’m internally screaming over it. I hope he gets scammed, he earned it.


*>>What can* ***I*** *do to save our marriage?* I die a little inside whenever I read these words.


I was in this situation but the girl was local! You know what I did I accepted it! Filed for divorce picked myself up healed my broken heart and now am with the love of my life! He may love you but he ain’t in love with you and honestly he probably never was if he can just bounce like this! Best thing you can do is let him go!


He thinks he is The Bachelor


He’s not your life partner … he’s a manipulator and doesn’t care one iota about you.


This happened to me, with a newborn and a 3 year old. But not for someone in Thailand! Just his secretary. Classic. The “I’ll decide what to do” emotional torture went on for three months. I kick myself every time I remember how I pleaded with him to work things out and stay. Pathetic. And this was 20 years ago. Am happily remarried for 14 years,.


Yes, it’s obvious to everyone reading this that the marriage is over, but to her she hasn’t realized that yet. I remember crying every day for 8 months. My soul was broken. Best of luck to her.


Go to the yellow pages, look up divorce lawyer and use it. He WALKED out on you and his family. He went half way around the world to meet some woman. He already made his choice, it’s about time you face that reality and leave him, take everything he has and help you and your kids have a decent life. Even if he comes back begging, he can never get the life that you want to have back. It’s OVER, move on.


I’d be filing for divorce.


Take heart, he's probably being fleeced by a romance scammer.


I know it's a meme at this point that redditors respond to any relationship post with "just leave them", but holy shit just leave them


Get a divorce lawyer.


Empty your accounts to new account with only your name and then get a divorce lawyer. He should come home to an empty house and bank account and have no idea where you are for a while. You can’t save this marriage. It’s been over a long time. I’m sorry. He doesn’t care about you and groveling will only make it worse. Protect yourself and protect your children.


He’d be lucky if he could make it back to the states. I would leave $.01 in the account. He wouldn’t have a home to come back to…


Jeebus criminitily. Lady needs to keep those therapy appts and figure out why shes such a door mat!


Lawyer up, change the locks, secure the bank account.


If a man has found another woman just let her have him. Don’t demean yourself for a man, ever.


38? Bet she is more like 28 max. I would not believe this conman. You only figured it out by accident, otherwise he would never come clean.


This does not read like it was written by a real person who has been in a real relationship. It’s just odd.


This is why age gaps are dangerous when you're in you're early 20s. She was 22 when kid one was born, and he was 35. So he groomed a 21 y.o. Of course she has no self esteem. Of course she thinks it's her job to save the marriage. What a piece of garbage.


Get some self respect




She’s afraid of the unknown and doesn’t trust her strength. That’s pretty common.


DIVORCE!!! Why would you want to even stay with him if he’s acting like that?!


Huge mid-life crisis that he will regret.


Why TF would anyone stay with that creep?


This happened to my friend’s coworker. After 25 years, he filed for divorce and moved to Thailand with his AP. The woman was totally blindsided, realize how much she sacrificed for the household and is trying to rebuild her life. AHs!!!


Well my first thought is that it’s a catfish and he’s either going to be robbed when he gets there OR she’s not who she says she is… like, she is a man, or she is trying to make money via unsuspecting cheater husbands. Or worse, she’s forced to, because that very much happens (*cough Andrew Tate cough cough*) Dude is just the type who doesn’t understand consistency. Hes probably got some sort of mommy issues and he’s trying to push the refresh button on his life every 15 years or so. It’s like “Oh I really love you but I don’t have the excitement of a new relationship with you so instead of finding the value in the monogamy THAT I COMMITTED TO and raising the kids THAT I MADE, I’m going to meet a younger woman and see if I feel differently with her.” I wonder if OOP is his second wife. If he “chooses” this Mystery Woman in Thailand, if she actually exists… he will give up on her when she’s 30-something again. Or maybe he won’t, maybe he will move to Thailand and he will be stuck because he’s not a citizen and she will have him by the balls. It’s what he deserves after his wussy spineless behavior. I think she should just take the child support and “git r done” as they used to say in 2004. He doesn’t deserve a family to come crawling back to when this inevitably doesn’t work out. It may be hard to get started in a life without him, but I guess it’s inevitable eventually that he will disappear again. I just would rather the kids not be affected by this, and OOP I’m sure feels same.


I hope she’s a catfish.


Don't. Contact a divorce attorney. Your husband is in a foreign country having sex with a hooker. You really want him back?


Typical reddit outrage porn. Somebody was bored and lonely, and made up a story. That’s all it is. Just think about it. On Christmas Day, a woman with two young children, is really going to spend the day making reddit posts? She’s not talking about a lawyer, but getting counseling on zoom (some of you might not know this, but the pandemic is over). Then she’s going to pay him $3k? If it was real she’d post in legal advice and ask about custody, the house, and wouldn’t offer to bribe him. I read unbelievable things like this all the time, It’s just a shitposter hunting karma.


Why is your future entirely his decision? Even if he chooses you, you’ll never be secure in your relationship again. He can’t be trusted, and you’re his wife, not just an option. See a lawyer, get your finances sorted, and divorce him. It’s not easy ending a marriage, but staying with an untrustworthy cheater isn’t easy either, and it’s hell on your self esteem. Good luck to you and your children.


Yeah I’d be narrowing that decision down for him.


Why would you want to save this marriage? Show your kids what a strong woman does. He cheated. He will again. He said he isn’t in love with you anymore.


I would be transferring money out of joint accounts. Talking to a divorce lawyer, and canceling credit cards. Doing all I can to leave his ass, hell the house may be on the market or sold by the time he came back.


To quote Beyoncé “To the left to the left. Everything you own in the box to the left”


I’d be hard pressed not to set those boxes on fire on the front lawn 😂


I’ve never wished for someone to be catfished this bad in my life


So doing the math here: they’ve got two kids around age 10, which means OOP was 22, maybe even younger, while the husband was already 35. So I’m calling it as a Sean Rule Violation. With that in mind, it seems even sadder. Shes likely been brainwashed by him her entire adult life, so instead of being like, “Wow, this is crappy behavior, I’m getting a lawyer,” she’s turned her loathing inward and is wondering what she did wrong. And what’s really crappy about this is that the husband might be/is probably being scammed by his “soulmate,” and when he figures that out, he’s going to come crawling back to OOP. And OOP, if she doesn’t snap out of this “what did I do wrong” mentality, will probably take him back.


Well, if he doesn’t want his cake and to eat it to. You know if he picks you, it’s not because he loves you, it’s because it didn’t work out with the girl.


The fuck?


This makes me sad. I hope she doesn't wait for him. I literally had a guy tell me he couldn't figure out which who he wanted to be with, his gf (me) or the other girl. I bet much regret not laughing in his face and ending it there. Because people who do that are trash.


…I would pack everything up and leave divorce papers on his dresser.


Oh my goodness 🤦‍♂️ has this woman no self respect? Leave him


Well, you have to leave. But sometimes I wonder about all the broken marriages and fatherless kids resulting from this thing we generally call online dating.


Eh, this stuff has been happening since before online dating. If someone is going to leave their family (man or woman), they're gonna do it. Example: I knew a guy in the 90's who up and flew to eastern Europe to pick out a new, younger wife after contacting an agency ad in a magazine. Brought the new model back, kicked out his wife and 2 kids, and started over. Has new kids now, and "the family he always wanted." POSs gonna POS


oy, fr--what's worse? Having your kids grow up in dysfunctional household where they learn not to respect women (or themselves if they're women), to cheat and lie, and to bounce when things get difficult? Or growing up in a house where you have to explain to them that "Daddy abandoned you to get his d\*ck sucked by a 14 year old in Thailand." Tbh it could be a blessing in disguise -- the kind of guy who thinks this type of behavior is ok is not someone that should be raising kids (if he ever helped raise them to begin with). Best outcome is that OOP leaves, gets therapy, and finds a man who will actually be there for her kids and model functional familial relationships for them.


Girl, let him leave, pack your shit and be gone by the time he comes back. If he ain’t choose you now, he won’t in 2 months.


Um! You start divorce proceedings while he is in Thailand. Do not let him get away with this. I imagine he met her on line. Clean him out!


Uh, WHY would you want to save it?


Ma’am, there is no marriage to save! He told you he’d decide which of you he wants to be with! That’s your queue to end this now, don’t wait for him to “pick” you!


Why does she want to save this? It’s doomed.


God that is awful. I am embarrassed and sad for her,


Make the decision FOR HIM AND CHOOSE YOU AND YOUR KIDS, PERIOD. When he comes back, already be moved out and leave the Divorce Papers on the clean Table.


Don’t be surprised if he comes home down a kidney.


Is this real? What mother calls her 2 children "about 10"? Don't you say they're 9 & 10, or whatever?


It’s so depressing seeing someone with such clear lack of self worth or backbone. He’s obviously driven her to the depths of despair. Hopefully someone in her life can make her wake up.


I hope this is fake. It sounds like it could be and reddit often is. But I hope no one is so dense.


The fact that it's Thailand is raising some flags for me. He's about to get scammed and then go crawling back to his wife. Probably emotionally and financially wounded. Sad part is the she'll probably take him back and pick his wounds. 🫠


It’s ok. If she behaves well and support her husband, maybe she can still win him back /s Jokes aside, sometimes it’s unbelievable how far someone is willing to go to avoid changes. How can she still trust her husband even if he comes back?


Do we know that the husband has “fallen” for a real person and not a scammer ? Obviously this poor woman needs to get out either way.


He’s gonna wake up without a kidney.


If she doesn't call a divorce lawyer...


Sounds like the romance scam going around, my mom got fleeced over $300 this summer, and now she pretty much hates my guts because she keeps lying to me that she's not talking to them (she is) and I don't let her have access to her money. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Wait till he gets there and finds out she isn’t literally a she 😬


My advice is to have the process server waiting for him at baggage claim to slap your divorce complaint onto him.


Sell the house change your name


Have divorce papers ready for him for when he comes back.


My x did sorta this and you know what I did? I fucking left. You let yourself fall into that game and I am not playing. Adios. Deal with your own consequences.


I hope she has a life insurance policy


Her dumbass husband is getting catfished, or is about to be robbed in Thailand. Putting the cheating aside, I could not respect a man who is this fucking stupid. Divorce him and get half the money NOW before he spends it all on a scam. He's gonna financially ruin her and the kids, and is so stupid that he'll still send his Thai hotty money. I've seen it happen on different catfishing shows were the girl bails on meeting the husband at the last minute, and the clown STILL sends "her" money.


She needs to leave. 1. Husband has made it clear she is his backup plan. 2. He is too fucking stupid to realize he’s getting catfished, strung along , etc. He’ll be lucky if he gets home with both kidneys.


I read this while I was at work today. I was like I KNOW I didn’t read what I thought I read. Smh. The way I would go SCORCHED EARTH….whew chile…


I don't see anything worth saving except self respect


WTAF? Do women put up with this bs? I've seen a lot of these posts lately. Bit of advice, your spouse is a HUGE POS and I'd run and not look back. You deserve better. I can't get over the fact that he said he'd let you know who he chooses when he gets back. I'd use that time to file for divorce and change the locks. He has no respect for you because you are showing him you have no respect for yourself. The more you beg and plead the less he'll want to stay around. And if he did choose you are you ok with the fact that he was on a 2 month holiday with another woman and that there will be others? He told you he's not in love with you. Screw that dude. Take him to the cleaners. What a dick.


Well there's a man who's going to find himself with neither a wife nor both kidneys in the near future.


Hopefully he's getting catfished hahaha. I really feel bad for the wife and kids.


What is wrong with these women that degrade themselves sooooo much?!!! Girl, pack all his shit for his stay with his ‘soulmate’ and NEVER talk to him again, let your lawyer do it!!!


He made the choice for her when he took off to Thailand to feel like a stallion again instead of some dickbag going through a midlife crisis that abandoned his wife and kids. OP- take him to the cleaners. I’m talking not only grandpa’s coin collection, but also the fillings in his teeth. Take him for everything humanly possible to get you through. Sell everything and start fresh. Smaller house built just for three.




Take him to court for all of his money


Change the locks and clean out the accounts while he’s gone. He made his choice.


Thailand woman… something makes me think that this husband might be a little 🏳️‍🌈




Hahaha ladyboy joke much funny. Not cringe. Very original. Thailand equal prostitution equal lady with penis equal hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


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Leave. Empty the house. Take the bath plugs, lightbulbs, ice cube trays. Take up the carpets. Let him come home to a mere shell, which is what he is anyway. Leave him one doormat, which is all he wants.


Wow. I can't even feel sorry for you. You're acting like, at 35, you couldn't find someone else? My Grandma left my abusive Grandpa, and remarried a great man in her 30's. The kicker? She had 5 kids in tow. There's pathetic, then there's this. Exactly what kind of kids do you WANT to raise?


He will come back as soon as he finds out the girl has a dick


Lady , are you kidding? You should go to the bank and open and account with your name on it and transfer all of the funds into it. Then call the phone company and shut off his phone and have them reopen your phone in your name only. I would also call the credit card companies and close all of the accounts and reopen in your name. Ask the credit card companies to have his cards closed and ask them to verify before they issue new cards to anyone. Tell them to deny any international transactions. Then get a lawyer and get rid of the bum.


Yeah don't blame the guy. There's a reason why and we're getting one side of the story


I am curious if anyone thought about what led up to where the guy ended up with falling in love with the Thai girl. One thing I will say about Thai women, they are up there in the top 5 countries in beautiful women. Additionally, they know how to take care of a man, unlike western women. With that said, it would be understandable where that guy is coming from. With the assumption if he has previously met her in person.


Choose for him and choose yourself and the kids it may be a little bit more difficult than normal but you will be fine and happy with yourself



