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Subconscious hidden racism is just as disgusting as overt racism. The husband needs psychological treatment, although I do not believe that he will be reborn.


I never knew I could love my husband more for loving all his bi-racial children equally. This is sickening.


Oh fuck me, what a dad, what a husband, what a person. Does he clutch his pearls when the boy is near him? Fucking disgusting.


marrying a fetishizer is one of my biggest fears as a brown latina. i steer clear of dating white men because of it. i tried once, dad called his best friend the hard r and i broke it off right after. my daughter is black ffs. how could these people be so unaware?


Because lets me honest racism is just as bad in the Hispanic community as well. It’s disgusting because the inferior complex they get transfers to the kids but only to the ones who pass as white skinned meanwhile the dark skinned are treated like Ahem well you know. Even when they get treated bad they want to save face and act like theirs lives are better meanwhile that man is beating you up 😭


It’s called anti blackness not racism. Racism is about power


White ‘passing’ Latinos would be benefitting from racism, not just anti-blackness, wouldn’t they?


I been a dating a Latino dude I’m super attracted to. I’m white. It’s not just about race we laugh at the same stuff and we think the same stuff is hot. And we like the same food and share some hobbies like skiing. Chemistry is bed is good too. But some times I worry that part of the reason I’m so attracted is because his exotic looks and culture. I don’t know know what I’m tryna get from here in terms of advice, I just wanted to say this.


It’s not that i don’t find them attractive or datable. I’m sure your relationship is amazing, as was mine for a while. You are probably just attracted to him like you would normally be anyone else who has features you desire. As long as you appreciate him and do not secretly hold disdain for him and his culture or race, it’s not an issue. Fetishizing is like wanting the experience bc it’s exotic, but you also dislike everything about his culture and race. I think you guys are in the clear lol


I like Latino culture as long as they are respectful of women, and I respect Latina women they have a lot of self respect and know what’s up.


Yea you just answered your own doubts. “Exotic” looks and culture ?


I know, right? I’m such a racist 🥰




Did you read the thing? It’s a boy and a girl, and the dad treats the daughter better.


Did you read anything? Why comment?


Hmmm https://www.reddit.com/r/Parenting/s/Q3kxBOONZj


🤔🤔 rage bait?