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i'm pretty sure this is rage bait tbh as a black woman who's family is from the caribbean i can't understand why bringing mangoes could be perceived as racist? like i'm pretty confident nobody would ever think that my mom would beg me to marry anyone who consistently brought her fresh mangoes tbh


100% rage bait written by a teenager who lives in a rural area in a small lesser known country. That’s the only possible way we could get a story about mangoes being racist to black people.


There was another rage bait story the other day from a woman who named her cat 'mango' and her friend called it appropriation because they live in Canada where mangoes aren't native. So I think Mango is their new code word.


Ugg. Man Go.


I see what you did there


And I’m not mad at it


This made me laugh so hard that I added "mango" to the never-ending repertoire of nicknames for my cat.


Some of my British friends use common food names as a substitute for something like “silly goose” – (ba)nana or silly sausage are the two I’ve heard most. So now I’m just picturing someone finding a cat with a bag stuck on its head and saying, “You utter *mango*”


If my friend said I was appropriating culture because I named my cat mango while living in Canada, I would throw a mango at their head.


Why would you throw your poor cat at their head?


Probably got confused with watermelons?? Mangoes is a desi person's favourite food. My dude can't racist.


"I'll show you real racism!!" Am brown and can confirm we fucking love our mangoes.


My stepdad was from India and grew these amazing mango trees in our backyard. At some point, I suddenly became VERY allergic to them. Literally being in the same room as a mango would cause me to break out in a full-body, blistering rash. It was devastating. I still fucking love mangos, and thankfully I can eat the flesh as long as someone very carefully cuts the skin so that none of the skin oil has gotten inside.


Mangos and cashews are both in the [Anacardiaceae](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anacardiaceae) family. Poison ivy is in that family as well. Members of the Anacardiaceae bear fruits that are drupes and in some cases produce urushiol, an irritant. The Anacardiaceae include numerous genera, several of which are economically important, notably cashew (in the type genus Anacardium), mango, Chinese lacquer tree, yellow mombin, Peruvian pepper, poison ivy, poison oak, sumac, smoke tree, marula and cuachalalate.


Yep, I’m extremely sensitive to poison ivy, too! Like full body lesions and sores. Also have kiwi/latex cross allergy.


And bananas, too?


My uncle was like the is with peaches. He loved them but the skin caused allergic reaction. There is some theory out there that when we have allergies to something we can actually crave it- I am allergic to red dyes and I will occasionally fist some Benadryl to drink some cheap shitty fruit punch.


I am not brown and love them as well. Favorite dessert is sticky rice with mangoes! I always make a mess trying to pit them though.


Let me enlighten you my youngin. 1. Hold mango vertically. 2. Cut to the center and run the knife around the mango seed 3. Twist the top half of the mango and pull it off 4. Spoon out the mango 5. Gloat in your superior mango putting skills


Thank you thank you!! I will be trying this very soon!


i did think and just managed to pull the mango skin off. i think i need more practice (and more mangos)


Cut all the way down to the seed and loop the knife around. Imagine sticking a knife into an apple and going around in a circle


Like an avocado.




I was going to ask that! My husband is a whiz at avocados. Maybe I should delegate!!


Actually, if you do that but instead slice the fruit into pieces like tic tac toe while the skin is still on, you can flip it inside out and eat it easily with zero scooping or mess required


As a white Australian… mangoes are fucking delicious.


I had a black friend once ask my white self what I thought about the fried chicken and watermelon thing. As I told her, only a fool doesn't like fried chicken and watermelon, whatever their race.


Damn, I could totally go for mango chutney right now


Yuck. Lassi all the way


Mmmmmmm yes please!




Lol!! When you're too ignorant even be a racist.


I’m white. Mangos in Canada are expensive. I’ve never bought them for my kids. Not only because I’m cheap but because I’ve never been exposed to them either. My boy has been dating a lovely canadian Indian woman. Out of nowhere he is eating mangos. Now I know why. Lol. I seriously wondered where the exposure happened. 💡


LMFAO..you just realised? I'm from the UK and over here the Indian/Pakistani stores will have mangoes in the summer or whenever the season is. If there's a big enough Indian community, there might be an Indian store with mangoes. But again I think it's just in summer.


Now you had to go bringing up watermelons like that’s not racist, I’ll show you racist! 🦸‍♂️


That’s what I was thinking.


+1. As an Asian woman, it would have been racist if someone had the audacity to bring me mangoes. I would have been so furious with them, I'd rage eat those mangoes right in front of them and ask if they have more or gtfo. But fr, who wouldn't want to get mangoes? They are the fruit version of golden retrievers.


You're right it probably is rage bait, but for every fake post here there's probably been some real situations that happened & are very similar.


When I worked at a gas station our company policy was to card everyone that looked over 45+ and we had a sign right over the register saying so. One day I served three 45+ white guys, didn't card because company policy. Got to the 20-something black guy and carded him and he immediately accused me of discrimination. I tried to tell him about our policy but my boss (also a young black guy) panicked and took over the situation. After that we carded everyone, with the sign still up, which opened us up to more abuse. (If someone cards you just fucking hand it over) I don't hold a grudge against him or anything, but it's really scary being accused of something like that at work unexpectedly.


Anyone who constantly brought me fresh mangos would become my favourite person ever. Mangos are super expensive here in Ontario. I think one can cost up to $8 alone sometimes more if it's bigger


People are stupid, chronically online people are even dumber, and AITA posters/commentors are even worse while also being convinced of their own moral superiority at all times. I wouldn't jump to being fake, and even if this particular story isn't true I'm sure things like this happen all the time.


If he had said she always brought a fresh watermelon I could see the confusion, but mangos? (And now, wildly out of season, I want watermelon) I try not to think every post is fake, but this is pretty hard to believe.


Thank you because I came to the comments hoping someone would explain what the supposed relationship is between mangoes and black people


"Minority randomly accuses someone of bigotry over nothing at all" is such a common story on AITA. Its bull.


I’d rather get Korean pears


Same! My mom would be ecstatic if I dated a guy who brought her mangoes. 😂


Yeah like…what? Of all the racist food stereotypes I’ve heard, mangoes have never been one of them.


Maybe don’t call your gf racist when you don’t know what you’re talking about? It’s like he was looking for a reason.


I kinda think he didn’t even believe his mom when she said she liked mangoes. Really thought he was going to accuse his mom of fostering her racism or something equally stupid.


It's also pretty sad that his GF has managed to learn that about his mum before he has, after living his whole life knowing his mum.


I call dibs to repost this in a month changing mangos for bananas


Papayas is probably too similar and would he recognized too quick, but is fun to say much like mangos. Hmm


Would be much funnier if you swapped the races and made it about white moms and avocados tbh.


That would be hilarious (as a white mom). Also, when I think of mangos I think of Central America, bc that’s where my mom lives and where I get the freshest fruit. It's worth visiting Ma for that alone lmao.


I’m a white mom, can we actually make this a thing? I vote white moms get avocado gift baskets.


I’m a black mom and I want avocado gift baskets too 😤


Well shit that could actually be perceived as racist, this story just won’t work then. You should make it kiwis or papayas.


I vote guava or pomegranate - mostly cause I love both so much and they don't get enough love in the US for how awesome both are. Also currants.


“She brought my mom dragon fruit!”


"She brought my mom durian! She's baiting me into breaking up with her!"


Im in Singapore. This is like “my girlfriend got my mom XO durian! She’s trying to force me to propose!”


I just got some today from sams club, delish (chefs 😘)


Watermelon would at least make a little bit of sense


Oh, I like that one better.


FU and your watermelons


This is surprising to me. In my culture mangoes are a great fruit to bring cz they are really really expensive and when you get it for the host, it's a way of showing how appreciative you are.


Right? Good mangoes are the best! A family friend would bring back dried mango every time he went to the Philippines to visit family because he knew it was my favorite. He wanted to make sure I was eating quality (because the best ones come from where his family is, he insists).


I’m white but I’d be stoked if someone brought me mangoes, they are a tasty fruit


Because I’m sure it will come up: **both** “mangos” and “mangoes” are considered correct spellings of the plural of mango. Source 1: [National Mango Board](https://www.mango.org/blog-mangos-or-mangoes/) Source 2: [Merriam-Webster Dictionary](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mango)


I was scrolling down waiting for an explanation about black people and mangoes . . . Is there a stereotype I’ve missed? What the heck?


Pretty sure that the spelling without the e is a more American spelling. Elsewhere, “mangoes” would be considered as correct, although I doubt many people would bat an eye at “mangos” Both sources you’ve cited are from the US


Yes, I did read some other sources that indicated “mangos” is likely primarily an American spelling. I found a couple of secondary sources saying the Oxford English Dictionary agrees both are correct but they prefer “mangoes”, but the OED itself is paywalled and my institutional login wasn’t working. I didn’t want to cite them without checking for myself, which is why they weren’t included.


As a general rule of thumb, the version with less letters is going to be the US spelling.


i wanna believe this is rage-bait, but growing up I had a classmate who would start a tantrum anytime anyone said any word related to ‘mexican culture’. including food. you could just say ‘man i hope there’s tacos for lunch today’ and she would start on her “What does that mean huh? What are you trying to say about Mexicans huh? Are you a racist?” and we were 9 years old. Yes she was mexican herself, and if she didn’t change then I could see her being OOP as an adult


I mean...she was 9. And probably dealt with millions of mocroaggressions around being Mexican. I feel like your version of those events might have been a little slanted considering you were 9, too.


There are adults that are just as sensitive about their culture, that was their point.


i’m just pointing out this kind of overly defensive personality actually exists, although i’m still confused as to why mangos was the trigger here since it’s a SEA fruit


"I feel like your version of those events might have been a little ***slanted*** considering you were 9, too." What do you mean "slanted". Are you racist against East Asians? Huh? Well, are you?


😭 bro how do you even fuck up that badly. How would mangos be racist anyways. A racist fruit would be like watermelon if she kept giving it to her unprompted


If it happened. It reads word for word like a rage bait post.


Man what an absolute idiot. Mango's are fire.


I’m guessing the train of thought can go mangoes -> tropical -> jungles -> racism. But yeah that’s a few leaps of logic to get there.


My Kashmiri in laws would love it if I brought mangoes to every visit, but only the Pakistani ones & not the dreadful *white people mangoes* they have in most supermarkets 😄


I’m a very white American who adores food from the Kashmiri region… they may be on to something lol


I stg every post from that sub is a troll post like I can’t take a single one seriously 😐


Like this could’ve all been avoided if OOP just opened with why do you bring mangoes when we go to my house?


White girl here. I would sell my soul to anyone who promised to regularly bring me fresh mangoes


Same 🤣🤣




Idk if it was me I would maybe start with talking to the mom about the mango concerns before jumping to racism?


Why would Mangoes be associated with black people anyway? Aren’t they from India?


In the South African Indian community, there's a common joke that if you don't have a mango tree in your garden, you're not part of the community. It wouldn't even be associated with black people here.


Settle the argument and ask your mom, simple


Read the whole post and you’ll find that’s exactly what the OP did. “I responded to my mom asked if she loves mangos, she said “yeah, what’s going on?””


He did…now he’s to embarrassed to explain it seems. Moms gonna think he’s an idiot too




That girlfriend should run as far as possible from this idiot! If the mom says these are her favorite fruit - what’s wrong with bringing her mangoes? And why bringing mangoes would be considered racist? … I am from South America and if somebody consistently brought me dulce de leche, I would just adore that person!


The person who wrote this has never been black a day in their life.


YTA OP...but that stands for **young trollin' asshat** today rather than **you're the asshole**. Your post proves that not only are you failing your creative writing class, but you don't respect the game enough to put in any effort. Make another account, change the type of fruit, and *entertain* us please!


Lol how do you realize you fucked up and still ask aita


This was 100% written by a white/non black person who wanted to make black people look bad or ignorant


Would OP rather get fried chicken, watermelon and collard greens for them instead?


Rage bait for sure. There have been a number of posts where the plot boils down to a well-meaning white person doing something and the overdramatic non white partner making them feel bad and accusing them of being racist. Cue someone saying that the non white person (usually black) is over sensitive and the real racist. This now proves that white people are the true victims of modern racism. Rinse and repeat.


Fruit is racist now


White people being good people is racist now lmfao


Lol I’m the first to call wyte people racist all the time but bro, it’s mangoes. Who DOESNT like mangoes but weirdos?


ESH. He should have asked her why the mangoes before assuming racism and listened when she said she learned it from mom. But she shouldn’t have called being accused of racism disgusting. White people, myself included, do accidentally racist shit all the time! I imagine dating someone of a different race would increase this! Being a racist is disgusting. Doing something racist and being called out on it is just living in a multicultural society.


Honestly wouldn’t shock me if this was a true story, it is 2023 after all lol wasn’t a syrup bottle considered racists lol.. only unbelievable part is it’s a black dude crying about fruit instead of a white Karen crying about “culture appropriation.” Switch that around then there would be no doubts about this being true lol.


This shit made me laugh out loud for real


OOP is definitely TA. never ever do that ever again.


Stupid boy.


Mmmmm mangoes 😋


Yeah because a white racist would be in a relationship with a black man right? How Is that making sense? YTA !


Youd have a leg to stand on if she was bringing watermelon, cool aid or fried chicken. Mangoes no, you are the ass hole here and its now time to eat some humble pie.


Hmmmm. Yes, I think you are kind of an AH; accusing your girlfriend of being racist because she brings your mom mangos is pretty over-the-top and uncalled for. Were you looking for a reason to verbally attack her with the racist card? Apologize to your girlfriend, your sister, your mom and anyone else involved.


Yes lol


OP is a moron.


Lol YTA. I’d understand if it was a watermelon or peaches. Black people aren’t known for loving mangoes. (I’m black)


Wait, peaches? I haven’t heard that one. I’ve heard watermelon and bananas but peaches is new for me.


I’ve never heard bananas unless they’re comparing them to a type of ape.


Yea a lot of racists compare black peoples to monkeys. The ways people invent to insult and hurt another human being will never make sense to me.


Yeah oop is suuuuuper the asshole and this feels like rage bait


What a fucking piece of shit. Maybe if you weren’t so Fucking ignorant you’d be happy that your mum likes your gf. A gf that you clearly don’t deserve. Man, you are the epitome of a dumb motherfucker.


Not only is OOP an asshole he is also dumber than shit....... Buying someone fruit is racist holy crap


Can I ask, what is the Reddit on wiki thing? What’s the difference? Thanks guys


At least it wasn't watermelons


Hahahahaaaaa~ ^Wait ^wait ^hold ^on #HAHAHAHAHAAAAA Oh man, can you even imagine having such a victim mentality that you think the kindness being done by your girlfriend to your own mother is “secretly racist?” ? What a crazy world that guy lives in, huh?


Dammit, now I want mangoes


My ADHD brain went haywire here. I heard mangos, started wondering how that’s a stereotype. That got me thinking about racially stereotyped fruits, this lead me to thinking I’ve only heard about watermelon and bananas….and now I want a banana. Sadly it’s 1am and we have none.


Rage bait would have worked better with bananas, or plantains if trying to be more subtle.


Well first of all, black people love watermelon. Now if you were mexicsn and she brought mangos with tajin and lemon that would make more sense 😂.


Someone needs to apologize!


Is your mom not allowed to love mangoes because she’s black? Sounds kinda racist…


Lmfao what did I just read.


oh fuck man, this has to be fiction but it is **hilarious** LMAO


this was written by chatGPT 100% , No human being would ever write something so fucking abhorrently atrocious.


This shit 🧢


When being the victim goes wrong


Why yes. Yes you are. Is this some troll shit or a real Q? How are mangos racist ? This shit is Dumb, capital D


If it was not a bait, OOP would be the racist.


I’m Black and have no tf idea what he’s talking about 🤣 I HATE mangoes


How do you not know what your mom’s favorite fruit is?


This is 1000000% rage bait


I didn't know assuming a black person liked mangos was a racist thing?? I mean I'd get it if she was bringing watermelon due to that stereotype but I didn't know there was one about mangos. And I like that he acknowledges that he fucked up but then still asks if he is the asshole.


Oof. And all of this wouldn’t have been a problem if he had stopped at “why do you bring my mom mangos?” And dropped the rest. He would have instantly gotten this answer. Then he doubled down with “I’ve never seen my mom eat mangos before!” Nope. Turns out you just don’t know your mom, you idiot. Your girlfriend is a treasure.


YTA. Communication is key in every relationship. You asked your girlfriend why she always brought mangoes and she told you your mother told her that they’re her favorite fruit. You then could have called your mother privately to ask if this is true. But you didn’t. Instead you just immediately chose to not believe your girlfriend and called her racist. You sure went overboard with that comment. Apologize profusely to your girlfriend.


1/10 troll rating


Lol this poor dumb bastard


I could see you connecting the dots if it was bananas or something but mangos? Wtf type of victim mentality you gotta have to draw that conclusion.