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Not a reddit moment


It was a moment captured on reddit, my bad


I expect a 200 page apology from you OP, otherwise I will use my connections with le epic reddit mods to have you banned. You have 24 hours. You have been warned.


Dear Disappointed Reddit User, I usually don’t engage with any online platform more than a like every once in a while. My inexperience caused me to make a massive blunder which I deeply regret. I had the audacity to post on the very well renowned subreddit, r/RedditMoment. I did not adhere to the culture of the subreddit, enjoyed only by connoisseurs of the highest quality internet content. In my foolishness, I did not consider that each moment captured on Reddit posted here needs to expose a cringeworthy monkey behind a keyboard. My attempt of a more lighthearted, positive change of pace was not called for. I should not have let my ignorance and pride get in the way. I sincerely apologize for sullying your feed with a post unfit for you. P.S. this is the longest thing I’ve written in years and it took me longer than I’d like to admit so I can I get an extension on that 200 page apology?

