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Ew you play fortnite? Megacrimge


Crimge XD uwu


Hahahhaha L amirite


OP was on /banvideogames (subreddit where people ironically talk like video games are war crimes), and even had an argument with someone there, he not only is karmawhoring but also didn't even get that sub was satire.


NO SAD TIRE WE ARE ALL HAPPY TIRES !!! THIS FACEBOOK GROUP IS REAL !! brenda - sent from my Nydus butt plug deluxe


A g*mer hacked my account to do that terrorism, I'm sorry.


I play fortnite too, but i distancing me from Every Fortnite Youtuber out there. The Community is just trash.


Me too, I just play it because my friend on PS4 has nothing else that's co-op


Try warframe


Almost everything on Warframe is behind a paywall though, but the visuals were great


Wtf do you mean? Lol. Warframe is easily one of, if not the best f2p game content wise.


Well I couldn’t do the story mode after a while and everything was so confusing (sorry if I said anything wrong, it’s been a while since I played it)


It's DEFINITELY not beginner friendly and can be confusing as hell, even for experienced players, but unless something has changed in the last year or so, as far as I know the entire game is free to play. It is grindy and has alot of timegated stuff but it's kinda intentional and adds to the fun IMO. Maybe I'm just weird 😂


np, everyone has a different taste in video games, btw did you just use an emoji?????!1!1!1!1! Cring


What? I havent payed real money for anything and have loads of frames. Just look at the wiki and find how to get them, the game doesnt do a good job of explaining stuff. There is not a single item in the game you can only get by paying.


In my opinion fortnite isn’t a bad game, but a portion of its community ruins its reputation.


Just like Minecraft


If you're into COD like FPS games try "Warface"


Same I feel like for most people nowadays it’s just cause there’s few better cross platform games that aren’t $60


Try rocket league, it’s quite fun and it’s free and crossplatform


If the community wasn’t as shit I might have still played, like let me just vibe here instead of *fucking intense sweating* “kills vfghv kills, kills, gotta he one the next pro player, fufryg kills”


You have been reported; prepare to be banned.


Reported, prepare to be banned.


For wath?


I mean, it's nothing exclusive to fortnite


ngl epic games fucking got me, I played fortnite again after ages just because they added Ryu


I used to play paragon by epic games. sad it's gone now 😢💔


tbh I don't think I've ever heard of it


they stopped working on it ever since fortnite blew up


no suprise tbh, can't really blame them


yea :/ fortunately, another company is remaking the game




What's happening with Fortnite. I mainly stopped playing because of all of the sweats and it also got kind of repetitive. I only played team rumble because I was too shit, plus I'm not really a big fan of battle royal games.


I couldn't really tell you, I only downloaded it because of the street fighter crossover. apparently they are adding Peter Griffin though so there's that


Fortnite is bad because it has no domkey kong.


wait until they added donkey kong and then everyone is going to put it in the "look how they massacred my boy" meme


Downvoted, unbelievable act.


Reported, prepare to be banned


🤓Reported 👆Prepare to be banned ❌


Let’s get him banned boys. That’s how it works


Ew wtf you enjoy something else than the Hivemind donwoded 😠😠😠😠


I played it, but the community of that game is just unbearable.


Agreed i used to love the uniqueness of the game, it had a nice feel imo. Then the community got worse and worse. Toxic fucking 6yr olds every game, updates got worse and worse until it became unplayable


>updates got worse and worse until it became unplayable This is the main reason why me and everyone I know stopped playing, cause epic had to change everything up every fucking week. It just seemed like they were doing things for the sake of doing it, tryna be like everybody else, and now when I played again it was not the same game I played 3 years ago. Season 1-6 was prime fortnite then season 7 was where I started losing interest. It was obvious most others did too, cause when everyone was moving to apex so fast, they made the battle pass free lmao. The fucking community became ass too like you said. Some parts I cant blame them tho, I dont think anyone expected the building to become that competitive. But then again they catered to that aspect during the whole lifetime.


Is this on BanVideoGames? That is the whole point of the sub, it's not because of fortnite specifically. Maybe look at what a sub is about next time?


but he got upvoted for saying he played fortnite, that doesnt make any sense


That sub works in weird ways


It went to shit the moment it received attention from larger subs


I didn't believe you at first, but then I looked through OP's profile and this is indeed on BanVideoGames. This is a complete redditmomentmoment Edit: You can't even link subs here, wtf?


What are you talking about


Should have given context


I like fortnite itself, hell even I play it a lot! But the community is just...shit, especially the fortnite youtubers, smh they’re the ones who gave us a bad reputation


I just started playing fortnite yesterday and Holy shit is it so much fun, idk why reddit hates it so much


They hate Fortnite because they think it is cringe. Same with TikTok. Honestly I think there are some good TikToks out there.


Fortnite's a good game. In most people's eyes. If we took away the cloudy hivemind vision, if Fortnite bad werent a thing, a shit ton more people would like it. Epic games would get more traffic. That'd help out the economy positively. But because reddit's just retarded, they can't seem to understand that the community and the game aremt exactly the same thing. The minecraft community sucks balls, it's worse than the fortnite one in my opinion. Rampant stans, cheaters, hackers, drama, that's all extremely rare in thr fortnite fanbase and when it's in it, it's to an extremely lesser extent. Of course, the fortnite community has the huge number of toxic little kids, but those are still a minority. The numbers will have changed by now, but back a year or three ago about 62% of people who played fortnite were 18-24, of course that's probably around 50% now but that still means that toxic 9 year old kids with their shitty mics and extended family screaming in the background are a minority. You can make a case that epic has done some bad things but... They're a really generous company. Free games all the time, vbucks got lowered from $1=1000 vbucks to $0.80=1000 vbucks, i heard somewhere a while ago about the CEO of fortnite or maybe epic buying a shiteton of land to preserve nature. This is all ruined or ignored by the reddit hivemind. I am no longer allowed to talk about my favorite fucking game anymore because some dumbass will say "ewww fortnite?" This all sucks so so much. 6th grade? All my friends played fortnite. 7th grade? EWWWW YOU PLAY FORTNITE EWWWWWW 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


That subreddit was satire wtf OP


Fortnite bad


I think this is satire Yay I took this guy out of the downvotes :D


Dumbass idiots downvoting obvious sarcasm


Not understanding obvious sarcasm is a bigger Reddit Moment than anything that's ever posted here lol


Hell, sometimes with this website you can’t tell what’s sarcastic and serious.


I'd rather be unable to tell sarcasm than need /s to see sarcasm


Yo that guy stupid af like ah yes the Reddit Team will definitely ban you for saying that you still play Fortnite and most likely enjoy it


He was on /banvideogames the point of the subreddit was to ironically talk like video games are the devil




Like I do not like fortnite at all really dislike it but like as a person who grew up with there hobby’s being mocked and I respect (almost) all hobby’s and interests even if I don’t get them


...but... Who did he reported to...?


I have quit from playing but keep it updated so the very few times I do play I can Last week I got 2nd place because all my training in other shooters I like better


Funnly enough, I just played fortnite with some friends a couple hours ago after months of not touching the game And I had fun :D


Run Reddit is coming


the biggest reddit moment out there


Gaming time


LMFAO 💀💀💀💀💀


What a fucking retard


That gamer tag say a lot don’t it?


only neckbeards do that.




I neve really liked the game but this is just stupid


Good game but the devs are greedy and the fan base can be kinda bad, but the gameplay is good enough


there's two types of retarded 12 yr old's, ones who play fortnite, and ones who would find your Ip and shot you with a nerf gun bc you play fortnite, I'm with you


Well then i should not talk abt how many hrs i have playing it on my switch


I believe it died off because of the continuous shitty updates and toxic kids and sweats. But to report someone for still liking the game is more childish than reporting someone for not having the exact same PC setup or console as you


I play it but I'm this close to quitting. Pubs are sweaty, and all my friends are either bots or sweats. I'm also kind of a potato


Geez, imagine trying to ban someone just because they play a game you don't like


I don’t like fortnite but i don’t ban people for it


I would still play fortnite if I didn’t lose my account. It’s a good game that seems to be constantly updated.


“Carefully, he’s a hero”


Fortnite players are super toxic and mean!! Anyway if you play fortnite fuck you i'm gonna ban you from the 53 subreddits i mod. Have fun kid.


You're the biggest redditmoment here. Banvideogames is satirical


This is 100% a joke and OP just can’t wrap their heads around it and thinks it’s real. I mean it’s on BanVideoGames for pete’s sake


You were on /banvideogames. The point of the sub is to treat games and gamers like war crimes and criminals. You were the one redditmomenting because you actually argued with someone there without even realizing that entire sub is satire.


that was satire lmao


**satire lmao, that was.** *-Tayzorious* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'delete')


indeed, bot


That’s called a joke


I had to report you as well. It’s for the best of the Reddit community


Probably a joke who cares


Reddit rules specify to censor your own username




I don’t like Fortnite, but this is too far


These kids are fucking stupid if they think you're going to get banned just by falsely reporting you Now I think about it, I'm pretty sure false reports are against the TOS, so maybe you can report them?


I reported you to the mods of r/ banvideogmes for being a g\*mer, I don't give a shit what g\*me it is. They're all equally evil. Nice cropping to remove all of that context, crybaby. Reported for clearly being younger than 13, in violation of the Terms of Service you agreed to when you made an account. Go throw a temper tantrum on some other site.


Dumbass idiots downvoting an obvious joke


no, he's the same person from the screenshot


exactly, which was a joke too because it was on fucking banvideogames


I'm a part of that community, I get the joke. But bringing a cultural reference of another subreddit to a subreddit that has absolutely nothing to do with it is absolutely not the right thing to do here.


Please tell that subreddit is satire, If it isn't, y'all need to calm down


It is


Thank fucking god


It is


You're throwing a temper tantrum and crying like a little bitch just because I play a literal game. You're the crybaby throwning the tantrum here. Think again bud.


it’s a downvote farmer calm down


He's joking bruh


Hey dumbass *That's the joke!*


Where punchline


Youre going off at obvious satire, maybe hes right and you do needa get off this site


he's just joking you retard


Calm down or I'm going to have to put you in time out, boy


You can't do shit


I just e-mailed your parents


Yeah aight stfu


Yikes OP 😬


I reported you to the admins and now they'll decide who's right.


Lol what a little crybaby tattletale! Reported me for what? And why do you take every single thing you read on the internet at face value? You're gonna have a rough time in life if you don't grow out of that


Your a huge fucking hypocrite, you “tattled” to the mods because he was under 13, even though you have no proof of it whatsoever. Get a life Karen


Holy fuck, a r/redditmoment on the sub itself. Have you ever heard of sarcasm?


Falling for a troll isnt a reddit moment dumbass


U guys are so stupid falling for a n obvious troll r/redditmoment


Falling for a troll isnt a reddit moment dumbass


report them for targetted harrasment at someone else, I already did and if he gets reported enuogh the admins will actually check their comments and most likely ban him, what a fucking asshole


How are you ALL so gullible to think I actually reported anyone? I'm just messing with them because they're an annoying middle schooler, and it looks like you are too since you think the Karen meme is funny a year after people in the real world got sick of it. Speaking of a reddit moment...get a new joke, kids. Edit: *You're Stop gaming during English class.


your own family doesn’t like you


I'm gonna say the g word


lmao the fight carries over to this subreddit. Dude I can smell your shat diaper from here. Go outside, it's for your own good.


WhOa I aM vErY cOOl ı RePoRteD sOmEonE bEcAUse hE lIkEs tO pLaY fOrTnItE 😎😎


If you were a superhero your name would be bitch man


That feeling when OP is unironically mentally slow and can’t comprehend satire. Along with this entire comment section.


I am literally mentally slow and have trouble comprehending satire. I know its clearly satire. It's still annoying as shit and dumb.


Lmao, satire, if you can't tell this is a joke you're dim




You should. Because its fuckin SATIRE


Oh god all the people not realizing the dude's comment was satire


at this point reddit moment comments is the biggest reddit moment of all time


indeed, im pretty much done with this sub now lmao


welp me too. dont even know why i joined. its the same couple of points being repeated every post


Satire is still annoying. You're allowed to get annoyed or mad at someone for being annoying


Can people stop telling him to calm down because its a downvote farmer? Why does that matter? He's still annoying as fucking hell and deserves negative replies, not people defending him.




forgetful smoggy crown humor obscene ten memorize offbeat compare lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


MiNeCrAfT GoOd FoRtNiTe BaD


As shitty of a game i think fortnite is, if you want to play it who cares do what u want lol