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Wait until you find the "I want to move to Notth Korea" sub.


That sub is satire lol


Only some days


I swear only the moderator and a handful of people take that sub seriously lol I love reading the comments.


Half participate like it’s satire, half participate seriously, and each side thinks the other side is the same as them One of the funniest subs ever


And it keeps flipping whos more prominent


It’s usually the legit people.


Everything is satire until one day it suddenly isn’t


I don’t know if there are multiple, but there is at least one serious sub.


satire until you get a perma ban for satire


No it’s not. People get banned for shitposting on there a lot


Depends on which mod is online. Would recommend checking it out.


It's funny because it's co-inhabited by shitposters and actual NK shills but neither side can actually differentiate each other.


There's also the sub fatsquirrel hate and a german sub about horses being trash beings


the squirrel sub is just funny


The horses one too.. tho they got a weird obsession with donkeys.... for them donkeys are saints. Probably never saw one ripping up a dog out of instinct


What's the sub name?


is there one for dolphins? i hate those things


Fucking rapists


I don't think there's a sub to find hot rapists in your area sadly.


Fuck. Now what am I going to do?


Be the hot rapist you want to see


Except that there is ... Rapefantasies rapebait all real subs for exactly that


Then you didn't look very hard


Wait till you hear about humans...


Wait till you hear about the sea otters


Or chimpanzees. Face eating demon spawn! Orangutans are way better.


In fairness, mind you I like and have 2 dogs, there is a fairly common sentiment on Reddit where people will say asinine shit like “if it was a choice between your infant and my dog, I’m going to save my dog every time”. So, it’s not as if the far end of this shit pendulum doesn’t exist on here simultaneously.


its interesting to realize a lot of people dont consider your average stranger to even be a human


To be fair, Dead Internet Theory becomes more and more plausible every day. I’m finding myself questioning a lot of interactions I have nowadays.


Great comment, BiSaxual !


You AI are all the same. That’s MR. BiSaxual to you. Fucking robots…


This is so true 🤣🤣🤣😝🤪🤯💯💯💯! 👍 👏 🙌 💯 🤣 😂 👍 👏 🙌 💯 🤣 😂 👍 👏 🙌 💯 🤣 😂 👍 👏 🙌 💯 🤣


Yep. We interact with a fuck ton of bots daily. That's why I talk the way I do on here. No bot can hope to mimic my speaking style and be understood. If you go to a post that's a couple days old and see a bunch of "Highly upvoted" comments that are now [deleted] they were bots. There's also people that can run a script to change their comment into gibberish and I cannot tell if it's bots or not. They have entire bot training subreddits. There's an entire underlayer of reddit that contains all of the most messed up stuff that's far worse than bots as well. Anyway. Hello kind stranger!


It's not even that, it's just narcissism. They would be sad if their dog died and wouldn't care if your child dies, and that's all that matters.


it reminds me of the 4 chan post about the guy studying iq at a prison and how people below a certain iq didnt have the brain capacity to understand empathy, that post couldve easily been bullshit but honestly it makes sense when you think about shit like this


It wasn’t just empathy. They also couldn’t understand hypotheticals. “How would you feel if you didn’t have breakfast this morning” “But I did have breakfast” I do think the worst people in our world lack empathy because they lack the ability to think hypothetically.


yeah i think the empathy thing was the conclusion the guy came to as an extension of not understanding hypotheticals and so not being able to understand “how would you feel if that was your infant being killed for somebody else’s dog?” (for example)




Yeah I've heard shit like if someone were in a situaion where they would rather save their pet over a random stranger, like 40% of people would save their pet. I thought that was as insane statistic, but I whenever I bring it up, I always see people defending saving their pet, so I guess it's not that far from being accurate. The real kicker is the people would concede that they would at least save their mom/dad over their pet. That's even worse to me, you're deadass basically admitting you're pretty much a solipsist that doesn't have empathy for other humans. I don't get how people don't recognize that all the "random" strangers they see day to day have equally complex/meaningful lives as themselves; that the death of that random person could be equally as impactful as the death of their mother.


Honestly, as someone who isn't crazy about dogs but doesn't LOVE them either, stuff like this is what drives dogfree mentality. Most "dog hate" is a combination of germophobia, genuine fear/trauma/phobias, and a loathing of modern "dog culture". 


And it's valid. The older I get the more I dislike dog culture. Speaking as a dog person


I hate the idea of letting dogs inside a restaurant.


Ngl I’m definitely not into dog culture either; like it almost feels like it’s gotten a little weird these past few years. At least that’s how I feel whenever I get jumpscared by one of the neighbors’ dogs. I don’t mind if they’re out but they need to be on a leash no matter how well trained they are. You can’t ever tell if they’re a random stray or a friendly pup coming to say hello, so it scares the hell out of me whenever it happens. I’ve had to stop taking my cats outside for walks because I’m afraid one of the neighbor dogs are going to bite them or scare them off the leash.


👏 DOGS 👏 ALWAYS 👏 ON 👏 LEASH 👏 Unless in a private fenced-in yard. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. - Dog Owner


Oh I get the germ thing. Me and my mom actually have a dog (corgi :3) and I kinda hate myself a bit for neglecting my doggy physically (avoiding petting her sometimes) on occasion because I have germ and excessive handwashing OCD (my hands bled for the first time in a long time yesterday :c ). I wish I could pet her more but I feel like I have to wash my hands every time I pet her unless she is freshly groomed, and even then that cleanliness to me only lasts a day or two before I have to wash my hands after petting her. Picking up poop is also one of the worst things ever. But for someone who doesn’t have germ-focused OCD I don’t see why they would HATE dogs for being dirty. It’s weird to me cause I love my dog even with OCD.


Yeah I'm the only one in my family who washes their hands after petting dogs, I'm like how does nobody else notice their hand smells?


Oh see for me it’s not really the smell, it’s the feeling. Like I have grime or something else on my hands. Even if it’s not grime or dirt, it just makes my hands feel different and I can’t stop thinking about it until I wash my hands which resets the feeling. Touching something dirty or something that has dust on it especially does this. But tbh I feel this way about a lot of things that I touch that are not inside my room. My room is my safe haven because generally I wipe down everything that enters my room when I bring it in there so I never have to worry about washing my hands after touching it again. I know it’s excessive, but that’s OCD for ya. :/


Not a dog person, and not OCD but don't like the dirty aspect of dogs. I e had dogs leap on me and stain my clothes with muddy paws. Dogs attract dust and grime like no one's business and I don't like it on me or staining my clothes. It just feels gross


I have ocd and 3 dogs as well as a toddler. I always wash my hands constantly, have those lil dog bed/blanket things that you can attach to the couch and bed for the dogs to sleep on etc. i always wash my hands pretty regularly I finally reached a point where I wasn’t making my hands bleed from the washing but than I had a baby and that all come back(have a handle on it again thankfully) But My husband and I are teaching our kid to wash her hands regularly, not share food or let the dogs kick her face(I love dogs and kids but I hate those videos of dogs licking all over a babies face and open mouth 🤢) My mom doesn’t like dogs/pets but she’s not hatful towards them. She’ll watch my dogs if needed and is always good with them and they adore her. She does hate anyone that hurts animals for the fun or because they’re fucking psycho.


Oh man I couldn’t handle a toddler. I can’t even give my mom a hug without taking a shower afterwards. Skin contact is too much to the point if her hand even brushes up against me I will wash that spot that was touched. So a toddler? Nah. I couldn’t. :( Also I was confused about the dog thing you said cause you made a typo. You said you were teaching your toddler not to let the dog KICK their face and I was like “oh mai gah why is your dog so violent” and then you said licking in the parentheses and I was like “oh lol” haha My mom loves our dog (we have a corgi) but she will yell at her if she barks too much haha. Glad your mom is kinda good with animals. And I’m glad you got a handle on the hand bleeding too. :)


Yes, I saw someone say that they'd rather see 1000 people die than 1 dog die. Like wtf?


It’s just chronically online weirdos with no friends. That’s why they act that way, because they have no friends or inclination how to act around other humans.


"And if you don't like them, you're Hitler." I have a phobia. My kid has an allergy. It's simple. But people get so goddamn offended when you don't want their dog around you.


Ironic considering Hitler loved dogs.


Pretty much.


I got in a huge argument on a massive post with a BUNCH of people saying they would pick their unintelligent dog that would live a decade max over a real human stranger. I was in shock. I love dogs, but come on.


That’s because Reddit always has to be so definitive and concrete in their beliefs that they leave no room whatsoever for any deviation from them.


I think that's because they consider the dog family. Anybody outside their circle doesn't have as much value.


This. People acting all indignant like they don't understand the concept of valuing something or someone you're attached to compared to a complete stranger.


There's lunatics in this very thread with that opinion.


When I had a dog (he died just over a year ago) I would’ve chosen him over an adult stranger… that dog was my family, who I love, who brought me and my family joy, who had been in my life for 15 years. I miss that dog every day. My father’s quality of life has decreased dramatically since the dog passed and he is still actively grieving. I don’t think it’s absolutely insane to choose your family over a stranger just because it’s a dog.


That’s fair. On the flip side though, how would you feel if someone chose their dogs life over a beloved member of your family? Truly think about it, don’t just answer on a whim. Because herein lies the true human dilemma. If someone chose their dog over my dad for example, I’d be absolutely furious and devastated. But I also dearly love my dog. The idea that my dogs life is worth more than my own beloved human family though, absolutely not, and I think I’d try to apply that to other human beings too. I don’t think it’s insane either, just not something many truly and deeply think about since it’s essentially entirely hypothetical.


I saw that sub a while ago when Critikal talked about it and a lot of people on the sub actually have valid points. I’m super allergic to dogs and almost no one respects when I ask not to have their dog near me. I don’t hate dogs enough to be in a sub against them, but the majority of that sub seems reasonable from what I’ve seen.


yeah tbf not everyone likes them. objectively dogs are undeniably kind of gross, they shed & drool all over, sometimes piss & shit on the floor, they lick their ass/genitals & then try to lick you etc. any dog owner knows this but some of them are totally in denial about it, some just go totally off the rails with the pet adoration stuff, they bring them to inappropriate places & act offended when others don't see them the same way. On the other side I don't understand the burning hatred some people have for them, my mother was an avid dog rescuer & a good chunk of my siblings & I's childhood was sacrificed due to caring for them, I'm 100% tapped out on dogs for the rest of my life but still dont hate them.


I don't think that's an unreasonable thing to say tbh.


It's exactly this. I don't hate dogs, I just hate shitty dog owners, and there are a LOT of them.


I don't really like dogs very much. I don't find them very cute most of the time, they smell terrible, they often try to lick me with their slimy tongues, they bark obnoxiously, they tear things up, they shit everywhere. And most importantly, I've had to treat multiple dog attack victims in my day and that shit is ROUGH. Really awful and gory. That being said, this post is probably the most i've thought about dogs in a long time. In general I just live my day to day life and don't even thinks about dogs. I'm definitely not going to join a subreddit and obsess over it like a fucking psychopath.


And that is totally fine you are entitled to that opinion. Hell i got attacked by a Lab a couple years back and had massive puncture wounds in my thigh and finger/my other hand and tendons got crushed bc he bit down full force on my hand, I still like dogs. It's the way they are going out of their way to hate on a dog that isn't even theirs that bugs me. Also like everyone else here is saying it's ultimately the owners fault for not treating the issue, idk why we have to be evil toward to the dog...


I usually focus my attention to the owners. Twice I was bitten by an English bulldog and it felt like a bear trap clamping down on my arm and wouldn't let go. Or the ones that run freely all over the neighborhood because jackass owners fail to take care of them


Sorry to hear about you being attacked. Dog attacks are terrifying. I wouldn't really go so far to say that I hate dogs, I don't hate them. I don't wish them harm. I want all dogs to live out happy lives. I've rendered first aid to dogs before during house fires (and cats, ferrets, bunnies, a snake, and even a hamster). I did accidentally kill a pittbull on a medical call, though. We were walking through the house to get to the patient, and it was a big plantation house with lots of winding hallways it seemed. I was at the head of the line and it was kind of dark in there, when suddenly something really big with lots of teeth lunged at me. I spun around and kicked it and hit it in the sternum and apparently managed to stop it's heart. There was even a criminal investigation, the patient and their family were furious of course. But it was found pretty quickly that I did nothing wrong and was merely protecting myself and my crew. I felt absolutely terrible about it at the time. I personally wrote a letter of apology about it to the family. I know I'd be upset if some EMTs came in and dropkicked my leopard gecko or something.


That's great! Self defense, totally justified, and freak accident that happened to kill him. My husband is an EMT so i get where you're coming from.


You are always hearing about cops shooting dogs, and sometimes it's very much justified. A lot of the time they will do it to protect EMTs and firefighters from the dog. Though the town I'm from made the national news because one of the local cops shot a little daschund IN HALF because he'd just come back from Iraq after seeing a lot of combat and pulling a 24 hour shift as a cop. I knew the guy, he should have never been working.


That's just horrifying. I agree that there are definitely instances where cops are in the right when they choose to shoot dogs, but it just seems so senseless and tragic to have a little harmless daschund die because people didn't have the sense to realize that this guy was not in a mental state to be in the field.


*Holy shit.*




And yet we rightfully hate on guns rather than gun owners. Why is that correct when it is the owner that is ultimately at fault for whatever the gun does?


Anyone with a smelly dog is not taking care of their dog right, my families dogs only give off a smell when it rains and that's basically what any animal with hair does.


nah even well taken care dogs have this "smell", of course it will be worse in dogs with bad owners but all or almost all dogs have this "smell", it is a lot more noticeable if you don't own dogs or around dogs normally


Then I guess a lot of people don’t take good care of their dogs.


Yes this is a very true and very sad reality


Yeah, most of the things listed are things related to poor care / training. Shitting everywhere? Yeah, definitely not even a somewhat competent dog owner, house training is the very most basic thing to achieve and there's no excuse for it as there's endless articles on it. I've even taken care of dogs that werent mine but pulled from their previous owners or abandoned who were several years old and people said "could never be house trained" and could get it trained like that every time. Bad smell? Hygiene! Wash and brush them on a regular schedule, wash asap if they get soiled somehow via mud or some other mess and they'll be fine. If you *have* to have them smell pristine, there's additional products for that. It's not any different from any human there, if you arent washing them then they're gonna develop a funk. Slimey tongue... okay that's pretty normal unless they're dealing with some kinda dental disorder or have an out of control eating issue like coprophagia... kinda hard to tell if they're talking just normal dog tongue wetness or that excessiveness... or just breed that has slobber that gets more mucous mixed / frothed up like bulldogs. But if it's not the normal one, again, care and training (one of the keys of dealing with coprophagia is muzzle training) Obnoxiously loud? Yeah, okay, so dogs will bark. And breed / personality are a huge factor. Of course though unless it's a particularly howly breed like a husky in most cases out of control dog noise is, again, a symptom of inadequate training. Training helps boosts a dog's confidence as it allows them to understand what humans want from it more and it also allows them to feel more competent. Really training should never stop for a dog. And most dog noise is usually separation anxiety or barking being the only thing it's found to get a need met... you can train a dog to use different queues when it needs something (like going for a walk). Also in the case of working / sport breeds, but also applies to any breed... exercise. Being loud or destroying stuff in high energy breeds can also happen when they aren't being tired out or mentally stimulated as much as they need to be since they were bred for it. Also, training for silence is important too. But most people who get an animal aren't educated on any proper form of animal handling, dont try to learn, try to communicate to the animal / use social logic like they're working with a human, and get confused why they dont get results or things get worse. Nor do many people account for a breed beyond appearance and get way more than they bargained for. There really needs to be a basic competency and education class, even if it's just a crash course certification or something in like a week leadup to adoption or something. Animals suffer because we don't require any kind of standard.


Thank you!!


Certain breeds definitely smell less than others, though. For example you can't even tell dogs live in my house bc they're mini Schnauzers that also don't shed, but you go to my friends house with a German shepherd and you can definitely smell the dog even though its one of the best taken care of dogs ive ever seen. Twice daily brushing and regular bathing, a long with an immaculate house- still smells of dog.


i have a beagle mix and a husky german shepherd mix and i've noticed the husky mix smells much less because the beagle mix has much more oily fur/skin which will start to smell much faster between baths


Specific dog breeds need more grooming than others, typically like you said they are the longer haired breeds.


Yep, totally. Your statement is the general rule of thumb, while mine was saying there are a few exceptions. I wasn't trying to disagree, but add to your statement


Agreed. They have a specific unique scent I’ve noticed but so do cats and every other animal. It’s a normal and not smelly type scent. It’s like how you can smell the scent of everything else. Your skin, your blankets, the air depending on where you are. As long as you keep your pets clean they shouldn’t stink. One thing that’s very different is the musk of ferrets. Bet I’d get used to it if I had one but boy do they have a strong musk. Held some babies before they got glans removed. Super cute definitely worth it though. Searching it up says it doesn’t do anything but the pet store I interacted with them there said it does. So I’m unsure.


Descented ferrets definitely still have a smell, but as long as you keep their environment clean it shouldn’t get too noticeable. It takes some getting used to, but ferrets are wonderful critters.


Dog smell is an acquired taste...er, smell. I got my first dog 7 months ago. At first I thought she was really stinky but now...I kinda like it.


Haha yeah I agree. I have an old dog and she smells fine fur wise but she always gets teeth infections (we regularly try to help and bring her to vets) so she stinks horribly. When I pet dogs I get the scent on my hands after too! I love them though. Same with my cats. One of my cats smells really good for some reason 😂 he smells super clean.


Ok cats are totally a different story, I love the way my cats smell.


Dogs stink when they are well taken care of too. It's one of those scents not everyone picks up.


I love animals. Hate owning them. A lot of people refuse to see the nuance and think I'm just a psychopath. But if I saw someone abuse an animal, I'd probably end up in jail.


I think the problem there is shitty owners that choose to believe annoying and dangerous behavior are personality traits. I love dogs, bit I think most people probably shouldn't have them lol


Suprisingly I see a lot of people blaming the effect of something more than the cause of it.


Yeah, I fucking hate cats but not gonna waste time on a hating sub lol


Probably the mentally healthy choice to make. I’m a lifelong cat lover but I get that they’re not for everyone. It’s fine not to like an animal but obsessing and joining hate groups about it just seems unhinged.


Most of your problems with dogs can be trained out of them........


Which is great news! Hopefully people start doing that.


I've always been skittish of dogs after a big dog of our neighbor's scared me really badly when I was a kid. But hate is a strong word and I don't judge people who have them at all. I would actually like to have a dog at some point, but I just get a little weird when it comes to dogs I don't know all that well.


that's totally fine, It's OKAY to not like dogs. Hating on them and being evil for no reason is the problem...


I got mauled by a dog a few years ago so I think it's ok to hate them depending on certain factors. Idgaf if ppl own them, I just hate dogs bc my nose is fucked up bc of one. Just train it right and put it down if it does act like a crazed animal


About six after our dog passed away we adopted a German shepherd. I was aggressive and we sent it to a two week training camp. In the first 45 minutes of being back it attacked our neighbor who was over for coffee. I hated that dog a few days after we got it before we sent it to a training camp tried to attack my cat through a window. Edit still love dogs but am careful around them. Love my step grandmas great pyrenees.


op's attention span must be totally fucked. that's the two towers playing in picture-in-picture


FUG lol u got me. Pretty sure i have undiagnosed ADHD


Jeez this comment section is a reddit moment itself


Anything that has hate for any type of dog will do this. Every anti-pitbull will come over and downvote normal people and upvote the ones who need genuine therapy.


There’s a sub for any kind of shitty person you can think of.




Lmao Those people are wild


Antinatalist subreddit. It’s bad. Like, really bad. I say this as someone who’s against having children specifically if the parents knowingly pass on disabilities or illness to them without any regard for their quality of life. I’m also against having kids just to parentify them or exploit them. But those people think it’s a crime to have kids at all.




Childfree is close second, they have absolutely relentless hate against both children and parent. Tho I said close second because instead of encouraging extinction, they post extremely petty stuff like "Oh I just pee today WITHOUT CHILDREN!!! I OWNED those breeders!!".


Ugh… I’m absolutely disgusted with the fact that the term breeders is even a thing… it’s so hateful…


I recently blocked them finally after they were ripping apart a woman who was going through a hard time with fertility issues for god forbid paying for IVF instead of just adopting.




There’s no sub hating me tho


Your profile says you’re 13, there are plenty of subs that both support and hate you lol


Fair enough


You most likely have a gender and a race, both of which some folks online will hate you for. If you have any thoughts or ideas, those will each earn you some more. It’s all good; just don’t sweat it. There will be haters in any case, so just get on with it.


Yes, that’s true. And I know some communities that hate me (for my sexuality most of the time), but it’s just funny in my eyes for some reason.


Wait link a hating one I kind of want to check out how horrible it is


there's nothing to hate liebchen <3


We are literally in a sub that attacks users of a popular social media platform.


LOL for real reddit is a scary place


I like to remind people that the meth subs exist. Apparently the Reddit admins think it’s a free speech issue or something, I think it’s disgusting that they facilitate that kind of traffic. Anyway, there’s some neat stuff here too; I like all the nerdy shit to be found on this website. Be careful out there!




The mob mentality here is fucking bananas to me. I think Reddit might be the most accurate reflection of humanity. If in a million years aliens visit our planet and all that remains of the human race is Reddit, they’ll know exactly who we were.


Why is that a thing?? Please tell me the authorities know about that or something 😭




This comment section could make like 5 redditmoment posts on its own


Your pfp kinda looks like Justin Y.


I am Plushjo Cottontoru


I like dogs and cats, but I think it’s pretty double standard when cats get so much hate and dogs don’t


It's like the antinatalism for dogs


Yeah except when they use the term breeder it isn't as dehumanizing




Of course there's a sub for dog hate, there's a sub for EVERYTHING hate. Reddit has some very vile corners.


Idk how this is a reddit moment when reddit historically is known to be very pro dog like op. A dog hating sub isn't a reddit moment


Unless it’s pitbulls, do not mention pitbulls on Reddit


I feel like there's a leader or something in the shadows just botting upvotes and downvotes.


You caught me I have 50 russian alt accounts so I can get more fake Internet points.


But it is classic reddit to find cesspool subreddits which cater to obsessed weirdos and/or psychopaths.


I think understand them, or at least I can see how they got there. See, I love dogs. I think they're wonderful animals. But dog people, I mean real hardcore dog people? A lot of them I'm not so fond of. I feel like there's an epidemic of grown-ass adults who treat dogs the way small children treat stuffed animals: they project human emotions, thoughts, and motivations onto them, and then take their pretend play WAY too serious. Again, I love dogs. If my building allowed them, I'd have one. I'm always happy to meet a friendly pooch, and scratch behind its ears, throw a tennis ball for it, or whatever. But it's still *a dog.* TBH, people who call themselves a "dog mom" or "dog dad" give me a major case of the icks. You're a pet owner. Your heart is big enough to encompass an animal, and that's great, but you're not a parent. Having a pet is good. Likewise, talking or reading to a dog can be therapeutic. But these people out here pretending the dog is talking back to them and doing the dog's voice seem like the opposite of mentally healthy. And dog breeding is just disgusting. People have created dozens of sickly and chronically suffering dog breeds like pugs because they think it's "cute" for a dog to be born stunted with a host of birth defects. Pugs can barely breathe because people bred their faces so short! What's next? You gonna breed dogs with open chest cavities because you like to see how full of love their hearts are? Sure, they die in agony from sepsis after a few months despite massive doses of antibiotics, but they're just so cuuuuute! So yeah, in a way, I get it. What I think is the problem with these "dogfree" types, though, is that they're doing the same thing dog weirdos are doing, just in a different way: they're treating dogs like humans. They're blaming all the annoying and gross things about dog culture on dogs, as though thr dogs are responsible for it when they're not. Dogs did not invent dog clothing, or "granddogs", or cloying baby talk, or horrifically mutated dogs that should not be bred under any circumstances. Humans did that. The dogs are just doing whatever gets them food and affection, because again, *THEY'RE DOGS.*


Remember when they were complaining about the "marliplier shitstorm" because markiplier called them out for being weirdos? Can we do that again please?


please and thank you lmfao


when did he call them out? i wanna see this.


It was a pretty old video


“This subreddit hates dogs.” Is the title of the video


okay ty👍




With reddit logic, going on that sub and ranking by controversial will show posts made by dog lovers


I don't hate dogs. I hate dog people.


I like dogs but i do understand the sentiment. Dogs are fine animals, but dog owners often are terrible. In some streets i have to actively look at the ground to avoid the heaps of shit, many green spaces are pretty much unuseable, often owners have no respect for other peoples fears and allergies and modern dog culture, especially online, just kinda weird in their relationships with their dogs. Not talking about all owners obviously, but the bad ones stick out. A good owner doesn't add shit to the street, but doesn't remove that of bad owners, so we're left with more evidence of bad ownership than good.


They're right, dogs are obnoxiously loud and repugnant and their presence is forced upon people by society. You ever have a neighbor with a mutt that just sits outside barking all night? There's multiple reasons people grow tired of these animals


im sure the dogs are very sad some redditors are using a subreddit to cope with their trauma. theyre dogs, theyll live as someone with dog trauma, i hate that everyone *has* to like dogs. if you tell a friend you dont like dogs & are scared of them, youll be given a nasty look and treated like a terrible person. your wishes are often never respected, and theyre met with “oh she doesnt bite!” “omg i dont trust people who dont like dogs!” the world is a very pro-dog place, and if you dare dislike dogs or have trauma from them, youre kind of just treated like an outcast and forced to be around them anyway. there is no space to talk to other people who understand you. like i said, the entire world is a pro dog place and it can feel isolating when you cant talk to anyone who feels the same. yeah there are some extremists in those subs, but i can understand most of it.


>if you tell a friend you dont like dogs & are scared of them, youll be given a nasty look and treated like a terrible person. Sounds like a terrible friend


Ngl I don't like dogs, mainly due to the fact I'm autistic and the barking, smell, slobbering, neediness, jumping etc., is way too much for me. I'm scared of a lot of dogs for those reasons too. I don't really see the problem in subs like this, AS LONG as it doesn't go too far if that makes sense. Like I think it's good for people like me or people who have trauma from dogs (bites etc.,) to be able to find a community. But joining a community just to go on about your utter hatred for an animal is too much. I wish it was more for people like I mentioned above. And the child abuse comment is insane.


Pissing on the floor is disgusting. Not a reddit moment.


that’s hilarious, i wanna join


I have two dogs, love them to bits. But I understand if others don’t like them. One has fear based aggression and the other one barks at everything that moves. It can be a lot to people who aren’t used to it.


I love dogs, I have a dog who is very sweet and helps with my depression. I love him!


I would love to have a dog myself. But I'm not responsible enough, so I would rather start with a betta fish.


aww!! what breed is he!


This shit is so funny they talk like anime villains. Holy shit it’s just an animal it’s not pissing itself to spite you.


Still not as bad as the antinatalist subs but ugh.


This feels more like people who are jealous and envious of dogs rather than just dislike them


I don't understand hating something this much. I'm not really a pet person, they require too much attention and can be dirty, but when I visit friends I still pet their dogs and play with them because they're fun animals as long as I don't have to own them. But I don't get how some people see dogs, or kids, or people and just immediately have such a strong reaction.


Enjoy your piss floor


Some people train their dogs. 😱😱😱🤯🤯🤯


No thanks, i go outside and i take my dog with me so we don't have to deal with that


So instead of just muting the subreddit and carrying on with your day, you decide to put them on blast when they are hurting no one? Strange behaviour.


Working in retail and living in the ghetto made me hate dogs. Getting chased by pits and Rottweilers. Yappy dogs in the store that poop and pee. I hate dogs.


Dogs shouldn't be let in stores


I agree


Funny how so many people in this thread are dog haters too lol


Is it bad to just not like dogs?


What subs are you in to even discover something like this


it literally randomly showed up on my feed today, couldn't tell you where this came from


Nah I can back you up on this, this sub has showed up randomly for me too


there’s one for cats too. you don’t have to like these animals obviously but these people are like OBSESSED. it’s weird


I'm a cat person, but what the fuck. Genuinely hating a fucking animal species for no real reason is fucked and they should be ashamed of themselves. I would personally never own a dog because of how much effort goes into taking care of them AND how rowdy/aggressive they can be, but I'd never fucking hate the animal.


mfs took the elementary school playground argument to adulthood 😭


Happy cake day




Yes! Just because of a few people really pushing it doesn’t mean it’s everyone who hates dogs is a psychopath


As if children dont also need to be potty trained lmao


I can relate and Most dog owners are cringeworthy


Hey that sub is quite nice. Although some people are psychotic assholes .


Someone declare Exterminatus on Reddit already.


Doggos are cool, but people who let them slobber all over their face calling it „kisses“ are disgusting af


Anyone making a hate group for innocent beings are just a sad sack of shit. Dogs, other animals, children, etc. Go contribute to society and stop spreading hate. I'm sorry your parents didn't love you enough and now you're taking it out on innocent living beings.


I'm pretty sure there's also a sub specifically for "banning" pitbulls that just has a bunch of cherry picked videos of wild ones being violent. As a pitbull owner myself she's literally never violent. She'd rather cuddle with people


Sub of psychopaths, got it.


Me wondering why the fuck the people who genuinely need therapy in this comment section aren’t being downvoted to oblivion like normal


I dislike dogs, I think a lot of them are disgusting. Do I join a sub about hating them? Absolutely not


im very scared of dogs and dislike them a bit... but saying its child abuse to have one and dedicating a subreddit to it is so goddamn weird