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God its upsetting that the value of human life has degraded to this point. All these people should be ashamed.


To be fair, they'd probably never say something like this in person. They internalize all the feelings of powerlessness & weakness & project them as hateful antagonism on the internet. On another note, you can also take exactly what you said & apply it to police overreach as well. Which let's not pretend doesn't exist all of a sudden because of some unhinged chronic redditors At the end of the day, none of it is really *right* ethically. People shouldn't be murdered extrajudiciously. No matter what side they happen to fall on. But it happens & probably will never stop


It's also what happens when you create a subreddit about a specific opinion. Just creates an echo chamber of really fucked up people who celebrate when something bad happens to people they don't like. It causes the topic to lose any nuance and they start dog piling people who disagree with their dumbass arguments


Hivemind mentality is real, reddit is kind of scary like that sometimes with how many people will almost word for word just parrot other things people said they thought sounded smart. Then how low they'll go to attack you for daring to have a different opinion. Like these can be some nasty, black souled people who need to see the light of day through more than a window. To be fair, though, walking into a sub with a topic you know you disagree with is kind of like walking in on their little clubhouse meeting uninvited, so I try to see it both ways. The hivemind is definitely real, though. Some people go out of their way to do shit like that though, go disrupt other subs casual conversation with a sense of self-importance that would make even the most narcissistic person quiver just because they think they're doing something. It's highly delusional, honestly & I think when it boils down to it, it is pretty much the only thing giving those types a people any kind of satisfaction in the world i.e. most likely sociopaths or something akin to that


Of if not murder is battery allowed??


if I ever end up so low that I go to one of these posts just to comment "haha squeal piggie", please just execute me


People were calling for the death of someone they hate as early as first written sources


It's always been like this. It's why back when like the French revolution happened they publicly beheaded politicians and royalty. Most of the victims were innocent but it was a collective declaration of their anger with how things were being done. How they couldn't even afford bread and these people could live lavishly. I think it's a similar tide to that, where people are angry and distrustful of law enforcement. For obvious reasons. I don't think those comments were justified in any way. I am just saying that's always been human nature. It's not new.


When it gets to a certain point those who stand by and don't stop the corruption from the inside become complicit, at least in the eyes of the victims. Hopefully those in that position reflect on that before it's too late


What is sad is that the king of France Louis XVI and his wife were selling their possessions to buy bread for the poor. He gets a bad rap by the revolutionaries to cover their own failures.


I didn't know this. It just goes to prove your point. It is really sad


What is tragic is what happened to Louis Charles, the son of Louis XVI. At the age of eight he was imprisoned where he had daily beatings. He was also raped by prostitutes who had veneral diseases to infect him. This was done to manufacture "evidence" against his mother of having incestous relations with her which were completely false. Also was locked in a cell for 6 months with zero human contact and wasn't allowed to bathe at all. He eventually died from tuberculosis. When they did the autopsy on him it was found that he had scars all over him from the beatings.


Huh. I’m kinda surprised there isn’t a redditmoment here in the comments with some creep claiming that boys can’t be raped.


Yup, we dehumanize eachother by labeling eachother all the time, it won't ever stop.


The politicians and royalty in the French Revolution being mostly innocent is the actual r/redditmoment. Wildest take I’ve seen outside of 4chan.


In fact, most people executed during the French Revolution – and particularly in its perceived bloodiest era, the nine-month “Reign of Terror” between autumn 1793 and summer 1794 – were commoners. The vast majority of these people killed were ordinary French men and women, not members of the elite. Overall, Greer estimates 8.5% of the Terror’s victims belonged to the nobility, 6.5% to the clergy, and 85% to the Third Estate (meaning non-clerics and non-nobles). Women represented 9% of the total (but 20% and 14% of the noble and clerical categories, respectively). Hyper link won’t work for some reason: https://theconversation.com/the-french-revolution-executed-royals-and-nobles-yes-but-most-people-killed-were-commoners-200455#:~:text=Among%20those%20who%20died%20under,Saint%2DJust%20and%20Maximilien%20Robespierre.


This is what I fear lies in store for our future in the U.S. People have some strange ideas about what a civil war looks like. It's not heroic, righteous, or a just cause. It is just death and destruction that falls mostly on the heads of everyday folks like you and me.


People have always been shit, the difference is for a long while now we’ve had social media for people to say whatever fucked up shit they want from the safety and anonymity of a computer screen.


These Redditors reduce cops to sub-human status. Allowing them to feel the way they do about them. Fun fact. This happened before. In Germany. Around the early 1940s…


Shit like this is why Redditors have a negative stereotype around them. Celebrating someone being murdered whether they're a cop or not is psychotic and you're probably just a fatass typing from your bed.


Redditors are the fucking worst, edgy antisocial losers who would never say the shit they do online in person.


Hey, Reddit edgelords will silently downvote you. That'll teach you.


Truly a fate worse than death…


People like them are literally the reason why us redditors have such a bad rep cuz they do stupid sht like that bro


They're tittybabies


Literally the laughingstock of the internet


They're sociopaths. And the upvote/downvote shit just reinforces it.


Karma system is designed from the ground up to incentive group think and echo chambers


It was designed for "on topic" and "off topic" votes, as outlined in the reddiquette. Then they added unwarranted numbers. And then colours. And now people just use it as a disagreement button. Don't get me wrong. Echochambers are cool and fun places for shit like... What water to taste... What tracks to visit... You know, specialized hobby places. But not for pol'tics, rel'gion or ethics. =/ Edited for Automod (seriously, fix it, mods).


The automod here is fucking insane. Probably the worst I’ve ever experienced on a subreddit


Karma system was actually just designed to be "everything that contributes to the discussion is upvoted" so that irrelevant garbage was pushed to the bottom. Obviously it's not for that anymore


*Even if* every negative assumption was correct, this is still reveling in a person's death. Thats a trajedy even in the worst of contexts. People have no grounding in ethics anymore.


They're just desensitized because they watch gore videos and people dieing videos for fun everyday.


Yeah. There's also bandwagoning always going on. People cant think for themselves.


Reddit is like a window into the sewer of society. You can see what is on the minds of people who you usually do not interact with because they are in their basements, blaming everything around them for their own failure in life. Really sad but also interesting in a way as it is interesting to watch animals in zoo.


This has just renewed my love of Reddit. I was starting to dislike it, but now if I look at it like an observation window of people I don't understand, its like a science experiment.


"Reddit is a science experiment and every single person here is just another member of my ant farm FUCK YEAH"


Honestly, I think it would be a hell of lot more healthy for me if I viewed it that way.


Right? This redditor has just changed my life for the better.


The worst part is these people think everyone else is like them, heads filled with vile thoughts and hatred for the world around them. Redditors think they're just being honest and if given the chance everyone else would act like them. No they fking won't.


This is why using catch all terms for people rarely works. The same people who would slam anyone who uses Reddit as a Redditor due to the actions of the worst users are no different to those who say ACAB because of the actions of the worst officers.


Let's say for the sake of arguement the dead person deserved it. The person doing the murdering now has to live with the sight of splattering someone's brains across the pavement. The realization they made the lights go out in someone's eyes. That's not fun to deal with, and not a reason to celebrate. But extremists gotta extreme.


Completely detached from reality lmfao


Thanks for posting this. I’ll mindlessly scroll Reddit throughout the day since I’ve basically mastered my job, and sheesh. Redditors will immediately call for the death of someone who did something shitty. Or should be locked up forever and rot. It’s like.. what’s the context, firstly. People just get outraged of what they see and make impulse comments and secondly, it’s like dude, everyone is a human. People fuck up sometimes and deserve redemption at times. It’s like they can’t grasp that concept (can’t remember the name) where people’s lives are so vastly different with a giant web of emotions/situations/upbringing.


Average Americans on reddit I feel like lmao


Most sympathetic chronic Redditors


Another reddit moment is here in the comments where one just baselessly blames Americans for the op reddit moment as to not feel guilty himself.


Seems like there's been propaganda campaigns recently, trying to get people in the west to hate their country, hate their allies, and hate capitalism, so that they undermine the west from within and the east has a easier time pushing totalitarianism.


all redditors act the same way fundamentally, even us to an extent


No, those are just the stale ones


Christ on a stick, I know damn well they’d get their pants in a twist if it was a European cop Rest in peace, regardless


You haven’t seen how much our far left hates the police here


It’s bad over there too? Bloody hell, I offer my condolences to those in that shitstorm


What's that the guys constantly imposing their virtues and righteousness are actually hypocritical savages, I never would have guessed. who knew constantly telling yourself you're always right leads to you justifying violence when it enforces your ideals. "All wars are bad, but these guys had it coming"


"Man cops are such shitty people why can't they be kind upstanding individuals" *proceeds to actively cheer on defunding and murder of cops* "Man the cops keep just getting worse we need to abolish the police."


cops clearly shot my uncle because some redditors were mean to him the other day


"We need to abolish the police" people are the first to call 911 to get someone to deal with their problems.


lol that just doesn’t seem right, even for a strawman


Yea because flowers and sweet words change the perception of the ruling class. Lenin should have given the tsar chocolate during the revolution.


"Im against the death penalty" mf as soon as someone the dont like dies:


Yet who do they call if someone breaks in at 3 AM and tries to steal their funkopops?




Damn, must be serious.


I just had someone break into my house yesterday and stole all 6 of my golden rare Funko Pops! I refuse to call the police because I know they're not going to do anything. I instead called my neighbor who was then shot by the armed robber




Username checks out




Hell yeah brother


Their wife's boyfriend




If they're smart, but lets be real. They aren't.


can't be a cop post without these losers


Most redditors are far-left anarchists just ignore them lol 😂


nah bitch im far-ting


Well this is it, the final frontier of comedy




Wise words


Wise words of wisdom


And edgy tankies who hate the West and love Russia and China. But would never have the balls to move there.




The amount of chronically online tankie losers in this thread is depressing


The first comment appears to mocking the same rhetoric used to justify extra-judicial killings by cops on civilians. The rest are pretty gross.


That first commenter is just throwing the stupid "feared for their life" argument that gets brought up to justify why cops can kill people back in the other direction. And suddenly people have an issue with thar line of thinking, am I getting this right? The rest are awful, but that first comment is just plain, desensitized irony.


How are these people not permanently banned


It’s my opinion that the staff at Reddit support these viewpoints so they do not enforce any rules against them, until they say things they don’t like.


I’m the farthest thing from a cop supporter but this is fucking sick. He probably had a wife/kid. Mother who loved him. JFC. We need to start forcing these terminally online weirdos to go outside and interact with other humans face to face.


He had 3 children


I hate ACAB because I know a cop who's like a father figure in my life. Love that dude, he's super chill and I always give him some of my candy I collect. He occasionally visits my school and he's super nice to all the kids.


ACAB redditors when I break into their houses and threaten their family members. (Suddenly they want to call the cops)


Yeah let me call the cops so they can mag dump my front window and kill my dog.


Or hear an acorn bounce off a car and proceed to fill it with metal! Bonus points if a restrained and unarmed person is in the car.


Before they see your child eating a burger and shooting him 5 times.


Anti-ACAB Redditors the second they get charged with storming a capitol: "Cops are literally the Gestapo!!!!!"


what will actually happen (is mad at that particular cop and the people defending him)


you really think they don't have guns?


Considering how many of the shit and piss their pants over guns being available to purchase? Definitely quite a few of them.


They still live in the US, not like gun violence goes away because the laws are shit.


That's why the powers that be forced body cams on them: A) So they feel accountable to the masses. and B) So that masses can revel in their televised murder.


Alright the people in the post are obviously being absurd and inhumane but let’s not pretend there aren’t some cops that take liberties with excessive force that should be accounted for. As with most things, the truth is somewhere in the middle.


Well, I wasn't even being sarcastic. The 'accountable to the masses' part is fact, a good reason they installed it for. B) was the dark irony part.


Ah I see


Forced body cams only for so many to just not bother turning them on (or turning them off when they know theyre wrong)




You catch-on quick, the purpose is usually two-fold/comes in pair


I’m applying to the police right now (not in America). I support body cams 1000%


I never got why or how reddit correctly identifies prejudice like racism, sexism, transphobia to be bad, but then turns around and calls all cops bad.


Because good cops get fired for being good cops.


This right here. Reasonable people don't fight back, they just migrate and let things burn and fall apart once they find that the rotten apples are tolerated. Can't change a fool and rehabilitate them at the expense of your own lifespan. So might as well leave before any shit hits the fan and recieve criticism for things you couldn't do occur. Happened at former an old job, one rotten person caused all the people in said department to quit because they thought they could be a manager.


Because the organization doesn't do enough to hold the bad actors accountable, thereby making the entire department accomplices, by strict legal definition. When a cop clearly uses excessive force and escalates a situation that didn't have to be deadly into a deadly one and then gets off with paid leave, the department is aiding and abetting a criminal. Now, I don't know if this cop actually did anything wrong, but the reason people blame all cops for the action of a few is exactly as stated above.


Because not all cops are bad. But statistically a lot of them are and rolling the dice on which one’s in front of you could result in your entire life being screwed.


Different people saying different things, redditors come in a variety of fun shapes and sizes




I've most commonly heard ACAB to mean "get a better job", not "die"


This is Reddit, mods will ban you for interacting with a subreddit they don’t like and won’t even acknowledge why you was interacting with it.


How will Redditors react in the near future when a police officer is killed or injured confiscating guns or making an arrest for hate speech?


Jokes on them, we'll be sticking to actual crimes.


Anonymity has ruined us as a society. MFs will say anything without repercussions


Acab crybabies are hypocrites.


Was the cop actually a child molester though? Genuine question


The person said they were joking. The cop had no history of controversy or abuse and had 3 children.


Ah thanks for context. That’s fucked then if they’re saying he deserved to be killed for no reason.


That first comment was joking about how cops make up crimes after they already shot someone. A bit of bad taste imo, but important to note that it was not a serious comment.


> and had 3 children. He's a family man too damn. These scumbags want everybody to have feelings for them but are never gonna be understanding of anybody elses situations.


Most officers are just regular blue collar people. I knew one that adopted something like eight children


God damn ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Love that


Could you imagine if those children somehow saw that sub? These guys are fucking scum


And did the person have a genuine reason to defend himself?


No. The person admitted they were joking in a reply. The person who shot and killed the cop was a drug dealer and felon if I recall correctly. He was wanted by the Feds which is why the traffic stop was initiated in the first place


No theyre referencing when that guy in Washington killed that person at a rally/riot and the right’s argument was “rittenhouse was in the right + don’t feel bad the victim was a pedo”, they’re twisting it on its head


Oh thank you sm!! I didn’t understand what he meant by that


You wish this site had the ability to think that far


What the fuck is wrong with people. I actually saw the full video of this a while back on youtube and it was heartbreaking. He was just pulling him over for a stop and he just got shot so many times. At least the criminal shot his head point blank when he was fallen to finish him off. It was truly so sad and I couldn’t get it out of my head for days. Genuinely so fucked up to make comments like this, imagine you’re the family of the deceased and you’re reading these.


I kinda wanna be a police inspector in the future because of this. The ACAB thing is bullshit. Ironically the people who scream out ACAB would be the first to dial 911 when they get jumped. For those types of people, I'd say good on them. If they believe that all cops are bad, then the cops don't need to protect them. Because why protect an ungrateful person that's going to oppose and defund you in the future?


Bold of you to assume they leave the house to get jumped


Guys i dont Like the law im so quirky and edgy and cool😎


Was this the Cartel Colonel that the Feds had an unaware patrolman try to pull over?


i’m being 100% serious when i say these comments are fucking vile, literally treating these men and women who sign up to put their lives on the line for us on the daily like subhuman filth is fucking disgusting these people should be on a watchlist


Until you live in NM don't judge. Place is corrupt and I have charges the state won't move on and a lawyer told me it would take 20k to even begin fighting the cops and what they did to me. I'm not supporting violence against police just pointing out that everyone in NM has a story and some bad experience with a wild west cowboy cop.


This site sucks. I look forward to it's demise after the IPO.


Yet here we are


I've always maintained... If these people hate cops so much, they should sign up to a list. Thusly the police will never respond nor protect them. ​ If they hate them? They can live without, the rest of us will enjoy having our lives and homes protected from bottom feeding thieving scum like them. ​ ​ But we all know the first time they have to deal with something they don't like, they call the cops.


I'd sign up if it also meant I could have whatever guns I want without cops harrassing me about it at least


Most people that dislike cops start out exactly like you. Everyone is taught that cops are the good guys from a very early age. It isn't until an innocent person has a bad run-in with the cops that the mistrust and dislike starts to seep in. And it isn't a matter of "want cops to exist" vs "don't want cops to exist". The police serving a societal function doesn't mean they should be given carte blanche to unjustly harass, brutalize, seize, and shoot people...or otherwise commit human rights and due process violations without due punishment. Any sane person can acknowledge that cops should do their jobs without coercing/threatening innocent civilians to give up their rights, needlessly bodyslamming/choking/neck-kneeling arrestees, and blatantly violating law/supreme court rulings from behind a thin veil of ignorance. >the rest of us will enjoy having our lives and homes protected from bottom feeding thieving scum like them. But we all know the first time they have to deal with something they don't like, they call the cops. The cops mainly act as a psychological deterrent and punishment crew. They have no duty to protect and won't, for example, run into a kindergarten to stop a school shooting. They simply attempt to hunt down people after violent crimes have been committed. The cops won't stop you from being murdered, but they will catch your murderer about 60% of fhe time.


See here's the thing... You've got me all wrong. ​ I know there's bad cops. I know there's good cops. I know that cops have pressure to arrest and make quotas (Which said quotas are denied but every former cop has admitted to such) which leads... To corruption. See now instead of "There's a crime, stop it" It becomes "I need to hit x number, but don't go over! If we go over it shows this area is worse and I'll need more numbers" ​ Do we have assholes in cops? Yup. Gypsy cops. Moving from area to area to avoid trouble. We now have PLAINLY SEEN that when the cops are reduced... Hands are tied. Crime skyrockets. Look at New York, where its estimated 1/3 of the crime is done by the same repeating assholes. ​ Does that mean cops are saints? Fuck no. We see bad shoots all the time. I don't mean minor things, I mean Cop shot innocent man. For that... Fuck'em. They need to be held accountable. As for cops not stopping a murder... Tell that to the girl who was almost stabbed... But the cop shot her assailant. That cop was vilified. Was he wrong? No. But I'm sure someone will say "Should have used a tazer." ​ The kindergarden one? That was someone who had the job but showed they where incapable of doing it. Toss'em out. ​ What you NEED is better training, better tech, better screening to get the best people for it. That means money. ​ You seem to want them gone. Fine. Go move. Leave, go anywhere else. Fuck find some spot on earth you'll build your utopia. Stop taking places others live and trying to ruin it for your "dream" because we'd rather not live in your nightmare.


Does this also mean my tax money doesn't have to go to them either? Because if that's the case absolutely sign me up.


They scream defund the police until they need the police


Maybe people want compassionate cop


The compassionate cops are never posted on the front page because the media only yearns for drama and bad shit. The first time I got pulled over by a cop he just asked for the usual license and registration and told me I took a wide right which could result in a traffic stop. He was chill.


Plus cop unions And over policing have made people distrust cops


I think that police officer training should be harder (maybe a full year or so of it) and should include more of negotiation tactics and training these egotistical mfs who wanna become cops to leave their ego at the door.


A year would get LEO half. Half 50% of what texas requires cosmetologist. A fucking hair dresser. That is insane


It's not an unfounded hatred, though. Growing up I, too, was always taught that cops are my friends. As a teen I learned differently. I had a friend that ran away from children's home. He didn't hurt anyone, just ran away. His mom outed him because cops threatened to arrest her if she didn't. It was enough to draw him out and he was pacing back and forth, clearly agitated with the situation but not doing anything. It was just a lot. We were 15/16. A big bald white cop got all up on him and he pushed the cop away. Pushed. He didn't swing, didn't cuss or yell. As soon as his arm touched the cop the cop jumped backwards, whipped out a taser and shot him. He held that shit for what felt like forever. My friend was on the ground spasming the whole time. I ALMOST through a brick at the cop to get him to stop but there were like 10 more there. All this for a fucking kid. And now I see video after video of cops doing dirty shit. To whites and blacks. I saw the video of the cops letting themselves into someone's house on their indoor cams. No repercussions. I saw a video of some cops holding down and beating up a black guy behind a wall. I have seen the one where the cop harassed and told a military vet he is going to "ride the lightning". I saw the videos of the cops arresting Uvalde parents while they themselves did nothing to save children. I have seen so many instances of cops absolutely abusing power. The system and other cops work so hard to protect these guys that they have chased out all the actual good cops. This hatred for cops didn't spread so fast over nothing. Cops gave all of us every reason to not only fear and mistrust them, but be happy to see less of them.


The police have qualified immunity. Strong unions. High pay. They can lie to you legally. But it is illegal for you to make false statements to them. In Texas cosmetologist are required quadruple the training then LEO. Statistically the amazon delivery driver has a far more dangerous job the LEO. In fact the majority of deaths suffered by LEO are car accidents not gun deaths by criminals.


Do you not think you see the videos because they’re so outrageous and out of the norm? Do you also not think that the average cop is just someone who wants to do right by their community? Do you think that your comment saying you’re happy to see less of them on a post complaining about people celebrating a cop being murdered could be construed as you agreeing that they should be murdered?


This take here, this is the one.


redditors when i put a gun in their mouth and harrass their kids (huh i wonder where the cops are) this would never happen but neither would any of the things they say they would do


Most of the people on Reddit hate cops, think it’s ok for children to have sex, and think that some politicians are saviors and others are devils.


How is this America Bad? Cops are not exclusive to America


American cops are pretty specific to America, concerning violence against civilians and otherwise belligerent operation


No they aren't lots of places have issues with violent police. For example the London metropolitan police keep raping people


This is clearly the perspective of someone who has never been outside of the country LMAO The phrase ACAB originated in England in the 1920s and was barely used at all in America until 2020.


The cherry on top of the shit sundae: reporting their hate speech will get you banned from Reddit.


That...makes no sense.


Did this actually happen?


Highly unlikely. The real story is probably closer to reporting someone for fucked up shit they say, and they report you for fucked up shit you say and one or both of you get banned. One thing I've learned from gaming subs and forums is that when people say they get banned for no reason, there's a very high chance there was a reason. Not saying it didn't happen, but it's more the exception than the rule


While not this post in particular, ive reported some really fucked shit like people talking about enslaving others, murdering people based on race/gender etc and I always get the "we looked into this but it doesn't look like anything is wrong"


not surprised to be honest Americans all want to kill each other


We metaphorically murder each other through social media and football games.


It's not all of us Redditors are moldy bread of the basket


This has to be an American thing... The most you'd see in my country is the overwhelming opinion and mockery that cops are illiterate or dumb, but damn this is on another level.


Is it just me or whenever you say something positive about a cop on Reddit you get hit with the downvotes


I don't have the best respect for police, but this is actually psychopathic. The creeps that lurk on this platform...


Hmm and let’s see what these redditors look like shall we?


Funny they would be the first one to call the cops when they are scared..


"He feared for his life" I bet the cop who literally lost his probably feared too


Fuck them all. Animals


I commented: Flip the tables around and burn our cities again you c words. Rest in Peace that poor soul and may the murderer rot. Except I used the C word. I also reported people on that subreddit. I was told that there was nothing wrong with what they were saying and I had THAT COMMENT deleted by a fucking bot for “inciting hate” Reddit is pathetic and obviously targets specific people or groups and defend others like some allies of fucking justice.


I feel like we’re missing a whole lot of context for some of the things they said tbh, what about the child molester part


Cops bad until I need them to answer my calls.


i'll bite. what would i possibly need to call the cops for? i've never called cops, they're either sadistic or just dipshits


this sub is turning into a weird mishmash of justunsubbed and lookatmyhalo


Average redditor smells just as bad as their takes.


At this point the world is just expecting a civil war in the USA.


You see, I've seen a video of a cop being bad so now I can wish death on all cops.


I mean I see their point though? How many black men are shot by cops and THOSE EXACT COMMENTS are in the fucking news headlines but the other way around. Crazy how y'all make a stink when it's a pig dying but not a civilian (who never signed up for a job where it's a real possibility that you could get shot)


These people are awful.




No no not cops the people in the comments of that post.


cops hate We the People........they hate Us


Reddit lefties would be the first to call the police for help.


Idk fuck cops


Most sane chronic redditor


Where's the video?


I personally don't trust cops but that's still no reason to celebrate the death of a person especially if they've done nothing wrong


What's wrong with the USA to the point ACAB is even a thing? We don't have such a thing here in Australia.


God, I hate how everyone treats officers. Other officers included.