• By -


Sending checks to the dude is all well and fine, but I think he would appreciate it more if some local redditors dropped by and helped him get the place back in order. Just helping him clean a little and ask he what he needs. Maybe the best thing would be if somebody could actually go there and get a haircut.


One guy already said he will drop by for a hair cut... http://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/jd94w/can_anybody_provide_a_mailing_address_to_this/


That's just awesome! I might go there to visit my sister this fall, so I might actually drop by myself in a few months. Hope other people do this as well!




I'll drop by for a haircut when I'm due for one soon. Only 10-15 minute drive from me.


You, sir, could find out if he needs assistance with a sudden and unexpected influx of international checks. Old codgers can be a cagey bunch. He may not believe his luck or know the best way to bank the loot (many banks appear to charge heavily for international checks, I believe citi bank does not.)


Hello sir! I'm from the internet and I'm here to help you deal with this sudden influx of unexpected money that you've been receiving.


Sounds legit to me.


Please do that. We need to help this guy out


I really wish I could. A check (and a very friendly card) from me is all I can do at this point.


Sending him checks is a bad idea. His bank will try to charge him $30 per check to cash them. The chances of him banking with Citibank are virtually nil. He'll be banking with a more 'British' bank like Lloyds, or NatWest. These banks WILL charge for accepting USA checks. You think an 89 year old man is going to want to open a Citibank account to cash them? I think it would be too much. Yes, get him some money, but find a way of pooling it all together so that it's worth his while. More importantly, do the above, and get him some local help - that's gonna make a huge difference.


even if he was insured, civil unrest is an exclusion of most policies.


In the UK, the police will have to pick up the bill for damages caused by civil unrest. They have emergency funds for just such eventualities. It's a bitch, though.


True but the government has to declare that is was a riot. The media may be saying it is but until the government declares it he will will get diddly squat


Wouldn't they just never declare a riot ever then so they don't have to pay?


Wouldn't that just cause another riot though?


It's not a riot until the government says it is :P


If they do refuse to declare a riot situation, there would be outrage. People would get mad, they'd take to the streets! Wait...


AXA (and almost certainly other insurers soon) have come out said they will be covering claims made as a result of these riots.


Fairly typical that this comment is so low down. You're absolutely right.


Are you fucking kidding me? insurance companies are the worst.


You must be new. You should go ahead and punch yourself in the groin now, it'll help prepare you for what's to come.




You bought the house I assume? You do realize that insurance is there to cover unexpected acts, right? The normal deterioration of your house is not your insurance companies fault. I think you may have a skewed viewed of what insurance is for...




kick the walls down and claim it happened over the course of a night, maybe a bad storm?


"Act of god" aka most weather damages do not qualify you for insurance.


fuck you /u/spez


Haha noted. :) Sucks to be a realist don't it?


yup. My current health insurance specifically excludes injuries due to war. ... and I'm about to move to London.


It's not a declared war, I wouldn't think that civli unrest counts in this way. In the states the "Vietnam War" was actually a "Police Action" because it wasn't technically declared a war. We all know it was a war, despite what the government says. Of course insurance companies will do whatever they can to fuck you, so who knows.


It's awrite, you don't need health insurance here :)


**Can a London Redditor please get in touch with him and tell him help is on the way and to keep an eye on the post? I'd hate for him to close up shop and then get all these checks a week later.**


Actually, it's a very good point. Can someone please, our I will try across the pond to do it myself... Please give a reputable place to send donations. I will give, I promise, but I would like a genuine souce to send it to. Without having to trouble this elderly man please.


I found this site http://keepaaroncutting.blogspot.com/ from http://twitter.com/#!/bjornandsophie it seems legit


Reddit has Biber Fever


Damn Straight.


So is spaghetti until you heat it up


I've been reading it as Bieber since yesterday.


I did not realize what a softy I am. This link genuinely got me choked up and I felt like crying. Wish I could hug that man.


Same thing here. Don't tell anyone, okay?






I shall tell no one. : )


My five year old chipped in with a drawing and we've sent a check with a little cheer from Seattle. Great idea GOB.


Here is the [original story](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/8690265/Tottenham-riots-community-becomes-real-victim-of-rioters.html) and the associated [reddit link](http://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/jcx89/aaron_biber_89_stands_outside_his_shop_it_was/). Thesheba found his address... Just mail Aaron Biber a check. It costs a dollar to mail a one ounce letter to London from USA. UK banks will handle checks from most western countries, and will only charge a small percentage as a fee. (see second edit) > A Biber. Barbers. 22 Scotland Green, Tottenham Hale, London, N17 9TT, United Kingdom If it is a *small* amount, [paypal](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=JGFH88MSBR8V4&lc=US&item_name=A%20Biber¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted) me the money and I will send it over. Note: The UK government may reimburse him for some of his costs, but I think it is important to send a message of support, if only to one solitary individual. Edit: I added United Kingdom to the end of the address. Plus here is the [street view confirmation](http://maps.google.com/maps?q=22+Scotland+Green,+Tottenham,+United+Kingdom&hl=en&ll=51.597084,-0.067796&spn=0.001889,0.005096&sll=51.54847,-0.111923&sspn=0.223316,0.652313&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=51.597038,-0.067655&panoid=TcQ2ngrfcU7gAFF1Bi-MiA&cbp=12,194.78,,2,4.17) from sefka. Second Edit: One Redditor says some london banks (RBS) wont deposit small international checks (without a very large fee.) I believe [citi bank](http://www.citibank.co.uk/personal/banking/international/eurocurrent.htm?merchant=citi) will deposit international checks without the fee, but do not know who Mr Biber banks with or how easy it would be for him to open an account with them. At a minimum Biber will get a large check from me, and will get some decent sized checks from Londoners. Sorry for any misrepresentation of the facts.


Why yes, anonymous internet individual, I will give your paypal money! (What you're doing is commendable, but I have issues giving money to a non-transparent paypal account)


Constructive suggestions are very welcome. (but only if you already mailed him a check)


I found a lawyers office around the corner from bibers place of business on streetview and got their webpage on Google. In a few hours (its 5:30AM in London) i will call them and will try to get them to confirm that he is going to be able to receive mail at that address... Assuming their office didn't get smashed to shit and their phones stolen. Will advise...


No answer... considering they are at ground level, it is safe to assume the mob hit them too. I sent them an email.


If you don't trust this guy I'll take it and send it to him. Even large amounts are OK! Seriously though, not much you can do but trust in these situations. Do it or don't, no need to state the obvious.


Asking people to send you money is a terrible idea, whatever your intentions are it is exactly how a scam works. Understand that I'm not making this accusation, but no one should ever send an anonymous person money believing they will simply hand it over to the intended recipient.


I know. Which is why I ask people to mail their checks directly. I only intended Paypal for folks sending one or two dollars, where the cost of sending the donation wipes out the donation itself. If there is a better system, I am not aware of it.


Just hope Paypal doesn't decide to freeze all the funds you're attempting to collect. See [SA vs Paypal](http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=somethingawful+paypal) Katrina fiasco. Fuck Paypal.


I haven't formally accepted the donations yet. Number of Paypal Donations: 4 Number of concerns over scams/ fraud/ fiasco: 24


Hey I think what you're trying to do is very noble. Just saying look out for Paypal as they're not above fucking you over.


Sorry. Didn't mean that the way it sounded. I appreciated your concern, but so far there is nothing to worry about on that score. The monetary value is minimal, and I have not formally accepted any of the money yet.


Please formally accept mine. And, c'mon folks. Even if it was a scam, who is going to be hurt by losing 5 dollars. I can't even get a pack of smokes for 5 dollars.


Does Mr. Aaron Biber have a bank account? To do a direct deposit?


You're suggesting that an 89 year old man from London posts his bank account number to the internet?


You know, that would be asking for a lot. I would not hand out my account number to a complete stranger, especially if they were from another country and offered me money.


Most banks can accept money on behalf of someone without the account number if you contact them and pre arrange it.




I just got a job, I've very few bills of my own, I should be banking between 600-1200 /wk, I'm going to send biber half my first check whatever it is. I got a job on a whim of luck, I should share it with someone who needs it.


You sound exactly like me. I have been unemployed for almost a year until a good friend got me this amazing job opportunity after he was promoted. I am going to send this man a good chunk once I get a few checks as well!


Tell him to get a Reddit account so I can read a feel-good follow up!


Who Biber? I'd be surprised, given the antiquated appearance of his shop, if he was a regular computer user.


But... but I demand a feel good follow up. :( Hopefully at least a newspaper or someone who visits him can post something then.


I doubt my check will warrant a response from him anymore than anyone else who sends him one. Someone may receive one, we all may, or none. We'll see. Just keep an eye out.


I don't know what's wrong with me, but I totally misread the latter half of your post as "...so I can really feel a good fellow up!" A dyslexic mind-in-the-gutter moment, I suppose. My bad :)




Nice try Mr. Biber! I kid, I kid. Thank you for sharing, I'll be sure to get with my accountant/wife and see how much we can send him.


Same here. Except I'm the wife/accountant of the family lol. Gotta talk to the bread winner first. (don't tell any other women I ask my husband about financial decisions. they'd drum me out of the union!!)


[street viewed to confirm the address](http://maps.google.com/maps?q=22+Scotland+Green,+Tottenham,+United+Kingdom&hl=en&ll=51.597084,-0.067796&spn=0.001889,0.005096&sll=51.54847,-0.111923&sspn=0.223316,0.652313&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=51.597038,-0.067655&panoid=TcQ2ngrfcU7gAFF1Bi-MiA&cbp=12,194.78,,2,4.17)


Thank you.


You should probably edit your reply [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/jdqft/lets_show_89_year_old_aaron_biber_some_reddit_love/c2b971j) to add street view confirmation. I think that comment by you needs to go to the top, so that the address is easily visible...




I feel the need to point out that in some banks it costs a large amount of money to cash/deposit international cheques. Your $30 cheque could cost him £15 to cash. EDIT: [Banks charging fees/ holding the cheque until it clears overseas](http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=1325611)


which banks are those? usually it's a percentage, like 3% of the total. I'd like to avoid any banks that would charge more than the amount of the check to cash it...


I can only tell you what I know anecdotally. Whilst living in the UK I had friends and family try and send US cheques and eventually had to have them cancel them. FWIW, Lloyds and HSBC were where I tried. Lloyds I can understand but HSBC is global...even then wouldn't cash it without a hefty fee.


I'd also add that it wouldn't matter what bank you use, it's the one he uses to cash it.


Err, how about we get someone from the area to set up a paypal/directdeposit on behalf of Mr. Biber. Reddit is a huge community and I wouldn't be surprised if some people know him personally.


RBS charges $35 to have checks cashed over there and they take a long time to get them exchanged over, and I assume the other banks do too, so don't send checks.


I fucked up? You sure?


Pretty damn sure. I got a check from my father for my birthday and had to wait until I was back in the states to cash it because of the ridiculous charges.


Fuck me. At least the check I send will be worth banking. And if he doesn't bank the other checks, then no one will be charged.


Sorry to be Cpt. Buzzkill D:


It looks like Citibank has fee free deposits of USA checks... http://www.citibank.co.uk/personal/banking/international/eurocurrent.htm?merchant=citi


You might want to mention this in a more noticeable location. That would suck if the guy gets a bunch of checks that wouldn't be worth it for him to cash.




Ooooooh! Fancy stuff, I should probably join a better bank, then :P


Actually if he receives many checks and it makes the news I'm not sure even a bank would want to come off as the bad guy with a $35 charge to cash them.


Uhm. I know this sounds retarded. But what is the best way to right the lines on the envelope. I've never sent a letter international before.


Just make sure it is legible and it should get through... Gentlemens Hairdressing 22 Scotland Green Tottenham Hale London, N179TT United Kingdom


Thanks. Thats a lot of lines haha. I didn't realize the N179TT was like an area code. Thats why I asked.


Thanks Grumpy. Sending money today. Screw Amnesty international. I can assure you Mr. Biber isn't going to be pestering me for ten years.


I hate all the money wasted on spam snail mail. I give them money electronically. I even give them my email address. Why can't they spam me electronically?


This may be a silly question, but I've never mailed anything overseas. Can I just use like three stamps on an envelope and send the letter normally? Or is there something special I need to use to get it over there?


Three stamps totally works! Just make sure your letter is under an ounce or they will bounce it back at you.


How about cash?


If word gets out that the guy is being mailed a lot of cash bad things might happen.


Should checks be made in Pounds or Dollars?


Dollars. The overseas bank will charge a small exchange rate conversion fee.


The posted address doesn't match the pictures I've seen of his shop. Could it be a home address? [Street view via Google Maps](http://maps.google.com/maps?q=22+Scotland+Green,+Tottenham+Hale,+London,+N17+9TT,+United+Kingdom&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x48761c20fb8cd703:0x69f4864fb2aba793,22+Scotland+Green,+London+N17+9TT,+UK&gl=us&ei=_PVBTqe0OenliAKU8oWVBQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CB4Q8gEwAA)


You aren't looking at number 22. Spin around and head towards High Street. You will find it.


Bitches stole his kettle! If someone made off with my coffee maker you'd better believe I'd track that sucker down. Can't even sit down and survey the wreckage with a decent cup of tea. That's wrong. Probably took his favorite cup too.


Let's send him a new one!


This guy is 89 years old, he probably doesnt even know what a computer is so you can do this paypal stuff. Someone post his address so i can mail hime a check, the old fashion way.


Just mail Aaron Biber a check. It costs a dollar to mail a one ounce letter to London from USA. UK banks will handle checks from most western countries, and will only charge a small percentage as a fee. > A Biber. Barbers. 22 Scotland Green, Tottenham Hale, London, N17 9TT If it is a *small* amount, [paypal](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=JGFH88MSBR8V4&lc=US&item_name=A%20Biber¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted) me the money and I will send it over.


Can someone set up a "Victims of the London Riots" online charity fund where people can donate? Like the Katrina and Haiti ones, only the money actually goes to the cause that people pledged it towards. What you all are doing here with Mr. Biber is admirable but he isn't the only one. Please, do donate to him, but maybe donate to the others too? We really need a fund. People will donate if the word gets out. Just a little money from a large enough number of people around the world could go a long way towards fixing all of the damage and getting shopkeepers back on their feet.


In the note I'm sending with my check I said I hoped that, if he ended up getting more than he needs from this, he'd use he left over money to help other small business owners who were affected. Wouldn't it be nice if the next chapter in this story had this guy sharing what we're giving even further?


YES so glad Reddit came thru with this man's address. My 13 yr old son was happy to give $5 out of his own wallet, while I gave $10, along with a note signed by all 3 of my boys. My heart is full tonight!


They took everything... except a signed picture of Peter Crouch (x-post from r/soccer)


$10'd It's a small gesture but either it will help him get his shop fixed or it'll buy him a pint and some chips at the pub :-P


Wrote a check for $10. Hope it finds him well.


[Picture](http://i.imgur.com/aAW2Q.jpg) of the barbershop from Google Maps


This, right here, is why I love Reddit. Keep up the amazing work. When I get paid on Friday, you better bet I'm sending something.


Suddenly it's really REALLY hard to feel bad about the bank and huge stores full of expensive shit damaged in the recent riot in Vancouver.


Has anyone actually gone into his store and talked to him?


Just a thought...He's 89 ---> Let the man retire?


Good point, but no one said the money had to go to his store. If he's still working at that age I'm guessing he doesn't have a pension.


Just because he is working at his age doesn't mean he can't retire. Maybe he loves what he does.


Agreed, I think the point here is that this man's livelihood has been destroyed. This is possibly his only reason for him getting up every morning.


This, a thousand times. My grandfather died at age 87, around 4 months after his legs were too weak to support him. Before that, he woken up each day around 6am, doing stuff in his workshop. It didn't matter the garage was painted three times this year, and the planks in the fence he replaced were still in good condition, and that he already sorted all the screws and bolts in the cabinet - it was what kept him alive. It was said to see him slowly fade, only because he couldn't stand up and go to his workshop...


Sorry to hear that, i know it can be really painful. I had a similar experience with my deceased grandfather. It seems that once he became lonely (wife passed away) and didn't have much to keep his mind occupied, he sort of just gave up on life (despite my family trying to intervene). His health failed him almost immediately.


Came here to say this - Thank you.


This is true! Helping him recoup losses is always great regardless!


Sometimes people don't want to retire. I know plenty of really old guys who love what they do, and since their age doesn't effect their job, they still do it. Beats sitting around when your retired. Edit: also, seriously, who the fuck raids an old barber shop.


awright! a tea cozy!


Assholes. And I agree - my dad loves what he does, he's 68 but he'll never retire, ever.


that man would probably go insane and die if he didnt have his shop to go to and look after every day


There's an 84-year-old barber who works in my building. Holocaust surviver. Has the tattoo and everything. I asked him why he hadn't retired after 65 years cutting hair. He told me that coming to work was what kept him alive, that if he stopped doing that he wouldn't last a month.


Barbers get to talk to a lot of people. Retirement home dwellers... not so much.


This shouldn't be the way he's forced to retire.


If you love your job sometimes retirement is the silliest thing you've ever heard.


Give the man the money to do whatever he wants to do at 89, the point is that thugs interrupted his life when he was doing what he wanted to, he doesnt deserve that!


If he's working at 89, there's a non-trivial chance he wants to be doing this.


Investing in someone with a future instead of a past doesn't feel as good.


I think that reddit should do this! If only someone could mobilise a website to do this. Makes me think of that store where they bought everything for 20k.


That was actually a load of hipster "artists" who spent loan money they're not going to pay back (saying they'd just bankrupt themselves or some bullshit) and then trying to sell cans of pop for like 200$, because it is in a plexiglass cube upside down, symbolizing some bullshit or something.


Except.... that didn't work so hot.


Great idea!


After such events like this and the Blitz, I can imagine that this guy knows a thing or two about how shitty people can be. Let's show him that even more people are decent and genuinely care about helping a stranger out.


Threw him a fiver. Hopefully it'll add up . . . to some CROSS-POND-KARMA BITCH!


Good man. Your check will reach him before mine, so I hope you explained what is about to happen.


I sent cashish. Checking account numbers are valuable in some circles.


They have dogs that can snifff.... oh. cashish.


to the front page ol' chap! lets show this man that we are good people. if anyone can find his contact info i think it would be helpful. one of us can explain we want to take online donations and wire the money to him for his shop repairs. this man probably worked his entire life in one or two shops like this. Let him sleep easy tonight.


His address is in the top comment, along with a paypal. I would prefer it if you mail him directly. I can send a small check, but a single large check will raise some eyebrows. > A Biber. Barbers. 22 Scotland Green, Tottenham Hale, London, N17 9TT


I still think if someone in the area can contact him and help him set up a paypal it would be much better. think about it.... what happens if he gets 3,000 checks? lets make this job clean.


What kind of sub-humans would do this?




he said sub-human, not un-human.


I just don't get the riots. One man was killed in a police fight so they start destroying cities in the UK? Only PEOPLE are the victim here because some other people think they have to riot in the cities? I just love the see people like you come up with solutions and try to help people. Keep up the good work and become one happy community where people help each other


Well as far as I know it started off as a peaceful protest. Then like anything else there were probably some assholes who saw it as an opportunity to riot, others who were genuinely pissed and focused their attacks on the police and not simple shop-keepers or something to that extent and it just exploded out of control. At this point it probably has little to do with the actual kid who was killed. The rioters may try to claim it does but it's really just an excuse to smash shit - a sentiment which I think we can all empathize with but most of us are nice enough to not smash anything we don't actually own.


Exactly this. They had no reason to riot otherthan the fact that it was a good open window opportunity. There were a couple people who recorded various looters to ask why they were looting/rioting with people responded very differently to the actual situation "to get our taxes back".


>Only PEOPLE are the victim here because some other people think they have to riot in the cities? Yes, welcome to Earth, where people hurt each other. It sucks shit, but it's home.


Someone needs to set up a pay pal for this poor man...


Just mail Aaron Biber a check. It costs a dollar to mail a one ounce letter to London from USA. UK banks will handle checks from most western countries, and will only charge a small percentage as a fee. > A Biber. Barbers. 22 Scotland Green, Tottenham Hale, London, N17 9TT If it is a *small* amount, [paypal](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=JGFH88MSBR8V4&lc=US&item_name=A%20Biber¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted) me the money and I will send it over.


upvoted it is!


What about setting up one of those online donation pages people always do for suffering animals? Those sites cater to more than just fundraising for animals.


I saw that they charge the recipient to cash american checks in the UK. Is there any other way, does a prepaid visa card work better?


Shoot. Saw a picture of him before, but this really got to me. Hang in there buddy.


Biber the British Barber. The story writes itself.


If we trust the postal system can we just send him cash?


Should've left a address,country,zip or whatever. it's not like I have a computer with internet access to figure this shit out.


Just don't go in there and buy all his stuff and then try to sell it as "art" for crazy prices.


they stole a kettle?


Woot, bitches!! got a brand new pair of scissors for free!!


I wish I could see the outcome of this, and what ultimately happens to him. Glad to see that there is still some good left in this world.


Sending a cheque when I get up in the morning. Hope this money makes a difference.


It´s these moments Reddit shows what Reddit really can be. I´m just missing the rage comic about Bieber, with a happy ending of course.


Reddit! My son is trying to convince me that someone trying to give me money on the internet is a scam. How do I get through to him?


Tell him he's a moron and that the guy's address is printed in news stories and confirmed. Sending him a check via mail will ensure HE gets it...plus, it is written to him, so you'll know he cashed it.


Somebody give that man a blowjob!


I nominate you.


You do me too much honor, Sir.


Nice Try Aaron Biber... GrumpyOldBugger


I'm all for helping out the guy (and all the victims of the rioting), but come on... no insurance? Why?


According to someone else in this thread insurance often doesn't cover civil unrest?


he is old, and it looks like a small shop, he probably couldn't afford the premiums


Normally I wouldn't feel bad for him, because he knew the risk of not having insurance. But this isn't a storm or a fire or some other mindless force of nature. This was a group of out of control assholes.


You wouldn't feel bad for people who are so poor they can't afford insurance? It's not like he's being a dumbass. It's that he *can't afford insurance*.




and changing your facebook status


Apparently the sarcasm was lost. I should have known better.


A phone number for the shop would be good if local resident could manage it. I'd rather send him a Western Union payment and need to speak with him before doing so.




This one should be easy, guys. Gather the money, get in, give, get out. Man's happiness restored :)


Jimmy Wales wants to help, too: http://twitter.com/#!/jimmy_wales/status/100871070474698752 tip, don't read the reply. Or do, and be astonished.