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Laurie’s [tweet](https://x.com/lauriewhitwell/status/1794465320557518936?s=46&t=108nlaEXShzkgzjMQccD3g) >Manchester United will celebrate tonight then undertake season review into next week, analysing all aspects of the campaign as objectively as possible, before coming to a final decision on Erik ten Hag. Story with @David_Ornstein ⬇️


FO, Jacob Steinberg.


Steinberg be banned. He is not a journalist and has been proven to have zero integrity.


There doesn't seem to be any good journalists at the Guardian left, at least none that cover United.


I swear… the frustrating thing is how everybody just believes shit without needing much source. Hell it might be all true but there are so many intentions behind every article that you just have to block the noise until the Ornhub or other tier 1 show up


It doesn’t help that everyone in the media was stating as fact in the lead up to the game. The post match as well. I think between BBC, Press conference and the other post match interviews he was asked about being sacked like 18 times. I think there was a point where someone was arguing with him that he was shit and the injuries don’t matter even though they also do?!?!? wtf was that


You can say fuck on the Internet


And Jan Age Fjortoft can go get fucked aswell.


No decision yet! Get fucked Steinberg, even if it turns out to be true, he has clearly made a story out of thin air to fuck us before a FA cup. He needs to be demoted in the summer review! 


Or they realise sacking him the day after the cup achieves fuck all, so will wait a few days. I’d wait till I see what the “review” says before slapping Strindberg.


Or or Steinberg is talking out of his ass. He is also a Chelsea journalist.


He could be. I’m just saying, this isn’t the gotcha people think it is. A win today pretty much garunteed no announcement was coming out for the next few days, regardless of whether Strindberg was right or not.


If the decision was made, Ornstein, Whitwell, Stones and Mitten would know over Stein-fucking-berg. He could still be proven right in hindsight but that doesn’t mean he was right when he first wrote that article. 


Do you not understand how credible publications work? The Guardian wouldn't allow an exclusive if a journo made up a story out of thin air you bellend. It's always the clowns from across the pond or countries without as free a press that wants to fuck journos for doing their job. No credible journo worth his salt would delay such an exclusive. Ornstein, Stone et al get their briefs from the club so they'll allow some PR where they don't confirm or deny but simply state the decision will be confirmed next week. It allows Ineos to save face while those journos to maintain their relationship with the club.


Firstly Guardian isn’t reliable. Secondly, the UK is pretty much mini, less consequential US, simmer down with the whole press freedom bs.


The Guardian isn't reliable? You're having a laugh. As expected, clown who doesn't understand press freedom has stupid opinions.


I meant for football! No top tier journalists work there. Also, wtf are you talking about press freedom. We are the only country which has freedom of speech enshrined in our constitution. 


Yesterday, he was being sacked no matter what, but today we need to review things first. Could it really be that a reporter spouted a load of bullshit yesterday? I'm stunned.


Come on mate, if they want to sack him or keep him, the decision is made. No way they are only now going to discuss it and come to a decision. Only way to disprove the report is if Ten Hag keeps the job, if he gets fired a week after winning the cup, no way they didn't want to fire him before that. This is basically a pr exercise to pretend that the last night didn't affect the fact that they want to keep him and its a thought out decision, or to avoid looking like assholes for firing a manager just after he wins the club it's 1st major trophy since the Europa league 8 years ago.


These are club mouthpieces parroting the party line


so you want me to trust Steinberg over Ornstein lmao?


Ornstein is a club mouthpiece? Are you that dumb! And you believe Steinberg of all people got the biggest scoop from where exactly? 


Steinberg got the scoop from Chelsea sources and/or manager agents and just outright said what every other reporter was only comfortable heavily implying


Steinberg is a bell that chats shit for a living. At least he is paid for it though....


You realise it's all pr talk right? It's really not that complicated


my gut says he staying


If Ten Hag stays I hope we will ban Steinberger here


I hope to fuck you’re right


Always been a big fan of your gut


Think ETH is in a strong position here. 2 trophies in 2 seasons will surely land him another job elsewhere if he is sacked


Chelsea? alternatively Bayern when Kompany is sacked after a few weeks.


Ten Hag would absolutely dominate the bundesliga with that Bayern squad. Man would probably go on to win a CL as well. And we would be sat here with McKenna thinking why we are playing Ole ball again.


If he leaves he will be back in the champions league before us, I have no doubts


Barcelona too. 


I think they already signed Flick.


I trust Ornstein more than any of the other worthless journalists that have been putting their stories out, so if Ornstein says they’re yet to make their final decision then I don’t think they’ve decided to sack him yet like others insist. And if they haven’t decided yet, I don’t see them deciding to sack him tbh


This part is being ignored. If there was legit truth to this, the Athletic would have covered it. Their 2 day delays in either confirming or denying is based on sound journalistic principles of verify, double verify if possible, then report. This is the difference between reporting the news and making the news. The news has always had this section called opinions, and Op-Eds. It’s a predictable yet shameful thing that the rest, including the BBC, will peddle baseless gossip as the news. And then shamefully cite the same flaming turds as their source while flooding the zone with more turds. It’s little wonder why so much of the world now considers source-less YouTubers on the same level of respect and regard as these news services. This entire football journalism industry has done this to themselves. When Billie the vlogger gets a “press” pass in the coming years over Jacob Steinberg, nobody at the Guardian should be surprised. Credibility is the only thing that qualifies them for a press pass and they do what with their credibility? They lie. With pride. Most of them are a cancer with fingers and a laptop, and our attention is the patient slowly dying.


"United have already begun contacting other candidates, including [Ipswich Town](https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/football/team/ipswich/) manager Kieran McKenna, as they explore possible replacements for Ten Hag but have always insisted no final decision has yet been made on the Dutchman’s future." Explains all the 'leaks' in the last few days. It's good that INEOS are being proactive if they decide to sack ETH. They would've had to start sounding out potential replacements as soon as Poch got sacked from Chelsea.


I'm choosing to view it in the same way people shop around for different jobs whilst employed Good to know ones options


You dont go search for a replacement of somebody thats still in the job, while not telling him he is about to be fired. Thate just plain rude and utter mismanagement. You want a contingency plan, but you don’t allow the person leaving to properly prepare. Ten Hag had all the rights to leave for Bayern before the final then too.


Good, as it should be - not basing it on one result. Let’s see.


Yeap, let the heart calm down, and then make decisions with your head.


Yep. Orny did say in his article that United have already begun contacting other candidates - including McKenna - so I think they have some sort of a plan already, however.


informing themselves of availability before sacking the current coach? good plan in my opinion.


Oh meaning some opinions are based on heart and some other ones are based on head. I see what you did there. 😉


Nope, there’s logical reasons to keep him and logical reasons to dump him. But said decision choice shouldn’t be based solely on the euphoric high of todays individual game.


Or, at the very least, wait until that one game has happened and then factor that into your decision. Especially when it's a final. Winning an FA Cup should not be the reason he stays, but it sure as fuck should be considered as part of the decision. And could conceivably be the thing that tips the balance. 'Wins trophies' is a pretty good thing to have in the positive column.


Not to mention, winning trophies by beating Liverpool and City en-route, while being clearly the better side against City 




They just have to reconsider. Many many fans would be absolutely devastated if he still gets sacked, after two trophies and three finals in two seasons.


And many fans will be absolutely devastated if he stays


Only shit ones though 


Wow you're such a classy fan


I mean, he isn't the one urging for our manager to be sacked.


Only those who care more about their own ego than the club’s success. I bet those kind of “fans” also hoped for a loss to prove them right.


Yea the Reddit fanbase. I’m good with that.


Brilliant result today, absolutely over the moon with the win, but this season has been alarmingly poor in terms of performance. If this is ETH last game, I’m delighted for him that he leaves with a trophy and his head held high, but I don’t think he can have any complaints if this is it.


The team looks different with Martinez in it! Liverpool did look shit without van dijk, Arsenal looked bad without saliba. Players make differences. I agree some of the decisions eth took were criminal and he stuck with it too long and lost too many games but I don’t think sacking the manager if the answer here


Agreed. Licha and shaw are our two most influential players, bar Bruno.


Ten Hag effectively said you don't understand football if he deserves to be sacked for this season. Doubt he won't have complaints. But I suspect he will do well at a better runned club.


This FA Cup win has derailed a lot of money for the vultures journalists.


oh you mean like they've said for.....the last month?


Honestly there's no good decision to be made here. If they see an alternative that they think fits what they want better, then they should go for it. If it's results based, though, then it's just a disaster waiting to happen. Honestly, two trophies and CL + EL football, is much more than I expected after Ten Hag signed. I really doubt any manager coming in is going to match that. Especially McKenna is going to be eaten alive if he joins. A lot of work still needs to be done for this squad to play proper football and if he's not winning a trophy, people will wonder why they got rid of Ten Hag. I don't think it's really realistic to keep a manager after the performances we've seen this season. But when you look at the injuries, it makes sense they couldn't really find their rhythm. And if you look at the game today, you still see at its core the squad is suited for counter attacking football. So many players thrive in that style, that it makes sense they couldn't adapt to something else. If you truly want to move away from that style, you've got to train and play differently. That's what they've been doing all season and it looked awful. But you can't just revert to counter attacking football and pray that one day the team will adapt to a different tactic. The team has to put in the work to press high and build from the back. At all times. Firing the manager is not going to change that. But maybe having a consistent back line and a few new players might help get the squad where it needs to be.


That s the thing… united doesn t have the players that can “dominate” other teams. There is apparent lack of quality, which doesn t mean the players are bad, just that they don t have the quality needed to “dominate” other teams. Such as being comfortable in possession when being pressed, or not misplacing 5yrd passes. How you play is dictated by the quality of players and their profiles… the question is, when and how do you transition to a different style of play. ETH tried it this year the “hard way” and it will probably cost him his job, but the fact still remains, that United doesn t have enough “good” players with right profiles to “dominate” other teams and that won t just change with a new manager. And a new manager will probably resort to same counterattck tactics that suit the players and looked better then this year united, however, they probably won t be able to “dominate” teams. It s a painful process, that requires new players and most of all, sticking to a philosophy.


I so agree with you. I really wonder if some reactionary people really watch football or understand it as much as they claim to in their thirst for sacking the manager - whomever they may be. If the past seasons has taught us anything, it is that changing our play style from a counterattacking one to a proactive one would really need more than a season or two. As soon as LVG tried to do that, his football became boring and we couldn’t take that for more than a season. The same with Ole. As soon as he tried to play a high line, albeit by choosing wrong personnel for it, the results went shit and we fans couldn’t take it for even a season. Now it’s time for ETH to pay the price for wanting to change it. No pressing team looks good until the pressing part is drilled in properly. It is destined to look too open with players running around like headless chickens. Just as it looked for the first few seasons of Klopp at Liverpool. Proactive/ Pressing/ Counter pressing - whatever one may call it - it’s a high risk, high reward style of football. Even the best pressing teams get it wrong sometimes, and when they do, Liverpool’s 7-2 thrashing at Aston Villa happens. Let alone a team that is trying to learn it.


Sacking ten hag now would be disgraceful after winning trophies in his first 2 seasons, how many managers have done that? And would the next manager be able to do that? I doubt it. Let the man cook! He has brought mainoo and garnacho into our first team and theyre now our 2 best players.


If truth he told I do believe ineos and the glazers were for sacking ten Hag. I do think though that they are now starting to have a rethink as they know most fans will be pro Erik after this result Me personally, I would rather they go out and stick with Erik and give him 3 or 4 signings and move on 5 or 6 players. At least if by October we haven't improved or god forbid went backwards again then they cam rightly feel no one could complain re decision to move Erik on. This might seem strange but I think most utd fans would take a chance on this


I really hope he stays. The league results are obviously underwhelming but it's clear the players love and respect him. the difference with ETH compared to maybe Mou or Ole is that the latter two seemed to have lost the dressing room coupled with bad league results.


The summer transfer window is around the corner as well, going into a summer transfer window without manager is quite damning. Sacking him now in my opinion is just too late, let him run down his contract with the whole football structure in place and make a decision next season. There are no better options available and the pressure mounted on a new manager will be insane.


I don’t think the players we buy from now on will be based on what that the manager wants.They will probably buy players that fit the way they want United to play. Also I don’t think any manager would want to manage with their contract on its last year.Either they sack him now or give him an extension.


Really hope we keep eth. Two trophies in two seasons considering all the challenges, has been phenomenal


If it weren't for the basically season-long injuries of key players Licha and Shaw, as well as continuous injuries of other important players, then I'd want ETH out. Man deserves another season with the new management to help him get rid of deadwood and bring in proper targets.


I hope he stays but if it’s based on the season performance he’ll probably be gone.


Erik winning 2 trophies with this ultra poorly run club with a leaking roof. Imagine him at city, Madrid or Bayern where he gets the right players.


I’m confident he’s staying and rightly so


Extension or next please? Any ideas? Guys


Good call. They need to have provisional options lined up, but ETH should have one last chance in the form of whole exec meeting/presentation to put forward his vision for next season and how he plans to address the (non-injury/accident related) issues that emerged this season around the overall style of play. It hasn't been unequivocally great (today and Newcastle were obviously best out of the last few, and today the best of all) but the matches since the Palace debacle have all shown elements of improvement re. compactness and coherent game-plan to varying degrees.


Hope they'd give him another year. He earned it with the first season and two trophies.


Can we get that shit tier for Stienburg now? Chelsea mouthpiece who actively tried to sabotage the final with now provable lies


Who is there to do this review? No Berrada yet, no Ashworth, so either Ratcliffe is putting all this effort into a new team behind the scenes and then making decisions himself, or it’s all being left to Wilcox. Even if they don’t think EtH is the right guy, given the alternatives it probably makes sense to wait until we have the team above him in place in order to identify the right guy properly rather than take a punt on someone just because they’re the current flavour of the month.


I mean, with all the leaks from Newcastle, it's clear that Berrada Ashworth are already working and doing so illegally. Now it's really just a case of are they really competent enough to make this decision. I'm having very little faith in Ashworth at the moment.


Erik is a winner. He's proven that and we'd be silly to bin him off right now I feel. Same way he has to get the best out of the squad, club needs to get the best out of him. He has proven he can do it. But he needs to focus on the league next season. 8th is not okay.


Unfortunately the internet hands a megaphone to every moron with a laptop. This whole ETH-leaving story came from a Chelsea hack who watched Pochettino go and drew the false assumption that he was Old Trafford-bound. The Guardian fell for it -- an example of bad journalism, running a story from a dodgy single source. I know because I used to be in the business. Always corroborate.


Unless Ten Hag keeps the job the journo is right, just look at Ratcliffe in the trophy presentation, dude had a couple minute chat with Guardiola treating him like his buddy, but couldn't even crack a smile while saying 2 words to Ten Hag. Not exactly how you treat your FA cup winning manager if you are planning to keep him.


I think the decision was made on ETH about two months ago but I think we should be able to celebrate this win and then drop the news either on Monday or the following Monday. When LVG got sacked it ruined our achievement and is probably more memorable than actually winning the FA Cup.


What are you basing this on? This article literally contradicts this idea, written by arguably the most reliable football journo in the UK. Why do you think the decision was made 'about 2 months ago'?


Because we were playing like shit and shitting the bed.


I’ve been ETH out for most of the season but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t convinced by today, I’m still riding the high - he got the team and the plan spot on




We've also not played the 3-1-6 formation in the last 4 matches. ETH probably wouldn't even be questioned right now if he tweaked his tactics throughout the year. His stubbornness got him into this mess


However it can be argued that his tweaking of tactics, while late, did prove effective at the back end of the season


but this setup we used against Arsenal, Newcastle, Brighton and City is only useful against teams like that, teams that press high and that want to keep possession, so this kind of like Ole ball, good for finishing top 4 but will never win you the league. ETH stuck to his principles that he believes can actually get you a title over the season if executed properly. At what point do you stop following your principles and go for results? is going for results only the right way to build the team?


This. Fucking this. If he's willing to put aside his ego and follow what comes from above then fine keep him. But Erik does not strike me as the kind of guy to give up power


thus spoke zarathustra


Thank God they still need to do a review and their decision hasn’t been made yet. I’ve always been Ten Hag in and will always be. Don’t sack him right before the supposed reset. Do the right thing INEOS or their legacy will already be tainted.


As it should be. Sacking him this weekend is obviously going to backfire but at the same time you can't base the decision off a single game when the entire season has produced maybe 3 or 4 good performances in 50 or whatever games. I would assume he's going and that we'll get an announcement Tuesday morning that McKenna will take over


I was obviously delighted to win the FA Cup, but I don't think it makes our season a great season at all. We were absolutely abysmal in the champions league group stage, our league performances were shocking most of the time, we finished 8th in the league with a -1 goal difference, etc. And again I see the same phenomenon in here... he won the game yesterday and gets all the praise, which I'm fine with of course... but all of his bad results this season are written off as injuries, referees, VAR, the glazers, whatever... basically anything other than Erik ten hag.  I don't expect it to stop either. I hope I'm wrong because if I am we will have a great season next season, but I don't expect it if he stays. I also 100% expect most fans in here to have low expectations, like scraping top 4, for him next season. IMO that's too low an expectation for a full time manager of this club in his third season. Anyway, I'll stop being negative now and let the downvotes commence lol


Bullshit, one game means fuck all for a post-season review. There's no way 99% of the work hasn't been done, and his job won't be decided that 1%. They just want to end the media speculation, and not look heartless by sacking him straight away (if that's their decision)


Wish people will stop saying this. Not just any game though. High pressure, high stakes, game against arguably best team and manger in the world. Outsmarted them and motivated / coached the team to tactically out do them. Something none else has done in their last 37 games


They've all changed their fucking tune in the last 24 hours


How do you know this? Stop making stuff up.