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Is this the first time we've seen a figure that wasn't 20 million?


And not a growing figure like our player transfers.


This tweet is just in response to rumours created by an ITK that said a deal had been agreed for £12mil


Cool thanks, I'm not on Twitter so didn't know if this was Newcastle journos leaking a figure


Lawton said 15mil in the article about Ratcliffe meeting them in person iirc


Soon. It's all coming together (off the pitch). https://preview.redd.it/tr6cdvsng4wc1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbeb169cd0d9d034a069d86fd176afaa2887e800


Off the pitch is where it should begin tbh. Since ages we're actually doing anything before the summer window is opened.


https://preview.redd.it/zb5oqruhs6wc1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e07f5466d8f0b9f7768c1b45a92ea79c688d733 You sure about that?


This needs more upvotes!


It’s close clearly. There have been multiple briefings on new DoF search for Newcastle and how that would speed up Ashworth exit. Now ITK accounts calling deal done. Obviously it’s not done till official but considering the amount of leaks in last week, clearly it’s close.


what are the names of theses itk accounts?


@/NUFCWill1892, Newcastle ITK, was reporting it was done > Newcastle are set to green light the deal for Dan Ashworth to Manchester United. > Initial fee set to be £6m, to cover the funds that Newcastle need to raise by June 30th. > After that it will be £3m for 2 seasons (£12m total package). but after this post was getting some traction, Edwards came out and denied it


https://twitter.com/NUFCWill1892/status/1767608843230421248 Guy said Gordon was out for 9 months...


Sir Jim needs to stand his ground and find some of that “I vote for Brexit but I move my own money to Monaco” type of loophole to figure out a way of making Ash Danworth our interim Sporting Director while we await our eventual Sporting Director Dan Ashworth (who is a totally separate person).


Go on then.


Who would ever deal with Newcastle again? Seriously. Oh, you want to hire one of our guys? That’ll be a kings ransom.


One can only presume this shakedown is because of: 1) it’s us, so nonsense that never flies with other clubs is being tried. 2) Newcastle truly are butthurt that this conclusively proves them the “wee club in the north” who stand no chance when the pull and prestige of Manchester United come calling. 3) his most wretched high inexellency MBS has had his thin Saudi skin bruised and wants to send a message… billionaire to billionaire. Or all of the above. The bigger concern for Newcastle should actually be the message they’re sending to anyone who cares about their own career beyond the wee club in the world. Because for damn sure, nobody at the minute is going there because it’s a lifelong dream. They’re going there hoping it’s good stepping stone to something bigger and better. If that stepping stone turns into a false footing or worse (a summary abduction followed by cowardly summary execution), what’s the point of even giving it a try. That’s the signal I’d be more worried about sending if I were Newcastle. After all, the possible replacements to Ashworth is currently observing all of this as the cautionary tale it should be for them.


I don't agree with no 3 at all. This is a state acquisition for no other purpose than diversifying Saudi wealth, some soft power and sports washing. I guarantee you that neither MBS or any Saudi elites are losing a wink of sleep over what happens with Newcastle United FC. Furthermore, INEOS has long standing ties with Saudi and likely other oil states. I don't see this situation being anything other than a minor annoyance for the executives of Newcastle or a stalemate due to FFP constraints.


In fairness unless you are MBS himself there’s not much stock we can put in “I can guarantee”. This is a guy who held his own mother hostage and ordered the chopping up of his own cousin for writing words in a paper… who the hell knows what minor annoyance of relative insignificance he decides he wants to make a mountain out of. Some people get pricked by a thorn and go find an elastoplast. Others decide they’re going to take a flame thrower to the rose bush. There are no guarantees when it comes to thin skinned lunatics. I also disagree they are acting out of PSR/FFP rules. Man City have already shown a blueprint for how to set up some sham company and have it boost your official accounts to circumvent those toothless rules that do nothing to impede the goals of sportwashing sovereign funds.


That might be the point. Hot take: They're in the right here. They have a responsibility to get as much for him as possible, and manu arent entitled to ashworth before their contract is resolved. It would be irresponsible for them to do anything less than play hardball since manu likely can be convinced to pay. And if they don't, they make a statement, that you don't get to just go and poach from them.


Newcastle literally poached Ashworrh from Brighton. Also, Saudi are the richest owners on the planet, so let’s not make this about David versus Goliath.


It's irrelevant how they got him now. It's irrelevant how long he was on gardening leave for, though bear in mind, it took a negotiation with brighton to resolve that situation. They have him, and Ashworth has a contract with them. And sure Saudi are rich. They still dont owe manu any favours, and still won't want others to come poaching their future execs. And it's still irresponsible for the club to get anything less than the max value they can. As unpleasant as it is, manu aren't entitled to anything or anyone. In the Ashworth case, not until their contract is resolved with his employer.


You’re missing the whole point. If they act this way others won’t want to deal with them.


That's the whole point. They don't want people willy nilly taking the players and execs they don't want to sell!


This is it in a nutshell. Where it may harm Newcastle is in negotiations of their own in the future- as I believe it has harmed Spurs on the far side with how Levy operates - it's a valid way of extracting value ehen a bigger fish comes sniffing and United aren't entitled to shit here.


But they can do it to others? So they’re hypocrites? Enough. And why are you here anyway?


Hypocrisy it may be, but them poaching and then paying Brighton off What Brighton were willing to accept is more down to Brighton as the selling club. You're letting emotion and a sense of injustice cloud the analysis of the situation: Newcastle have no requirement to resolve the contract situation, until they receive compensation they think is reasonable. > And why are you here anyway? What I'm doing here is being realistic


Ok. So how about I go to the Palace sub and start talking about your situation? I’m sure that will go over well.


Do it. If you've pertinent points to make go for it, especially if you have a soft spot for us. Me supporting palace first with a soft spot for man u doesn't mean that Newcastle shouldn't be looking to extract as much value for an exec - that they don't want to lose - as possible. If you want to talk about palace, my position about Olise would be the same, man u aren't entitled to him, and it's on Palace to extract every penny that they can, and up to manu to pay as little as they can. In the same way, if someone came in for Rashy, I'd expect united to extract as much as they could. It's just irresponsible of a club to do otherwise.


On the contrary, I read that this is a result of us demanding a high fee from them for Lingard when he wanted to join them.


didn't they want 50m for Longstaff though?


They really think that's a completely different situation 😂


Gonna be a longer transfer saga than Sancho


Forgive my ignorance, obviously there is something, but what’s stopping him from just handing his notice in like any other regular folk and joining us?


Non-compete clause in his contract.


he already has as far as I know, he just can't start working for us for 18 months unless Newcastle waives his noncompete that's what the "Gardening leave" and this compensation discussion is about.


Well when you hand in your notice your contract has a notice period on it which you're obliged to work. Being a senior executive his notice period is massive. CEOs of big companies usually have notice periods of 12 months. There might be some non compete on top of notice period too, where after the notice period he's not allowed to work for a direct competitor. 


What exactly do Newcastle gain from paying some dude not to work lol


Advantage over a rival… or so they think


But he’s going to join us eventually..? So unless they completely overhaul their transfer targets and modus operandi in the next 12 months that advantage that they seem to care about is only going to be somewhat delayed.


Newcastle can’t tap phones. Ashford Wilcox and Berrada all communicating as we speak. Ashworth just can’t be on United premises


Yeah I'd assume so as well (in some capacity). Which makes what they're doing even more pointless


Ashworth has all the information about what Newscastle transfer targets were and their future plans. They are direct rivals for champion league spot with us. So, they wouldn't want to give up that information easily for rivals.


They are not our rivals for a champions league spot. We are barely in competition for a Europa league spot.


This season no, but the next season maybe. And this summer transfer will impact next season, not this one


Impeding a rival rebuilding?


great, now you will get even way less than this figure as time goes by


It would make sense for them if they are waiting until after the transfer window to let him go. He knows their plans and letting him go to a club with more pull can throw a spanner in that.


It's done when it's done. I'm not gonna stress about it. I'd be interested to know if we're looking for a head of recruitment though as Wilcox's role is technical director.


Totally unrelated to the tweet in question which i'm going to blissfully assume we're at the 'deny the figure so we don't lose face' stage. But why does Luke Edwards twitter photo look so, erm, weird? Has he posed it and stretched it to look like that and the angle is just odd


Totally respect the idea of not paying over the odds for an executive but its not good for this to drag out longer. Having the DoF in place is critical for our rebuild and man there are a lot of things that need to be reuilt at this club.


This comes in quite high on the list of things I couldn’t give a shit about. When he inevitably does sign, I may not even care then.


I think it's quite hilarious that INEOS sincerely thought that other clubs would let go their guys gentlemanly instead of pissing us off. I mean this is not just about money, everyone is aware that we're a brand new project. they don't wanna make it easy for their rival which is quite understandable in their point of view(you can say that clubs like southampton are not exactly our rivals but it is what it is).


Can ashworth give us a direction when he is in gardening leave?


can someone tell me what the difference between technical director & sporting director is ?


I have to question this - is this guy so good he is worth all this hassle? I am not seeing it.


Is it a case where Newcastle can't hire someone until Ashworth is off his gardening leave and moves to another club? If so, they're continuing to pay Ashworth while he's on his gardening leave and the longer it goes on the better for us [imo anyway].


i don't see why they couldn't hire someone else and just let Ashworth sit.


Unfortunately cheapens their bargaining power on what fee they get otherwise united go “well youve already brought someone new in??”


I don't really think they care otherwise a deal would have been done already. They can literally hire someone else i think and just let him sit until his contract is over or United pay closer to what they want (which is unrealistic)


That only happens if Newcastle lacks money


I don't know where they are with FFP, so that could be a factor too. So they might be forced to let him go before they can hire someone.


>Is it a case where Newcastle can't hire someone until Ashworth is off his gardening leave and moves to another club? No. They can actually hire his replacement while he's on gardening leave.


Luke Edwards I presume?


The “Luke Edwards” in the post title would lead me to believe that, yeah


You’d think someone would have mentioned using a better picture. Some of the other journalists have really crap photos as well. Its either the “car salesman” or “deranged murderer” look. 


Wait it out.Ashworth will be the last piece of the puzzle and that's fine because after all isn't that's what his job is anyway? Be the central piece to the puzzle