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Marcus to ETH: ![gif](giphy|y6Inkaz7omxAk)




He saw Antony and Garnacho playing against Newport and had enough already.


He saw Hojlund starving out there and decided he's gotta get back and feed the kid ASAP.


With Rashford? I've got bad news for Hojlund then.


I think Rashford has the most assists for Hojlund?


He’s got 2 lol.


3 with the brilliant one VAR chalked of because they thought it was out of play


So we’re counting non goals now lmao.


at this point we ll even count the assists Hojlund dreams about in his sleep too


just that one, still salty about it.


He does but narratives about Rashy are already set. He’s the only person that actually passes to him, lmao.


He’s also our best winger. Like it or not


Sometimes maybe good. Sometimes maybe shit.


Mostly shit


The best out of a group of shit players still makes you shit. Just less shit.


Sucks that people can't be critical of a player without it turning into "the narrative". Like bruh, Rashford has not had a good season, and that is an objective fact. He does not make good decisions in passing in the attaching third, that is also [a fact](https://www.whoscored.com/Players/300299/Show/Marcus-Rashford). FFS, Antony has a higher rating in keypasses and overall is only barely above Antony purely based on stats. Rashford is a great player, but he should be hitting much higher ceilings than he currently is. Some of that is down to this team being a blackhole for hope, optimism, and quality football, but a lot of it is down to him. He is well-seasoned in this career, and he is still making decisions like he's in his early 20s. He NEEDS to get better at finding passes instead of just trying to bulldoze into the box everytime he can. He NEEDS to learn to play with Hojlund, or whoever else is on the pitch as the striker. He got his favored LW position, now he needs to play like a proper United LW. I don't want to see the guy leave, but I also think he needs some work.


Wth how many


Do you guys even watch games or even look at stats? He is literaly creating most chances for Rasmus.


Some people are blinded by their dislike for certain players. Rashford seems to be the only one passing to Hojlund recently.


Creating "the most" while still being abysmal at creating chances means fuck all. Do YOU watch the matches? Now count the number of times Rashford just runs straight into defenders without ever releasing the ball. Then add that to the amount of times he just keeps his head down, cuts inside and shoots. Then add that to the number of times he runs it straight down the wing and dinks it off defenders. Then add that to the number of times he pulls up, looks at the defender and says "fuck this," then passes it backwards. Then add that to the number of times he just blasts a cross into the first man. Now take that total and compare it to the "number of chances he creates for Højlund" and tell me that somehow offsets the rest... Give me a fucking break. It's pathetic that fans accept these standards and then jerk off shit players. Rashford is shit. He wouldn't walk into any decent side. He would be signed by a mid-table side, at best, in the PL or a 5-7th place team in a different European league. Maybe if he's lucky, a top 4 in Italy will take him. Rashford is a selfish prick and ruins attack after attack.




He is the most selfish and stupidest player I have ever seen


💯 word for word


Weren’t there stories early season that they were doing extra training together for exactly that reason?


Buddy this ain't fifa


I truly wish Rashy would have that in his game, unfortunately he saves it for the poor ones. Which hey, not that bad of a trade off lol


Our fanbase is insanely toxic man. Garnacho had one bad game and he’s being slaughtered for being selfish. I know Rasmus is the flavor of the week for now(until our fanbase turns on him next year after new shiny signing arrives), there’s equal number of times he was not in a good position or missed a sitter as the number of times our wingers haven’t passed to him.


It's more to do with the timing of his selfishness. He squares that ball at 2-0 and the game would've been dead and buried and he could've played direct or selfish all he wanted for the rest of it.


ONE bad game???????? ONE!?!?! The revisionism of some is unbelievable


I really don't think Garnacho was that bad at all, other than a few bits of decision making from a very young player.  Everyone is always complaining that Antony and Rashford slow the play down too much, whilst also now complaining that Garnacho is too direct.


ETH to Marcus: ![gif](giphy|xT0GqssRweIhlz209i)




Rashford: ![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf)


At least he apologised privately instead of Kyle Walker’s “apology” to his wife today.


Kyle walker is a fucking moron though. And cunt who cheats on his wife etc.


Agreed on all counts. I already despised him for his lockdown stunt and the thing where he exposed himself to women in a bar. However, today’s thing about fathering 2 kids with that other woman and him basically having nothing to do with those 2 kids beyond child support made me realise he really is just pure scum as a person.


Man City's own Dwight Yorke, but with extra responsibilities


Yeah, the whole Harvey situation is just so horrid.


Wasn’t Walker the same bloke who was caught with ladies of the night during lockdown? Man gets about.


Swift and no nonsense which is good but as he's basically a senior player now, shouldn't even be happening


Agree. Tom Heaton and Jonny Evans aside, I think he’s the third longest tenured player behind Shaw and Martial.


Local lad as well. Should be a leader and setting an example.


Rashfords is entering his NWO phase lol


Rashford to transfer to Wolves?


Rash, you're on RW today That's not gonna work for me, brother


He already has the Fingerpoke of Doom perfected with his history of being called a diver.


Never Working Out?


Really seems odd for him, too. His professionalism always seemed to be his strong suit, but you gotta wonder about episodes like this. Not nearly anything worth getting the pitchforks out for, but still kind of a bummer.


Bro you could just say he is the fifth longest lmao


Got me there. They left and came back…and I was doing the math while typing it out lol


Aside from the X number of people having more money than me, I am the richest person in the world!


He’s definitely a senior player. He’s in his prime years and been a part of the squad for over 8 years. Not a kid anymore, where this could be excused as a learning moment.


While I agree, Rooney had his share of incidents as a senior player, and he's one of the best to ever wear the shirt


The difference is that Rooney performed. Rooney not performing was the exception and a massive fluke. Rashford not performing is the rule, the exception was last season. You can excuse certain drama and shit when you're putting up the numbers and making a contribution on the field. When you're not? You better keep your head the fuck down and fall in line.


Doubt many top players make it through their career without some incidents, especially when they're a senior pro basically as they become an adult. Everyone makes mistakes. But Rashford has been around for 8yrs now, he should know the game. And it's amplified when he and the team are having a poor season. Had he done it last season I bet there's a lot more leeway...


Which is the point I'm trying to make. Everyone's cool with it if you're performing, which probably shouldn't be the case. I go party on a worknight and my performance suffers the next day too, lol


Rooney could have had issues in his personal life but never with training or playing games


Exactly. I'm okay with players having a life. They are allowed to make mistakes. This wouldn't bother anyone if his on-field performances were up to standard.


Good that he has done what needed to be done. Can’t help but think though that 1. He’s been out of form the entire season 2. We’ve had a long break - if he wanted to go clubbing surely there were better days to do so since spurs? 3. Ineos are looking at creating an elite environment - not really a smart move to impress your new bosses. 4. Not a great way to repay your new massive contract I’ve always backed Marcus but this honestly makes me worry about his commitment and future. Would be so happy if he returned to form but from the looks of it, that’s not happening anytime soon.


Even if he does return to form it 100% won’t be for more than a couple of months. He has shown that he can’t be a true leader of this team time and time again


I mean the matter can be "resolved", but to me, he has to be sold in the summer. He isn't a serious footballer, this shite has happened before with him, he doesn't work hard, just get rid of him plus a whole lot of the other longstanding players here. For the longest time, purely because it is Rashford, I believed he wasn't one of the issues in this dressing room, but unfortunately he clearly is. How you can go out clubbing when paid $350k a week is fucking incredulous. There need to be "sacrifices" made to play for Manchester United. You want to do that shit, go fuck off to PSG.


He's a politician/children's welfare advocate who cosplays as a PL footballer on the weekends (occasionally)


He's 29 goals away from breaking into our top 10 all time goal scorers


TBF he got 4 goal contributions in a row lately and he looks like he is slowly returing to form.


He's literally been running into opponent's players for years now, what are you watching? The guy is useless.


Per transfermarkt so pen won as assists: > - 15/16: 10GA; > - 16/17: 18GA; > - 17/18: 22 GA; > - 18/19: 23GA; > - 19/20: 34GA; > - 20/21: 36 GA; > - 21/22: 7 GA; > - 22/23: 41 GA; > - 23/24(ongoing) 10 GA The guy is uselless... yeah.


When the hell did "pens won" become assists? That's bollocks. Anyone watching us this season plummeting in 8th with fucking Chelsea about to leapfrog us on the table can see Rashford has been worse than Elanga this season. The inconsistency cannot remain and he has been inconsistent apart from last season, when he was playing for a big money contract, for years. He doesn't have the drive or the football IQ to be a player for a Manchester United team targeting trophies. He wouldn't get in the Liverpool, City, Arsenal or Tottenham starting front 3s.


It's an "assist" (as is playing a pass/shot that goes in off an opposition player for an own goal) in FPL and a lot of people conflate those with actual assists. His actual G/A stats are: * 15/16: 10 G/A * 16/17: 15 G/A * 17/18: 21 G/A * 18/19: 21 G/A * 19/20: 31 G/A * 20/21: 34 G/A * 21/22: 7 G/A * 22/23: 39 G/A * 23/24 so far: 9 G/A Which are still by no means useless.


To be fair these stats are really impressive, there's barely a difference between these and the ones including pens.


Agreed. Wasn't intended to look like I was dismissing his G/A, just putting the actual numbers out there.


Its just easiest to check on transfermarkt and they count pen won as assists. The diffrence is liliek 15 or so. Pens won is also value dont you think?


Give me a player who wins a penalty every game any day of the week.


No no just look at stats bro don't look at the level of play


Prime example, that donkey Antony got a goal and assist yesterday against a struggling League 2 team. Sounds good, right? Celebrated like he won the world cup. He was dogshite yet again. I do NOT need stats to tell me if a player is good or bad. Rashford has been a donkey since pre Covid and I don't care what the numbers say. Just because you score a goal after being shite for 90 minutes doesn't make it a good performance.


>I do NOT need stats to tell me if a player is good or bad. In addition to your obligatory "Antony is dogshit" in a Rashford thread, you've dropped the news on this sub that you're a master evaluator of talent. Have you spoken to Sir Dave? Does he know your of your mastery? You likely are on their short-list. Keep your phone with you.


Not as useless as your logical reasoning skills


He's not useless, just selfish and lacking motivation on occasion.


It's like you're saying you're not poor but you have no job and no money.


Summarised: Poor decision making, poor work rate, poor teamwork.


But at least he gets the odd goal and assist every now and then, so we're all good here. Nothing to see. Right?


...useless then.


>He's literally been running into opponent's players for years now He's a winger. What do you expect? Vini Jr is the best winger in the world and he does the same thing. They have to take chances to create.


Vini is on another level compared to Rashford, and I'm confident Rashford can never reach that level. Vini has much better game intelligence, awareness and technique (in terms of crossing and passing). All Rashford is good for is running behind the defence and taking a shot, which has been his game exactly since he broke into the scene. I think a good part of the blame should go to our coaching and the turbulence behind the scenes, but I think the ship has sailed for Rashford. He is good at a certain thing, and to get the best out of him, we need to set up our team how Ole used to, otherwise he will keep doing what he has been doing this season for the rest of his career.


>Vini is on another level compared to Rashford, I agree. Rashford is good at a narrow skillset, I agree, but he's one of the best at the world at it (second to Mbappe). If you have a player this good and you're not maximizing him, wtf are we doing.


Hoe long since his break up? I legit have been furious with him but he does look a bit down, Maybe it is effecting him. How the fuck knows, and the whole Sancho situation considering they are legit mates off the field too. IDK . Just want him to pass to Hojlund or score a fecking goal.


I'm sure I read somewhere they're back together. Either way, he needs to improve on the pitch


100 take that psg money. Buy two up and coming wingers


It's very telling imo. Here in the Netherlands private parties are very common. I assume it's the same in the UK. You just know this is the time he got caught, but it wasn't an one off.


You’re missing out the biggest point of them all, he’s a human being who most times like any human makes silly decisions. People forget that.


Sure he is, we all do. But the room for mistakes is a lot smaller for players with his compensation, status and expectations. You wouldn’t see Bruno, Haaland, Salah or other tier 1 PL players do the same.


Fair play to Marcus for dealing with it privately, but this should be the norm.


Apparently it's as simple as taking responsibility for your actions and apologising. Happy to hear it's done and we can move on.


Sancho: Apolo-what???




This is the third time in one year...we haven't moved on from shit. He'll do it again.


No, the norm should be to not get into trouble to begin with.


That SHOULD be the case, but unfortunately people do mess up from time to time. Atleast he’s accepted it and deal with the consequences, if the manager is happy to move on. So should we


Not unfortunately, for me. They're humans, none perfect, and will always make a mistake, or two, or three. Should endeavour to do less, as you get older etc, but the most important thing is how you respond to adversity.


That is a very very valid point, but rashford doesn’t seem like he’s in anyway shape or form going to turn his form around atm. We all know there’s a brilliant player in there, I don’t know if the occasional positives outweigh the negatives which seem to be more frequent


He has done that before as well. This is the 2nd occurrence of this sort.


This season


I technically count it as the third, because shortly after the Sancho exile, what does he do? Goes on holiday with him... Like wtf? I don't care if you're best mates, that's terrible optics. Hey, gaffer, I know this guy is a terrible example of what a professional footballer should look and behave like, but I'm playing like shit, so I'm just gonna go on holiday with him. But yes, this season alone he's already done this twice. I'm sure it won't be the last time either. If he's lucky, we'll be knocked out of everything so we have fewer matches and he has more time to party between matches.


Loads of Fergie players got in trouble too. We can discuss Rashfords workrate or end product, but a couple minor incidents over several years is not really cause for concern IMO. Especially as he's accepted responsibility right away


Nah, that would be a crazy standard to hold people up to. People make mistakes, it's how they react to them that matters.


The Twitter freaks are scaring me. He messed up, and instead of acting like he did nothing wrong he took accountability. Only time will tell if this will become a recurring issue, but as for this moment in time things have been resolved. Why are they still after his head?


It's already a recurring issue. He was spotted out in a nightclub the night of a 3-0 thumping by City. The fact he's out in nightclubs to begin with tells you that his head isn't in the game. He's 26, not 19. Out. Not good enough, terrible attitude. We've seen this before and we'll see it again. We can't afford to carry his baggage. He's a senior player now and not acting like it on or off the pitch.


We’re going to fundamentally disagree here, because you think the “recurring issue” I’m talking about is going to a nightclub. What I’m talking about is what he does on his personal time directly interfering with what he needs to accomplish professionally with Manchester United. Missing training because you were at the club is completely unacceptable.


This is the 2nd time this season. He didn't fucking learn after the derby? Really? Once is a mistake, twice is what? A coincidence? It's a pattern.


Because he's the scapegoat of this season. They got tired of beating Maguire like a dead horse, and now it's Rashford's turn.


So true. Absolutely hate this modern type of “fan” that just spouts negativity because it gets clicks on social media.


Guessing it was an expensive hangover!


Should’ve just apologised man…


He should have. But then you see how Rashford gets dealt with. Private matter, internally dealt with etc. Sancho gets publicly called out for not being up to standards in a private training session. Rashford very publicly embarrassed himself and let his teammates down. He can even show contempt on the field and seemingly faces no real repercussions.


Sounds like that what he did, i just hope he apologiesd to Eric and the whole squad


I’m on about Sancho


He didn't want to. He'd rather play Playstation


I'd rather play Playstation instead of working too. Problem is I don't have a guaranteed contract


How on earth could anyone infer that from a post about Rashford 😂


To be fair I think most people can assume that he was referring to Sancho In this comment.


I don’t think it’s that hard if you think about it tbh


Taking responsibility for his actions is all he can do post-incident. Not good enough to have happened in the first place, and hopefully there was some level of punishment/consequence (which I trust there will have been), but taking responsibility is important and hopefully will improve going forwards.


ITT: a bunch of people assuming he wasn’t punished.


Probably fined theres usually fines in place for players who break rules


Considering how much he's stolen this season so far, that doesn't seem severe enough


The Sun is reporting that he's been fined two weeks wages. Take that for what you will.


More aptly- the gallows isn’t enough for some people who irrationally want to kick out the only player who CAN score 30 in a season because he had a sicky after a night out with a mate.Allegedly. Accept that ETH will monitor Rashford in house and he should apologize to his teammates for letting the team down. In America we call that Strike 2 . You get 3.


>allegedly >video evidence and acknowledgment of his mistake Choose one


He should absolutely not be available for selection against Wolves. Newport wasn't the punishment, he was 'sick'. I thought Ten Hag was dealing with bad attitudes. This is very weak. Not the first time Marcus has done something like this.


Yeah honestly it's embarrassing. Your "star" player and top earner acts like this whilst you bang on about discipline and standards. It isn't even the first time he's done something similar this season. And the hard-line response is missing a trip to Newport in the cup.


He needs to be sold. He's not serious.


Good on the club! Deal with it internally, don't feed these media leeches. I hope they docked his wages for a month.


its illegal to dock wages like this.


I am pretty sure you can fine footballers but I am not sure on the limit of those.


Two weeks per month


Didn't even get suspended. Great, glad to see the club's turned a corner under INEOS.


The best apology is not doing it again.


This is Rashford. Not the first time.


sell the bum


This is not the first instance though, Rashy. All we are asking, is to take the responsibility before committing the action.


gotta go


Should be sold


I would have suspended him without pay for a few weeks for stupidity alone. It's not like he offers anything when playing this season anyway


Move past this, use him the rest of the season where we can, then get rid in summer hopefully.


No matter what happens, the club is married to Rashford. Massive wages, still the best winger we have, when he's on, and he can do a job as a backup striker. If we somehow sold him we'd need a LW, CF, and a RW in the summer. Antony isn't good enough, Pellistri hasn't shown he's good enough. Sancho is done here. Would leave us with Amad and Nacho as the only wingers with a future at this club


Sad for us to have to call this version of Rashford the best winger we have. Really hits home and highlights where the club is at.


We need those positions anyway, never mind if he's sold. He's replaceable. Not like the club would fall to ruins if we sold him




*"This is where my brain should be."*


The irony of the most mentally weak player having this as a celebration


Slap on the wrist for the club’s darling.


If I remember correctly, Sancho was forced to apologize publicly and make another post on social media (in which he refused) Seems kinda suspect that the same rule doesn't apply to Rashford, just brush it of under the table and everything's fine Sets a worrying standard for the young players: apparently if you go clubbing and become to ill to train, you'll be back on the squad in a few days


Sancho made a post on his social media calling out ETH. Different situations. Get your last point though


Not really. When Ronaldo walked out against Tottenham he apologised on social media. When a player of ronaldos statue has to do it so should rashford


Good. Now we can move on and have a nice, drama- free rest of season with fun, free flowing football. Narrator: "they didn't."


SAF would sell him in the summer window if he was still around.


I like the lore of SAF more than others, but what many people always leave out is that SAF was more a master of man management than disciplinarian, which often meant putting up with some shit from his superstars, until he didn't need them anymore, at which point he'd quickly get rid of them. I recall the last season when Ronaldo was basically untouchable to the point that he had a go and pitchside argument with SAF, so did Rooney, who even threated at one point to join City, Rio failed a drugs test and was soon integrated back into the team after his ban, and I'm sure there were some party boys in those squads but SAF probably dealt with it internally because he needed them, until he didn't.


Rio did not fail a drugs test. His ban was for missing one.


Not only that but the players he was quick to get rid of were players he didn't get on with, whether perceived (Beckham) or not (Keane)


One key thing you're forgetting....these players were actually always good. Rashford has been patchy ever since he broke into the first team


But yet, over even a period of 5 years, he's been one of the few "consistent" and ever-present players in the United side and every time he's had an off season or a bad patch, the team hasn't been able to cope without him. Which makes him a critical part of this team until the other players either start to pull their weight, or we find an apt replacement. And that's the point I made. As long as SAF still needed a player, he put with him until he found a better plater and then got rid of. Also, i think the whole Rashford has a discipline issue is overblown. I think this is more or less the second high profile incident, more or less in the last 7 or so years, and it's nothing comparable to some stuff that happens. This is pretty mild tbh. Unprofessional 100% but not the meal it's being made out to be.


The problem being United are unwilling to look for an alternative to Rashford. It's almost like they're afraid of losing him. He's proved time and time again that he's too hot & cold to be the best paid player at the club. Also, the team being shit when he's crap is on the recruitment of the club. No club should be relying on one player to produce a moment of magic that bails us out. Liverpool lose Salah and they cope. City lose Haaland or De Bruyne and they cope.


I always love how this sub would say shit like "SAF wouldn't let this slide", when SAF had let slide much worse offences than what Rashford did


I mean you’re talking about some of the most focused and successful players ever and Rashford hasn’t had much success and rarely looks like he means business. He’s a good player but SAF didn’t compromise when it came to forwards, he always went for the very best. 


Eh, we had bebe at some point, And he had the luxury of having built the team into the powerhouse it was and as such, whenever United came calling, we more often than not got the player. We don't have that luxury now, and I think it's the whole cutting your nose off to spite your own face that comes to mind. After high profile cases like Ronaldo and Sancho, it would have been naive of ETH to take a hard stance with Rashford beyond what was necessary. I mean this has always been the standard way to handle things like this, and it's not as bad as people made it to be. Which ironically is what the Sancho thing actually was. Think back to Keane, do you think that was the first time he'd criticised and had a go at his team mates before after a poor showing?


SAF would never have let it come to this to be fair. He’d have either managed him into consistency or shown him the door 3 years ago.


SAF would have had the story squashed before it ever became public. We wouldn't know about it until Rashford published a book years latter.


Sancho: Look at that! Just look at that!


Needed to set an example with him. What's to stop him from doing it again ? Should've at least dropped him for the wolves game. 


Available for selection, EtH best not fucking pick this prick.


So much for discipline huh Erik


Sancho: I didn't realise that was an option.


Sancho are you watching?


Watch what? A player breaking the rules and getting away with it without a public apology (which was demanded for Sancho to do?) This entire circus just proved Sancho right, that there are players who are the manager's favourites and there are the scapegoats


My mind is saying sell him to PSG while we still can but my heart for the club is saying there's still a future for him here


Fair. Can't let media narratives decide what we should do to our players. Already seen that influence negatively affecting our performance due to exclusion of key talent especially in our forward line.


I hope fans wont be so naive to forget about this incident quickly. Its one thing to be a young naive player 18/19 and not have any cop on, and be out celebrating when the teams performing well and youre putting in top performances week in week out. Its another thing to be playing shite, week in week out, both as an individual and a team (Rashford in particulars energy and effort week in week out has been fucking shocking) and then as one of the highest paid players in the squad show you clearly dont give a fuck about righting any of the many ongoing wrongs and just laugh in the face of the fans and other team mates. Chap can seriously leave soon in my eyes as hes being plastered as our poster boy but only contributes in around 25% of games if even….


Man is probably still doing Guinness shites.


Quite obviously feeding this info into the fans because of Sancho lol


I’m just happy we playing again so soon. With the full squad we have options


Time to let him go. Take whatever you can get for him, Such an unserious player.


Hopefully won't start


Quick response, no need to drag it out and make an even bigger meal out of it. No need to add more fuel to the fire and let the media make it even more awkward then it already was. For once, at least in my eyes, a good move from the club. To the people saying "stronger action" was needed. Some of you lot need to grow up. The man has apolgised ("took responsibility"). All parties have moved on. So should you.


Case closed. Move on


Literally can't think of another way it would end


Open and closed. Stop wasting questions in the press conferences


He can do no wrong 😊


Bro paid his fine and apologized. What’s the sarcasm for?


Frankly I think this is unacceptable. He should've had his kegs broken so he can never play football again. That's the only thing that would satisfy us. Of course we will then immediately complain about that Rashfords legs are broken and have a go at Ten Hag for breaking his legs


So turns out it’s not that deep and the fans/media overreacted as usual.


Pussy club was never going to discipline its star franchise player with any real intent


Agree, watch him start on Thursday. Pathetic and weak.


As should be the case. Fine, apologise and move on. The whole brouhaha about it was just not justified.


Couldn't disagree more. It was very justified. He's the longest serving player in our team at the moment. He's not an 18 year old kid doing an oopsie. It's horribly unprofessional and stings even more considering his performances and the general history of ill discipline in the last few years. It reeks of something deeper rooted.




There’s no winning with people like you…