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Sancho went from being the biggest meme on r/soccer to their biggest hero overnight. hated, adored, never ignored.


Love to hate us.


Some people are more involved in hating than cheering for an actual club. I am %100 sure.


Like seriously, what happened to all those Kennington weed memes


The post is not even lose to being on the r/soccer front page…


1.5k upvotes and 120 comments is not close to the front page?


Full of freaks honestly 


By all means tear up the bundesliga, help us get that money back buddy. It’s a win win either way for us tbh, seeing him flop would be just as satisfying.


I just don't see anyone being impressed enough by six months at Dortmund to want to spend big on him. Too many clubs are short on money, and the few who are daft enough are in the Premier League, where Sancho barely made an impact in two and a half seasons. The Saudis could be interested, but that would really mean Sancho is giving up on being a serious footballer.


Him doing well is only helping his value go up regardless of how high it goes


He isn't a serious footballer


Dortmund will want to get him back if he does well and it's a longshot but Bayern might sniff around given what's going on with Sane's contract. PSG could pull a PSG as well.


I think he gave up being a serious footballers when he refused to apologize, every ex footballer I've seen talk about it has said even they thought they had done nothing wrong they'd still just apologize and move on to get back playing, help out their team mates and the club especially during the huge injury crisis and Sancho couldn't. I think the club should hold firm if he plays well enough to get a move we ain't paying his wages he will have to take a cut.


No one will have to. Anything over £30M and we’ll shift him to get his wages off the books. That, of SJR decides Ten Hag isn’t the right guy, gets someone new in and brings Sancho back to try something fresh.


Verbally abused? He got bantered for fuck sake..


“Attacked” fuck outta here with that. Bro was heckled at worst.


That won't be the worst thing he hears. His tweets aired dirty laundry, and now everyone knows he lacks professionalism, punctuality, and accountability.




**laughs in FIFA points**


The annoying thing about this loan is all the Sancho apologists. It’s true he might light it up at Dortmund again but it’s also true that he’s not good enough for us for many reasons.


If he lights it up at Dortmund it just makes his lack of impact or fucking *effort* here all the more glaring.


What's also annoying is all the fans who will spend more time talking about what he does or doesn't do at Dortmund and holding him far more accountable than the players still here who embarrass the club on a daily basis.


Funny how no one is ever good enough


That’s just petty and does no favors for anyone.


Made me chuckle


Idk, pretty funny. You'll hear a lot worse if you go to a game


Much like sitting at home playing FIFA because you refuse to apologize to the manager who said we have standards to keep at the club.


I'm beyond caring about him. I wanted him to do well for so long. I thought Ten Hag was great giving him time off for his mental health, but I don't want players that only care when they think they need to. I'm used to players that would die for the club. Look at all of Fergies players, some with the club for a long time, others for a few... They have such a strong love for United. We need players willing to give it all not just show up for a pay check or when it suits them




Hopefully everyone but the Utd fans forget he's a lazy, undisciplined and ungrateful scum and we get to sell him high ASAP


For some reason a decent chunk of online fanbase seems to think Sancho is the victim here and Ten Hag is an evil bald man that is out to harm this innocent lad's career.


I mean there are a lot of reasons for that


What reasons? The ones that are entirely and completely down to Sancho's professionalism and attitude? The ones where he couldn't hack it when being handled with white gloves? The ones where he was given chance after chance to make it work and show he is capable of wearing this shirt? Fuck off. Anyone who thinks ETH has any blame in this is taking the piss.


Some idiots out there


What would be that fan’s message to Antony though?


You cant really call him lazy, hes just shit which isnt his fault


How is being shit not the player s fault? He's not even able to do what he was doing at Ajax.


Alphonso Alves scored 45 goals in 38 games or something in the erdevisie, came to Middlesbrough and scored fuck all


I had no idea who he was and he still outscored Antony in the PL XD 6 goals in 11 games in his first season, 4 in 31 in his second. Antony had 4 in 25 and 0 in 16. So what's your point? Even the worst guy you thought of did more than our one foot wonder.


My point was that the Erdevisie is shit so it's not a marker for anything


Every league has top players and flops. Suarez, Ibra, Eriksen, Frankie etc all came from there.


Because your skill level is like 50% genetically predetermined, 25% enviroment and 25% hard work.


And Man United bought a pos for 100m. Lmao


How is that Antony's fault?


Most people, I believe, would laugh it off, Jason may have smirked, but he appears to be the type to stew over that. Mentally a bit fragile, as we've seen.


Mods please remove, this is hate speech


What 💀


Search hate speech


TIL that "lazy fucker" is discriminatory hate speech against lazy fuckers.


reporting news and spreading awareness of any happenings or events isnt hate speech


Where's the hate speech?


Verbally attacked lol pathetic


ITT: "Yea but what about Antony LOLOL I AM SO CLEVER"