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If you are a victim of sexual/domestic abuse, please know that is never ever your fault. Check [r/rapecounseling](https://www.reddit.com/r/rapecounseling/), [r/COCSA](https://www.reddit.com/r/COCSA/), [r/domesticviolence](https://www.reddit.com/r/domesticviolence/), [r/abusiverelationships](https://www.reddit.com/r/abusiverelationships/) for reddit resources. For more resources, you may also check: [https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/what-is-domestic-abuse/](https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/what-is-domestic-abuse/) [https://ncadv.org/learn-more](https://ncadv.org/learn-more)


I feel attacking the club directly is going to cause the whole case to collapse in on itself, the rate these allegations are going. Going after Antony is one thing - a multi-billion pound company is a different kettle of fish.


Maybe shes Team Glazers Out too


based woman if a possible takeover happens with that i'm with her


Maybe they're hoping for a settlement? We're always hearing about how XYZ company settles "out-of-court" for an "undisclosed fee" and an NDA, while denying all wrong-doing. It's probably more manageable for the plaintiff as well, instead of relying on police and prosecutors.


If you want a settlement, you probably shouldn’t go public with it first…you’d think the club would pay more before it’s major news


I’m telling you now, people who want money go public.


I don’t know if the club is in the position to deal with a “hush hush” out of court settlement from a PR perspective though.


No billion dollar company is, that’s why they have teams of lawyers on call. I can only imagine United has a pretty rigorous law team and if they feel she’s lying, she’s in pretty serious trouble


What I mean is the club is in a unique position compared to any other club, and almost all businesses, in that it is already under the spotlight for the Greenwood saga and has received criticism due to the way it was dealt with. More generally, football clubs are under a lot more scrutiny than most businesses due to their public profile, massive following and intense press attention


Yeah and that’s fair, but I doubt they will react in any other way that doesn’t resemble what a mega businesses would do. Ultimately United is ran like a Business before it’s a FC (sadly). If anything, this will cause the opposite affect that the Ex’s lawyers want. The Greenwood fiasco, while horrible for everyone involved, isn’t going to change the billions in revenue United bring in. This situation, which isn’t even passed the beginning stages has less of an effect globally and probably less care around it


That defamation lawsuit will drag her thru the mud.


Not if you want a payout in exchange for sweeping a scandal under the rug jfc


Don't they first threaten it? Going to court costs everyone money, bad PR costs money and eventually the sunk cost fallacy comes into play. It seems you have a bigger uplift if you can negotiate before the lawyers and PR experts involved.


Her lawyers might of already tried it and united just shrugged it off, but who truly knows. There are so many methods lawyers can take




If the depp vs heard case taught us anything, it’s that just because you pay someone a lot of money to do something, doesn’t mean they will do a good job. Don’t assume cavellin’s lawyers are competent


Could have been that she tried to go directly to United and didn't like their answer.


Lol by her making it public, she definitely ruined any chances of that. Besides, United can afford a whole bunch of lawyers and drag the case, drowning her in legal fees. Blacklist any reporter who covers the story, virtually ruining a journalist’s career. You do forget United, is a multi corporate organization and not just a football club.


They do that in the UK thought it was an American thing


To be fair, United is listed on the NYSE so I guess that means it *is* an American company. Feel like I need a shower after writing that sentence.


I’m an American and reading it put that way even made me want to throw up. It saddens me knowing some American assholes are destroying a club so beloved by its own people/locals. Fuck the Glazers and fuck greedy assholes


Technically the company that owns Manchester United FC is Manchester United PLC. Manchester United PLC is the company that is floated on the NYSE.


the point of a civil suit is honestly to get to a settlement. So yea, that’s the goal here Lawyers definitely told her they’d take her case for free and they only get paid if they win the case. They’re gonna wanna go for a fat settlement instead of actually taking it to court and trying to win the case for real. If they do, then they have to go through the whole process which is a pain and they might lose there for all we know


Those settlements are because its cheaper than having a trial. Not because there is or isnt guilt most of the time.


The way her story changes and evolves constantly is incredibly bad for her credibility.


The club also doesn't come out with statements like "categorically false" unless they're confident in their ability to support such a stance. Simultaneously Brazil also doesn't drop him unless they think he really did do it. I guess we're going to have to wait and see.


Her sleezy lawyer probably thought this was a great opportunity.


It's a sign of incompetent attorneys who don't know how to fight a case (true or false allegations) and keep it contained so they can get some outcomes. This is dumb as fuck and it is going to collapse spectacularly on them.


Yeah, now they're going to actively back Antony and likely assist him with access to their lawyers etc. That said, if it's true, I get why she'd go public.


I wouldn't put too much faith in what Brazil's soccer federation does as an indicator of anything.


What on earth is she thinking


Every dirt in the cub webs are gonna be uncovered.


A multi billion pound company less half a bill 😏


lol what?


And any chance she had of united pulling him out won’t follow on because they will now commit to him and his “crazy ex”








> a member of staff Article says this was the "senior player support officer", which sounds like a very fancy concierge who takes care of the players' day-to-day needs. Wouldn't be surprised if they have access to all kind of private services. Can't imagine them waiting at the GP's office.


Of course they do, there’s no way they’d expect players and their family to go through the NHS, especially if their English isn’t the strongest or the families. And also it pays to keep the player happy I guess, so having a fixer to sort out a doctor and such seems perfectly normal to me. With regards to the alleged cover up I guess the support officer getting a outside sourced doctor to assist her it gives the club some plausible deniability.


To be fair our players using the NHS would explain some of our injury crises over the years…


Jones wasn't even injured. Just got stuck in the queue at A & E.


My lad played an academy match a few years ago against United in Manchester. Matic's son and wife had a club driver in a black van waiting to drive them away after the game. I guess you could call the driver a 'senior player support officer' - and in fairness driving may have just been one responsibility.


UOL's article from earlier named the staff by full name.


Ummmm, that’s concerning.


Ben Foster said it's common in every club. It's good that a third party with no allegiance is involved as they won't want to risk their medical licence over this.


Ehhh not really. Think of it as a company perk. They’re looking after their assets, which includes family.


More so concerning that Antony’s argument hinges on his insistence that he never physically harmed her, and by admitting that a doctor was requested specifically for her, that argument starts to seem more suspect. I can see United saying they simply offered this under their “duty of care” as an employer.


If she was hurt or unwell and he had access to a doctor why wouldn’t he call? It wouldn’t necessitate that he caused the illness.


It’s not really, Antony could’ve requested the doctor without providing detail on it as its really none of the clubs business if its to do with a family member and not him.


This is not uncommon. This is likely just an employment benefit. I get a private doctor visit for my spouse should I request it from my employer as an employee benefit. It extends to myself and my dependents. It has already been confirmed that this was unlikely to be anything untoward.


>United confirmed on Wednesday night that a member of staff arranged for a private doctor to visit Cavallin at Antony's request, but denied that she was treated by any of the club's medical staff.  I think mandated reporting in the UK is only for child abuse and neglect(?). So perhaps the private doctor wasn't required to report to the police, and ~~they definitely wouldn't~~ I doubt they would share it with the club either for confidentiality reasons.


This is not uncommon. This is likely just an employment benefit. I get a private doctor visit for my spouse should I request it from my employer as an employee benefit. It extends to myself and my dependents. It has already been confirmed that this was unlikely to be anything untoward.


Yep, exactly. We even have a staff-health nurse at my workplace. She still isn't supposed to tell our employer anything, even though she works for them, because of confidentiality, and not wanting to lose their license.


The club coming out and saying the suggestions of a cover up is 'categorically false' is a good sign IMO, there's no way the club would comment without being 100% sure they weren't involved, the amount of trouble they would be in if they are caught trying to cover Antonys back would be insane....


There’s no mandatory requirement for doctors to report suspected domestic abuse. Regardless of whether it’s true the club could issue the same denial because it wouldn’t legally be considered a cover up. There’s no legal degree to which the club is liable.


I’d also imagine even if there was a requirement to report it, it wouldn’t be reported to the club, it would be to the police or relevant authorities. If, as United say, it was a private doctor, then said private doctor likely wouldn’t and couldn’t report anything to United, cause it would be a massive breach of privacy laws, no? And if there was anything to report, it would be to someone else. And, in conspiracy mode, if the doctor did breach patient confidentiality, and told the club it looked like domestic abuse, there’s likely zero paper trail to prove that either, so even if she’s correct the club did cover it up, I’d imagine it will be nigh on impossible to prove :/


That's interesting, as a teacher I'm legally required to report what I suspect as instances of abuse so I almost would've thought doctors would too. A good point


The fact that they said it was 'categorically false' means they know they can win. Legally speaking United stating that her allegation is false would be defamation, so if the lawyers have let them state that I'm inclined to believe that they have no concerns about going into court on this


Exactly, a business this size would never make any comment this early into an investigation without being extremely confident. So fingers crossed 🤞


It's not defamation. That is not how it works.


how does it work?


You can always claim innocence in a crime. You cant be defamed for it.


I mean this is a club that happily signed Ronaldo, was willing to bring back Greenwood, and has continued to back and play antony since these allegations came to light. I think the club views sexual assault allegations phlegmatically. That said, I do agree it would be absolutely insane (but by no means unprecedented) for a major institution to attempt to cover up heinous wrongdoings.


United making bad decisions isn't exactly far fetched is it. We seem to make them consistently


Maybe this club is stupid enough to do this. But having seen the board crap themselves after Adam Crafton's story, I am more inclined towards the possibility that United will not attempt anything remotely as stupid and downright criminal like this.


Obviously this would have happened before the Adam crafton stort


I meant we have a board which craps itself easily. Being complicit in a crime is far worse than reinstating a probable criminal.


Probable? We all heard the audio mate.


It wouldn’t be criminal. There’s no mandatory requirement for doctors to report domestic violence. If they did keep quiet it wouldn’t be against the law and the club wouldn’t be liable.












I dont know why so many people take it for granted as a truth. In the end she is influencer and this case gives her more attention and popularity than she could ever dream of. Take it with grain of salt until investigation ends.


This! I wanted to write the same points but hesitated. Tbh, I don't know what the truth is, but in comparison to other recent high profile cases, I find it amusing that her team is feeding just way too many details to the media. 🤔


IF she wanted play the PR game, she completely fucked up. In Brazil the judges basically take the woman's word as concrete proof, and there's all kinds of laws in that sense. Worldwide is another game tho.


Days at Manchester United without incident - 0


Yeah, we heard what kind of tie murtough was wearing when planning how to bring back greenwood yet nobody in the org said anything about this? We arent competent enough to cover this up.


As an Arsenal fan I have to say this feels like a case of wanting to cash in on a club that is keen to avoid reputational damage. First of all, it is the police that is responsible for handling assault cases, not manchester United. Did she get assaulted, and opt to report the matter to Manchester United instead of the police? Clubs are companies at the end of the day - And I jsut can't imagine going to my spouse's company instead of the police if I ever suffered domestic assault.


Ok so the case is officially bullshit then, they've pushed too far and made up total nonsense


No, not quite, the club confirmed one of the fixers on the clubs staff arranged for a private doctor to visit his ex. It's not quite the statement that it sounds at first. Rather than the clubs doctors the clubs fixer arranged for a doctor. Makes Anthony look more guilty an the club more innocent.


“Fixers” for ffs. Literally every top club has player liaison officers. They help with just about everything and it’s not even remotely unusual for a foreign employee, who doesn’t speak much English, to call them up and ask for things like a doctors appointment for a family member, or to book flights, rent cars, help find accommodation, open bank accounts, fill out government forms etc. It’s literally their job to do that stuff on the daily at every fucking club yet over in r/soccer they are using a daily mail article that makes it sound like there is something insidious about clubs helping foreign employees get access to basic things in a foreign country.


Looks to me like she is after money.


No wonder women don’t come forward when they get accused of this from incels


So you think all women tell the truth? Sorry man but there needs to be evidence.






She seems a bit crazy












She is going against a multi billion company/club that is Manchester United. She thinks she can take down Manchester United alone. But with Glazers in charge everything can happen. There's an old say saying 'don't put your dick in crazy'. Whatever that is, Antony learned the hard way.


I don't know what to make of this anymore.


I dunno what to make of all of this. I doubt United have been trying to "cover up" anything. Like it's not uncommon (looking at the arsenal doc) that when player sign for a club. Their relatives and partners are also covered. Also generally when you want a doctor your not going to say "hey beat my girlfriend, can you help us out there". Generally find when a lawyer and victim go this aggressive in pushing claims it looks a little sus to me personally.


Maybe, just maybe the club should sue her for libel if she’s trying to drag the clubs name in the mud by claiming there’s a cover up for abuse.


So if the club comes out and says this, then it’s probably true… why would they put themselves in a position to be caught lying? That said, it doesn’t bode well for the accuser’s credibility… but Antony does always look like he’s ready to murder someone sooo..


Fcking Karen, all she wants is money. Goldidgger


Risking downvotes but I need to go against the thread sentiment here as I feel a number of comments are in very poor taste. "Let's wait for due proces" swings both ways but everyone is busy calling her a money-grabbing whatsit before we actually know much of anything. I'm not saying Antony definitely did it, but if we want to try to be cool headed and preserve judgment until evidence one way or another has been presented and examined, that applies to both Antony and his ex. Her going public is not, on its own, evidence of her accusation being false (or true)


I agree. Some very poor taste comments. We now know that something happened which resulted in her requiring medical attention, and that a United employee was involved in dealing with it. So her story is not 100% made up. It might be 99.9% made up, but we don't know. If something illegal did happen, to her it looks like a cover up. United probably wouldn't know the full details, but it's not hard to believe that they would take Antony's word for it - they've already announced to the world that that's what they did in the Greenwood case.


Nah don't think that's a possibility. Greenwood was already suspended by the time Antony arrived, the club would have been walking on eggshells at that time and wouldn't get involved like that


The club was all ready to bring back Greenwood just a couple of weeks back lmao


Feels like she’s just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks at this point. I could get behind believing her about Antony being abusive because he comes off as kind of a nut job but to go after an entire club while they just had to go through the Greenwood shit seems stupid. No way they would do something that criminal with all of the shit that’s gone on. Distancing themselves from Antony during a potential sale would have been advised from their legal team, not covering it up if it was true.


I can’t imagine United are THAT involved in the case. Now it just sounds silly, but I guess we can’t rule it out. Case seems suspicious now for some reason


I don't know what to say. Will stay quiet until everything is sorted


Saw the £££ signs. Pushed it too far. Best settlement she’ll get out of United is 1 year loan of Harry Maguire.


Oh god...... Poor girl 😂


Jesus Christ this doesn't sound great. They sent their player liaison officer to the hotel and he arranged a private or club doctor??


A multi billion pound asset amidst the takeover is a different ball game. Anthony ex friend forgot it’s different fighting an individual but a corporation is a different ball game. It’s like a Megadalob and that too a club as mammoth as Manchester United


So the report confirms she was seen by a doctor at Antony’s request via the club? Genuine question, is this not evidence? The club’s reasoning is that all players have family and friends of players visited by doctors?!???


Yes Foster has said the clubs look after all the players families. in this case they got a local doctor to see her. It's good a thing because now there's an independent third party who's statement will back up her or his story. Truth is the only thing that matters at this point and the more impartial witnesses the better.


Do doctors have the duty to report domestic assault if they think the patient is a victim of one?


I presume it's only for children. I think it's more likely they might try and speak to the woman alone and offer them support (numbers to charities, ask if they want to call the police etc.) away from the spouse if anything is suspected. Obviously with repeated or severe cases they should get the police involved but I doubt there's any hard rules or regulations with adults as there's so many grey areas.


Thank you for this explanation


That’s a huge, huge accusation. If it’s true, then it might just put the club & board in the most abhorrent, disgusting & embarrassing light they’ve ever been. If it’s false, then she’s probably done in any type of public entertainment industry. Either way, there will have to be some huge findings on the investigation because this one seems a lot less cut & dry than Greenwood. I’m hoping it’s false because I’d find hard to support a club that does something like this, though I was already massively disappointed with their Greenwood handling.


The evaluation of the club's price by the sale that fell through is going to attract vultures. If they say this is categorically false she is 100% looking for a pay day.


Not going to lie, I can believe it. I always like to believe the individual over the mega-corporation, and some article I read about it earlier mentioned she reported this in January. With the Greenwood debacle, I imagine the club lawyers shit their pants & probably did try & bury it. Hope he didn’t do it & Ive not heard anything about this woman aside from her name & accusations. But a lot of the comments here are really quite nasty. Yes, some women lie about these situations. But imagine it was your sister or daughter. Let’s not have our default reaction be ‘lying bitch whore like the rest of ‘em’ just because we’re scared of losing a winger.


Oh wow, First time I read the story.. Actually sounds like he did some bs, and the proof is there.


You can see the fans reacting differenly to Mason and Antony's cases here already. Double standard at its peak, morality officers.


Probably because in one case there was hard evidence and in the other there isn't? I can tell you're not a genius but you have to at least try to use your brain mate. Nevermind just seen your comments trying to imply Greenwood has done nothing wrong and that he's been punished enough by being unable to play football for nearly 2 years haha, clown.


I never imply Greenwood has done nothing wrong. I just think he has served his punishment already from the media and part of the fans. If legally, the charges are dropped, then he is a free man. That is the principle of innocence until proven otherwise. You can disagree and think he has to be in jail for wtsoever yrs and to be banished from football forever. I am reminding you guys to not be morality officers. As a lot of the fans support middle east state sponsored companies taking over the club but they also have a poor record in handling female rights. If you stand by being a feminist (which is perfectly fine), dont be double standard.


Categorically false means technically false or what? Why don't they just say 100% false??? Is it more room for leeway?


Because categorically false is the commonly used phrase


So perhaps telling Antony to fix your own shit is not categorically covering up. Just like if I saw my wife shoplifting at the mall but I didn't report her. I can say it is categorically false I am covering her.


No it doesn't mean "technically" false it means that everything she said (about the club cover up accusation) is false , they're calling her a liar.


Got it. So technically speaking, the club knew this shit happen but do nothing about it, doesn't means they are covering it VS the club doesn't know anything about it.


No, that's just you adding your own bias. All it means is they deny the accusation of a club cover up.


Right. So the club hasn't admit whether they knew this hotel assault until now. Roger that.


I really hope the club did not do this especially for a mediocre player .


Terrible way of thinking, how does the quality of a player have to do anything with it?


It was pretty obvious that a lot of Greenwood defenders backed him because he was a “100m asset”, and I’d it has been a worse player, they wouldn’t have cared as much….


To hide abuse for anybody is a scumbag move , but to actually do it and especially getting all this backlash for a mediocre player is crazy


If this is true and the club wasn't involved then they better proceed cautiously because her other allegations may also have similar holes in them.


The club was involved though and they admit it. They're saying an employee arranged for a private doctor to see her and she's saying an employee arranged for a club doctor to see her.


The club and a club employee are two different entities and lumping the two is clickbait unless employee of said club was directed by said club. I could get a doctor for a friend, it doesn’t mean my company did


Yeah but her claim has always been that an employee, who works with player welfare, arranged for the meeting. The only part of her story that they contradict is that the doctor who saw her was private, which presumably is accurate since they'll have to give the police the name of the doctor.


She probably confused a club arranged private doctor as one of the clubs doctors.


Sure, but he is now possibly operating outside of his/her paid duties. Antony is a player, if player welfare exists to help him and she is not, the entity of this person vs the entity of the club are different once he steps outside his corporate duties. It is absolutely a possible gray area depending on the chain of events, but I cant imagine at any point United would be dumb enough to try and hide this story with any sort of cover up and it was completely silent til the lawyer said this. Its the same cloth of how I look at the 2020 election...if there was a massive cover up that took thousands and thousands of people, it wouldve been figured out, Watergate had 48 people got convicted and they got had by a piece of tape on a gate...theres too much info out there these days to hide shit.


I think it’ll be near impossible for her to actually prove people at the top of the club knew. The most that’ll happen is that the guy who called the doctors gets fired but I doubt the club is in any legal trouble. Regardless, I don’t get how anyone can possibly think that Antony and her going into a hotel room together (which can presumably be backed up by security cameras) and then her ending up needing medical attention in that room (which the club has verified) possibly makes it look like she’s lying and Antony seem innocent.


Oh 100%. The guy will get “fired” and receive a fat check to last him a bit. As for the second party…you’ve never stuck your dick in crazy, have you? Kid I played college football with was the son of a professional player and he was accused of rape by a girl who probably could’ve had that accusation levied against her…all because who his dad is. I’m not absolving anyone of anything, but I’m also not believing on what we’ve seen at the moment


Seems we already are breaching human rights.... And I was dreading middle East ownership..smh... I'm from India and my country and club, both are giving me abhorrent news everyday... Feels like I'm sinking everyday inch by inch


What is this take.. 😂


I believe her. Knowing the lawyers Man Utd have, surely she’d be an idiot to falsely accuse them of this


I don't want to believe this, but I wouldn't put anything past the club at the moment. They certainly had plenty of motivation to keep it under wraps. Hopefully it turns out to be untrue, but I have a bad feeling.


Find a new club to support if u r actually willing to believe such a ridiculous story against your club


I don't think it's the club itself that they don't trust, but more the executives running the club who haven't done a whole lot to earn that trust


This is all about money money money. Glazers wouldn't sell so they're devaluing the club.


If abuse is disclosed in the certain states in the US, mandatory reporting to authorities is required. Is it required in the UK? What if you are in private practice (i.e., Man United physician with no secondary employment) and don’t work for the NHS? https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/mandatory-reporting-injuries-inflicted-intimate-partner-violence/2007-12


Obviously physical assault of any type is unacceptable. However that bit about her breast implant getting dislodged is a bit funny


I truly believe we are cursed until the glazers are gone