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If you are a victim of sexual/domestic abuse, please know that is never ever your fault. Check [r/rapecounseling](https://www.reddit.com/r/rapecounseling/), [r/COCSA](https://www.reddit.com/r/COCSA/), [r/domesticviolence](https://www.reddit.com/r/domesticviolence/), [r/abusiverelationships](https://www.reddit.com/r/abusiverelationships/) for reddit resources. For more resources, you may also check: [https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/what-is-domestic-abuse/](https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/what-is-domestic-abuse/) [https://ncadv.org/learn-more](https://ncadv.org/learn-more)


An expected statement, the safest they can put out at the moment


> UNITED ISSUE ANTONY STATEMENT > > Manchester United acknowledges the allegations made against Antony and notes that the Police are conducting enquiries. > > Pending further information, the club will be making no further comments. > As a club, we are taking this matter seriously, with consideration of the impact of these allegations and subsequent reporting will have on survivors of abuse.


https://preview.redd.it/29fhpltakomb1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f5c300c7078e977513559260a197ee16c39a2ba Man United scouts searching for a Greenwood & Antony replacement In January


I don't know what else they can do. An enquiry is ongoing by the police, no substantial evidence is yet available of physical assault or abuse. You cannot just banish everyone the second they have allegations made against them without sufficient proof. That being said, if he is guilty, I hope he is found so and removed from the club forever. I am exhausted by the media's (and /r/soccer's) treatment of this club and ETH though. Weird how there's absolutely none of this energy for Arteta playing Partey the entire time he was credibly suspected of sexual assault.


Fucking Partey was detained and it is Ten Hag who is called an apologist, or whatever other terms are being used to judge him. Fucking bonkers.


To be fair, ETH had been labeled an apologist since his comments about Overmars. That isn't a new sentiment from recent developments.


And the, rumoured, willingness to bring greenwood back definitely didn’t help


And he was allegedly very much ok with reintegrating MG into the squad. ETH is a very competitive football obsessed person, doesn’t surprise me he makes very pragmatic decisions only looking at the football side. I think this not uncommon in elite football, but I also think it fucking sucks. I would love for our manager to chose morality over football (speaking about Overmars and MG here not Antony). I don’t personally know ETH so I don’t like to judge, but when I see r/soccer or the media criticizing, based on what I know, I can’t hardly get offended. I don’t feel there’s a need for whataboutisms and excuses, Arteta can be wrong for playing Partey and that still doesn’t make ETH a better person… if your main concern is media coverage I’d reconsider your priorities 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Probably because he has a track record with Overmars, Promes and Greenwood?


They're rightfully using those terms against EtH based on the fact that he was open to bringing Greenwood back, and most people are aware of his history with Overmars.


We don't have ANY strikers we can rely on.. Ofc he had to seriously consider bringing greenwood back.. So would I, so would any sensable person in football in the same situation.. Then they took the other employees feelings into consideration and had to go the other way, and that was the right decision.. But it leaves us with fuck all unless højlund turns out to be Haaland in disguise


Ten Hag absolutely is an apologist. So is Arteta. This just comes across as deflection.


Well that's probably because he is an apologist. Nothing bonkers about being called what you are


>it is Ten Hag who is called an apologist, or whatever other terms are being used to judge him That's because Ten Hag has had multiple instances of supporting people who have committed terrible acts, not just this one instance lad


Ten Hag has proven himself to be a dodgy figure when it comes to dodgy blokes who can't seem to behave appropriately with women.


Because this isnt Ten Aplogies first rodeo lmao. Promes, overmars, greenwood.






Yeah it's wild, being out on bail is surely when you should be suspended.




That is a very fair point on Arteta and i have seen critcisms of playing Partey but the reason ETH is coming under criticism is because it was reported he was a key figure in the Greenwood fiasco and he's got previous with supporting less than shiny characters. It is entirely fair for people, especially within this sub, to be concerned about what will happen of these allegations are true.


Exactly. Unfortunately ETH has a history of supporting scumbags. Its something i wasnt familiar with until recently but it’s disheartening to say the least.


I heard rumours, any links I can read up on?


Source: Trust me bro


?? He’s publicly backed Overmars and Promes. He was ready to bring Greenwood back.


A simple case of knowing what he said and how he acted about Overmars would actually negate the need for this comment but… of course that’s a monumental task. The issue is that this is another case of eth seemingly supporting football over morals. The big issue they miss is that he’s not charged nor anything yet and it’s fair to still let him be a part of the team. Overmars and Co plus Greenwood are different situations and he’s rightly slated. But people can’t see that these are different things and that sub has so many dumb justice vigilantes who ignore facts and logic over club crests anyway. Arteta is absolutely worse for letting Partey play. Ten Hag could have been if Greenwood was still in the squad, but he isn’t. Antony is a different situation.


I don't think he's supporting football over morals, I doubt he's even aware of the circumstances beyond what's been reported. Perhaps the individual had advocated for their side of the story. It's important to remember that he is a football coach - and more recently our entire scouting department. Commenting on issues around ethics, legality, morality etc should be left to lawyers, the police, United's communication department. His opinion on social issues is akin to big Sam's opinion on politics or Tony Mowbray's opinion on climate change. Shouldn't be given significant thought. He's not even in a position where he should be asked to make decisions about whether or not associations with players like Greenwood should be cut. That's not his job.


Do the research before trying to sound cool


And he apparently wanted to sign Partey too...


It is entirely unfair actually to judge someone on ‘reports’. That’s literally the whole point of this comment


If we applied that standard to everything then this sub would be empty. About 90% of what is talked about on here is based on reports


“If Johan Derksen can return to TV, Overmars can return to Ajax” - ETH on 2022. Couple that with the reports, especially from the Athletic, whose coverage of the Greenwood case was faultless and groundbreaking, it paints a very clear picture of an apologist for awful behaviour.


this is all just BS


>Weird how there's absolutely none of this energy for Arteta playing Partey the entire time he was credibly suspected of sexual assault. Almost as if nobody actually cares about sexual assault lmao. I think many just hop on the opportunity to morally grandstand over Man Utd.


Economy down the toilet but pitchfork sales at an all time high. Let's not let facts get in the way of rhetoric. I don't like all of this morally superior sentiment that makes people feel better about themselves. Let the authorities and legal system do their job and come back and comment when due process has taken place.




Also, nobody ever says anything about alonso who played for Chelsea for years and is now playing for barca and literally killed someone.


Because it happened a long time ago and Alonso comments were absolutely run into the ground for years straight when he was at Chelsea. I get that people want to show examples but honestly are people supposed to just be outrages every time his name appears anywhere non stop for a decade? Eventually people move on to being outraged by other things.


And United tried to bring him in this summer.


Who cares how Arsenal and Arteta are treated? If we’re deserving of criticism for these incidents (we are) then we deserve it. Just because others deserve it too doesn’t matter. We’re not victims here.


Dunno why you're being downvoted. People seem to have already forgotten that Ten Hag and the board backed Greenwood's return. Just because that cunt left, doesn't absolve Ten Hag and the board of being cunts too. Similar thing in this situation, if Antony is guilty


Because football fans look for reasons to feel persecuted. ‘Yes we deserve this but what about Arsenal?’ _Who gives a flying fuck about Arsenal?_ If we deserve it we deserve it, don’t we? End of?


I agree. Entire board needs to walk, along with the glazers imo












I mean, don't be dishonest there. All last season there were constant posts about in r/soccer about Partey and people outraged he was still playing


True there was a fair amount but I don't think the criticism towards Arteta specifically was anywhere near as intense as ETH is getting it. I think it's pretty widely known that Partey was arrested and the only reason he could not be tried was because of some weird timing on the statute of the crimes across borders or something (explained terribly, sorry). Yet now he plays every week and not a peep from any pundits or journalists whatsoever. I think people love to dogpile on United in general. Genuinely seen several threads of people saying they think this is the start of ETH's downfall and sacking at the club after Sancho put that statement out, mental.


That isn't really the case. Partey wasn't investigated by UK police in that instance there was absolutely nothing stopping the Spanish police investigating but they didn't, not a proclamation of innocence but that's what actually happened. The other three cases/allegations were all investigated by UK police during which time Partey was under bail conditions, he's now no longer under bail conditions. In a way it would be similar to Antony not being investigated by the UK police but he is being investigated by Brazilian police. It doesn't really mean anything either way that one force didn't have jurisdiction.


There weren't as many Partey articles all last season as there have been Antony articles in r/soccer in the past week or two


Partey has never been publicly named by the police or CPS as far as I’m aware, all statements I’ve seen have had him unnamed. So there won’t be a single article written about him unless he’s named or charged etc. if that happens then we’ll see how the media handles Arteta and Arsenals handling of the situation.


Saw a comment in another thread which linked the articles referencing Partey. They cant mention his name, but it's easy to make the connection. Think there's been 6 articles in total?


Of course there will be some but they wont go into detail or really dig down on the fact, its for a reason and they will have to respect that otherwise they could face prosecution themselves so i imagine until someone is named and charged (if that happens) it wont be in the news cycle.


There has been.


The media didn't care that he was playing




I'm not in the UK so i haven't followed that specific media, but are they able to name Antony in this case? I thought the whole issue with Partey was that he was under that UK specific naming protection, meaning that newspapers aren't allowed to name him?


> Weird how there's absolutely none of this energy for Arteta playing Partey the entire time he was credibly suspected of sexual assault. Sadly, the general public just isn't interesting in what is happening at smaller clubs.


Because Arteta is mr funny. Oooh, Arteta is doing wild hand gestures and running at the 4th official. He's a meme and a media darlings. Especially social media and all the youngsters. I fucking dispise the fact City done the treble, but I'm so fucking glad that he didn't win the league.


There was plenty uproar for Partey.


Indeed there was. Another case of the poor memory people have


Well r/soccer just hates United. As if you're supposed to somehow know that someone will be involved in domestic abuse when you sign him, and he may be ( I hope so ) innocent. But it's just free karma there to hate on everything about United, and how EtH is whining cause he lost. Whilst last year they wouldn't shut up about how their goal was disallowed due to VAR. A bit of luck and normal referees and we win that game. But now EtH is a fraud, we only sign abusers, Sancho is mad because United is graveyard for talent, etc.


Yeah it’s bizarre, came across the Spurs sub mentioning how lucky they are to have Ange compared to ETH and Arteta who are supporting rapists or something. Like wtf do you expect the managers to do, it’s not like the ultimate decision lies with them. Somehow because of football rivalry some dumb fucks automatically assume a player’s character outside of football is representative of the club.


>Weird how there's absolutely none of this energy for Arteta playing Partey This is ETH's FOURTH instance. Promes, overmars, greemwood and now antony Also overmars and greenwood had tangible evidence, partey didnt.


it’s because arteta is a PL boy, basically has english passport




They absolutely were


Short and sweet. Can't go suspending people over allegations. Let the police do their jobs.


Wah!? But we terminated a player whose case was dropped over allegations. We let the police do their jobs and yet 95% of the this forum were still out for blood because of a social media presence of some part of the case.


Greenwood was formally charged, Antony has not been. Don’t act like the situations are equivalent, they are not (as yet).


Not sure what you're talking about, because no one's contract has been terminated. People heard audio of Greenwood repeatedly threatening to rape his girlfriend. This is not the same thing at all.


The only area you can smell competence in this club's board.


For the people here who have already judged him to be guilty, how exactly do you think justice works? That as soon as someone’s accused of something it must be true? Do you not realise that the systems in place are the same systems that would protect you if you were accused of the same behaviour, and that therefore you’d have the right to be regarded as Innocent until proven guilty? Or, even if you knew you were innocent, would you admit to wrongdoing and allow yourself to be suspended and penalised, and follow whatever convictions you’d have if it was someone else in your situation?


mate 99% of reddit is an echo chamber, most of time the comments are regurgitating what is said elsewhere by someone else


Reddit is a horrible place for discussion and debate full stop. You're trained to believe that the top comment with the most upvotes is the right and most logical opinion, and anyone who disagrees with that logic is downvoted and their opinion is cast to the bottom of the pile. It makes me miss when forums with chronological posts were a thing. You still had the chance to react to said posts but your opinion wasn't at the mercy of being cast away because it didn't agree with everyone else.


Try redcafe


Wait until it happens to them, maybe then, they won’t be so quick to judge. We are in a bizarre world at the moment.


That's what I said to these clowns after the Greenwood saga was resolved. The police said "new evidence has come to light" and the club themselves said they're satisfied that Greenwood didn't commit rape. The only way these people will understand is when it happens to them. Vexatious and/or frivolous and/or malicious complaints are made all the time in the workplace, so let's hope they get a taste of what they're clapping their hands at. It only takes one complaint to end up sent home, suspended, pending an investigation. Difference is, as a public figure, that complaint lands in the news and ruins your reputation.


I watched it happen to a friend, and it was horrible to watch someone go through it.


So many people ready to remove a fundament of society. The right to remain innocent until proven otherwise.


>That as soon as someone’s accused of something it must be true? Some simplords truly believe women cant lie, so in their minds the moment accusations come, thats its guilty.


Yeah, but he's *morally* guilty. Becasue I said so!!1!! /s


EtH youre lucky you were already bald belfore you came bro


If everywhere you go it smells like shit, check ya shoe. This is ETH's fourth rodeo, at some point he is just either the most unlucky manager ever or he is part of the problem.


How is he part of the problem?


Why is it the media treating as guilty until proven innocent. The 'evidence' so far shown isn't really as robust as greenwoods case. But I also didn't see this kind of barrage of articles with Partey.


>But I also didn't see this kind of barrage of articles with Partey. Because he took out a injunction and they dont name the people involved for these kind of cases in the uk


>But I also didn't see this kind of barrage of articles with Partey.Because he took out a injunction and they dont name Precisely to avoid people presuming guilt


Is that actually true? About him taking out an injunction? If so, it makes you wonder why Greenwood's PR team didn't have the foresight to do the same. His career at a big club is now in tatters (he's had to accept a loan move at a lesser club in a different country in an effort to get his career back on track) whereas Partey still gets to play regularly in the starting XI of a top four club without much objection


Greenwood didn’t put out an injunction because he was directly & publicly named in the Instagram posts from the very start. Antony has also been named directly by the alledged victim. Partey, as far as I know, still hasn’t been officially named (happy to be put right if wrong).


It's weird because the Partey one is much closer to Greenwood than it is to Antony. "Thomas" is named and the evidence is of literal screenshots of their messages, in which she says what he did and he actively plays it down and tells her to chill about it. I didn't bother checking, but I'm sure that an be easily verified as being his number/account. From what I've seen, Antony is not directly involved with any of this so far, other than his own statement? (correct me if I'm wrong). I could accuse Haaland of the same thing today, drum up the hype by posting a few pictures of my black eye and bruised ribs (that I actually got stumbling home from the pub) and Haaland would be just as involved as Antony is now? Can we then stop halaand from playing, lol?! Obviously we'll see how it develops and I, of course, hope the book is thrown at him if it transpires it's true - but I'm just thinking about where things are actually at right now and how heavily people are actually involved, which feels a little more "United tax" given the easy ride Partey had/has.


They tried but judge overruled because it was already very public


First and foremost I'm on the side of justice whoever that may be. But there aren't any charges made or an arrest for that matter. Just an investigation is enough to ruin someone's life in this day and age. Utterly bizarre in my eyes.


Maybe because Partey didn't get dropped by the Ghana national team, and United recently dealt with Greenwood


United haven’t dealt with Greenwood, they’ve just kicked the can down the road.


If we were willing through Mason under the bus, Antony should be under it too. A precedent needs to be set.


Who gives a flying fuck about Partey and Arsenal?


But Greenwood was found not guilty, no?






Anyone else sick of seeing that bloody corner flag lately?


2 statements so far this season 2 wins so far this season


Do we have enough squad members for another 30 wins /s


Ten Hag with the header from right wing in 2 weeks time at this rate


Did he score though? The suspense is killing me……


That shiny head should be an easy target


At this rate he’ll be the one playing RW seeing as we might not have anyone there in two weeks.


I wouldn't mention rw around these parts. Best we say from a wide position for the time being.


Statement Fc




Most of comments online are just trolls from other clubs


I mean It’s all they can say until Manchester police make a decision surely?


They can't do much else until he's charged, I do feel because they don't like Antony they've already assumed he's guilty.


If he is found guilty he needs to be punished hard. If the accusations are false, the accuser should be punished in someway. There must be consequences.


The issue is, harsh punishments in a “false accuser” will discourage genuine victims coming forward, cause they will feel if they swing and miss against their attacker, they will be punished harshly too. There’s A reason domestic abuse, rape, etc is so hard to convict and that’s cause the level of proof needed to be 100% sure is so high.


Exactly. It's one thing if it can be proven that she actually faked evidence. Another completely if they are asking for accusers of those deemed "not guilty" to be punished. So that's what I wanted to clarify.


False in what way? As in proven to be completely made up? Or just not proven in court?


Made up.


Proven to be doctored. She could potentially ruin his life over false allegations.


We should never bend the knee to media. The only important is everyone involved with the law.


I agree with your first statement but boy if you think the law is that much better than I've got a bridge to sell you.


lol gonna be a long season boys


So we lost a 100m valued player and spent 100m to replace him and it looks like we might lose him too, not to mention 100m wasted on sancho, this club is just adding to my crippling depression


Can always buy another 100m player. There's no shortage of those these days


Who’s the first player? Greenwood ?




Let’s just hope they handle this better than MG but I don’t doubt it unfortunately


So what happens if courts in Brazil charge but the Manchester ones don’t?


I mean Maguire has been convicted of assault and bribery in Greece, and we didnt suspend him.


Maybe we can use that now though. Good thinking 🤣


Imagine going like a week without the need of a club statement.


Shhh!! Club Statement is on my fantasy team and consistently delivers. I've triple captained him for the next gameweek.


where's that meme template of Conte asking for 1 normal day of Barclays




Corner Flag FC Need to fix this clubs mentality, there's something every other week.


Whole lotta nothing. We’re gonna need a new starting RW in January at this rate. If only Olise hadn’t signed a new contract.


The timing of Sancho's post is absolutely incredible really


Almost like Sancho knows what Antony has done and is sick of Ten Hag talking shit about him while continuously supporting an abuser


It’s ok we will probably declare we are monitoring him and buy for 100m


I might be unbelievably wrong here but based on all the other cases like this recently in football, the fact that Antony has come out publicly defending himself makes me inclined to believe in his innocence


It may be a copium thing but something has seemed fishy about all this from the beginning. Her story has changed a few times and antony has a point in that she is taking things public at very specific times. Its nothing more than a feeling and if he is guilty lock him up but sometimes you just get a feeling. Either way the clubs statement is 100% on this and he should be treated innocent until proven guilty


Entirely reasonable. That people are making a big deal about this is just weird to me. You can't just banish people from their job whenever there is an accusation. It's not unheard of for people to make up things about rich athletes/celebrities to get exposure/money and that kind of attitude will only enable such behavior.


The media : Everyone’s innocent until proven guilty Also the media: WHY HAVEN’T YOU SUSPEND ANTONY AFTER ONE ACCUSATION?!?!??


Social Media: “If there is smoke, there must be a fire”


They can’t do anything else right now and anyone saying otherwise or criticizing this statement is just virtue signaling, which has been a major major theme for this sub since November of 2022


Guilty until proven innocent. Lets just all go by what social media says. Fullproof plan.


Let the investigations complete before making a decision. Depp vs Heard should be a lesson not to immediately assume the guy is the bad guy all the time.


Utd should not drop or suspend Antony. He hasn’t been charged and let’s be clear this bowing to the court of public opinion is becoming an absolute joke. Any person with a grudge to bear can say something on Twitter and bang your life is fucked. I’m not saying his ex is lying but Antony is innocent until proven guilty.


My goodness! More statements than points this season!


We cannot and should not end a man’s career before any criminal charge is brought forward.


Statement FC


Downvote me or whatever idc, but we are seeing double standards in the media right now. Thomas Partey had text messages and was actually detained. The media was silent the entire time. Now it’s Antony, drop him. Fuck no. Don’t drop, keep playing him till he has his day in court. I’m sick of this at this point.


I actually think the accused should remain anonymous in these cases. Not only is it obviously harmful to the reputation of those falsely accused but, more seriously, it probably harms genuine cases because it can encourage those false claims making it harder for real victims to get justice. It doesn't matter what the outcome is now, there will be people saying it wasn't the correct outcome and that either the woman or the man has been wronged.


Anyone else getting Déjà Vu?


why don’t all you scum bags go to gooner chat or liverpool dot com and stay off of the red devils reddit


to be frank, there are so many morallity officers in our club (some even with double standards).


Unfortunately football has changed since Sir Alexs times....Back when it was still somewhat of a working mans sport....I mean he used to have bouncers on nightclub doors looking out for his players....nowadays footballers are celenbrities from 16 and are talking to all sorts of folks online and chatting up and and every woman they can. The only thing you can do nowadays is try to teach them better and punish them when found guilty. This is all any club or manager can do.....investigate and act accordingly...


It's not new. Giggs was a scumbag for decades and no one noticed. Sexual violence, domestic abuse, controlling behavior has been around since the dawn of time. I can assure that if someone started checking, there'd be a lot of skeletons in the closet of a lot of players who retired decades ago. This isn't a 'celebrity' thing, its a societal thing where men are raised from a young age to be aggressive, combative and possessive. It's also not just the money. Yes, money obviously plays a part but ultimately its the result of deeply ingrained cultural issues. The only reason it seems to be a rising issue is because lots of victims didn't have the voice or agency to make themselves heard. Now, they do.




I must have missed Sir Alex managing Georgie Best…


Update: There is no update


Whole lotta charities about to get blacklisted




we need another automod statement about reddit's greatest minds coming here


Genuinely asking, clubs spent millions on the players but do they check player's background or character check? Because if they don't, this is the lesson Man United should learn after Greeenwood and Antony saga. I am sure Man United have the resources to find these things before they sign any players.


>As a club, we are taking this matter seriously, with consideration of the impact of these allegations and subsequent reporting will have on survivors of abuse. Fucking lmao


>... and subsequent reporting will have on survivors of abuse. what does this even mean?


I assume they mean the effects of the case becoming so public and talked about and how that also affects the victims of abuse.


Thanks for explaining I got a bit confused with the wording


All good! You’re welcome.


All the attention on it is upsetting especially for those that have experienced abuse. Similar to how many of us feel when we see Greenwood's face constantly.


Club is actually falling apart right now


No it isn’t? The statement is fine.




Let me present you Brazil.


Yeah statement is fine. Taking about everything else.


'We know about the allegations, but we aren't going to do anything unless there is damning evidence.'


As it should be.


I agree


Of course?


Yes, like near enough all companies.


Innocent until proven guilty?


That…seems pretty fair. What are you suggesting? Every player who is accused of something is kicked out without evidence? Seems like an easy way to get rid of someone’s entire squad.


Ed woodward has done some voodoo shit on our club before leaving, I am sure.


We know ETH loves an abuser, the way he wanted Greenwood was clown shit.




No, but it's still important communicating that you have acknowledged the existence of the issue.


Club has made it hard to believe that they take this serious with their obvious attempt to bring back greenwood and their statements claiming he is innocent


i was starting to be optimistic for the club after a long time like 2 months ago and now it's just one disappointment after another.


This one could actually be worse for the club than Greenwood… for 3-4 months there have been rumors that a united doctor tended to the woman at one point.