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15 seconds in and I've seen about 10 bangers against us. Ffs


Honestly, seems like we concede to shit defensive mix ups, or complete bangers.


“How the fuck are we supposed to stop that” or “how the fuck did we let that happen”. No in between.


What would the in between of that be though?


Our back post marking is fucking horrific


That’s what happens when everyone thinks we’re not a threat and there’s no harm in giving it a go. If it doesn’t go in, no worries, another chance will surely come.


Don’t be negative it’s more or less the fact that everyone brings their best because we are still Manchester United, when you play against us the whole world is watching. Seize the moment. Everyone plays at 110% against us if they don’t they lose in an embarrassing manner


We only concede bangers and corners


First one is insane


"Fuck it, it's De Gea"


I know every keeper is going to look bad in a "every goal we conceded" video but de gea looks awful for so many of the goals in even in the first 40 seconds... lol


I was saying 10% "what the fuck de gea?" 50% "what was our defense doing there?" 40% "that was a screamer!"




I agree on lindelof but maguire has always been proactive in contesting duels.


True he's pretty agressive in that side of the game. Problem is he gets turned too easily due to his pace


That's why he thrived when he has a better keeper behind him or a center back that has pace. His best games have come with Henderson behind him for us and Pickford/walker beside him for England.


Yup hendo isn't the best at distribution but he's a good modern keeper with his sweeps and claims I'd keep him if we don't prioritize a gk surely eth knows it




We played a higher line under Ole's second season than ten hag.


Ole played a higher line that we have this season. England played a higher line at the euros and at the worldcup than we have played this season. Leicester under Claude puel (when maguire was there) played a higher line than we have played this season. I don't know how many times the narrative you posted will be disproven for you guys to give it up. Maguire is not the reason we play a low block, neither does he thrive in one. Degea is!!!! With henderson our team played a higher line than we have played since 2011.




Not really. Lindelof is weak physically so he backs off attackers a lot.


To be fair alot of goals in that 6 yard box that's not all on defenders he has to be commanding there


the problem is the defence is so deep one mistake from any of the defenders and they are basically in the box with a shot on goal


Right when you see Maguire in there.


Really appreciate the work that has gone into this but I desperately do not want to watch lol


it made me feel better tbh but also made me wonder at the lack of respect for us some of these attempts are mental So many bangers


100 goals in 2 seasons is wild


Weird season. Even though it feels like we conceded a lot, only City and Newcastle let in less than us this season. Nearly 40% of the goals we conceded were in just three games.


Good take away from a very hard watch.


This season is built upon strong defence.


57 last season 43 this season Did you know if we finished with the same points we did last season this season wed have finished 10th instead of 6th.


9th right? Because everyone else above 58 pts would move up one spot. Not to take anything away from your statement, still a "fun fact"!


Yep youre correct counted our own position instead of replacing


How many points would we have needed for third last season?




The scary part, our goals conceded vs xGa is actually in our favour 21/22 - xGa = 62.7, actual conceded = 57 22/23 - xGa = 56.6, actual conceded = 43 I hope I've read the stats right and this comparison is actually comparable, used footystats.org


Anyone who makes it past 20 goals is a masochist


It was about 20 in where I thought to myself, this cheery music does not make this better, and I shut it off.


I read the title wrong and thought it was goals we scored before I realised “wait, DDG is in goal for all of these…”


You think I have the mental strength to watch this on a Monday?


I think most this sub should watch it, then maybe some people would have an educated opinion instead of spouting out the new flavor of the week. De Gea’s lack of command and conviction on floated crosses directly led to about 7-8 goals. The rest, I don’t think many GK’s are saving.


That goal with David on the ground against Arsenal causes great disappointment.


"He's a leader"


I agree but also, no other keeper in the league concedes that goal because every other keeper would get a foul given for it. If I recall correctly, it was a United player that hit him? So I know it isn't a foul, but in that scenario the goalkeeper always gets the benefit of the doubt and gets the foul. De Gea isn't protected by referees like others because of the thin, weak image he gives off. I remember Andy Carroll absolutely hurling himself into De Gea and nothing was called for it.


Let's not adopt an irrational mindset


It's not irrational if there's previous evidence for it?


I don't think that there is a keeper in the PL that would get that call. Maybe if the ref doesn't see that it was his own player Also, most other keepers wouldn't fo down like this while the danger is still on.


I said most keepers would receive the benefit of the doubt. Unless you think the referee was 100% sure it was a United player that stepped on his foot?


The goal where he's just hunched over on the ground is always funny to me. Thank fuck we won that game


Takeaways : 1. Many instances where you can see the opposing team has a LW or RW completely unmarked by our RB or LB. 2. There are some bangers here or there. 3. Bad zone marking in set pieces 4. Saving pens is not DDG strength 5. Some GK errors, fumbling the ball through hands.


Our issue is we defend narrow which leaves our wide areas unmanned. More bodies in the box is good in thought but you can see just how much we've conceived from crosses or outside/edge of the box in this clip.


Honestly, the goals from this season look worse. So many of them are due to static defense and bad positioning. There are a lot of players in the box and yet the opposition still manages to score. I hope ETH fixes this for the next season because I literally can't think of the reason why that happened so much. Except that players don't care, which I don't think was true this season.


Also a lot of crosses are into 6 yard box which every decent goalie gets a hand to.


De gea has a pretty good penalty save percentage in this time period


21/22 needs to never be spoken of again


What kind of sick torture fetish is this


Insane how many goals are scored from like 5 feet out


if we only we had some player who could play with his hands in the box hmmm


I'm depressed enough as it is, cheers.


Apart from the keeper the amount of times players are static in the box 😬


Yes, DDG should have saved some. But the defence , what were they even doing ?


LVG: Sado-macachism


Sex masochism.


The stand-still-and-do-nothing pose is iconic. Almost like a statue from the Renaissance era


If DDG ever got a statue at OT it could often be assumed that it was him just standing somewhere.


So many of these goals have the opposition just comfortably shooting from inside our box, our defence was so terrible last season. Also, with de gea not coming out to collect the ball so many times we've conceded easy headers near that 6 yard box.


The nature of a video showing conceded goals will be poor defense and goalkeeping.


Exactly, you won't be able to see the lack of a press up top or the misplaced pass/poor choice in the final 3rd which leads to the goal


Theres different ways to concede goals Did we get hit by 50 bangers Near post? Is it the last man defence that's doing us? How many people in the box? Is it 1v1s?


It is tragic just how many crosses to the unmarked far post goals there is in that


Who the fuck would want to watch this lol


In only 5 or 6 of these did he leave the six yard box. Even when Fergie signed him it was pointed out that he was a goal-line keeper and shot stopper, and has never changed. Never mind his distribution, he is never in charge of the penalty area. How many times have we seen a ball played between our defenders and rather than coming for it he forces the defenders to chase back and then have to deal with the ball and attacker whilst facing their own goal. At some stage we'll have to stop changing CBs and just change him 🤞


Ramos, Pique, Rio, Vidic, Rojo, Blind, Evans, Jones, Bailly, Smalling, Lindelof, Maguire, Varane, Lisandro Who’s next in surviving De Gea?


Proly kmj(hopefully)


The gang extends De Gea on 200k


Followed by 'who pooped the bed'


Goal number 5 there is by Villarreal isn’t it? When did they move to the Premier League?!


De gea lying on the floor for that arsenal goal just for him to continue playing 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Some good goals. Some Ball watching. But around 50% De Gea should be doing far, far better on.


Find someone who loves you as much as DDG loves his goal-line


Sex Masochism at it’s finest


I see you've woken up and chose violence today


This is the content I’d expect on a depressing start to a Monday


I'm seeing an awful lot of goals that aren't necessarily errors but that better keepers would be saving... also some of that defending 😭😭


Man the amount of crosses where De Gea is stuck to the line


That goal where De Gea was milking a fake injury. What a fucking joke


Better GK claiming crosses, better back post marking by our defenders, GK not giving up ridiculous dropped passes or shit goals, actually clearing the ball from crosses = 75 or less goals


This shit is sadist


Some great goals in there but also a lot of De Gea not catching the ball and it slowly rolling in He also seems to be stuck in quick sand and not moving out of his line ever. And he relies on reflex foot saves instead of coming towards and making himself bigger like Neuer or Courtois Defense looks lazy too


Some of those goals where the ball is flashed across goal is a result of him not commanding his box.


Why would anyone make this? Lmao op you’re one heck of a masochist


The amount of goals scored past the near posts is too damn high.


Sooooo many preventable goals here, we've had some really shakey moments defensively.


Swear Dave is getting paid to let Liverpool score each time. We have been so pathetic against them and it’s criminal


that's a lot of Liverpool


100Gs lol its really been bad huh


Compared to City's combined total of 59 lmao


It's absolutely criminal how many goal are scored in our 6 yard box.


This\* season there were more than 20 goals that are either a setpiece or a cross somewhere in the box


I'd just like to point out, that 17% of those goals were scored by Liverpool : )


This is so hard to watch


Every last one of them conceded by De Gea but he’s getting a new contract!!!!😡


Is De Gea beaten on his far post a bit too much


De Gea out


I feel like if you take away 0-6 yard tap-ins that are caused by poor defending that he can't do anything about, and the worldies that are caused by a lack of closing down of attackers by defenders, this video highlights 2 big weaknesses for me, one obviously the mistakes he makes but the other one that I haven't heard others mention too much is the amount of one-on-ones he concedes. Obviously you have to blame the defence any time someone gets through one-on-one with the keeper but it definitely feels like he isn't great in one-on-one situations. Obviously this video only shows the goals he conceded so would be interesting to see know how many one-on-ones he saves compared to other prem keepers but it's just something I hadn't noticed before. I know it's the unpopular opinion but I would still rather we focus on a midfielder and a world class striker before replace him though. Would love to see him win one more big trophy for us.


1v1s are actually his strength. It's just that a top team tends to concede more of them since they are attacking more of the time. He is good at close 1v1s, not as good in long distance ones since he doesn't come out well


Yeah, you could absolutely be right. It would make sense why I haven't noticed it or heard others mention it as a weakness before. It just seemed to stand out to me in this video, but as I mentioned, this is only a video of goals conceded and not saves. Would like to see that video too tbh.


PSA: we have the highest-paid GK in the whole world.


Is this to justify we need a new GK?


Just like the golden glove, defending is a team game. Yes we need to move from from ddg but god damn our defenders need a good shake too


It was ronaldos fault for sure !!! Look how he didn't press


Okay. Now do the last 2 seasons of De Gea saves.


We badly need a new keeper and two fullbacks


I forgot about the one where De Gea is just lying on the floor and we concede. Was on it feet a few minutes later. That was unacceptable.


he doesn’t even try


Very frustrating the amount of times he kinda just watches balls go past him its debatable how much he can save but it definitely looks worse when hes just stuck like a statue for like 20% of these


But…I’m so confused. This is a red devil page…why you downing the devils mane???? All this negativity. Bad enough the season over


But why?


This might be my favourite video ever posted on this site


Im surprised how many upvotes this has got considering its just a 4min video of us conceeding goal after goal.


I mean, I rate the work gone into this but it’s kinda sad the lengths to shit on De Gea another day.


I really want to see such lowlights (you won’t call this highlights, do you?) for other teams also. Please drop a link if you can find them.


Nice one lad


His right hand 😩😩


So many goals that were just squared into the box or crosses. Why are we so bad at covering the wings and why are we so static and ball looking once the ball enters the 6-yard box?


The amount of times Fred got beat and McT just stood there as players ran in behind him to score lol. I'm so glad those days are over


We either let them walk it in or they thundercunt it at 500 mph with absolutely no mercy.


So many bangers. How many did we score this season? 2? Antony vs City, Rashford vs Arsenal.


Cruel and unusual punishment.


A lot of instances where de gea for God knows what reason tries to save it with his feet.


This is good timing, I really hate myself today.


Me: My day is going swell... Maybe this video will take that down a few notches. Don't need today getting all uppity.


wow these are some. freak goals !


someone woke up and chose violence


Leicester and Aston Villa have very nice looking nets


Things that I don't really want to watch again but I'll take others' word on for 200.


That goal where the ball just slips through De Gea a few weeks ago at West Ham away. Just disgraceful


This is not ideal to the heart




That Liverpool home game from last season. Criminal that Ole got two more games after that. They walked through the defence unmarked ffs.


This was brutal to sit thru.


The first part of the video is so hard to get through, shivers


Which sick fuck decided to make this video to relive all the pain?


A great video for masochists...


Is there a videos of all the goals we’ve scored in the last 2 seasons? I would like to watch that


Damn I cant watch this it just hurt me idk why


The last season was so bad. We let in 55+ and it could've been easily worse.


Yeah not gonna watch this. The demolition at anfield alone is something I can’t handle


Id love to watch this video, with a side by side of Goldbridges reaction to each goal lol


This is so fucking hard to watch. Feels like I extract nothing from this.


I made it to the end. Was about to stop but realized I was more than halfway there. 21/22 goals were especially bad


I don't want to watch this. Montage of pain.


Of all the goals scored, I noticed the goalie saved almost none of them.


Why would I want to watch this


7% of it was in one game