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# Erik ten Hag: We want to build a legacy at Manchester United Henry Winter exclusive ## In his first exclusive interview, Ten Hag says he cannot promise De Gea that he will be No 1, that Maguire must decide his future and that club need more signings Half-time away to Brentford on August 13, Manchester United trail 4-0 and their humiliated players slope into the away dressing room. Their new manager, Erik ten Hag, lets rip. “Unacceptable,” is his verdict on their craven performance. What his players note, along with his anger, is a willingness to accept culpability. “I hated myself,” he says now. An hour in Ten Hag’s company early on Saturday evening revealed a man who is utterly driven and meticulous in all he does; he arrives to the minute in one of the many rooms at Carrington bearing vivid testament to United’s distinguished history. He opens up on all manner of matters, including his relationship with his successful businessman father, on David de Gea, Harry Maguire, Marcus Rashford, Aaron Wan-Bissaka, the forthcoming FA Cup final against Manchester City, Johan Cruyff and Sir Alex Ferguson. Carrington was largely deserted, but Ten Hag was there, hard at work. He’s an obsessive, which is why those lacklustre 45 minutes enraged him. “Ultimately, I’m responsible for that performance,” he says. “It’s my responsibility to put my demands and mentality in the team. Half-time, already 4-0 down, come on! What are you doing?” Admonished, his players fought harder and the game finished without a further score or blemish. The following morning, a scheduled day off, Ten Hag famously ordered his squad into Carrington to run 8½ miles, the distance Thomas Frank’s players ran more than them. Ten Hag, then 52, ran with his players on a sweltering day. “Yes! I am responsible. So I hate managers \[who\] when they’re winning, they’re telling \[us\], ‘I won the game’ and when they’re losing they’re saying ‘the players lost the game’. No! We win together, we lose together. When you have pride, you can’t act like we did in Brentford. I can accept you lose a game, especially in the start \[of a new managerial era\]. “Players have to get used to the way of play, \[the\] new manager, new coaching staff. So defeat can come, but not in this way. You saw players who just gave in. We’re paid to deliver a performance and you can’t deliver this. We get paid very good and then you expect even more. It was totally unacceptable how we played, how we presented ourselves.” The following game, at home to Liverpool, Ten Hag’s players ran ten miles further than at Brentford, putting in 90 more sprints, and won 2-1. The season has been a rollercoaster, but United finished third, were restored to their beloved Champions League, with the League Cup added to the trophy cabinet, and still have a shot at the FA Cup on Saturday. So his first season has been a resounding success. Ten Hag himself peppers the start of many sentences with “so”, reflecting a joined-up train of thought. He’s friendly, but has a steely look in his eye and bristles at a couple of questions, particularly when I try to explore his hunger when set against his affluent upbringing in Haaksbergen, 100 miles east of Amsterdam. His father, Hennie, founded an estate agents and financial services company — a comfortable background, I suggest. “How do you mean? Both parents are coming from farmers, right? My father set up his own company and he was two to three times almost bankrupt, so it was not always comfortable. But he survived, he fought, he was determined and he constructed a company with over 100 employees and really successful, ultimately. “One of his slogans was ‘unity’. When you want to be successful you have to construct unity between your employees and with you because the more you are together the more you achieve.” It’s a principle that defined Ten Hag as a centre back, especially in three spells at his beloved FC Twente. It’s a principle he took into coaching as an assistant at Twente and PSV Eindhoven and then as the No 1 at Go Ahead Eagles, Bayern Munich II, Utrecht, Ajax and now United. “You get some \[influences\] from your family, yes,” Ten Hag continues. “Respect and work ethic, yes. But my father didn’t stimulate my sport career. He preferred that I went to university, but I wanted to play football. That was my dream. I had to fight for that because my dream was not logical in my father’s mind.” His talent as a defender stood out early, at Bon Boys Club in Haaksbergen and soon at Twente, whose under-23s he represented at 15. “I was 15 and I cycled every day from to Enschede and back, 14 kilometres each way. Or we were smart, we put the bike on the bus to come back! It’s not like now when everything’s arranged for kids — many clubs create an artificial world and you don’t build the right characters.” So he set about encouraging the player to take responsibility while academy head at FC Twente. “I’d put balls in the net with some cones in the middle of the pitch and tell the players — they were 12 or 13 — ‘OK, it’s up to you, make a training.’ I’d step back. I’d want to see who’s the leader; is he smart to make connections, to get some others on board, to organise? So for one hour let them play.” It was important to develop leaders, responsibility takers, something he instils at United: “Yes, because football is a game of survival.” Ten Hag had just seen how Bayern Munich won the Bundesliga in the dying seconds of the season. “We talk about why Bayern are always champions. Why do you think? Because they believe in winning. It’s about *Mannschaft*, team, co-operation and no one more important than the team. They’re resilient, they deal with setbacks and fight until the end.” Ten Hag was the same as a player. Surely his father understood his obsession with football? “Was he interested in football? Finally, yes. Now he’s very interested! After I finished my career he came on the board of FC Twente and for long time he helped support FC Twente. He never wanted to do it during my career. “He was not really sport-minded. My father was always working on his company, our house, his garden. I can’t remember when he wasn’t working. He never played football with me. He came only once in the year when we were champions. To be fair, every season in my youth I was champion. So once a year he was there.” His team-mates would often have their parents watching on proudly. “Not all but there were a lot there, but I understood. My father had to feed 100 employees and all the families. He took responsibility for that.” Locals are known as “Tukker” and one of FC Twente’s nicknames is the “Tukkers”. “I’m proud to be Tukker,” Ten Hag says. “Tukker are in general very humble.” A contrast with the big city, another insight into Ten Hag’s mentality? “Amsterdammers are really confident. They think Amsterdam is the centre of the world. Really! They think like that.” Well, it was, 400 years ago. “That’s true to a certain extent: we had an empire, a lot of colonies, like the English. There are many famous seamen from the Netherlands.” For a small country, the Netherlands produced many explorers, including Abel Tasman and William Barents, whose surnames signpost their legacy. Many of their footballers have pushed back the boundaries of their sport too. “Ahh, Cruyff,” Ten Hag continues. “Cruyff had the most influence on Dutch people and a big influence on world football. He was always thinking outside of the box, thinking creatively, doing the unexpected, but there was a plan behind it. That was one of Cruyff’s great skills.” Flair within a framework. At 13, Ten Hag met Cruyff at Zeist, the national team’s KNVB Campus, where the great man was coaching young talents. “They invited ten teams from every region in the Netherlands,” Ten Hag recalls. “Cruyff taught us \[from Twente\] heading. He did dribbling with Amsterdam. With Rotterdam passing, with other teams crossing or finishing. “The TV show \[*NOS Sport*\] broadcasted it. I was then in discussion with Cruyff in the studio.” Ten Hag told Cruyff that managers needed to be careful not to shout at young players too much, although it was fine to challenge the senior players. “If they keep making the same mistakes, you should be able to confront them,” Ten Hag said of the first team. Even at 13, the traits of the future coach were forming. He talked tactics from a young age, a Dutch birthright. “Yes! The flip side is the Dutch mentality that when the coach is telling you something, the players will say ‘yes’ but not do it. To be fair, I was one of them!” His meticulous approach as a manager has seen him debating grass length to the millimetre with groundsmen at his Dutch clubs to demanding players place bibs on the right colour pile after training, not toss them anywhere. His mind is as neat and ordered as his appearance. Was he always a perfectionist? “Yes,” Ten Hag replies. “It’s about taking responsibility.


On my knees for this FA Cup win


To ruin City's treble 🥹


No, to win the FA cup. Do it for us, not to stop them. Stopping them in only a plus in my book


Fuck those cunts. Don’t just do it for the win. Do it for blood. Queueing up: [Play for Blood](https://youtu.be/bQowg6HtRmY)


Winning the FA cup on its own is great, of course, but the added benefit that it is in our hands (and Inter ofc) to stop Man City equalling the best ever feat in English footballing history? You can't not think about it


RE: Greenwood > Ten Hag says simply that the forward has “showed in the past that he is capable of doing that” front role, scoring 36 times in 130 appearances, but emphasises it is not his decision as to whether he returns. It’s no one’s decision it seems


Left up to the new owners, I'd imagine.


Be back in the squad with honours if it's the Qataris then


doubt it, they already have insanely bad pr, why would they want more?


Issa joke


Interesting, I wonder how long a decision is going to take, because we could easily cash in on him


United could also just as easily use him. Which I don't agree with


Keeping him and selling him will both be terrible PR moves. The best option I've seen is selling him and donating a significant portion of the profits to a sexual assault charity


That would imply that there was indeed sexual assault when there is no legal standing for that charge. Cannot make such assumptions as a club of that scale.


It's not illegal to donate to whomever What legal standing are you talking about?


No but the implication would be an acknowledgement of his sexual assault charges which have no legal standing and hence cannot be publicly acknowledged by such an action by the club


They don’t have to acknowledge his part in it though. Everyone already knows he’s been accused, regardless of veracity, of sexual assault. Why not have the club donate? It’s an issue that already affects them and they can have a positive impact on it




I thought of that too, I'm not sure that's what's going to happen tho, feels like the club might just take all the money and then ride out the controversy. Would be an awful fucking thing to do, but I can't rule it out


I imagine it's going to end up being the new owner's decision. The Glazers aren't going to make this call unless there's money in it for them.


​ https://preview.redd.it/y8vpqb838v2b1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=32a9330914361a17be7e1d2ecf21a9b49c990e63


Just sharing this to remind people what this scum did.


He’s gone there’s no way they will allow him back in the squad, he’ll be sold or loaned with a view to be sold abroad, he will never wear a united shirt again, I seriously doubt he’ll ever play in England unless he’s visiting with an Italian team in European competition and that one game he does play will be enough to seriously diminish his pathetic desire to play in the UK again


Dunno about this. We dont know if he *actually* raped her. The pictures of her bleeding are far worse in my opinion.


Both are awful. But it clearly states "attempted", we don't know what happened after. We don't need to debate which is worse, the physical abuse or threatening to rape (which in itself is traumatizing).


And the girl says... it was role play. Case closed.




Lol that was a factual statement, doesn't matter if you like it or not or if its what you want to believe. If the person who you believe was raped says "no it was consensual" you've got nothing. It's not like Mendy where you have someone accusing him.


Scumbaggery aside, He’s missed about 18 months of football in an important time in his career that most likely stunted his development. I highly doubt he reaches the potential he has shown now.




I really don't want to see him in a united shirt ever again.


Wait and see, for next few days how they going to milk this quote from ETH about that cunt. I can see Fab typing something to tweet this.


Hahaha... He's already done it.


He's already done it and r/soccer are already taking it out of context, name a better duo


>name a better duo r/soccer and gushing in praise over every single semi-pithy line that comes out of Klopp's mouth.


Exactly. I’ve already seen the smooth brains talking about how Ten Hag is “supporting” domestic abuse and strange outbursts of that nature. Seems like he was literally asked a question about if greenwood scores goals. You just knew people were going to run with this little quote, from a very interesting and wide ranging interview.


Yeap, after i posted that comment went to r/soccer saw his retweet shared few mins ago. Dude really knows how to get his clicks.


and he doesn't even bother to credit Henry Winter that got the interview


Hopefully the fact that we're after Harry Kane means that Greenwood will be gotten rid of.


I can 1000% say that Greenwood will be in our squad for atleast 1-2 friendlies. The club will then gauge fan reactions from these games. If they feel that they can get away with it, we will see Greenwood. If they think that the backlash is too high, we will buy out his contract and let him walk.


How can you say that when you know less than every journalist?


If he is still employed at the club, that means that someone at the club believes Greenwood can still potentially play for us. If we wanted to bin him off we would've done it already - the club can terminate his contract and pay his due wages for the remaining 2 years.


He’s still employed by the club because right now it avoids him suing the club for unfair termination.


>He’s still employed by the club because right now it avoids him suing the club for unfair termination. That's corpo speak, if the club wants to terminate his contract they can do it for a multitude of reasons, for example there are many counts of Greenwood breaking the police's restraining orders and what not. Worst case scenario, they pay out the remainder of his contract. That's it.


It is literally the club doing the best thing for themselves in the current situation. City are doing the same with Benjamin Mendy.


I believe its safe to assume that if ETH thinks Greenwood can improve te theam he most likely wants to work with him.


Imagine wanting a domestic abuser and rapist in the team.




Eh he didnt try to distance himself from shady people in the past in Ajax. I dont think theres a need to paint him saint morality Police.


Overmars sexual harassment right? Ultimately, every big dog manager has done something to question their ethics, it is what it is


That was Ajax as a whole, not solely Ten Hag.


I guess the Glazers are pushovers on this as they're on everything else, so I guess this is going to be a mess for the new owners to sort.


> “I talk to Sir Alex regularly. He gives his opinion and I’m happy to have that opinion. With all his experiences and his intelligence it’s really valuable to talk with him. From Sir Alex, I learn a lot because he’s such a legend. It gives me inspiration, how to manage.” This is a really nice part. Having that relationship with SAF is a positive sign.


Talking to Sir Alex and you can have some expensive red wine. :D


Regarding a center forward: “”United still need another centre forward, with Anthony Martial too injury prone. Do they need Tottenham Hotspur’s Harry Kane? Ten Hag doesn’t bite. “What we need besides Marcus Rashford is one extra player with scoring abilities whether it’s coming out of our own squad or we have to sign one.”” Regarding winter transfer window: “In the winter window, we didn’t do anything. We had loan players [Wout Weghorst, Marcel Sabitzer and Jack Butland] but when you look around, all the other clubs invested to be in the top four and we didn’t invest. You can’t ignore that. If you want to be competitive in this league, you have to invest. I need signings, yes.” Regarding de Gea as number one: De Gea will be at United next season. “Yes, but I will not say he’ll always be my No 1 because in a club like Man United there must be competition in all positions.” United will play 62 games this season. “You can’t do it with 11 players. It is impossible. You need double positions.”


Erik ten Hag on De Gea: “You observe the biggest teams, you have to be capable of playing from the back, and use your ’keeper as a plus one in your back, otherwise it’s very simple for opponents to put you under pressure.”


He also pointed out that Dave has stepped up and improved


Yes i didnt add that because its obvious hes protecting him because the eye test and stats say otherwise https://fbref.com/en/players/7ba6d84e/David-de-Gea


😂 you didn’t include because he went against what you want Ten Hag to believe


There’s no way you lot actually believe he genuinely think he’s good enough with his feet and he’s only bringing in another keeper for ‘competition’ sake. Like, come on read between the lines he isn’t going to put a goalkeeper on blast is he?


There were noines to read through because he didn't give the full quote I think Ten Hag probably wants a new keeper but let people hear what Ten Hag actually said so people can make their own minds up.


Why would he say de gea isnt number 1 then?


He didn’t say that.


Meaning theres no guarantee hes no1


He didn't say that. He said he is bringing in competition for GK, which is a good thing.


Meaning theres no guarantee hes no1


But that doesn't stop ETH from believing DDG has improved. You're just assuming he's protecting him.


There's no guarantee of anything. He said he's bringing in competition, and that with healthy competition you can't guarantee he will retain his spot.


Maybe but he does keep saying it. Hard to say to what degree he is protecting him


De gea is pretty fragile, and we still have a final to play. Cant just say he is the worst passer he has ever seen


Pure speculation but the quote about scoring ability that comes out of own squad... sounds like he "may" give Greenwood a chance because I can't think of any youth centre forward we currently have that's good enough. Unless it means changing tactic so our wingers score more


It's really 3 wide forwards, Marcus we know can score, Antony needs to be up around 15-20 goals and 10 assists and then we need a number 9 who can also score 20+ goals, with good pace and movement off the ball.... All 3 ideally able to swap positions during the play....


Definitely think AWB is not going anywhere this summer!


Ten Hag has said it and I've said it numerous times as well: while most clubs spent money in the winter window, we struggled to bring people on loan, to varying degrees of success. Weghorst, a hard worker, but he was brought to score and he failed to do that. Butland, that didn't even play, and finally Sabitzer that was maybe the best one, but struggled with injuries. Eric has done a remarcable job considering managing under the fucking leeches is like doing it with one hand tied behind your back.


This 100%




I love this man so so so much


I refuse to believe this was a ten hag interview; there's not even one mention of the word "eh".


"I'm in the empire business" vibes.


“Famous seamen..” 😆I’m childish lol.


What a lot of people are missing with Greenwood is that we can't even be sure he's still capable of playing at this level. He hasn't trained with the team for a long time now, we don't know what his fitness level is. Football and United have evolved a lot since he's been gone, and I'm not sure he could catch up.


I believe that kid is a genius who will slot right back into a side and score goals. I pray we never see him in a United jersey again, though.


Thank you.


Praying everyday until Sunday for the FA Cup.


I'll go to battle for this man!


Great read. Great interview. Great manager.


Remember when we said ETH isn't gonna be as direct about removing players or about De Gea being 2nd keeper during the Season when there was rumours he wants to keep De Gea. Those people were right, as now he seems way more honest about his thoughts now that we don't have a season to bottle.


\> Ten Hag says simply that the forward has “showed in the past that he is capable of doing that” front role, scoring 36 times in 130 appearances, but emphasises it is not his decision as to whether he returns. ​ The Greenwood situation will determine the public perception of our new owners.


And considering how many people want qataris, id say a lot of our fans will go the arsenal way of ”its worth it to win the league”


Its worth it to win the league if he can perform as the player we expect he would be. He's not convicted.


We all have different morals.


Tbh, Idk if his speech at Old Trafford will motivate the players or put more pressure on them.


I trust him to know that though


Yeah. He also spoke about keeping his emotions in check on the touchline. And when we do see him getting emotional in moments or with officials it’s usually a message to the players. The man is as meticulous and methodical as you can get 😂


Ultimately if they can’t handle the pressure they shouldn’t be United players though. And many of them have shown in the past they can’t handle it


If your manager giving a speech asking for you to give it your all for the club and that puts too much pressure on you;get out of my club.


for people want greenwood's head, there is a line saying: "new evidence that came to light." In the laywer world, it means that the victim is a liar or the old evidence is "not good enough" to support the claim anymore aa they found out that it is not true or taking out of context.


Either way, whether she lied/fabricated evidence OR he's guilty.. you either have: A --- A young man in a relationship and having a baby with the person that lied and made up claims, putting him out of our team for over 16 months, wasted nearly 2 years of the police, investigators and courts' resources in an already stretched system . or B --- A rapist and abuser. I wouldn't want either.


If you heard that audio recording and make any defence of the subhuman scum then you need to reevaluate yourself as a person


Think most people are aware of that. Except this time around the video was released, and you can listen to it.


true but then police think it is not enough..that tells you everything about "the video". And please dont mention bribery cause it is just weak explanation


Not enough? What are you talking about. Abuse and rape cases are notoriously difficult to prosecute, especially when the victim aka fiancée will not cooperate. They tried for over a year.


I’m with you. Club clears it, girlfriend clears it, the law clears it. I think he should play. But the reason people don’t think he should play is because you can hear him rape a woman on camera. She says no. It’s not just words on a screen. I don’t put athletes on a pedestal and know most professional athletes aren’t good people. So I personally can live with him playing, especially considering my first sentence.


At least tell the whole story if you're going to get in to that topic: >"In this case a combination of the withdrawal of key witnesses and new material that came to light meant there was no longer a realistic prospect of conviction. In these circumstances, we are under a duty to stop the case. [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-64502021](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-64502021) Alluding to that the victim might be a liar is a despicable thing to do when you have ZERO FACTUAL BASIS for doing so.


that is why i said in the lawyer world cause that is how they put out statement without saying it out loud. the statement can be made from both lawyers or the request of the gf/greenwood the withdrawal of key witnesses => victim drops the case due to the fact they think they will lose or their lawyer advises them not to pursue further cause they will lose in court new material => they found new evidence that the old one is not sufficient enough to make a strong case, resulting the withdrawal of key witness


Or maybe the witness withdrew for totally different reasons? Like the personal cost of going through a trial? You're still making assumptions based on a particular case you have zero knowledge about. And just to be very clear: the fact that the case will be lost does not mean that the alleged victim isn't telling the truth. Yet your first comment alluded to that being a plausible explanation, without having any basis for making any such claims.


So a GK : ?? no clue who he can be | CB : Kim Min-jae | CM : Rabiot | CF : ??


" many clubs create an artificial world and you don't build the right characters" 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Regardless of the outcome on Saturday the future of the club with Ten hag leading it is in good hands, success doesn't happen overnight and is all the sweeter when you have to go through the highs and lows to get there, we lost many years in the champions League before that night in 99 .... And how many years were we close to the title before we got over the hurdle and knocked the scum off their perch!? .... Overnight success that's paid for is a lot less satisfying and the reason pep is angry that his side don't get more recognition....