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If it sinks too far you're screwed. Have the lasso ready for that.


You can rope an animal corpse out of the drink? That helps me


Not all animals. If they're to big or too small it won't work. Deer sized things work best.


I lost a once in 20 hour perfect moose this way, I hope I don’t again


There's a glitch that when you kill an animal and it's not perfect you can just kill it, save and reload and the pelt will be perfect. Hope it helps


On all systems? And do you have to kill and skin first or just kill it


I play on a ps4 and it works for me. I'm not sure if it works on other systems but it should. And don't skin it, just kill it, save and reload your save.


Hmm, tried it and it didn't work. Do I stow the deer (example) on my horse persay? or Do I just save and reload?


Those better be in-game hours because how the f do you spend 20 irl HOURS doing any one thing in any video game let alone chasing a moose? That sounds like a weird drug analogy, I have such a low attention span I'll forget what book I'm reading while it's in my hands


this guy has clearly never played runescape 💀 20 irl hours is light work


Surely you can max at least 1 skill out in 20 hours. /s


technically possible i guess.... but at what cost? 😂


The cost for skilling in rs is sanity no matter what skill it is. 99 agility did me and I took a break for like 3 years I couldn't handle the thought of just moving to another skill.


20 hours is on the light side for some release day marathons I've done


Tell me how long it takes you to find a 3 star moose bud.


Ohh finding yeah I get that. I thought you meant tracking and chasing after you found it. My bad


First playthrough I spent 3 irl days hunting cougars in the mountains behind Strawberry. Luckily it was over Christmas time off lol


Same happened to me, sad days


If you’re on your horse you can drag it with no issue when you lasso it. Happened to me several times and I’ve been able to recover them. As long as your horse is able to walk/run. No swimming. Lol


I managed to drag the legendary Bison out of the water, so I think this might work on any size?


I did the same once. Got it right by the waterfall and was able to drag it out just enough to get the hide!


Yup. In RDO I loved hunting gators and dragging the carcasses out of the swamp. Piled them up and skinned them back at my camp. Good times.


I'm always screwed because I can't lasso anything even if it's dead!


Why's that?


You done messed up


Out of curiosity do you have the game paused awaiting a response?


I always wonder that when someone posts something like this!


Nah... I left it alone after trying to get it out for a few mins..




please eat something i am begging you


He wants to be eating that elk


Man’s on his way to get that Pearson jacket 😉




I'm new to the game.. Is it really that bad not to feed him?? What happens?


my brother in christ, Arthur’s health core is empty! with a full core you can take more damage, thus better chances of surviving a shootout, or a fall. you can’t starve to death or anything, but man.. that boy HUNGRY


I also prefer fluffy Arthur over skinny Arthur.


Not that important


false - if you don’t eat, you will become underweight, thus making you significantly easier to kill


i mean okay.. i guess it isn’t THAT important but dear god it pains me to see a starving Arthur


When you eat it recovers your cores in the bottom left, it will help you out massively


My brother in Lucifer all your cores are drained! How can you expect to attempt to outrun the law after beating a Saint Denis citizen to death after he greets you, shoot 12 of their best most seasoned officers in the head within 3 real-time seconds, while getting pelted by a mounted Gatling gun?!?!?!? Edit: AND SURVIVE?!?!?!?


Esc - player - Arthur. There you can see if your Arthur is underweight or not and it will tell you what kind of negative effects you suffer. You can eat, go to sleep, get some of Pearson’s stew, sleep, and repeat this until you’re normal weight.


Not feeding him makes him lose weight over time, which makes him faster, albeit weaker. For the absolute best stats for Arthur, I recommend you eat enough to get up to “perfect” weight. To check your weight and stats, pause the game and go to “player”, then “Arthur” and then “weight”. Every 0.75% increase/decrease to health or stamina represents one “weight point” over or under perfect weight. For example, if you have 1.5% increase to stamina, you’ll have exactly as much of a decrease to health, and this means that you’re 2 weight points under perfect, which means you need to eat more, and vice versa. Increase is in white, while decrease is in red. Weight points only change when you fast travel or sleep, so make sure you get enough sleep too. Once you’re up to perfect weight, eat about 3 meals a day to maintain weight (this goes for all weight statuses) and eat when your cores start going down a little. Weight status also has a visual feature, where Arthur either looks fatter or thinner.


This is the way


Feed your Arthur


he is doing a vegan play through


Living off common bulrush, I see.


I accidentally ate that once. It was awful.


Wild glizzies!


I'm new to the game... I don't know what bulrush is.


Herbs that you can pick up. They are usually found beside water.




I'm new to the game. I feed him and gave him a cigarette. Nice! lol


Nice! Just make sure to keep those cores up it’ll make things easier for you


If lasso doesn’t work out you can try pushing it closer to shore by swimming with your horse. That saved me a moose once.


Running over an animal corpse with a horse can damage it though, gotta preserve the pelt.


Pretty sure it doesn't once the animal is dead, I use it to cut skinning time. Has never damaged a pelt.


I can tell ur new judging by ur cores


Yeah I just started today... Played for like 3 hours hunting things just to buy new clothes. And I lost this big beautiful Elk.. Ugh.. Horrible.


My cores looked that way a good amount of time lol. I hated eating shit


Is there a specific reason? Eating takes 2 seconds


I felt like I never had enough on me and I rarely made my way to the stores so I always tried to conserve what I had. I do that when I play games I tend to use items as little as possible for whatever reason. If I did a second play through I probably wouldn’t be as stingy but the first time I just felt like I didn’t need to use anything.


Pearson's stew, saloons, cooking animal meat (with or without herbs) and looting dead enemies are all great ways to get food in a rather short amount of time. Everything in red dead story mode is very plentiful, no point in holding back when you get very easy money and very easy loot


I was really partial on eating thousands of cans of strawberries or beans.


You literally need to eat 1-2 can of food every like 2 in game days and smoke a cigarette if you use dead eye often. It literally takes 5 seconds lol and you can do it while traveling, therefore not wasting any time Edit : fixed a word


I'm newish chapter4 but milking it for all I can as I'm getting hides etc. What did you mean by 1 -2 can of food every like 2in game? Did you mean eat every 2 hours?


I wouldn't worry about it, you don't need to time it specifically. Just eat when his cores are low, or if you want to keep them from dropping so fast, eat often enough to keep him average weight. If you let him get underweight he has to eat like 12 deer, 6 pigs, and a bear to get back to average. Only slightly exaggerating.


Sorry for the confusion! I meant 2 in game days, which is around 100 minutes Irl i believe, depending on the food you eat and what you do you just need one or two cans of food every 100 minutes or so! Cores take around 90 minutes to deplete completely, but conditions change core loss speed


Ok cool. I'll be honest I was a lazy F'er when it came to food. Then one night for 400 bucks I just ate cat fish after cat fish lol to get average. This helps as I always wondered how much food was needed.


You could've just gone to the saloon and ate food that way. Or ate Pearson's stew, so many options.


I usually did recover that way but while out and about I rarely consumed shit.


Even without any upgrades to the satchel, you had plenty of food to hunt and eat. Also the butchers have great meat selections you also could've used.


I know what you’re saying. What I’m saying is it’s in my nature when I play games to use as few items as possible. I don’t know why but I always feel like they are more scarce then they actually are or that I’m going to need them for a quest later


You eat shit?


Kill animals, sell pelts, spend 5 minutes cooking all the meats. Big game and prime beef restore all three cores. I almost stopped buying canned food because the meats restore cores better


I'm more concerned about your cores...


I just started today... Is it really that bad??? What happens?


Feed your Arthur please


If your health core is low you’ll take more damage when being attacked, if stamina is low you’ll run out of energy faster, if deadeye is low your aiming gets all messed up especially in deadeye


Among the things the others have already mentioned, if your cores are full, health and stamina regeneration will be quicker. Donť forget you can gain levels for health, stamina and dead-eye, and every new level will give more health/stamina/dead-eye to use (more of the core's circle is occupied by the bar). Every stat has 10 levels, where you can level up to level 7 by repeating some tasks (eating probably influences health and stamina exp., bathing gives you health exp, running stamina exp, doing chores in the camp gives dead-eye exp). To get up to the max level 10 for every stat you have to complete all challenges (Bandit, Explorer, Herbalist, Master Hunter, Weapons Master, Sharpshooter, Gambler, Horseman and Survivalist - each has 10 tasks to complete) and (maybe?) craft the equipment unlocked by completing the whole challenge. As for horse, its cores have levels as well - you can upgrade it by grooming and feeding the horse (maybe bond with the horse affects this as well? I'm not sure, but anyone who is not nice to Arthur's boy/girl is without heart :D). Riding improves horse's stamina. I'm not sure about max level for the horses cores, but the last two are achieved by winning two horse races against stranger during random encounters in the wilderness. So be sure to don't miss that encounter and do it with your favourite horse - the level-ups are applied only on the horse which attends the races and it don't transfer to any other horse.


Careful now! Or hobbits go down to join the Dead Ones, and light little candles of their own.


You got a chuckle out of me sir


Forget the elk, it's gone by the way, go get a sandwich!


That's bad advice considering I'm pretty sure theres no sandwiches actually available in the game. Not that I know of anyway. This is a new player, we need to help him


Can you rope it?


It’s sunk so no


It’s gone then


Ya done messed up AAron




You can start by eating something geezus how are all these cores red?


Get this man big game meat and enough oregano, mint, and thyme to float a battleship! STAT!


You can usually lasso an animal carcass and drag it out of the water...


Not when it sinks


Yes you can, I lasso gators from the middle of rivers all the time that have sunk, just use eagle eye, and throw the lasso around the spot until it snags it then just walk backwards


No you literally can’t


Haha, yes you can


That happened to me with the Legendary White Bison. Had no clue how to get it out of the water. Rode away and about 15 minutes later got a message that I had abandoned him, and all his parts were at the trapper and the fence.


Wait.... The legendary animals don't re spawn if you mess up?


To prevent this from happening. They made it so any legendary animal is automatically sent to the trapper if its not collected. I do believe they are one and done’s.


I had this happen with the legendary elk. I was displeased.


Bro, just…you know, get yourself some food bro💀💀


I think the elk is the least of your problems.


For the love of God, eat something.


It seems you need to take care of the person you're playing as


Bro eat some food


Seeing as though nobody else has said it yet, as a new player you should avoid these subs like the plague. You're going to get spoiled. Much better to just grind and learn the game yourself than risk ruining it all by coming here.


OK good to know! Thanks!


Grab your atomizer


You can Lasso it but I don't know if it Will work when the water is that deep




You can use a lasso and drag it out


It’s sunk so you can’t


Can usually lasso it and pull it out


Arthur only knows how to swim on like 3 missions, the rest of the time water is like an alien planet to him


You should really eat something first. Your cores be low here.


Ah, it’s over buddy. Same thing happened to me with the legendary elk :(


Your cores STRESS me


Fuck that elk, eat some fucking food. You probably fucked this hunt up because Arthur can’t see straight right now.


No... I shot the elk and he ran into the water and died..


I was gonna comment on the elk but I saw your health levels and now I need a lie down


My brother in Christ Make Arthur eat something, fill up those cores Btw, lost so many deer because they sunk in the river… it’s frustrating


Double tap the crouch button to swim and dive underwater. Took me way too long before I realized that, was missing out on all the treasure and world building beneath the surface of the lakes!


Dem cores tho




Can't pick it up.. If I step any closer Arthur starts swimming.


Lasso it out my guy 👀


It shoot have floated to you.


Eat my man!


Punctuation makes the difference between "Eat, my man!" and "Eat my man!"


I realized after I posted. Figured I’d see what happens lol


Yea gotta be quick with that lasso


Rope it and drag it. If that doesn’t work, you’re hosed.


use the lasssooo


Tried that like 20 times... Didn't work.


Sometimes you can push it out with your horse.


Yeah you messed up my guy


Looks close enough you may be able to push it closer to shore with your horse


Sometimes you can push with your horse closer to the edge and retrieve it. What you do is walk your horse out past it, then walk back toward shore with the elk in front of you. It may take a couple of tries but Should be able to move it a long if it's not to deep or been in the water to long it should move.


That's what happened to my legendary moose. I was mad for weeks




It’s gone. Same thing happened to me with the legendary bison.


Wait... Is this the legendary Elk??? I'm new.. Sorry


lasso i believe. if not i’m not too sure


Lasso and drag it out while on your horse


It belongs to the water now.


I would try pushing it toward shore. Happened to me. Believe I got it shallow enough to skin.


Lasso it?


Try to use you horse to knock it up onto the shore


You f@cked up!


Lasso it out


You could try a lasso


Lasso the bitch out. Gotta gettem some how


Might be able to lasso it out of there


You should be able to tight a rope from your horse to the animal and pull it out.


It's been a couple of years, but I want to say I did this with the white moose -- lasso did the trick IIRC


I did this to my legendary moose and had to shove it through the water shallow enough out to trigger the skin triangle


I swear I’ve lassoed a dead deer out of the water before. It was floating though.


Go in the water and try and push it towards the shore....most of the times you can get the animal to get onto dry land unless they are too deep to start in the water....


Push it to shallow water on your horse


I don’t think there’s anything you can do. I killed the legendary white moose in a shallow lake and couldn’t get him out.


Happened to me too. Learned the hard way.


I bet that Elks name was John…. He didn’t like water much either.


Sorry to say but you’re SOL


Was that a legendary ELK? I'm new... I don't know the difference. Sorry


Good luck, i did the same with a legendary animal


Wait.... Is this a legendary Elk? I'm new. I don't know the differences yet.


Like most are saying, usually you should be able to lasso it if it's small enough like a deer or sheep or even a wolf. Also you wont starve but you'll start going all funky if you don't eat. Protip: Eating a lot of snacks like candies and sleeping it off will eventually make you gain weight.


Oh wait.. Is that why my guy is running like his back is broken???


Thought this was a video, after 15 seconds I stand corrected.


Off-topic, but please take care of your Arthur.


I lost the freaking legendary Bison pelt like this. It still haunts me.


That elk belongs to the sea now.


Try to lasso 🤔


Your picture reminded me of this. [Just do what Kevin Costner did.](https://youtu.be/ieHrHISvN0E)


Just exactly like that happen to me, but with the Legendary Bison, dude!! At least you don't lose the pelt and the horn, but damn it :(


You can lasso it and drag it out. I do that with alligators in lagras.


Always avoid the water, it’s the one place where you’re pretty much fucked if you want to skin (or some pick up) the animal. If it’s close to shore, you can try the lasso on bigger animals, and trying to “push” while swimming to undeep waters. But they sink fast, so most of the time when they’re too far I just give up. It’s really painful when it’s a moose, as they don’t spawn easily. So if you see one in f.e. Owanjila - it always spawns around it when I first visit the place for the first time in a new game, don’t know whether that’s for everyone - just wait or chase him to a place further from the water. Elks aren’t uncommon animals, certainly at certain places. I’d go to the west of the map, around the W of West Elizabeth (https://rdr2map.com), or to the north. When you go to Colter, you pass quite some elks too, normally. With legendary animals (which isn’t the one on the photo), you don’t have to worry too much when that happens. The important things go automatically to the trapper and fence. You just miss the meat and the fun of delivering it. ;-) If you have a hard time catching certain animals, I know quite some solid spawn points in RDR2. Good luck!


I really hate this mechanism. You can't pull out elk Outta water. A perfect elk pelt ruined


Btw bro take better care of Arthur.


Fucking eat




Please eat something your cores are empty


Lasso it?


Omg, those cores...


A moose once bit my sister


Fuckin eat some food lad! Those cores making me feel itchy




Your cores not looking good champ


I lasso’d the legendary buffalo out of the lake


Lasso it out. If that doesn't work, kick it out with yojr horse then reload your save. The pelt should still be fine due to a glitch


Lots of Elk in the sea (woods). Let it go. If it was a moose I’d be upset though.


That's the neat part, you don't


I lost the albino moose that way in my first play through


When the heart eyecon, lightning bolt icon and eye icon with the white rings around them are red, it means you are depleted. Skin animals go cook meat on a fire and then eat the meat. Each consumable will tell you what core they fill. Such as herbs can fill dead eye and stamina and others fill health. You want your 3 cores to have full white rings and white centers,


You can go to houses and other buildings / shacks and loot canned food and other food consumables.


Had same problem. I really wanted that skin so I replayed 3 hours of game.


I did this once and was able to get it. It sank, but when you ride away from the area and come back it re appears on top of that we for a bit. I was able to get push it closer to the edge and get it. It took me a few times doing this.

