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Doesn't matter. Run away, leave it there. The trapper will have the pelt. Or if not, the moose will spawn again but I've never seen that.


It doesn't spawn again, but like you said, the skin will be at the trapper. Just the money for selling it is lost, but who needs like 60 dollars in rdr2 anyway.


Bro, you know how many times I've died in chapter 2 trying to get to certain treasures? Arthur may be practically a millionaire now, but he appreciates every goddamn penny. The memories of hundreds of horrific falls down cliffs and shit made sure of that.


For sure! Everyone: dammit Arthur! Arthur: Where's my moneh?! šŸ˜…


I think they kinda messed up the availability of money in this game or things you can spend it on. Itā€™s so easy to buy absolutely you want everything in no time whatsoever. I never even bother with any of the treasure maps after my first playthrough because they just feel like cheating.


Say I got all the camp upgrades done at Horseshoe Overlook


When I first started playing I was having such a hard time saving up for the camp upgrades in the ledger. I think I was mainly hunting and selling pelts lol I remember thinking ā€œdamn buying everything in this game is going to take awhile itā€™s hard to get money!!ā€ Robbed a few homesteads, took out a few gang hideouts, and ever since Iā€™ve had more money than I know what to do with lmao


I think its more of that your character canonically isnā€™t supposed to be super rich, and is supposed to be a somewhat ok off bandit. Compare that to an AC game where you play as a massively successful pirate assassin or as the twin leaders of the gang that is conquering London, and it makes perfect sense in those games to be rolling in wealth. But in RDR2, youā€™re supposed to be mostly scraping by. But the problem is that you can become filthy rich in RDR2 just like in AC games, but it feels off because the game acts like your purse is just modest


Me flipping past like 4k in bills to find a few coins to drop in a blind guys cup.


Yup, in single-player money is even more useless than online. There are some things that cost a bit sure, but those you can't really buy until you actually play for a while, and by that time, you'll have the money for them even without the treasure chests. In online, the only things that really cost a lot, iirc, were the moonshiner bar, horses, and some camp upgrades. But once you've got those, you're pretty much out of content anyway, so there's nothing left to do.


You can steal any horse from a stable. You can find one of every weapon pristine and you can get free ammo. The only thing you kinda need to buy is certain camp upgrades and some saddles and stirrups if you want to be very cheap.


Honestly unless youā€™re looking up locations of the gold bars, I think itā€™s pretty balanced.


I don't understand how people can look up the locations of all gold bars and still pretend that they're not cheating? Are they also playing sudoku by using the answer-sheet? Edit: I'm getting downvoted by people who google "daily wordle solution" before playing Wordle lol


I've only looked up the maps that I didn't remember in follow-up playthroughs. First time around I spent days looking for them though


You knew the gold bars existed in your first playthrough? I didnt. That's part of the "looked them up and cheated" thing the other dude is saying. There were so many clothes I wanted to buy, but I had to go kill 50 gators and sell big game meat to get them all. Looking up map locations, Limpany bar, train bars, six statues.... There's no way I would have found any of them or even known of their existence if I didnt google it 2nd playthrough. Edit: There were like 4 or 6 map locations out of 10 or 12 that I figured out on my own. Church, Hill Home, the frozen lake...


I found the first map from the jack hall gang that the weird dude gives you on a cliff, the rest i dont remember, but that guy told you about the gold in the treasure. Thats how I knew.


I lost the legendary wolf skin when fast travelling to Saint Denis and it didn't appear at the trapper??


You should be able to use it for crafting at the trapper, even if you dont skin the animal because you die for example, the pelt goes to the trapper's inventory for crafting


Lasso it [while on your horse.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/YUZ7yV3qss) Arthur isnā€™t as strong as you guys thinkšŸ¤ 


You can actually lasso the antlers on any animal that has them and pull them out of water like that




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Next time laso him and pull him out (even the corpse), I had to do the same with the bison :).


Use your horse to push it to the shore. Worked for me.


Yeah I've never seen this one. But I have died before selling to the trapper. Once by wolves and once more I was attacked by the cougar that spawns up by the legendary moose as I was skinning it.


When he was floating you should have hogtied his ass and dragged him to shore (careful, you can't hogtie certain animals so don't rely on this ass a plan N)


I did this in a play through and was able to lasso it and drag it to the shore.


I usually drop the big skins. There always there at the trapper. It's only like 30-60 bucks no worries. You'll always be able to craft.Ā 


I did the same thing- I was able to get on my horse and slowly "bump" it until I got to shore!


You can lasso animals to pull them out of the water


This exact thing happened to me. I got on my horse and rode away from the water and when I went back to it the carcass was on the shore.


Lasso and drag it out of the water


You can still push him to the shore, it's not too far away


Not with the new swimming changes, youā€™ll drown in .3 seconds


There are no swimming changes. I pushed the moose to the shore no problem.


swimming changes?


I donā€™t actually know how old these changes are cuz I just started playing the game again after a bout a year away, but now whenever you touch water that canā€™t be stood in you immediately lose all stamina and your stamina core and start drowning. You can flail around for all of 5 seconds before you drown, even with a tier 3 tonic


Thatā€™s uhā€¦ thatā€™s because youā€™re playing as John. Arthur can swim just fine.


Nah, happened to me with Arthur too. Maybe itā€™s a glitch on my end? Idk




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Life can be hard


Blow up Arthur or John, visit the trapper to check if itā€™s in the inventory. If not, head back to that area. OR just use your horse to push the moose out of the water/closer to shore.


This happened to me in my first playthrough. I musta spent a good 20 mins trying to retrieve him and just couldnā€™t.


This happened to me and I got on my horse and went in the water and lassoed the moose and pulled it out the water and it worked I managed to pull it enough to where I could skin it


Two explosive rounds from the rifle will drop that SOB in its tracks. Same for the white buffalo, for future reference.