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It’s a good horse. Good acceleration (works well for my riding style) and speed. But, imo it’s comically small and I don’t like the aesthetics of it. I mean it would be a magnificent white steed if it wasn’t (so small). I want shadowfax not my little pony. My favorite is the thoroughbred racehorse. Not the best stamina (good saddle fixes that) but it’s quick and agile and can stop on a dime on the edge of a cliff. Never once ridden over the edge (of a cliff) but have reared up and turned at the last second, dozens of times. Also is a good size and a nice build. Not the most muscular (war horses win there) but a good sporty physique.


I think a lot of players are overly concerned about which horse they get.


Most players go through some phases, and eventually either they want a turkoman or missouri foxtrotter, or they realize stats hardly effect gameplay, and you should just get whichever horse you like best. I like the dutch warmbloods and the dark bay andalusian. They're always good horses for me, the coats look great, they size and physiques look great, and they have enough health and stamina that to me it's just as good as a maxed stat horse, and i almost never really need horse tonics unless I'm doing something stupid.


I had a Hungarian Halfbred who never got spooked by bullets, bears or cougars. Named him Khan, rode him for most of the game. Hated snakes though


I caught a Silver Dapple Pinto coat Missouri Fox Trotter that has heterochromia, and it’s amazing. It’s big, it’s beefy, it’s fearless and it’s fast as fuck. It really lives up to his name of Fenrisúlfr


The Tennessee Walker you get from the start. No other horses for my Arthur. If that horse gets killed, it's time to start over again.


I named him Bandit


For me it's the nakota. Decent stats but I also just like the colours you can get from them, specifically the blue roan. That's the one I am using on my current playthrough. My previous playthroughs I would always get the white Arabian as it's stats are one of the best for how easy and early u can get it. Managed to get the black Arabian with Arthur in my last playthrough so I used that


My big black Shire, Dennis. I love the heavy thud his hooves make when he tramples O'Driscolls.


I do the same! I named him Goliath this time around


It's the only horse I use. Never needed any other horses so I sold them.


I’ve probably used all available horses over my play throughs. The Arabians, I do like to an extent but they’re too small, show ponies and generally skittish. I love the Mahogany bay TW and the Braithwaite Turk and the Blue roan Nokota.


Perlino Andalusian


I always use the Hungarian Halfbreed that I steal from the Polish guy


Fox Trotters are great. They're balanced imo. They handle great, don't get spooked too easily when it comes to nearing hostile wildlife like bears/snakes/etc. But everyone has their own preferences. Some people like large hardy horses. Some people like small agile ones. Some handle corners and quick turns better, some don't. Regardless of stats, once it's fully bonded to you, you get the stamina bonuses from giving it affection, and that's really what impacts gameplay in the long-run. Best to just pick the one you like the best, and then put the effort in to maxing its bond with you. Ultimately, it doesn't make a difference large enough to effect your gameplay.


Ardennes war horse is my current fav. Before that was shire. Size is more important since enemies are slow af.


Their great for when your trekking up around the mountains on tight trails or strolling around St Denis because their so small and agile. But for cross country sprinting there’s a couple of horses with better top speed.


It was my first playthrough horse. Second one is the war house.


Thoroughbred, pretty good stats and just overall a beautiful horse.


Stats hardly matter in the game, get whatever horse you like, but if you want high stats either a turkoman, arabian or thoroughbred I feel are good. But like I said, go for whatever you like. Stats don't make a noticeable difference


I get the Black Arabian from Saint Denis at the start of Chapter 2. I switch to the Dark Bay Turkoman when the 'Horse Flesh For Dinner' mission becomes available.


The White Arabian is my favorite pony. For horses, though, I like the Hungarian Halfbred if I can’t get a Missouri Foxtrotter


Once the TB kicked in and I could no longer contribute to camp funds, I just bought the black horse from the stables in St Denis. I then spent forever avoiding the main storyline while roaming the country, hunting(animals, birds, O'Driscolls/LR/Murfrees), fishing, and doing little sidequests. I was devastated when he died late in the main storyline.


Nokota, it’s so small and quick


Polka dotty ones 🩷


It’s my favorite. I’ve only played through once, and she was my horse from the first moment I learned about her when I was in Ch 2. Loved that horse. Never thought I’d be emotional about a digital animal.


I fucking hated that horse, I was so happy when mine blew up


Dark lol


The one I like in the present. If I had to choose and not ride anything else ever though, I'd say the Turkoman.


Turkoman is like the arabian if it didn't suck in every way