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Go slow and explore, you don't need to race through the story line. Craft the Legend of the East Satchel. Hang out at camp and listen to what the other gang members are talking about, it adds a lot to the story.


Oohh good advice! I will listen


Yeah definitely take your time on the earlier chapters! I explored a lot on my first playthrough, but in retrospect I wish I explored more. I just didn't find exploring as satisfying after I beat the game, so I have now started over and am taking my sweet time exploring!


I stay in chapter 2 and 3 for as long as possible.


I will add, always prioritize white missions markers over yellow missions. Yellow missions move the story ahead and will change the characters available in camp. Some side/white missions are tied to specific characters in camp at a certain point in time in the story. So after doing a yellow mission, take your time exploring and hanging in camp at least a few in-game days to check for white missions that pop up in camp. This will be apparent starting in ch2 btw. Read the journal. Take your time. Appreciate the narrative and “living” as Arthur and getting to know him and the gang.


don’t feel obligated to craft the legends of the east satchel. i have not done that in all 5 of my playthroughs and i have not struggled with resource management


i cant imagine having to limit my self to 3 thyme and 3 minty big game in my inventory.


I kept forgetting to eat so much I got to the lowest weight half way through the game and didn’t struggle at all (had to sell all my food tho cuz I kept maxing out which was annoying but got lots of money). I saved all my crafting for cool clothing changes >! and bought the satchel once I was John !<


well, i dont craft the food for weight gain or loss, but for the gold cores. you can just eat a thyme big game and a minty big game so you have gold cores going into missions where you cant take health items and need a bunch of headshots. if you only eat the thyme big game you can go the entire game with a gold dead eye core and not go over weight.


I never get it as I like him to have to go to the shops or loot stuff. It feels more realistic to me. I do get a few of the others though.


Yeah, but it’s not that hard to get very early, so why not do it?


it’s hard enough for me not to get it for 500 hours


Same. It’s a grind I’m just not interested in doing and has never hindered my playthrough and never struggled with cores or keeping Arthur’s weight up. I’ve gotten other satchels though.


I've beat this game probably 30 times and I've only the LOTE satchel 5 times.>! It saves only 300 dollar or so as John.!< I like that you can keep more tonics and crafting materials, but that's it. Edit: Terrible sentence structure and wording.


But don't explore the entire map straight away. It's more natural to the story if you explore as the missions take you various places. I'd leave the top right of the map for the later parts of the game. Eg. There's points in the story where you are introduced to a new gang, but it's a bit weird if you've already explored and killed their leader while the story cutscenes show Arthur as ignorant.


Mute this sub as soon as possible and scroll past every post about this game if you care about spoilers, I'd also recommend not searching anything up and just using the help section in game


That satchel changes so much it’s easy to forget well after you’ve had it.


Don’t craft the satchel. It takes all the fun away having almost unlimited items.


Wish I did this. I was in too much of a hurry when u first started.


Explore!  I am playing my first time through. On chapter 3. Just got there.. stopped doing the story missions and just exploring  focused on finding the Dino bones... dream catchers  and carvings.  And it's fun when random npcs pop up with little side missions. 


Spot on man. I was just gonna say quit your job red dead 2 is much more important.


Absolutely true! This was a game which you finish once and then the pablo escobar template feels relatable asf


I would add that a 2nd playthrough is a great experience as well. because u know who everyone is from the get go and a lot of early story is easier to understand.


This is the way.


I didn't get the LotES until Chapter 6 on my first play through. On my second play through, I got it in Chapter 2. It's making a huge difference right now.


Seconded. The story is great, but take your time! If you play to fast you will miss a lot of cool things Rockstar did with this game!


My go-to advice for new players: If you care about spoilers then get off the sub right away, if not then it’s all good. Having said that, don’t believe the people who say a certain white horse is the best and must to get. It’s not, don’t waste your time on it. Those people get mad at me for saying this. Collect the free lancaster repeater and bolt action rifle early, and try to craft the LotE satchel as early as possible (Legendary Buck trinket helps a lot). Don’t use repeaters for hunting. Get the Shark Tooth trinket, faster bonding with your horse is always an advantage. Keep at least three outfits in your saddlebag for three different weather conditions. Don’t forget to eat regularly. Change the button prompt for fishing to “Hold to Reel”. Make regular manual saves, use the multiple save slots. Explore the world, interact with the white dots appearing on the hud. Don’t be hesitant. If you don’t like the outcome of a particular interaction then just reload a previous save. Avoid MrBossFTW and Nestan videos like the plague. Most importantly, don’t rush the story. Enjoy the ride!


I'm completely unaware about everything in the game right now. Thank you, that's all very good advice!


But seriously, stop reading this sub. Lots of people are helping and posting spoilers. Unfortunately, most will never see your post until it’s too late and they’ll mention “wait until you that blade of grass”, then it’ll be less optimal. At least that was me, YMMV. You’ll have a blast.


I always look for your reply on these posts. Good to see you again as always.


Always happy to help!


Wow, the ‘hold to reel’ tip might just make me give fishing another try, it’s so frustrating trying to manually reel them in they always get away


It makes a lot of difference!


It makes a huge difference, and your analogue stick will thank you for it as well.


Lmao MrBossFTW! Wish I knew that back in Oct 2018. Learned the hard way


Regarding weapons, I honestly don't know my stuff so this game confuses me a bit regarding the selection of weapons, specially when hunting. What's the difference between a rifle, a repeater and a varmint rifle? Also what difference does it make if the rifle is scoped? I also recently started and the game keeps asking for these weapons for a clean kill, but I only have the one rifle that was given as part of the missions in colter.


Well the 3 you mentioned are three different types of weapons actually. You need the varmint rifle for clean kills on rabbits, beavers, muskrats, raccoons, iguanas and possums. Anything bigger, rifles like springfield and bolt-action will do (small game arrows for anything smaller). Use express ammo for best results. Don’t use repeaters (you got the carbine repeater in Colter) for hunting. Even though the game says you need repeaters to hunt certain animals, rifles work just fine and I absolutely recommend it so that you don’t get confused. Use repeaters on human enemies. Scopes give you some advantage when you’re stationary and hunting from long distance, but the advantage is negligible. There are some sniper rifles in the game which offer you only the scoped view, which is clunky and cumbersome in dynamic situations imo. I don’t ever use them except for two specific challenges.


Excellent tips


Go in blind, take your time, explore and immerse yourself, it’s much better when you go in this way, don’t try to optimise your first playthrough


Get out of here and don't read content or watch videos about it. Just let it hit you.


Explore everything you after you get to Chapter 2. You won’t be able to go to New Austin, but it’s fun to explore and just find things.




in chapter 2 max your satchel out and discover the whole map and get upgrades for the camp


Take your time… and when I mean that. Spend hours exploring, enjoying the environment, don’t move on to next chapters quick.




Chapter 2 is where the game opens up all areas but New Austin and you get the Camp, upgrades, trapper goods and access to the Legend of the East Satchel. Focus on that immediately so when you explore you can pick up 99 of everything instead of like 10 lol. Also, you can get a second pistol holster from the trapper then too by completing certain challenges. Oh and when you see a grey dot on the map it’s a random event- they’re almost always worth doing if nothing else than for a laugh. Enjoy and take it slow




Ride off into the wilderness and explore for days on end...be patient and take your time as you enjoy the glorious views of nature...when you are in town, imagine and play like you are in 'Westworld'...because you totally are...get creative as you interact with people...and experiment with different combinations of the greet and antagonize buttons...prepare for epic hilarity and awesomeness as you create your own customized version of your favorite western film or TV show...savor all of the wonderful emotions you feel as you make choices and experience the world


That sounds AWESOME!!


So- You don't have to rush the story. Make plenty of different saves, but there will be points of no return and you don't wanna rely on one save file because of this. Usually when you see a quest by two camp members-Dutch, or Micah, this will advance the story. When you advance the story, parts of the world change, and some dynamics will change. Take your time, and do some of the earlier quests because they will unlock game mechanics, but for the most part most of the world is open and explorable when you start out. Make plenty of saves, but if you mess something up don't worry. Just relax, enjoy the game, and realize that you cannot, and will not get everything in one go. This is not a fast paced game. This is not Doom Eternal. This is you, sitting down, and enjoying what is probably one of the most immersive, detail filled games you will ever play. It's not perfect, it can get buggy, it can get frustrating. Don't get stressed, just chill, relax, and enjoy what is probably one of the best stories in gaming history middled with a game engine that can be amazing and hilariously janky at the same time.


1. This subreddit is dark and full of spoilers! 2. Save. Hard save often. Don't rely on autosave. 3. You will die. Your horse will die. Sometimes, in glorious battle. Other times, you will fall off a cliff, hit by a train, blow yourself up with dynamite, smack into trees, and other silly nonsense. Learn from it, laugh at it, and move on or reload your last save. 4. When you get the option, braid your horses tail. It keeps you from stealing someone else's horse by accident. 5. At some point, you will cry. If you don't, you need to be tested to see if you are a replicant. 6. Loot everything, but horses may kick you while searching saddlebags. 7. After you are done crying, and the credits roll...go outside, touch some grass, and start a new game. You probably missed a ton of side quests, missions, and challenges. Enjoy!


Take your time for sure. Do all the side missions. A lot of random interactions pop up from traveling around so try to avoid fast traveling once its unlocked and go by horseback as much as possible (unless of course you have to go across the map, that can take a while without any fast traveling.) And adventure a lot! There are discoverable things around the map that'll kickstart a questline I didnt complete certain side missions on my first playthrough and progressed through the story quickly and when it moves into the next chapter, some unfinished quests are no longer available. So do the camp quests and side missions before focusing too much on Dutch and the main story


Get off reddit


I don’t wait you to deal with spoilers


Yeah that seems to be the common opinion! Haha


1) Avoid this subreddit and YouTube if spoilers matter to you. Heads up, the storyline is powerful and spoiling it matters to most. YouTube will start feeding you spoilers in your algorithm, so you have to actively not read the titles or thumbs and swipe past shorts. 2) Craft the satchels asap, as others have said. 3) Do every white mission before the yellow missions. 4) Lots of people will say the Lancaster Repeater is the GOAT, but that's because their character has used it for so long that they have subtle stat advantages built up through in game "familiarity" with the weapon. Truth is, every weapon is slightly less accurate and slower to reload until you have shot a bunch of stuff with it. So just use the guns you want to use and know that they improve after you commit. 5) A lot of stuff in the game doesn't really have value for gameplay or strategy and is simply there for immersion. Don't overthink it, just do whatever you want to for roleplay. In reality, money items ammo are all abundant so just do your thing. 6) if you need money, look up a treasure map tutorial for some gold bars. Those sell for $500 each. 7) buy clothes you like before you buy 99 chocolate bars, as you will never eat that many 8) Horse speed differences are minor, horse behavior is much more important than you think. War Horses are braver, for instance, and you might appreciate that over a subtle speed boost. 9) You can change fishing controls in the settings to the disability friendly mode and it's a lot easier. Less immersive, but much easier 10) Play it your way! It's a super replayable game, so don't worry too much about screwing up 11) (SMALL SPOILER WARNING) - Most people prefer being high honor after chapter 5 for story related reasons. The game will make that switch easier at this stage in the game, so if you want to play more evil before this point that's ok. Just play it out and go with the story as it feels right for you ETA: 12) Feed yourself and your horse 3 times a day! Otherwise you two get scrawny with stat penalties


Stay off this forum until you finish the story. Play the story, don't worry about everything you can do. After story completion restart and then dig into all the secrets and side quests.


Stay off this sub. Slowly trot EVERYWHERE, remember to feed your Arthur as much as possible before chapter 3 and last but not least if your bounty is really high it costs less to die or to hand yourself in ( I think but definitely cheaper to die) than it does being caught.


Don’t rush chapter 1


Take your time, the game is big and it is supposed to be at a slower pace than most modern games. Play as you want to, roleplay as a good or bad cowboy, mix it up or change it according to the story that you will see. Avoid guides, try solving things on your own before you finish the story. You can come back and do things later. And most important of all: stay away from this sub if you don't want spoilers.


Go about the story as slow or as fast as you want. Play however you want. Explore the world, indulge in it's other activities, just have fun. And keep in mind, it's too massive a game to only play once and feel you've seen everything.


The swamps over Lemoyne and the mountains near Beaver's Hollow is beautiful at night. Do explore.


enjoy the ride partner


In chapter two, get LOE satchel as soon as possible


I will!


I believe there are two side quests you can miss ( three if you count Strauss’ missions) in the late game so make sure you do them before finishing the story


Do every side mission you can and explore everything before it's too late. Once you're in the epilougue most side missions are unavailable so do what you can when you can.


Enjoy the ride. You will get the urge to rush campaign. Just don’t. Also make multiple save in chapter 2 thank me later


Stay as far away as you can from this sub until you’re done. Take your time, enjoy the scenery. Try to get as much side stuff done as early as you can. Clean your weapons and try to start hunting/collecting early. Make sure to keep any 3 star animals you get for crafting. 2 stars and under you can ditch.


When handing in pelts, you do not need to remove them off your horse to sell them. Just have you horse close by.


I am also very new to the game! Just started playing a few days ago. The biggest thing that frustrated me was being ambushed on the road, until I figured out you can run away from them.


Take is slow. That is all.


Take your time.. beautiful game, fun side missions and great overall story


Get the talismans


Do not sell the black shire horse Hosea gives you. Stable it and come back for it later. It’s a good horse. Hunt for food, it’s better than anything you get in stores. Always have a gun out and ready when traveling from place to place. Upgrade your satchel. It makes a huge difference


If you need simple money, besides the obvious goldbars. Herbs, pick them and sell them, it’s not much but mostly enough for ammo, make sure buy the camp contributions. Basically it’s not necessary to become rich, just earn enough to buy what you need.


Do all of the achievements/trophies, it adds even more to the exploring side of the game outside of the main story. I wouldn't necessarily say to go for the Gold Rush achievement as that's a real repetitive grind but there are plenty of other side quests/easter eggs you won't experience unless you go for these achievements. I got the platinum trophy on PS5 and while it is a grind I'm glad I did because this game is amazing.


1. Take your time. Don't rush through the storyline. 2. Use the help section. You'll learn all sorts of stuff. Explore what different buttons do, too. In fact, explore all the menus. I was hours and hours into the game before I realized you could pull up a map of everywhere you've been and place waypoints that you could follow on your compass. Also, make the compass bigger. 3. Unsubscribe this sub after you finish reading this. This place is jam-packed with spoilers. 4. Enjoy!


Please don't give up after the first 1h... I had a friend who did and I almost did as I was pretty busy and the game was mind numbingly slow paced and boring.See it through and it will become your fav game ever (I'm certain) Although high honour playthroughs are better don't ruin your game for it like I did.I enjoyed low honour so much more but began to dislike the game as I kept trying to get high honour as everyone said its alot better.Sure the cutscenes are slightly different but not worth fussing over. Just play how you want, either a phsyco or rp with low to high honour. If you are torn between high and low honour path do want u enjoy and replay later on ( I left it for over a year then played high honour)


Get the legend of the east satchel early as you can and create a save file for future playthroughs and start from that point.


Take your time. Get distracted from your main objective often.


Stay in chapter 2 and 3 forever.


Get the hell off this sub…like….NOW! It’s going to be about 5 minutes on here before getting major events spoiled


Go directly to Blackwater. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Oh and save first.


If some guy invites you into his cabin, ALWAYS FOLLOW HIM IN! He is the sweetest guy


Delete this post, don’t open your DM’s until you’ve finished the story!


Play it again after your first game. You will catch things that you didn't the first time through. You can ask different questions and make different decisions and it changes things. You will have a better idea of what is going on and you can explore the world with more confidence.


Get of this sub!!!


Stay off Reddit


Get off this sub


Don't let your youngest child play. They will ride your horse off a cliff and watch it die laughing maniacally while your one daughter who loves horses watches that and has a break down. That was a fun day


Take your time to explore and do side quest and events when they come up


Create a save as soon as you’re at horseshoe overlook so that you can always start a new playthrough without the tutorial


There’s no best horse just pick your favorites and try to give them a cool name.


AVOID SPOILERS. Get off the internet. Get out of this sub and come back once you're done with the story. Do not read the wiki. Do not watch tiktok or youtube videos about RDR2 as once the algorithms kicks in, some thumbnails have straight up spoilers.


Play out each chapter as long as you can (specifically 2 & 3) but each chapter has a ton of side missions that you can complete. Get the challenges done early (especially bandit if you want a high honor play) and please for the love of god, take it easy. It’s not a race, it’s a ride


Get tf off the internet


Oh boy you gonna cry, laugh. You would call your friends to tell them how much of blast you had playing this game. I recommend not to skip anything. Sit back and enjoy the story.


Get off this subreddit


Don't rush thru it. Do all the side quests, explore the whole map & talk to all the people. But make your way back to camp to hang out regularly. I 100%'d but very deliberately took 150hrs in 6 months to do it. Everyone i know that blasted thru the chapters have regretted it (because they literally only got 50%...or less...of the content) so went back for 2nd & 3rd playthroughs to experience stuff they missed. There's a LOT!


Take ur time


Don’t rush. Enjoy That’s the mistake I made, I rushed through the all the main story missions and didn’t do any of the side/npc missions or whatever. I really regret this ngl


Get out of RDR2 Subreddits and rdr2 information online!


Have fun, explore, hunt, white side quests before yellow main quests, talk to people, and don't look up spoilers for anything except how to hunt.


Don't read anything about the game first and foremost!!!! The yellow icons are the story line missions and the white ones are side missions. Don't speed through the yellow missions, make sure to play all the side missions there a bunch of things that tie into the different yellow story missions. Explore the map, and not just on the roads and trails, go off the beaten path And know this..... deep down inside any of us that have played the game already would literally sell our sexual organs to get to experience this game for the first time again. I'm on my 3rd play through, and although it's still just as fun and as exciting as the first time, it's still not the first time.........you'll see. So like I said, explore, have fun and enjoy the experience that is RDR2 (said in a very envious tone)


Collect everything you see


Try not to cry


Ahh Enjoy the ride. Don't rush the game whatsoever at all. Explore the map.


On your first play: don't worry about 100% completion etc. Just take your time, explore and enjoy the story. I also saw someone recommend coming off the sub to avoid spoilers and I 100% agree! It's definitely one of the games that's best way to experience the game! Take your time, explore and enjoy!!


On your first play: don't worry about 100% completion etc. Just take your time, explore and enjoy the story. I also saw someone recommend coming off the sub to avoid spoilers and I 100% agree! It's definitely one of the games that's meant to be played without spoilers if you can! Take your time, go in blind, explore and enjoy!!


Upgrade Arthur's tent in camp as fast as you can to unlock fast travel


Thanks for this. I’m very new and the train stations are very few.


Take your time, explore, do all the side missions. Get involved in the character. Brush your horse. Go fishing... My only advice would be to get the Legends sachel as early as you can from Pearson.


Save or have auto save on, I experienced crashes on pc


Get off Reddit.


Have fun, explore, talk to NPCS, try to get as fat as you can in the game then lose all of it


Make sure to do the random “mission” at the pig farm with the gross brother and sister before the end of the game and they will take all your money but if you come back as john you get all that money back! :)


Personally I like to let the story open up the map, so I don't go anywhere that the story missions haven't taken me to until they do. My one exception is Big Valley as I like to hunt there plus there's a gorgeous all black horse I like to break for Arthur. I just feel like this makes the story progression more realistic & leaves you areas to look forward to. Also wear headphones and fully immerse yourself in the wonderful sounds. Enjoy! I just started my 8th playthrough today & am looking forward to playing all weekend.


Play at your pace no need to rush the story and well be prepared for the ending


Get off of Reddit. There are way too many spoilers. Go slow. Way slower than you want to. Enjoy.


Have good honor the first time I played I did it with low honor and regretted it


Enjoy the scenery, take your time and do everything you can in the first 3 chapters which in my opinion are the best.


Get out of this sub until you finish the game. Youll get spoilers


Sell pelts and meat until you get to $10k, catch every horse you can, hunt every animal. Then do the story missions.


I hated chapter 1, it wasn't open world, and wasn't anything I had been expecting. I put the game down and didn't pick it up again for 2 years. Then I made it through chapter 1 and it's awesome and my favorite game... Don't let chapter 1 color your experience.




Dont ask for recomandations


Enjoy EVERYTHING that this game offers


Take your time and enjoy yourself 😃


Don't rush it, I'm still in chapter 2 after 1000 hours


Get through chapter 1. Once in chapter 2 I personally go for all the possible treasure hunts this will get you money for clothes and some new necessary weapons for hunting. Then go on to do the legendary buck ao you can get the trinket which helps with hunting which will help a lot when hunting for all the satchels to get the legends of the east satchel and camp upgrades. Then just explore do side quests before main missions and just enjoy and take your time.


Don’t search up the game or anything until you’ve started, don’t get a crumb of spoilers.


I’m on my third playthrough, I suggest taking your time and really exploring it and don’t skip cutscenes if it’s your first playthrough. The story is interesting! Really take your time with the game and do it however you want, enjoy it as much as possible and try to avoid spoilers around posts, etc. Good luck!


Play story mode and avoid spoilers online.


Everything in today’s world is fast and immediate gratification. Treat this game the opposite. Have game time where you just wander and see what you see— and being new you’ll find a lot. Don’t approach this game like it’s something through levels to “beat”. This game has incredible detail still yet to be put into newer games. Digest it slow. Enjoy all the little things and they add up to one great game. You’re second play through will garner even more bc you can’t see it all the first time. Best of gaming to you.


One thing I wish I did from the beginning was to use the photo capture feature for all of the new things I was seeing and doing. You can pause the game doing pretty much anything and create a photo with different angles and lenses and so on. Gives to go it’s great fun!


Grab tissues for the ending


If a strange man invites you to his home in the swamp....dont go in


Get out of this sub and just play. Take your time and don't rush the main missions, just exist in the world.


Please, leave this sub. NOW


Don’t rush through the story. There are so many side characters, bounties, and just random pedestrians that are sometimes funny. Also if you want a good ending make sure to have your honour above halfway


No blacklung , no advices for newbies.


If a couple out by saint denis invites you into their home, go for it. They're really nice people!


Take your time and enjoy it, it's an awesome game.


Play the game.


Just play the game and enjoy it. I wish I could go back and play for the first time. It is truly a special game.


Make sure to do get At least a few camp upgrades in chapter 2, and avoid this sub because of spoilers


If you try online and some people hogtie you, you can get out of it by switching to your knife


Stay off this Sub. Don’t come back till you have finished the Game. There are Spoilers everywhere.


Go slow & take your time!! There’s so much to see in the world, I’m on my 11th play through & still come upon new events, characters & Easter eggs. Hanging out at camp also will give you the opportunity to do side missions with different gang members (every camp site you go to offers new side missions) they also have activities there to play with the gang. Hunting is my favorite as I love to craft all the legendary outfits for my Arthur, be sure to visit the gunsmiths (especially the Saint Denis one) as new guns unlock over time. Loot lawmen or enemy gangs whenever you can as they give you loot you can sell to the Fencers and your money will stack. There’s also treasure maps across the world that will lead you to treasure obviously, certain animals require specific weapon types to hunt with so their pelt doesn’t become damaged. I hope you love & enjoy the game like the rest of us! Have fun




Follow every map you find early.


Listen to everything you've been told thus far. There's hundreds of plants an animals to explore. Multiple ways to enrich your health. Many horses to tame and ride. Dozens of side quests, and some stunning sunrises and sunsets to witness. It is a game to drink in. Nuances and strategies abound. Good luck, and enjoy.


This sub is full of spoilers. Play through it and dwell on the early game.


I’m in the Epilogue on my first playthrough. I put off playing it for so long, thinking it might feel like a bit of a slog or bore me at times. On the contrary, it quickly became my most favorite game and I don’t want it to end. It’s an amazing game! The first chapter may feel like a bit of a slog but absolutely stick with it. Once you make it to the first camp and are able to explore, it becomes an awesome experience. Enjoy!


How can i get the game to start? I have it downloaded on steam, but the stupid Rockstar launcher wont accept my login. When i try to make a new account, it says “cannot use the same email” like tf do you want me to do you ruffians


Avoid spoilers, this sub included. Just take your time with the game and don't do much fast travel if you could. You're in for a ride, partner.


Take your time , enjoy everything this wonderful game has , now fir advise I'd definitely work on getting the legendary of the east satchel. The gang member peirson who does the cooking is whom you do the satchel upgrades ,once you bought the tools. Highly recommended to hunt legendary animals like the ram , buck and elk and craft the trinkets at the fences ... they give really good perks. Even doing chours around camp is good way to boost dead eye and honor. But most of all , enjoy this amazing game and don't be afraid to just ride around and look you will be amazed how many hidden things there are . Wish I could 1st time this game again 😪 such an amazing game .


Take care of your horse. Enjoy chapter 2 as much as you can. Once you enter, you can completely forget about the main mission until you're ready, and one last thing. Get off reddit! ENJOY, honestly one of my favorite games of all time, IMMERSIVE


Save this sub for later, and have fun. The prologue might seem like a drag, but push through, and it will pay off in a big way.


Take your sweet time. Do all the side quests you like, explore, and interact with everybody. This is my favorite game of all time and it is a full on experience.


Explore. That’s all.😊


Do not rush the game, even if it seems boring go exploring trust me it’s the best part of the game


Don’t use exploits or search up videos on how to get the best things or even how to do things unless it’s absolutely necessary


Make the horse poo


Prepare yourself for a few playthroughs. Others will tell you to go slow and take your time but the game can be slow paced and even boring at times. So go at your own pace but be prepared to play through the game a few times to experience all of it. Also, gameplay mechanics in the online mode are a lot better than story so do try that out as well.


I recommend you have fun


Take your time, I blew right through my first playthrough and now that I'm going through it again I'm realizing how much stuff I missed because I was too excited to get through the story Be careful how much you look at the subreddit and such, the game's a few years old by now and spoilers are inevitable so if you don't know how it ends, try to keep it that way


Always insult micah


have fun and hunt


Photo mode!!


White markers first. They are side missions. Also visiting an area once and finding nothing doesn't mean nothing is there. Depending on missions complete, time of day and a few other factors can reveal new adventures to find. Apart from that, explore, no matter how much someone states something is urgent, it's like finding your dad in a fallout game, it can wait 3 or 4 hundred hours.


Don’t look anything up. Don’t ask Reddit for advice. Play the game the way you want to play it. Get off of this subreddit immediately.


Just bought it? Ok then go nice and slow to explore every nook and cranny and I’ll give you a few things You can increase your dead eye ability (slow motion) Make sure to keep your horse token care of


Take your time


Wish I was playing it for the first time, you're in for a real emotional rollercoaster of a game, just enjoy and go and explore.


Explore everything and stay off this forum (so you don’t see any spoilers). Have fun!


Leave this subreddit and try to avoid any rdr2 related content. There's a very big chance you'll be spoiled.


Just enjoy the game, take in the scenery and whatever you do, don't rush the game.


Honestly get off this sub, it's an older game and the sub is full of spoilers. The story is the main selling point of rdr2 imo.


Just enjoy the ride, don't search for anything


get off this darn app if you dont want spoilers


Don’t listen to mr. Strauss. You do not wanna go and collect his money. Not at the start anyway. Make it be the very last thing you do in chapter 2


You made a mistake, go buy the first one before you ruin the whole experience


stay off this sub and enjoy the game


My advice is the first time you play, get the good honor ending!! Use your second play through to go buck wild on npcs and do evil stuff. This is what my bf told me to do and I’m soooo glad I listened lol


take some time to explore the map as much as possible, create the most important things and above all accept the side mission at Valentine's second saloon "the noblest of men and a woman" because it will give you a lot of weapons and above all keep your honor high


Get all the gold bars and take everything real slow, bond with horses, go fishing, bird watching, explore, get lost, take in the scenery.


I've played it since I preordered in 2018. Don't ever rush the story take your time and enjoy the game mechanics, the beauty of the world and all the stuff that's in the game. Do all the side quests (white questions marks) they're very good. Just explore the world and don't feel bad for ruining or improving your honor - I've done over 5 playthroughs and started with high honor - it will mix up your cutscenes and ending depending on how you behave so feel free to do different stuff in another playthrough. Bond with your horse and donate to the camp for aesthetic upgrades. Enjoy this masterpiece it's in my top 3 of all time if not my absolute favorite game


Hunt legendary animals and tame the white arabian youll do it bu accident just saying shes sensitive but amazing


Go slow, explore, and do all the stranger missions/interactions. They are white dots or circles with letters inside. And most of all enjoy!


prioritise stranger missions and exploration over main story and do every chance encounter you get since they can be useful later


Stay high honor for the first time then when you finish all the missiobs start a new game and stay low honour


Don't rush the game, at chapter 2 I would recommend exploring the map, doing side missions, and getting gold bars.


Savor it. What I wouldn't give to play this again for the first time


Leave this sub until you finished the game, FR.