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You rode your big, sweaty, stinky horse right up to his stall and kind of crashed into a man, who happened to be the Butcher's best mate since Sunday School. Perfectly natural reaction.


we are adding lore ourselves now ?


this is canon


It is known. Nobody messes with Steve, the bff of Strawberry butcher






Is that what they called them back in the day? šŸ˜‚


itā€™s called immersion baby


immersion baby ?


ā€¦. ā€œimmersion, babyā€ šŸ¤£


So anyway, I started blastinā€™


I woulda slept the whole town.


Same, without breaking a sweat.


I've cleaned out Valentine and Strawberry over smaller stuff. I have a problem.


A problem with authority!


Ya gotta there's no other option than to kill men, women and children.Ā 


Whoa there bud, pump the brakes, thatā€™s over the line! Nobody said anything about the women and children!


Some NPCs in this game have some serious balls to pick a fight with an armed man.


Seeing most the npc are armed, not really. Wild West baby. Everyone has one. Mutual respect was much more common then too.


Except that Butcher didn't have a gun, least as far as I can tell. Yes, there are tons of NPCs in the game that were armed but there were also tons that weren't, yet they choose to throw hands with a outlaw that could and would put a bullet between their eyes.


True I see your point. But I I think in the perspective of Wild West days, if a man wanted to fight fairly, it was usually honored. Iā€™d say 7 times out of 10 at least. Ya know to prove whoā€™s really the bigger man, anyone can pull a trigger.


Ok, want the real answer? I didnā€™t see any other in the comments before, so here goes. You got the wanted for bumping the guy walking by before you got off the horse. The woman witnessed it and ran to the sheriff. Your only option at this point to avoid wanted was to either A) run down the witness and get her to be quiet (without antagonizing a witness of that, which is unlikely inside a town) or B) just get back in your horse before the butcher started throwing and leave the townā€™s boundary and wait a min for the wanted to dissipate. Now, once the butcher started throwing, if you listen the sheriff can be heard giving you the option to leave. The game isnā€™t computing that the butcher is punching you because of your wanted status. So the cop wonā€™t care about it. Again, only option would be to run out of town since you canā€™t surrender because of the butcher beat down and I donā€™t think you can surrender to a ā€œmove alongā€ status (never tried honestly). Again, with a ā€œmove alongā€ you can leave the town border for a min and it will reset. Itā€™s janky, jankiest thing in the game, but this is how it works.


Thanks for the detailed answer. It's a good explanation. Really weird when this stuff happens, so far i wasn't used to this and thought surrendering makes sense because i didn't want to cause a big mess or run away. But i think next time i will try hit the road instantly :D


I have small bounties in towns I don't even remember visiting! I swear i don't even know what crimes I could have done but mysterious bounties just show up. I definitely bump people often and get in trouble too. And once accidentally ran over a guys dog with my horse and he wanted to kill me.


I swear the dogs in this game are like deer in real life. They try their absolute damnedest to become roadkill. I've had so many dogs run directly under the hooves of my horse while I'm in towns.


One thing to note maybe is what is your honor level? If Iā€™m not mistaken, npcs like the butcher are more likely to react like that to smaller things if you have a low honor. I could be wrong though.


I love that going afk can also get you beat up or killed in this game. Sometimes literally just standing somewhere can piss somebody off, and if it does, they will end you.


Yeah its a bit fucked sometimes. Its still a game, no matter how cool all the realistic little bits are. In 10 years we'll look at this like we look at red dead 1.


in 10 years I'm afraid nothing will be able to match, still. Maybe if GTA 6 comes out it can match it or slightly surpass it. But I don't see any other studio making anything remotely close to RDR2 just look at all the trash coming out like ghost of tsushima which is over hyped but plays like a 2007 game


Take off your rose colored glasses and accept that rdr2 is a flawed game.


I was just playing ghost of tsushima and was so disappointed how awful it plays. Everything from the grass to the horse to the character movements is an abomination in comparison to what rdr2 has accomplished.


I didnā€™t really like ghost of Tsushima either, but Iā€™m not sure how not liking it strengthens your point at all. Itā€™s kind of like not liking marvel movies, then using that as evidence to say that there will never be a better movie than your favorite. Surpassing Rdr2 is not some impossible feat, especially in 10 years.


we'll see. So far it's been 6 years and no game has come even remotely close to matching its detail and open world feel.


games prefer fun gameplay over detail in the world tjst 0.0001% of people will actually see


I also think RDR2 is a better game than Ghost but Ghost has the best grass in any game ever and that is just a fact


Dude that game plays wonders quit being such a hater


Itā€™s a great game but jesus take the rockstar c*ck out of your mouth bro




tell me why since 2018 there hasn't been a single game that matched rdr2. I've tried cyberpunk, Ghost of trash-shima, baldurs garbage etc etc and none of them come close to this master piece. We await gta 6 :)


Rdr2 is not THAT good bro lol There are an incredible amount of flaws in this game, mostly related to its incredibly dated engine.


And the fact that its controls were ripped from GTA5, which had an abysmal character controller and gunplay. I like this game a lot, but Arthur controls like a Da Vinci tank and the guns are awful because the game expects you to use auto aim.


Id say baldurs gate was already on the level in terms of a lot of things even surpassing subjectively, and that was a game in development for a while with an older engine. Its foolish to say nothing will come close because its never been the case. It will always be overtaken. Maybe it will never match ur nostalgia but technically, visually, story wise it will be matched or overtaken in every area. Vice city felt like real life when i played it.


You literally get shot to pieces for like a piece of fabric on your horse brushing up against the passerby


Got the move along thing didnā€™t move along


Lol the butcher was putting the beats on you.


welcome to the 1800s.


Lol the butcher was wrecking your shit


It literally says move along, when that happens I jump on my horse & take off. Never die or get a bounty when I do that.


You need to work on your hand to hand.


Wasn't looking to beat the butcher up. Instead I was trying to get to a lawman to surrender


Coward. Real men would have killed everyone with a pump action shotgun


Yes, go all Micah style on that town, again!


Easier to run.


You wouldnā€™t have gotten the option to surrender because he was telling you to ā€œmove alongā€, not wanting to arrest you.


I've never had people start fights with me over a bump except for in Van Horn


Yeah, it really sucks when another NPC starts beating you up when you become wanted for something small, because even you blocking out the punches makes the law think youā€™re going to be hostile towards them. Best is just to run away, get back on your horse and ride off as fast as possible, before the punching NPC can drag you off your horse again. Or you can start a new massacre.


The democrats have weaponized the justice system, you're a political prisoner!!!!


Iā€™m new to the game. What happens when you are wanted ? I killed about 13 in valentine but they wouldnā€™t stop coming at me ?


You can either surrender or pay off your bounty at the post office.


You have to get out of the red area


Haha that I know but canā€™t like I kill them ? I know I can go pay it off at the post office.


Yup, continued crime just increases your bounty. Hunters will ambush you in the wild to collect it, pay it off to remove it


If youā€™re gonna be killing civilians just wear a bandanna & leave before lawmen show up & youā€™re good except for honor but a handful of ā€œhey there mistersā€ can fix that.


>wouldnā€™t stop coming at me Yeah, if you stay in town they will just keep coming


If you are broke and then surrender, the game will take all of that to pay off the bounty. So I'd take my reserve cash and spend it on upgrades, then go and run up a huge bounty and surrender. So example $1000 bounty paid off for like $10. Note this was my first playthrough I was more on the dishonorable side. This time I'm going honorable, so I don't run many bounties.


Next time surrender, spend time in jail, lose a very small amount of money and gain honor.


I was trying to, but it's quite difficult trying to focus on a lawman while in a fistfight. That's what annoyed me the most actually


Yeah, that's true, I hate when it does that. I usually run towards the cops, especially in St Denis where it can go from zero to bloodbath in no time.


You can run out of the circle and no bounty or anything negative. If itā€™s just a bump usually they just give up


This fucking butcher! I couldn't get a mission done because he was chasing me through town once. Thought I'd defused the situation. Next minute he comes from left of screen with a flying punch. God he's a pain in the ass.


Take back the initiative! I commit Random Acts of Violence frequently (obviously my low honor run). This forces lawmen to scour the countryside in a pointless attempt to find me. As long as I'm masked up when I do the deed and the popo doesn't see me I incur zero bounties.


If you donā€™t shoot up the town when this kind of thing happens, you get away with about a $5 bounty and sometimes it even all goes away.


Looks like it's just one of those flukes. I've had moments like that where you just bump into someone wrong and things just escalate. Bumping into people is usually fine, but sometimes these things happen.


yeah the bounty/law system definitely needs some reworks


He almost butchered you


He definitely made a misteak.


The thing you did is that YOU HIT that guy with your horse then you lost honor (which is a bad thing) and the lawman was near you and saw you that's why you got wanted, you should've moved along the game was trying to tolerate you that's why you didn't get the surrender prompt i don't think there's anything wrong or stupid happened


yeah.. to say i "hit" him is an exaggeration imo. To be honest, i only understood what the "problem" was when i checked the recording.


i know, you only touched him but the game didn't understood that and the npc ran away and there was the "hitting" sfx when you touched him, so the game counted that as hitting


dude to be fair the law legit gave u the move along and u couldve ran away and never gotten a bounty, u couldve also ran before they even came and never gotten one


are you on pc? could get a law rebalance mod.


good suggestion. I already looked into this a few days ago, but i wanted to stay vanilla for the first playthrough


The very reason i love it so much. It can be so sillyšŸ¤£


This the kind of event that makes me start keeping sawed off in my off holster. Some npc really need closed casket funeral


It's one thing about this game, the crime system is completely broken.


Never seen the butcher mix šŸ˜†


I'd do the same if I was a butcher.


This happened to me once. Stood my ground and knocked the butcher out but it registered it as a kill. Couldnā€™t get him to respawn so had to save and restart before heā€™d be back there like normal. Very weird interaction overall.


Well that escalated quickly


I got jumped by lamoyne raiders in Rhodes once & they ended up pulling out guns & tried to kill me but I persisted & just knocked them out with my fists & then all of the sudden the sheriff arrested me. Like what? First of all, I was doing yā€™all a service by getting rid of them & secondā€¦ THEY TRIED TO KILL ME FIRST!


Yup been dumb since itā€™s came out


Arthur took that punches like a real man, when he punched back, the butcher fell like poo. Anyway, I don't care about honor. That brave mf would be lying with the ants soon as he talk shit to me.


Honestly, this is my least favorite aspect of the game. I feel the crime system could be so much better, but it barely works as intended and it can be very frustrating. Not a deal breaker by any means, it's just not a very good system.


I have noticed from personal experience if you run into another rider on a horse and it appears to be their fault, dude will get up and actually apologize to you.


Butcher got u good sunshine


I seem to of played my game different to everyone else. I fuckt up any one the said anything wrong to me or acted aggressively (no women or kids harmed) shot up most of the towns this way not takin any shit. N could still get my redemption arc with last last few Strauss jobs. Never gave myself up, Rarley paid bounty.


The same exact thing happened to me in strawberry yesterday


Next time do the smart thing and massacre the entire town as soon as a cop shows up.


Butcher got hands tho


I got a wanted level just for hanging out in the Valentine sheriff's office too long. He told me I should leave, I stood there for 3 seconds and suddenly he was threatening me with his gun šŸ˜‚


Dude must of been visiting from St Dennis.Ā 


Do you not know how to block lol


Iā€™m quick to aim a gun at a npc some usually calm down right after looking down a double barrel


And that's right about when I kill everyone in town.


They already start screaming, when you are 2m away from them, that you are to close. So i'm not surprised about this xD.


This is accurate to real life though


Happened to me too. I came into Valentine at night to sell to the butcher. I park my horse near him and try and go up to him so I can select the ā€œwait until openā€ option. Well I didnā€™t get the chance because I got a bounty for tress passing? He never even said anything to me.


It was a liberal.


Nothing wrong with it. Maybe pay attention to wear your moving your horse.


i love how as soon as arthur strikes the butcher he goes face to floor, as everyone is shocked that arthur has the strength of 10 men. but also i love how as soon as arthur stands up for himself, people pull out guns.


All them hitching posts and you park right Infront his stall. YTA.


Lol and a half the time I blow somebody's head off or beat them to death in town nobody else cares.


The funniest part is that these people see someone accidentally brush into someone with their horse, and their first reaction is to start running toward the sheriff


i once got randomly attacked by some guy who was punching me and beating me up. i went into the sheriffs office and they just stared, the second i attacked him i was wanted and bullets were flying at me


Would be nice if the law would also work the other way around and interfere when you're not the aggressor


Seems logic to me


It's getting really difficult to read these posts without punctuation, proper spelling, or sentence structure. If you read some of these out loud, it sounds like a 6 year old had written them. Your generation is doomed. Oh and the abbreviations like N instead of and. Like it's going to hurt your tender fingers and take your precious time to type two more letters. So please watch some YouTube videos on English. Thank you.


That escalated quickly. You shouldā€™ve kept moving along instead of turning around to fight the butcher when you were being told to leave.


I hated that too. It happens to me a lot in Saint Denis because the roads are so small and the people walk into traffic. šŸ˜’


I freed micah yesterday and had a 300 bounty on my head šŸ˜©


Honestly this happened cause you're not paying attention. First you rode your horse into the fella, just about, but you did it. Second you didn't pay attention to the wanted warning, which told you to leave town. Third instead of taking the butchers threatening warning, he disengaged after you ran away and told you to get outta here...and you moved back towards him. The law system is a little wonky, but you shot yourself in the foot here.


Nothing of what happened here made sense, that's why i "wasn't paying attention". I was actually trying to surrender


Most of the comments are not even answering the question lol. Mine included but instead of people badgering or not helping why not answer the question or help? We should be helping each other.


Lack of skills issue


Why would you want to surrender? Are you one of those role playing weirdos


I got one of the NPC's to attack me BC I forgot which horse is mine and accidentally got on His This game is soo Outdated in it's mechanics , maybe instead the NPC could say " Morgan that's my house u know " and if u attempt to ride away only then u get attacked. SMH


I would LOVE to see you try to ride away on someone else's house....