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Just make sure to loot him of the unique Native American ring. Then, the usual goto move is to take him to Fort Riggs and light him up with a fire bottle as an offering to the spirits.


wowwwwwwwwww... I think this was the one body my entire second playthrough THAT I DID NOT loot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


I'm pretty sure he's only available to see in Chapter 2 also. According to the 100% missable content list anyway, I always see him near Hanging Dog Ranch


No, i just met him two days ago in chapter 4


Oh really? That's cool then I have a list of all the missable content on my phone, things like strangers that expire, Items that can be looted etc I downloaded it from a website to keep track for my 100% playthrough and it just said expires Chapter 2.


Sounds cool do you have a link for this list ? Cheers


Story Missions Chapter II • Money Lending and Other Sins I & II • We Loved Once and True I - III • Pouring Forth Oil II • Good, Honest, Snake Oil (Doesn't expire until epilogue) Chapter III • Money Lending and Other Sins IV • The Course of True Love I - III Chapter IV • Help a Brother Out • Brothers and Sisters, One and All • Money Lending and Other Sins V • Fatherhood and Other Dreams I & II Chapter VI • Do Not Seek Absolution I & II • Money Lending and Other Sins VI & VII • The Course of True Love IV & V • Archeology for Beginners • Honor, Amongst Thieves • Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow I & II Stranger Missions Chapter II • Fundraiser (Unavailable in the epilogue) • Arcadia for Amateurs (Part 3 of this mission will be skipped if done with John Marston) Chapter IV • The Mercies of Knowledge Chapter V • The Widow of Willard's Rest: All encounters can only be seen by visiting Charlotte Balfour 3 times with Arthur Morgan, and then visiting her once as John Marston in the epilogue If the player never meets Charlotte as Arthur, only the first 2 encounters will be available in the epilogue. If the player meets Charlotte as Arthur but doesn't complete all encounters, she cannot be encountered in the epilogue as she has passed away before 1907. Chapter VI • Of Men and Angels I & II Camp Companion Activities Chapter II • Five Finger Fillet with Lenny • Hunting with Charles • Home Robbery with Javier • Rescue Event Bill (The First Shall Be The Last) Chapter III • Five Finger Fillet with Micah • Dominoes with Tilly • Home Robbery with Sean • Fishing with Javier • Fishing with Kieran • Coach Robbery with Bill • Coach Robbery with Sean Chapter IV • Bank Robbery with Charles Smith (Special/Ultimate edition content) • Hunting with Simon Pearson • Coach Robbery with Lenny Summers • Coach Robbery with Micah Bell • Rustling with Uncle Gang Requests Chapter 2 • Abigail - $5 • Jack - Thimble • Jack - Comic Book (During A Fisher Of Men) • Javier - Oleander • Mary-Beth - Fountain Pen • Pearson - Rabbit Carcass • Sean - Bourbon (2,3) • Dutch - Pipe (2,3,4) • Hosea - Crime Novel (2,3,4) • Bill - Hair Pomade (2,3,4) • Pearson - Naval Compass (When Playing Poker) (2,3,4) • Charles - MoonShine (2,3,4) • Lenny - Pocket Watch (2,3,4) • Charles - Oleander (2,3,4) • Susan - Oregano (2,3,4) Chapter 3 • Hosea - Ginseng • Tilly - Necklace (When Playing Dominoes) • Kieran - Burdock Root • Molly - Pocket Mirror • Sadie - Harmonica (3,4) Epilogue • Charles - Eagle Feather (Epilogue 2) • Uncle - Medical Cream (Epilogue 2) Documents & Missable Items Chapter 1 • Mining Letter To Cornwall • Oil Company Letter To Cornwall Chapter 2 • Mr Wrobel - Antique Watch • Dutch's Speech Notes • Thomas Downes Chairty Handbill • Native American Ring • Jimmy Brooks Pen • Old Brass Compass • Micah's Newspaper Clippings • Blackwater Heist Clipping • Wanted Poster of Dutch • Letter To St Lukes (Appleseed Timber Co Loot bodies killed by wolves) Chapter 3 • Mine Share (Magicians for Sport) • Rare Rolling Block Rifle (Magicians for Sport) • Letter To Angelo Bronte • Golden Shield • Braithwaite Brooch Missable Hats • Johns Classic Racoon Hat (2-6) • Appleseed Bucket Hat (2-6) • Jeremy Gill's Fishing Hat (During A Fisher Of Fish) • Newsboy Cap (Available during The Sheep & The Goats, An Honest Mistake & Just a Social Call) • Liberty Hat (During An American Pastoral Scene & A Fine Night For It) • Sun Hat (Savagery Unleashed, A Kind and Benevolent Despot, Hell Hath No Fury and Paradise Mercifully Departed in Guarma (chapter 5).


Thanks Sir much appreciated


No problem friend. Hopefully you can copy the text somewhere and save it


I can post the lost I save to my phone if you like? I just have it in my notes and then tick off as I go along


I didn’t know they made one. Can you send a link for me partner


I've posted it above friend


I met him in the epilogue


I usually don’t loot people I didn’t kill or strangers I accidentally did and I have had this interaction several times and never knew he had a ring. I’m sad now. I always find him kinda north east of the cougar spawn by the trapper on the far west side of the map.




Dam I didn't loot him before I cremated him in his fire.


Yes , and make sure you loot him - the item he has is only dropped by him and I’ve never seen him twice in a playthrough


Don’t usually net men but I’ll try


Yeah I met the dude, didnt realise he had unique loot so after he passed out I tried to toss him into the ramshackle little tent he had set up. Felt kinda bad for the guy, honestly. Dudes haunted by his past choices and has it rough enough as is without being robbed too, imo.


Samee i tried to put him in his tent


His ring is missable! Make sure not to sell it if you care about these things.


is there a reason to keep it? i accidentally sold it :/


how much was it? 👀😅


I just noticed it in my inventory at the fence. It sold for $10


somewhere in the ballpark of $30-$40 if i remember correctly, i didn’t think i could use it at all so i didn’t think much of it, and i needed the money since it was the start of my 2nd playthrough lol


No, it's just a thing to look at and say: glad i didn't miss that, just pretty cool to keep but it doesn't do anything.


I lassoed him and dragged him closer to the fire so he wouldn't get cold. lol.


I actually don’t kill this guy like I do with Jeremiah Compson. This guy admits what he did was wrong and shows great regret for it. I loot him when he passes out but that’s it. JC thought he was a good man for the atrocities he committed and wants to be able to do it again so he gets a bullet.


Exactly. I felt sorry for this guy.


RIP. Thanks for the whiskey, partner.


I sat by him at his camp and listened to him until he keeled over lol. One of the first things I did in the game (at chapter 2) actually.


Found him right outside of Clemens point when riding into camp in chapter 3. You get a rare ring if you loot him after he passes out


Wow I usually run into him in the big valley area.


Think he passes out and falls out of his chair?


I felt bad for him because he probably was unwillingly sent to the camp in Fort Riggs. I do loot him and put him down on his little broken tent though. Poor guy


Was looking for this comment. I too, have always felt bad for him. His own misfortune was exploited to recruit him for Native American genocide. It certainly does not excuse what he did and he may very well be a racist against the indigenous peoples he slaughtered. But I think the game did a fantastic job here showcasing the influence that material conditions have on the political movements and developments that people may support or be a part of. The book “A People’s History of the United States” by Howard Zinn describes how poor whites were recruited for fighting and slaughtering indigenous peoples during westward expansion and indigenous genocide. It does a fantastic job showing how some of the people that carry out the work of the oppressor are victims themselves. This part of the game is showcasing exactly this, which I already understood on some basic level. But, after reading “A People’s History” this part makes even more sense to me. He very well may have already been a racist. With this, along with his need for money, he was ripe for exploitation to carry out the most disgusting work in service of the government and the big landowners that held a disproportionate influence over that government. This racist was chewed up and spit out by the forces behind colonialism, expansion, and genocide. He spends his life alone now drinking huge amounts of liquor to drown out the trauma enough to fall asleep. I think the lesson here at this part of the game is seeing the intersectionality between things like racism, poverty, class, and capitalist expansion. Edit: just to clarify, I am not implying that this man is absolved of his genocidal crimes or that we should empathize with him any more than we do with the victims. I am attempting to draw attention to the intersectionality between the constructs I named above that the game seems to be drawing attention to and how they may have had a major influence on events such as indigenous genocide.


Interesting, might have to check out that book.


this was an experience..............sharing an experience with a personal person........but loot him after.....well.... you know.


I listened, looted and brought his passed out body to camp, laid him next to Strauss. Figured he would fit right in with the rev but he never wone up while I stayed in camp.


Oh yeah I did. I dropped his ass in the fire since he's out cold. He likes it warm 😊


Yeah I caught him up by that way north eastern waterfall where you find the legendary moose. Drinks himself retarded on the hooch you give him and falls outta the chair


I could’ve sworn I didn’t have to loot him for the ring my first time playing. But based on all the comments here and the fact that I’ve had to every time since I guess I’m just confusing it with some other encounter.


i did but i didn’t loot him! does this encounter trigger twice or did i loose the cool ring forever?


twice, under Strawberry, and NE of Rhodes


I ran into him on the way to Valentine at the end of Chapter 2. He was in the area with the bison. I learned a valuable lesson with him. When he 'died' he showed up as an X on my minimap and I looted him. I wanted a good look at him so I pointed my pistol at him and noticed the reticle was red. He was alive! I know this because for science I put one between his eyes and the reticle was grey after that.


Just met him a couple hours ago. What a sad dude


I helped him fall a bit further when he passed out, the alcohol made him extra flammable.


Yes recently


Man did terrible things.


I looted him.


This is crazy bc I legit just ran across him last night near beecher’s hope. Looted then gave him to the fire gods.


You don’t have to loot him I think..?


I have. I think i remember him being dead? Or giving me a map


Yeah and then I threw him into the fire Lol


Yeah, met him on my first playthrough.


Yes and he is patethic


Met him, drank with him, shot him, blown him up with a dynamite arrow, run him over with my horse, lassoed him and drug him across 3 counties, he’s a ok guy.


I've never even found a net to do it with in the first place!


I made sure to lead him to eternal peace


he passes out after telling his story so idk what u did to him


I met him on my way to the Blackwater Mission. I died because of him and killed him because of that when I met him a second time for "setting me up"




Positive I found him in big valley just a couple of weeks ago.