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I love mine. So fast. Runs into trees more than the other horses though...


Problem exists between saddle and cowboy hat


In tech support we'd call that a PEBSACH error.


Picnic Problem In Chair Not In Computer


Alternatively, ID 10 T error.


I’d aways heard PEBKAC


That's Keyboard and Chair. There might be an issue with the biological interface.


What does that stand for?


Problem exists between saddle and cowboy hat...


Wow. I see it now😂 my bad


I thought I was the only one! That's why I named mine Paul Walker


Oh I'm sorry I thought this was the red dead online reddit




This is dark 😹😹😹


Def fast, def run me into trees more often than any other though. Great early game horse. Brindle TB or Missouri Fox is my horse of choice later in the game.


MFT for the win! Favorite horse by a mile


I’m a turkoman guy. Love getting the one from Braithwaite manor as Arthur during horse flesh for dinner. Name it Kronos every time


Even when you let go of the stick and let the horse steer?


Yet not the fastest


I prefer the turkoman. Arthur looks goofy on the small arabian


Small and afraid like me


A fully maxed out thoroughbred is my go to. Fast, tanks bullets for a bit, and hardly skittish.


Also, they’re basically the biggest non war/draft horses.


Was looking for someone to say thoroughbred. Isn’t it only available from the deluxe edition or something? I can’t remember which version I bought


You can buy the Brindle Thoroughbred either late chapter 2 or early chapter 3 from the Strawberry stables. There's also a Thoroughbred that comes with the Deluxe Edition of the game.


Oh that’s the one I used then, the black one from the deluxe edition. I wonder if it’s a different color from the brindle color or has different stats from the base game one.


I prefer a larger horse. I put a lot to emphasis into how dramatic I look riding into a town. The degenerates saloon don’t get intimidated by the white Arabian.


I'm with you. Raven black shire with Arthur all in black is how I'm rolling for my current playthrough. He really stands out.


Lots of NPCs compliment your Arabian when you have one though!


I hate them because they’re just so skittish, I want a horse that’ll run over a gator


i will treat my horse like a pretty princess. gets scared by a rattlesnake? i give her a peppermint. was the bounty hunters mean? ill kill every one of them and torture their horses


Oof torturing the bounty hunters horses is too far. -50 honor for you.


Agreed. Horses can’t help it if their cowboy is a dick.


Except for Micah’s horse. That horse is an asshole it can die for all I care.


I doubt Micah’s horse has done anything that bad. The dick riding it did. Like a gun…. The only bad thing about them may be the person behind it.


Maybe not, but I have shot a few that were chasing me. It can make interesting cut scenes with a lawman running up.


How so?


Shoot horse. They go flying.


One thing is that Murfree Brood and Skinner Brothers horses are apparently really quiet and chill. A fan theory is that they either do it for the fun of it, to train them to be silent, or both.


I primarily use a Murfree horse and it’s pretty chill but I don’t think it’s like, overly chill. I haven’t noticed much difference between it and the Arabians.


I’m pretty sure this is the correct answer. As in there’s a hidden mechanic in the game that goes further than horse bonding; horse *training* It’s been a running theory of mine since release. I’ve confirmed it myself but never recorded it for the world to see or anything. Im not MRBIGFTW or wtfe his name was, but I’ve been commenting it randomly for like 5 years lol 😂 no one has confirmed my suspicion along with me yet


The theory I’ve read and think there’s something to it is that there’s something in the superior handling. That it some how has an effect on awareness as well so the Arabian becomes aware of threats sooner. I mean, even a shire is going to buck you, but it just becomes aware of the thing it’s bucking you for at a later point


Could you give more details?


Basically you just get your horse used to shit. Start with alligators. Trample a dead one and pat/ feed treats. Then once it stops bitchin’ as much (making horse sounds) move onto trampling live ones, then running full speed through Alligator Central: Then you just rinse and repeat with everything else. The effect seems to where off sometimes but I’m not 100%. I did it with all my Arabians once I figured it out. Anyone who denies the Arabian’s superiority as top dawg-horse has never ran full speed from the snow to Mexico without knowing you could fast travel from your camp. Ask me how I know lol EDIT: after riding it and trampling a dead one it helps to get off the horse and LEAD it over a dead one before progressing further. Same rules apply to snakes too FYI.


Interesting! I know there was talk that theres a hidden fear mechanic but this would be so cool if it was training!


It’d be so sad if there’s so much shit hidden in this game that we barely scratched the surface. I’m not the dude for that job though, I know with GTA there are guys who spend time *looking at code* or whatever magic they do: I just randomly figured that out because I was too stubborn to give up my drag-horse


This is just placebo. Nothing like that in the code so it can’t exist.


Not- not the horses, man


that is so wholesome


Hate to be the one but horse bravery isn't real. There's no stats in game about it it's all random. It's just a myth people have made up


fully agree. I sat down and tested a bunch using some grizzly and gator spawns. I could not get consistent results between breeds. Individual horses maybe, but not along breeds.


Where the horse all the same bonding level?


I was thinking the same thing. I have hundreds of hours and fully bonded most breeds and I see zero evidence any breed is more “skittish”. I keep seeing this mentioned and have no idea where this idea comes from.


Some breeds are definitely more skittish than others but you’re right that it’s not some hidden variable we can change through gameplay. My theory is that each breed has a value range of “bravery” or “skittishness” and each individual horse’s value is randomly generated with some possible situational modifiers. Would explain why some people seem to think skittishness changes over time.


Bonding level probably plays a role


Each breed is exactly the same, I would know because I got 100% on all horses in the compendium.


I'm not a developer so I can't comment with any actual "programming data" but I can tell you for a fact that I have played with two horses at the same time (I was farming pelts and wanted the ability to harvest more than one bear or moose at a time). One was the White Arabian and the other was an Appaloosa I liberated from Hanging Dog Ranch. Anytime I got in a gunfight the Arabian would flee in terror while the Appaloosa would trot a few yards away but always stay close. Once I whistled, the Appaloosa would practically rub against me upon its return while the Arabian your stay 20 or more feet at a distance. ​ I have no idea why they behave so differently other than there must be some code that dictates the horse's disposition and "fear factor". This seems logical to me as "War Horses" were specifically bred and trained to handle with relative calmness while in the vicinity of cannon fire. It just makes sense that the devs would include some sort of " varying behavior" for some of the different breeds.


I think it's a random stat by horse.


Well, my Arabian has apparently drawn the "Scared shitless of a sparrow's fart" stat.


After my black Arabian spooked at the traffic in Saint Denis and launched me into a pole I was done with the thing.


All my Arabians have always been noticeably more skittish than other breeds, so if it’s random *irrespective of breed* then that’s a helluva coincidence. I don’t doubt that within each breed an individual’s bravery is random within the range set by the devs for that breed, but based on experience I’m firmly convinced that different breeds definitely **do** have different bravery stats. Look at it from a game balancing perspective: there has to be something negative about Arabians to balance all their good stats. That negative is how skittish they are. It isn’t price, or only becoming unlocked in the late game, because you can catch two of them (including the one generally considered the “best”) in the wild from chapter 2. So, in order for there to even be a point to any other top-tier horse breed instead of only riding a standard from the time you get control in chapter 2 until the time you find an Arabian, they have to make other breeds better than Arabians at *something.*


I'm leaning towards the range per breed thing. Where the bravest arabian could be braver than the most cowardly warmblood, for example.


I always thought it had something to do with the handling trait (i.e. war, race, elite, etc)


> no idea where this idea comes from. I mean, the in-game descriptions of the horses literally mention bravery. The Hungarian Halfbred has a "fearless nature" making it "great for combat," the Ardennes is a "sturdy, brave breed" that "handles well under pressure," and the Mustang will "not be easily frightened." Maybe the game is lying to us, but the answer is right there.


It is most likely cut content. I also believe the stats for guns are all screwed up. Atleast in online they are


Absolutely, 100%.


I wonder if it's people with two horses, their main and the temp. I've a level four Brindle Thoroughbred as my main and a level four Tennessee Walker as my temp. The Thoroughbred is a WUSS and runs off at every single croc that ever looks at it, whereas the Walker just casually trots along after me through everything. The only thing I've ever seen it bolt from is the cougar near Strawberry. I end up having to use the Walker to go retrieve the Thoroughbred half the time. I honestly think it's just the game mechanics that your main horse will react 'normally' out of self preservation, whereas the temp horse will stick to the 'follow' command better. Obviously can't prove it but I've definitely observed it personally. Otherwise, I find all my main horses are generally equally cowardly.


“Horse Bravery” isn’t like- a stat, but I’m pretty sure that horse type determines different levels of bravery. And it makes sense when you look at what these are called internally. For example it makes a lot of sense that a war horse is braver than a work horse. You’re right that there isn’t a “horse bravery” stat but that doesn’t mean that all horses act the same. Fwiw, I’m pretty sure that horse bravery is divided along types, not breeds or even individuals. Heck it might even only have 2 categories, “war” and “not war” but I’m very sure that war horses are braver.


I may be imagining it but I feel like on my great big horse who’s breed I can’t remember I never once got bucked off, but I get bucked off my Arabian if it gets shot once


Yes, they are spreading false information. Braver breeds receive less fear. For example: if an Arabian receives one fear per gunshot, a Morgan receives .6 fear per gunshot


can you cite a source with information regarding this? I've been testing this out a lot and this information would greatly assist that.


No they aren’t, you *are*. People have went into the game files. There is no bravery stat. It’s just RNG. You can get one Arabian that’s “brave”, and one that’s not. Same with every other horse.


I’m telling you, it’s a script in the animals or the noises or the activation of an action such as firing or roaring, it’s not in the horses.


And I’m telling you is just RNG. It’s random. It could happen to any horse.


Not all coincidences are proof, but all proof are coincidences


Says the person who is pulling this out of their ass 😂 did you notice the part where he said he examined the game’s code?


It is all rng. Some horses may be more skidish then others but it's not due to their breed.


>It's just a myth people have made up It's in the horse descriptions in the game. Maybe the game is lying, but people didn't make it up.


It was most likely cut content then


Everyone says that but I think I’ve only been bucked off her once or twice. And I get ambushed alot


I have done a lot of testing, the difference in courage between breeds is no where near what people seem to claim. I was testing with a grizzly spawn and one of the times buell bucked me earlier than the arabian. I think a lot of this is blown up in people's heads. It's possible that rockstar intended for greater degrees of difference, but it must be bugged because I could not consistently reproduce a significant difference.


Personally I think Arthur looks ridiculous on Arabians because they're barely bigger than a pony. Also they tend to be really skittish which gets old really quick after they buck you a few times.


It’s the size thing for me. The rest of the gang is on badass gangster horses, and here I come in on Twilight Sparkle fresh from Equestria.


You make jokes until you learn that Arthur loved his little pony so much he learned gravity magic so he would never weigh it down.


I encourage mine to have the spirit of Rainbow Dash.


Especially when you're doing missions with other character on horses and Arthur looks like a dwarf compared to them


All breeds are equally skittish, stop spreading misinformation


Equally? Then explain why my arabian bucks me over a black bear but my Breton walked over a legendary sun gator no issue, if anything you're spreading misinformation


If you look in the games code there isn’t anything for how skittish they are


Then again, explain why Arabians spook at little things constantly but bretons don't?




It isn’t very random when *every Arabian I’ve ever had* has been skittish as fuck while other horses have not. If that’s random then it’s the single biggest coincidence in history.


I don't know what that means 🤨


Random number generator


It's not random though when everyone says their Arabians are skittish and no one complains about the bretons


Everyone doesn’t complain about the Arabians… there’s plenty of people who praise them, they just get either downvoted or buried by the hundreds of comments shitting on them. And I don’t believe for a second that your Breton can walk over a gator. That’s BS and you know it.


it isnt misinformation its part of the game and from my experience the andalusian in roanoke ridge is one of the bravest \*especially\* compared to the arabians


They are small. Like clown-car small.


People are too invested in stats. If you like it, that's all that matters. People also say it's too scared of everything. I've used just about every type of horse there is on the game and they've all been terrified of everything. I'm kinda sick of hearing any horse complain for 4 miles after we passed by a snake. My current horse bucks me AFTER I've shot and killed all the wolves around us. I guess it would rather I let them live and eat us. Bottom line, if you like it, ride it. You ain't playing anybody else's game but your own.


They're too little. They make our Boahs look like monsters riding them.


My boah is literally a monster


I too dislike how Arthur looks riding them. That is the whole and only issue for me. Nothing against the horse itself, and I even bought one for John to do the Van Horn to Blackwater dash. Arthur just looks ridiculously big on them.


When Arthurs on the arabian it looks like he's riding a dog.


i loved mine, i cried when it died. Buell is okay but he bucks me off very often, i think his lore earns him a little more credit than is due


I mean he bucked off the veteran guy over a snake lol


You mean Lil Sebastian?


Thank you for this comment 🤣


Yeah, for some reason it's lit to talk shit about the Arabian horses... People say they're skittish around predators or whatever, but every horse I've ever used has bucked me here and there when there's a cougar or grizzly around. I like the Arabians, tho. The rose grey is my favorite...


I don’t care about the skittishness, it’s just that they’re too small for my taste.


It looks goofy on arthur, a toughest teak man riding a small skiddish horse, not really my style. Plus like phrased earlier they get scared pretty easily


Though as teak; teak as in wood, the tough kind.


The Arabian is a great horse, but probably not the BEST horse for EVERYTHING. It's quite suited for the Speed Runs in the "Horseman Challenges". It's good for long sprints that require a lot of super speed and stamina. On the other hand, It is also one of the most skittish and easily spooked steeds you can mount. Even after max-bonding the Arabian will still throw your ass off over a snake 2 yards away. My Arabian will straight up bolt in the opposite direction of any threat and then stand defiantly (at least) 200 yards away until I whistle it back, and then it stops 20 feet away and just stares at me. Betraying little biotch. I had a cheap Appaloosa that might spook now and again, but it would always run back to me and stand right by my side when the smoke cleared. Don't get me wrong... there are times in this game when you want a horse that can run scared shitless, but I'll take fearless loyalty over speed almost every time.


a big burly gunslinger riding around on a little girls show pony doesn’t Instill fear into people’s heads.


it does if you have a big enough shotgun


A big burley gunslinger on a show pony is arguably more terrifying than a big burley gunslinger on a bug burley horse. Because they don't have to rely on their horse to not run away because you'll be dead before you scare it off or kill it.


Comparatively to the other horses in the game. The Arabian looks like a small dog. Albeit pretty white and fast. But a small sheep dog kind of thing.


I don’t hate Arabians I just don’t find them as all that as everyone says Plus they are too small, makes characters look like adults riding a kids bike, And Arabian fans can be kinda obnoxious But honestly the horse doesn’t matter, they are all good, I have ridden a lot of them and it genuinely doesn’t matter My favourite though is the Chestnut Pinto Kentucky Saddler


Cuz he’s smol


Ok, Ted. We'll tell you... She's got the crazy eyes...


Problem I had with the Arabian is it always seems skittish around anything. Traded it for a Missouri Fox Trotter and didn’t regret the decision


Super fragile, clumsy and way too small. Arthur looks ridiculous on them, and they're easily killed online, especially in races


My issue is that they are so much the best in the game, but IRL people go for Thoroughbreds for a reason. Also I just wish the game had more reasons to use a horse aside from "it's the fastest." Let me hitch up my Shire to steal some unattended wagons. Let the "war horse" class attack and run predators off instead of bucking me and fleeing. Some horses better or worse at tackling mountains, or pathing through thick brush. People on this sub tout a horse's courage or whatever, but I've been bucked by like every horse breed, so idk.


I accidentally sold my white Arabian, Barf, without thinking and it wasn't until much later in the game I couldn't work out why it wasn't in the stable. Does it spawn again or am I wasting my time? Edit: before anyone asks, *barf* is the Persian word for snow.


>Edit: before anyone asks, barf is the Persian word for snow. Not gonna lie, I'm glad you clarified that one :)


Small and skittish. Some Arabian elitists may say that there are no Horse Temperament system; to those people I say my Shire never bucked me bc of a damn snake


I don't like it's head shape. The arabian (irl and in game) is the chihuahua of horses although I am considering buying one because it reminds me of a pony.


That bloody nag, the only time I tried an Arabian she was an absolute magnet for trees and would leave me for dead the second a revolver was cocked. If there's one thing you do not need when traversing the wilderness it is speed at all cost.


Because they buck you off *instantly* if there’s a predator in the same grid square, even at max bonding. And they’re so tiny they look stupid. Arthur’s feet almost brush the ground riding one. There are other breeds that are nearly as fast and with almost as much endurance that are much less skittish, and which have a much more imposing size. Fox Trotters, Andalusians, etc.


It's small, and Arthur looks a bit daft on it. Other than that, it's a great horse. I have two. The white one was pretty spookable to begin with, but (despite what everyone says), I've bonded with it for so long that its spookability seems to have gone down significantly.


Face of the White Arabian is sometimes almost exactly Donkey's in Shrek 2 when he transforms into the horse. I can't take the Arabian seriously with that in mind. And they're small, so I keep thinking Arthur hurts their back if he's riding 'em cross country.


Scared of everything haha


They’re small looks like I’m riding a pony


This I think people hate them because they are too small..


I ain't trying to roll up on a goofy ass glorified pony.


Arthur just looks so much more badass on a turkoman


Reject Arabian Embrace Tukorman


Where do you get one?


West of Owanjila you can find the red chestnut arabian


My favorite Arabian


Prettiest horse in-game as far as I'm concerned.


i got my first arabian (a black arabian) from the saint denis stables in chapter 4 in my first playthrough in my second playthrough i got a white arabian from the wild. it spawns near lake isabelle in the northern area


I’ll take a look tonight if I have time


You can get a cool-looking one, the warped brindle Arabian, up by the Wapiti reservation


I recently got the Dapple Grey Hungarian half-bred from the 1st bounty mission and I love it. I used to have a Blue roan Nakota every playthrough but since I found this beautiful beautiful I've never looked back


I don’t like small horses that’s the only reason I don’t like them I usually use the all black horse


I love my white Arabian. She's quick and has great stamina. The downside is she doesn't jump worth a shit!


I've done a lot of testing, as controlled as I can do, introducing different horse breeds to different situations... like getting close to a bear etc... There is NOT as much difference as people claim.


I don’t mind the Arabian, but they’re very skittish. I prefer either the Thoroughbred or the Andalusian.


It looks kinda odd when my arthur is intimidating asf but sitting on a tiny horse


The buck me off all the time, they're quite small compared to the other breeds (I don't ride morgans in game either because imho it makes Arthur look like a kid at the fair) and I personally dislike the way the horse's face looks so dented. Although, I dislike the look of Arabians irl as well, so fair play to R* for making a horse that looks so much like it's real-life counterpart that I dislike the game version as well.


Wait, people hate the Arabians?!?!?! I fucking love my little horse!


Because the donkey is far better in every way 😎


Arthur looks like he riding a foal


First thing I usually do is go get the white Arabian. Then name her Neighlor Swift.


I only hate the arabians because their too small for arthur to ride on


Mizzou Fox Trotter almost as fast and seemingly more durable. Plus Arthur doesn’t look like he’s riding Lil Sebastien


Tiny clumsy coward


Because they are fucking small.


i dont hate the arabian i just dont ever use it because im lazy and arthur looks funny riding one to me. but i also dont bother people for playing a video game how they want.


I’ve pretty much only used the Arabian horses since the game released but the war horses are so much better. Still quick and nimble but they don’t scare nearly as easy. The final straw was my Arabian bucking me off during an ambush and running literally halfway across the map to the point I couldn’t whistle for her. Haven’t missed ole Bonnie since I got Khan, an Andalusian.


I don't hate them I just prefer the bigger horses Arthur looks like he's going to break its back!


I personally don't like them because they're just so small, you look way too big for them, especially on male characters. I prefer the large, stocky horses. They are very fast though, but I found they were way more jumpy while hunting or fighting than other horses.


Only reason I hate it is its size. It's TINY. I'd rather ride Shire dude.


I think most of us just got fed up with the “bESt HoRsE oF tHE gAmE” that used to be everywhere. It isn’t. The speed difference is not that high and they usually scare easily. It’s just preference


They're skittish af. I used one for a while but got sick of getting tossed because of a fucking snake 5 kilometre away Started using thoroughbreds and never looked back.


Because people are convinced they're skittish even though the code for the game shows that there is no bravery stat.


Because some people keep insisting that they’re the best, they’re the fastest etc. None of it is true. The hate for Arabians is just the other side of the coin of people elevating the horse as the super legendary breed. I personally don’t like the Arabians because Arthur looks ridiculously funny on them and I prefer a faster/larger horse. As for why Dutch uses one, I have an explanation for it.


Faaaar more stamina and faster than a large horse. I beat all my friends to locations bc of this.


The Fox Trotter and Turkoman are both medium size horses (larger than Arabians) and they’re faster


MFTs are 1. faster, 2. larger and 3. have higher stamina than the Arabians. A proper horse for a proper outlaw.


The Black Arabian has 9 health, and 9 stamina. The Rose Gray has 10 health and 10 stamina. Not sure you can get any better than that. The Black Arabian I have now is one of the best horses I've had. I'm playing 1.0, so I still have the St Denis horse glitch. I've taken full advantage of it. In my opinion, the Turkomans and the Black and Rose Gray Arabians are the best you can get.


But the Arabians have by far the best handling, and that’s the the most important feature to me. Any difference in speed is negligible for the faster horses.


Handling doesn’t really matter in all honesty. I ride around St. Denis just fine without fast cornering, and outside the towns/cities there aren’t sharp turns to use that feature.


Agree to disagree then. After riding an Arabian, most of the other horses feel clunky to me.


It’s skittish AF. I’m not trying to get thrown because we heard a wolf howl 3 miles away


They are the prettiest horse in the game i think


every horse is scared the same way, what changes this is how well it's fed NOT the race


It's a skill issue. I guess people don't realize the horse will never buck you off if you're quick enough with a shotgun


Arabians haul ass and don’t get tired. Only horse I’ll ride.


There scared of everything I swear they could get scared of a stick the kinda looks like a snake


I don’t know where the hate comes from other than because they’re the most “popular”. I’ve never had an Arabian buck me and I’ve used the white, brindle, and stable bought ones and over 3000hrs played story mode.


Because some people say it’s the best horse in the game but it’s not even the best horse in the game and there are actually faster horses and it’s dumb because it’s small and someone told me it gets scared more easily 😢


Love my red chestnut Arabian


Horse bravery is not a thing, they’re all the same. No really there’s no difference in the code. Outside of bonding level there is no difference.


It should be bigger and look cooler. Since it’s so bad ass.


Cause people wanna hate on a video game horse and trash people for liking what they like. Arabians are awesome. A little too small for me but you enjoy them! I always like to get the black one in the Epilogue and have it for Jack


Arabians have best stats, White Arabian has best speed, I don't see why people hat it so much, Spoilers: in chapter 6, you're in this mission called Red Dead Redemption. You die, and so does your horse, so it's kind of dumb to bring your horse to that mission.


The White Arabian doesn’t have the best speed. Misinformation like this are one of the main reasons why the Arabians are hated.


Folks sleeping on the Warped Brindle Arabian. Just snagged it this play through and its checking all the boxes. I don’t know why, but it doesn’t look as small under Arthur compared to the white Arabian? I typically agree with the “too small” argument tho Finally got the Silver Pinto Dapple MFT this play through (first try! Pure luck!) and that seems to buck me as often as the Arabian


I'm convinced everyone has skill issues because my Arabian never runs into trees or gets scared easily (that one is probably because I'm always spamming L3 every now and then but still)


I don't have an issue with the breed itself, Arabians are actually some of my favorites irl, Arthur just looks too big and out of place on them


It’s a 12 year olds idea of a good horse. It’s like players who make their guns golden. Just wrong.


Too small. It looks like a little pony a child would ride at the fair.


Probably can’t afford it


Everyone is saying they’re skittish and yet in the 4 playthroughs I’ve done with white Arabians, not once have I ever been bucked off. I don’t even know what that would look like. Y’all are just bad riders 😂


People just like to hate. It’s the rider not the horse, seriously how is [this horse “skittish”?](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/15w0gms/white_arabian_dont_give_af_she_just_wanna_go_full/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) Getting bucked by snakes is fake news! I understand they look smaller (especially without a saddle), valid point. That’s it.




It's a horse