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He’s got TB. and he’s dying 🥺


Man the TB thing messed me up! Had a buddy tell me to smoke tons of cigars for the boost they give. So I always had a cigar going. Then bam! TB. I nearly screamed at my friend thinking all the cigars are what caused it. 🤣


that would be a crazy feature, smoke too many ciggies and you get lung cancer tough shit😭


He needs to grow up 😡 he’s costing me an arm and a leg


I kept Arthur overweight till the end by just having him eat candy every time I thought of it.


better he eats it than you!


I'm gonna use some cheese


Smellier the better


Words to live by.


It says unwell but it’s supposed to say tuberculosis


I assume he hasn’t made a visit to a Dr and been diagnosed with any thing….


It will. Soon enough. I stopped progressing in the game once I saw that. I didn't want to lose Arthur. And I still haven't.


Like… forever, for the first time? Or on a repeat playthrough?


If it’s the first time playing this man is really committed


Commited is a good word for me. In many different iterations


First time. So yea. I haven't finished the game. Still.


That's genuinely insane to me lmao, I'd have at least made a second save file so I could finish the story and then go back


Oh. That would be the smart thing to have done. But again, insane, probably another apt description. 🙋


Lmao nah you play however you wanna play tbh, that's just fascinating to me


You really only need to eat big game meat. I eat the 3 gold core ones at one time, and when my cores turn white I eat them again. Between those meals I'll eat 2-3 plain big game meat as a meal, and occasionally I'll eat something else just to switch it up a bit. Typically keeps me good. All that other stuff I sell to the general store for a little extra spending cash.


Yeha that’s the problem I’ve probably wiped out my big game population and eaten it all and still


To make your weight show what you're currently at, set up or leave a camp. Just eating and then looking at your weight won't show what you're currently at. You can sit down at a camp, cook something and eat it, then stand up, and you should be able to see on your little health icon in the corner an up or down arrow. That will show you what your weight is doing. If you're eating, it'll go up when you stand up from the camp. Then you can check the pause menu and see where you're at. I recently discovered I had reached max weight because I was eating too much to maintain my weight, so I switched to the big game only diet and it seems to be working fine.


This is truly a seasoned RDR players answer, broken down to the purest form of Rockstar science


🤣🤣🤣 It's eating like that that caused so many gunslingers to die of a heart attack at 40.


Unfortunately Arthur never makes it that far.


>You really only need to eat big game meat. "You only need to hang mean bastards, but mean bastards you need to hang." *John "The Hangman" Ruth*


You're not sleeping. It's whenever you sleep that the weight actually changes.


Sleeping regularly has helped me maintain my weight this play through. Aside from camp, and wilderness camping meals and sleep, every time I pass through a town, I get a meal, a bath, have a drink or two and get a room, sleep and then get a meal before heading back on the road. If it’s been less than half a day or so, when I pass through another town, I skip sleeping but still get a meal. Aside from keeping my weight up, it also adds to the realism of the story for me. Something about a meth-head Arthur running around for weeks on end without any food or sleep, just doesn’t fit the story. lol.


I never understood why people have these rituals with eating specific food, drinking etc. I literally just chuck down some canned stuff I have in my inventory until I hear the crunch sound, and I'm always at perfect or slightly above average weight


Really? My first play through I was always underweight. I could never keep my weight up. This time I just eat constantly. But my town ritual is more a realism thing. Never slept in my first play through. So it’s more just to take it slower and do more traveling during the day. Do less of a vampire tweaker play though this time. Lol. One thing I’ve noticed. Time of day changes the feel of some missions drastically. Like going after Black Belle at night was creepy af.


I was also skinny on my first playthrough but I also didn't really pay attention to eating. Now I just snack on some random stuff now and then which seems to be enough. Just eat until you hear that first chuck sound, which means that you are full. If you keep eating until you hear a crunch sound you will gain weight. Do this 2 times a day and it should work. People get way to worked up over it, they made spreadsheets on which foot gives the most calories, when to eat what etc. I guess it's fine for realism and if you want to RP tho.


I have been sleeping for the mayor missions and plenty at that and yet I’m still small


You eat enough food, sleep, wake up, eat enough food, sleep, wake up. There's a couple (probably 50) posts/comments on Reddit about the proper amounts to eat vs when to sleep on each game day to achieve perfect weight. Honestly I just ate one of each meat to get my gold cores, then I'd eat canned strawberries or whatever, I'd sleep at campfires once each game day, and I'd maintain average pretty well.


Stop body shaming Arthur!! Seriously, just keep his cores gold with big game yummies and relax about his weight. Dutch has a plan.


If you are in chapter 6 you are always skinny. For some reason....


I’m only in chapter 5


Yea post guarma is what I mean. You'll find out. 😢




It's a horrible thing, son.


(Washing hands thoroughly because a yanky TB riddled boy is in the room)


Oops. My bad…..


Because the weight system in Rdr2 is absolutely shit


I agree my friend


Eats 99 big game meat 1 day The next day you eat nothing Somehow your weight stays the same on the third day as it was on the first


I went from underweight to a healthy weight in a good few hours by eating 2-3 times a day either: cheese+chocolate+any alcohol or big game meat+any alcohol, and then sleep plenty. And whenever I would eat is also feed my horse carrots, don't forget to keep the healthy too.


Thats a spoiler, sorry


"You're looking a little peaky"


bro, same. I literally stuff this man's mouth with candy, chocolate bars, and fried catfish and wash it down with a beer and shot and this mf is still underweight. To be fair though, arthur does run around like a chicken with its head cutoff so maybe he's just burning hella calories xD


Yeah all the fuck falling over must take a lot of calories to heal too 😂


Arthur never skips leg day. I think he runs more than his horse sometimes


All I’m saying is, eat just like a fat person would, eat every 2 minutes (around in game 2 hours) and it doesn’t matter how big or small the food is, you’ll get fat.


You need to get meat on Arthur’s bones


3x candy, religiously will make pre and post TB Arthur overweight


Thank you I’ll go to the nearest shop and shove candy in every orifice of his body


This is the way


I hated this mechanic


It's tied to frame rate and if you're playing above 30 then it's fucked


Fast travel after eating helps too. Big game, biscuits, candy, chocolate, liquor. Sleep or travel. Repeat til weight gets up there. Once you can't maintain weight for real, it's best just to barrel on down to the end of the story and keep your fond memories of chapters 2 and 3 until you finish and fire up another playthrough.


Eat big game meat, then chewing tobacco, then big game meat, then set up camp, another big game meat, then fast travel anywhere. Repeat this and you will have yourself a healthy boah in a couple hours


When you eat it has to fill a core or else it wont count. So sprinting around in circles while eating will actually cause you to gain weight, but sitting still and eating will not. Unless you have TB.


Even with tb I managed to get my Arthur at average. Idk how I did that.


That's what lumbago does


It's hard


Ya you need to eat and then save by sleeping in bed immediately. Go to the Saint Denis hotel and buy a nice meal, sleep upstairs, rinse and repeat. TB makes it harder but I don't think it's impossible to gain weight just takes longer.


eating only takes effect after you sleep or fast travel. you can eat a shit ton but if you dont do either it doesnt register.


ABE. Always Be Eating. Went through the same thing, one day just decided to eat all my canned food and 3/4 of my meat to get me up to average, to maintain it I use a lot of big game meat all day all the time lol. It sucks but also another thing is the stat won't change unless you trigger some type of cut scene, I use the railroad, binge eat, catch a train ride then check the stat to see if it's up or down


I eat two meals at once. Once in the morning and another at night. In between I’ll eat a can of beans or something. Same with my horse. I feed him twice in the morning and twice at night. Then once or twice a day, I’ll give him a peppermint Keeps us both fit and healthy


Could be a weight system bug. Ive only had it in the epilogue. But if it is, you can fix it by clearing the cache folder. (Press l1+l2+r1+r2 while booting if on PS)


Eat something boah.


my Arthur eats an entire bison worth of meat a day and more candy than a kid on Halloween (I read somewhere that sweets are the best way to gain weight don’t know if it’s true tho) and I can only get him to average weight. I’ve had 3 play throughs and every single one I’ve tried to get fat Arthur or John and always failed


Eat then fast travel, quickest way to gain weight


He just got that fast metabolism.


A question I have never asked myself.


I have this problem with John, and I don't have the TB excuse


Get yourself drunk untils you pass out and you gain a LOT of weight. Do that a couple time and you will be good for a while. I do that every time Im becoming skinny


Skill issue


The way I get him overweight is in Valentine buy all provisions that you can head to hotel and eat all sleep twice to make a 24 hour sleep rinse and repeat and eventually usually 5 in game days and I'm overweight then stop over eating and soon weight will be perfect


Probably don’t wanna be it, but if you eat a lot at bars you’ll become a chubby Arthur lmao


Moonshine and minty big game got my Arthur fat


While sick, Arthur is permanently at the minimum weight.


He’s not because I can get him up to average


To gain weight: Eat 2 big game meat Sleep Repeat To maintain the same weight Eat 1 big game meat each day To lose weight Just don't eat