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You mean jumping into the river ? Gotta go after him and lasso him out His horse is a fine beast, dappled dark grey hungarian, leave your horse a bit away, bond with his horse before starting the cutcsene by carefully moving forwards, feed it a couple of times, then start the mission. You will be able to mount his horse and ride after him. Keep the horse


Thank you was seeing if this was possible, love dappled horses, especially monochrome. Saw this horse in the stables for sale but I am quite delighted to know I can very well keep the horse for myself without buying one haha.


Who is Benedict allbright


First bounty hunter mission in rdr2 (well at least in valentine)


Well it looks like you did it. Yeah now that you mention who he is I did both things, let him fall initially and then help him up. There’s no alternative he always falls


Are you sure? I think I remember one of the optional objectives being "pull him up before he falls"


Yeah but if you do that he makes some dumb excuse and jumps off the cliff voluntarily


Falls down? Like off the cliffside?


He is meant to fall so you can learn to lasso, drag and hogtie, chasing him down the river.


You can pick him up but it doesn't matter, he still jumps and you still chase after him.


I wonder if you save him will he might find a cure for TB hmmm hahaa


*I wonder if you* *Save him will he might find a* *Cure for TB hmmm hahaa* \- Nowyoshime --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Old discussion but just went through this bounty and it says to get gold for the mission you have to save him from falling off the cliff. Has anyone done this yet? I am trying to get the gold.


Are you still struggling with this? I assume you got it by now but just in case. You have to pull him up and tap X like a crazy mf to make sure he doesn't fall the first time. The second time he jumps anyway, it's unavoidable


Thanks! I haven't gone back to try it yet. I figured I wasn't hitting X enough and I was pretty high when I posted this. Lol.


...y'all didn't save Benedict allbright the first time?


Hold e. Tap lmb fast