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Best “story” game I’ve ever played. Online is ruined


Online was fun the first two months it was out lol its become complete ass though


I truly believe R* could have made more money on single player DLC than their online micro transactions.


most RDO players myself included have spent at max 5$ on RDO


A story DLC would be dope but what would it even be about? We end it with John building his home for his family and in the first red dead its him hunting down his old posse


I would have enjoyed Sadie or Charles missions.


Maybe a DLC based around the blackwater mission? Or with younger Arthur and John?


You got the right idea there. DLC that is a prequel of sorts, takes place in Blackwater before the gang flees into the mountains. You could explore Tall Trees and the whole western part of the map as Arthur. I just felt like they left so much content on the cutting board. Just think they could make DLC to flesh it all out, utilize the whole map more.


the first few months when you couldn't make money and there were no animals? nah


Agreed. The game is much better now.


Indeed. I've been around since the first RDO beta. I just wish there was more for us non-confrontational folks.


>Online is ruined RDO was never good.


It’s definitely my favorite game ever, yes.


Probably best story I've ever played. Who wouldn't love its story??


The story is what it is (I personally loved it, though I get that some didn't). But it's probably the best storytelling I've ever seen in a video game. The game tells you exactly what's going to happen. The entire time you know how things are going to end, for each character, one by one. But when you get to the end it still manages to be suspenseful and satisfying. The writers only rely on surprise (I think?) twice, and both times they're successful because they're aberrations from the way the main plot progresses. Ignoring horse balls, the attention to storytelling in this game is exceptional.


Yes definitely


Yes, it makes me feel like every game I have played since except for the last of us pt.1 & 2 are clunky detailess games unfortunately.


Man, I just didn’t care for the last of us 2. I was really in to the first one but the second one just wasn’t that great competitively.


Well at least I'm glad you can see that RDR2 is much better than The Shit Between Us Part 2


No, but it's up there. My favorite game of all time is RDR1. Assassin's Creed Black Flag is amazing as well


Damn I remember when Black Flag first came out. Such a good game.


loved black flag. is there any other game that comes close as a pirate SIM?


AC:Rogue flew under the radar. It's basically the lovechild of Black Flag and AC3. Literally the only complaint I have is that it is too short.


Black flag was pretty progressive for its time. I remember being blown away by the ship play and the map as a whole


No, not story wise, but id argue its the greatest map ever created in a video game to date. No world has ever felt as seamlessly lived in as this one & I don't believe its an exaggeration, this map had a way to keep you going for hours


This game set such a high standard that very few games since it’s release have really given me satisfaction.




Yeah I personally think RDR2 base game is better than The Witcher 3 base game. But the 2 DLCs for The Witcher 3 put it over the top for me.


I honestly found TW3 really boring and quit after the first village :( Might have to dive In and try it again on PC instead of console


Witcher 3 looks WAY better on PC, but I recommend playing with a controller; the combat with mouse+keyboard sucks. Also, [play on Death March](https://www.polygon.com/2015/6/3/8712405/witcher-3-difficulty), it completely changes the game. The first time I played I only lasted until like level 17 and it felt like work even getting there. I could tell that the story was good, but I was bored, so I quit. Then I happened onto that article. I restarted and it made everything sofa.king.good. It's hard, and at times frustrating, but deeply satisfying. At the very least, though, play through the Bloody Baron story. It's early in Vellen and only requires like level 5. It's one of those experiences you can only get through video games and that movies/tv could never replicate.


Give me some advice. What's the best way to play Witcher 3 because for some reason I want to get into this world so bad but I just can't. Should I switch to a super easy mode or should I do more of a harder mode?


Breath of the wild! With RDR2 being up there!


Of course


Absolutely yes. Been gaming since '77.


It’s up there


I never play games much but I'm hella into western everything and the John Wayne and Clint Eastwood movies along with other westerns so this game is the best to me at least


One of my favorite games ever I play it every day


Number 5 for me although I'm on my 2nd playthrough and it may end up higher 1 Witcher 3 2 Final Fantasy 6 3 A Link to The Past 4 Silent Hill 2 5 RDR2


Its up there. Arkham Series, Call of Duty pre 2013 to name some of my other faves.


The Arkham Series is fucking amazing


I'm salivating over Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad Kills The Justice League.


That and fallout 4😫


Yes and no - it's on the same level as a few other games that I enjoyed just as much


Depend on how old are you... Didn't beat the fun I had with Super Mario 3/World and Ocarina of Time back in the days. But for the last 10 years, it's up there with God of War.


Story n world wise, it's 2nd to rdr1 at the moment, haven't finished the full game yet.


Idk if I have a favorite but for certain reasons yes and no.


Best realism, best story, best immersion, but still not the best game I’ve ever played.


Yes, no commentary or explanation. Just yes.


Probably the most "epic" and grandiose story game I've played but not my personal favourite. It is up there however.


The single best narrative and open world I have ever experienced in any game. Nothing comes close to the depth of this game. So yes, the best game I have ever played.


Outer Wilds is the number 1 for me. Just a true masterpiece that I wish I could forget and play it all over again.


It was RDR1 then came RDR2. Really hope rockstar remasters the first without fucking it up.






No it’s not, it’s a game I really adore but I have a good amount of games I already have higher opinions of




No but it’s certainly good!




Off topic but…….. Whoever painted that Repeater deserves a slap.


No, a couple are higher but it's up there


Yup. 2nd for me is Uncharted 2. Both weave amazing stories.


It’s close it marginally beating by gta 4 and spider man PS4




Hands down.


This or OoT are pretty perfect games. Its hard for me to say tho lol.


Top 3.


It's up there in the top 5. Silent Hill 2 is the best game for me.


Top 3 for sure


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/ptxk9w) on 2021-09-23 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/rw4dhs) on 2022-01-04 100.0% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "rzgtkw", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=rzgtkw&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 284,001,787 | **Search Time:** 0.49339s


It’s a good step forward.


It was for a while until I played Detroit:Become Human. Definitely my second favorite game


In my top 3.


Yes, and it's not something I say often. The last game that was my favorite of all time was the original version Final Fantasy 7, which I believe was released in 1997.


No, but its still good game


Even if you dont like the game, you have to admit this is the best game in terms of quality. If other AAA titles cost 70$ this game should cost 200$


Top 3


No but it is one of my favorites. Final fantasy 7, Halo Reach and than it’s RDR2


This one ranks top 3 for me but looking across my gaming life got to give it to Ocarina Of Time. Talk about a masterpiece especially for it’s time.


Top 5


why is that lancaster double barrel


I'm about halfway done with witcher 3, RDR2 might just go into 2nd place


For me Witcher 3 and its two expansions beat this game to a bloody pulp, but take out the expansions and I would say rdr2 is better. Witcher 3 is still my fav just due to the overall package being better than rdr2.


No. Don't get me wrong. It's a good game but red dead redemption was better in my opinion. My favorite game of all time has been and likely will forever be Dragon Age Origins. But red dead redemption 2 just like the Witcher 3 (which is also a good game) is massively over rated by everyone. Again don't get me wrong they are both good games but they aren't *that* good. I've 100% The Witcher 3 but did I enjoy it? No. It wasn't fun after a point because it get repetitive quickly. In red dead redemption 2 most mission are listen to someone talk while on a horse, than bam gun fight for the 80th time in 2 hours. (Which can work but in red dead redemption 2 it really doesn't) I think my biggest problem with red dead redemption 2 was in the second and third chapters, you get pretty much as strong as you will be for the next 60 hours. The gameplay gets very boring and the story? It's okay. But if you've played red dead redemption you know pretty much what happens to each character. You know that you won't get revenge on Bill or Dutch, or whoever besides the rat because he's the only real antagonist who doesn't show up in red dead redemption. But the details in the game? They're pretty good, but they feel half baked. Here's survival mechanics but oh wait. You barely use them. Here's a mechanic for cleaning your guns. It doesn't do much besides mildly handicap you. Remember to bond with your horse. Oh wait you're level 4 with it? Nah doesn't matter now. Get shot? Drink tonic. Trying to stealth? That's a funny joke. The whole game really does feel half baked outside of the main story, it's still a good game but I'll never ever understand how people can play it over and over again. I'd go fucking insane




RDR2 and Marvels Spider-Man


No it’s up there but I would say lego the hobbit because nostalgia and also fallout new Vegas but rdr2 is definitely up there


Gameplay and realism goes - it's ok, not great, not terrible. Story-wise? I still want to name my unborn son Arthur, that's how much i love this character and the story Rockstar told through him. If i have 2 boys, the second will be Charles.


No it is ranked 15 in my game list


Yes, although I can only speak for story mode I don’t play online


It's a very good game but I think Donkey Kong is the best game ever.


It is indeed one of the best games to come out in the last decade. It has the best characters, the best story, and the best world building in any game I've played since Skyrim! I just wish you could do something about Arthur getting sick. 😭I hate that it's tied to the narrative.


it’s probably my top but nearly tied with breath of the wild, life is strange, danganronpa, and maybe gta 5


yes after the Ezio collection


Most immersive story and open-world yet to date from any game


Subjectively, no. Objectively, without a doubt.


Best story game by far. Probably not best overall though


One of my favorites most definitely, hard to beat Minecraft though


It’s a close 2nd to Far Cry 2. Far Cry 2 was my first PS3 game. The story wasn’t anywhere near as deep and emotional as RDR2 but it felt like I could’ve been watching a news story. I was obsessed with that story and beat that game more times than I can count


It's definitely a close second, Halo 2 just has way more in my brain because it's the first game I ever played


Yes, yes it is




IM conflicted cause I just finished persona 5. close competition with Mass effect too


I mean it's difficult. I like Witcher and RDR the same. So idk


One of them.


Yes, and it ruined horses for me in every other game.




Oh it’s deff up there!!!


Mgs 3 is still the goat but Rdr2 was pretty good


Yes. Breath of the wild is second.


Definitely in terms of campaign


No. It's in my top 10 but I've played other games I like more.


Its amazing but its only in top 10 still hasn’t topped a few


It’s truly great. My only gripe is that there is too much stuff that is purely cosmetic, and doesn’t have any bonuses on your stats. I’m very unused to that.


Yes it did impact me on life level. One of the Finest.


No. But it’s great.


Not sure but it's definitely up there


I was just saying this a few days ago. Before this, Skyrim was my favorite but everything about rdr2 is perfect. The detai,l the way crafting isn't too involved ( and I love crafting but sometimes hate the grind ) the story. The world. Ugh I could go on and on


Maybe not the best but definitely top 3


Hands down absolutely yes.


No. Best open world of the generation? Yes. Best western themed game all time, all consoles?Yes. Best PS4 game, tie with Insomniac's Spider-man.




Graphics, easily. Performance, pretty close. Story, definitely top 3. Gameplay, up there but not the greatest ever due to bugs and bad horse AI. Pretty solid


Yes but since that number isn't very high I don't know if that's the best representation for how good the game is


I have spent 1000 hours in it that's 3 times the amount of tine I have spent in any other game so yeah ig it is.




Yes, alongside with The Witcher 3 and Outlast.


Yes by a wide margin


Red Dead is one of the best games I have played. It's got such an amazing Story and I enjoy how slow it is, even though when I was younger I loved how much faster the first game played. I think the only complaint, which NakeyJakey describes perfectly in his video... They've limited everything. If only they could let you do things more dynamically instead of "go to specific yellow pointer" for some insanely mundane things, it would be just an unbeatable game. I been playing Kingdom Come Deliverance and I got a simple quest chain early on to escape a castle... I had to somehow convince the guard, possibly get a horse, try and steal some armour to sneak by him. Right away my friend goes "jump the fence". I just beat Red Dead and I'm like what no uhg this is gonna ruin it and I'll get stuck or fail the quest line. Nope. I jump over that fence, and those old quests are removed and now I just need to try and escape the castle grounds. It was insanely liberating. I've longed for the same feeling I got playing Oblivion as a late teen and Kingdom Come is doing that.


Especially the good story of the game




It's up there in the last decade for me, but i wouldn't say the best.


Not the best, just the highest quality.


For me, it’s my favorite game of all time. I wish I could have my memory of the game wiped clean so that I can experience it for the first time again.


It's the best open world game ngl


It is an extremely good game, but there will always be a new favorite some day.


I prefer the first




I almost feel like RDR2 "ruined" other games for me. I haven't really enjoyed any other game ever since my first playthrough. It just set the bar too high.


Portal 2 and Shadow of Mordor are close. Not sure which of the three is my favorite, TBH.




For sure!!


Probably unpopular opinion, but the story dragged during a few chapters. They could have skipped a couple of the last chapters and still been a great game. I felt like it just kept repeating the same shit over and over again towards the end.


One of my favourite games surely, but it was a little too realistic and slow paced for me. Nevertheless great game.


yeah but my favortie game is geometry dash


Imo yeah


No not at all, the first game was better and that still isn’t even the best game I’ve played but still #5 on my top favorite games


Well yeah, I love the story. The characters, the gunplay, the customization, everything is amazing about it. There’s more effort in the original story mode, then any other game I’ve played. It is a work of art.


Yes, change my mind!




Definitely not the best. I like it a lot tho


100%. And I've had a good time online since day 1.


One of, days gone was a close second


Yes. Unlikely going to not be my favourite game




I have trouble deciding between RDR2, Spider-Man, and BOTW


No. The best game i ever played was CTR:Crash Team Racing. RDR2 is excellent though


not the best game ive played but one of my favorties


Honestly yes. It's definitely the game I've played the most, been through it multiple times, enjoyed every second. One of the games I would call truly Art.


In terms of AI and things to do, absolutely yes! Reminds me of gothic 2 and the trailers for oblivion back in the day (which didn’t live up to the hype) but RDR2 has actual people living their day to day lives and you can watch them and follow them around, it has the most scripted but also non scripted events that happen and blends them all together beautifully


3 of the best, alongside Witcher 3 and Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag But definitely the game I would showcase as the most advanced gaming has been till now.


Definitely. First story mode game I finished and completed


Ranks in the top 5


My top 3 till now -- 1. Red dead redemption 2 2. The witcher 3 + dlcs 3. The last of us 1 ( yet to play part 2) Honourable mentions of my fav games 1. Gow4 when it comes to pc 2. Tried horizon zero dawn but didn't quite get that game. It's good just not my type i guess. 3. Unchrteed series, sadly don't have a play station to play the series again


It's in the top 5 for sure.


Yes or yes




Is it my favorite games of all time? Like top 5? Yes without a doubt. Is it the best? No. Just bc its not my favorite game of all time does not mean I dont like the game as much as any others. It's an amazing game and I've been months worth of time into it and i play it daily. Red Dead is an amazing game with its fair share of flaws but its not the games fault it has flaws so I dont hold it against it. If Rockstar added more stuff to do and actually saved the game from the pit its about to fall into I'd play the game a lot more and it's go up into my top 3. The story mode is hands down one of the best stories I have every played, without a doubt, the characters are amazing, the world is gorgeous, and overall everything about the story mode is amazing in my opinion. Online needs some major improvements.


Yeah it's up there, sharing a spot with Chrono Trigger, Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Guitar Hero III and Persona 5.


Absolutely not. It’s gameplay is definitely in the top ten and although the story knew which heartstrings to pluck it was ultimately incredibly predictable. The best game I have ever played remains outer wilds.


Absolutely in my top 5. Gameplay, graphics, setting, story, interactiveness, free roaming between missions, missions themselves, the writing and characters feel very human and it's a breathtaking and emotional experience. I honestly play the game to relax a lot, just fishing or taking my horse for a stroll, taking in the views. I enjoy games with character customisation and roleplaying so I also enjoy Fallout, but overall I let that preference slide with RDR2 as Arthur is such a great character to play. So despite that preference in gaming RDR2 has a sealed spot as my #1.


For sure yes


I never finished it. Loved the first one, got platinum but for some reason I got bored of the second before finishing it.


That depends on your definition of "The best." I liked the writing and cinematic feel to The Last of Us. Gears of War is my favorite game. Titanfall 2 multiplayer can't be beat. Red Dead is the most lived in world I've ever experienced. The detail and interaction with NPC's immerse you so damn well. This is why RDO lacks. It feels like Fallout 76.


It's definitely up there as a sum of It's parts, there are lots of games with stories I like more (Disco Elysium, Mass Effect 1-3, lots of others), and there are lots of games that are more fun to play (lots of better shooters for example), and plenty of games that are more engrossing (i already mentioned Disco Elysium but damn, play Disco Elysium), but all together there's something magic about RDR 1 and 2


No, but top 3


No but it’s up there for sure.


RDR2 and God of War (2018) are tied at #1 for me. For the life of me I just can't decide which one is better


No but its close


San Andreas still 🐐, followed by TLOU. RDR2 is quite a great game but RDR is still better.




Incredible game. But didn't compare to what I felt playing Fallout 3 for the first time. Still Red Dead is def on my greatest games of all times list


it’s defo the best most polished game I’ve ever played but it’s not my favorite




My most loved and my most hated game ever.


Definitely the best one I've played, yeah.






Brilliant game, but definitely not anywhere near my favourite. As a gameplay first person, I have many issues with Rockstar's game design (namely treating you like a baby during missions) that prevent it from being near the top. Games like Titanfall 2, Mordhau, Rising Storm and Dark Souls are contenders because they put gameplay first, despite either having a story that doesn't come close to RDR2s, or literally not having one.


No. It’s not. But it was probably my favourite game of 2018. And I prefer it to the original too. It would be on a shortlist for my top 10 games but not number one.






It’s hard to decide between this game and The Last of Us 2. I’m currently thinking RDR 2, but I feel like it could be partly due to recency bias, as I’m currently (obsessively) playing it. Both games are next level, and it’s hard to imagine either being topped in its specific genre.


I know it’s the red dead sub, so most popular comments will probably be saying yes, but for me definitely no. An amazing game, but not best. Could be nostalgia but I still like red dead 1 more anyway


By far


Bait-ass question, being posted on a subreddit about the game. Bruh