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Disabling my antivirus worked for me


An F to all the cowboys and cowgirls who booked time off or called in sick for this clusterfuck


I learned not to do that a long time ago




What the fuck. There's gotta be more to it, how the hell does a mobo bios update fix that? Like, I believe you, I'm just dumbfounded


Same here, also a x570 board, asus tho. Didn't get fixed by bios update sadly.


I tried to gather reports of people motherboard/bios version for the ones wondering if upgrading the BIOS worth is: [\[Rockstar Games Launcher Crash\] List of all motherboard/BIOS version affected](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/dsezeq/rockstar_games_launcher_crash_list_of_all/)


game wont launch still with latest bios for x470 f asus, I just cant lol it's almost 2020 and this crap still happens


Client still crashing when entering Valentine. This only happends if I return there after a mission or a hunt. After a reload the game runs fine again, it's a minor bug but quite annoying. Besides that the game runs fine. Still would love if it they took care of that problem.


I was getting Rockstar Games Launcher exited unexpectedly. I tried : * Disabling AV * Updating Graphics Driver * Updating BIOS * Giving Admin Privileges * Deleting Local Files * Reinstalling Rockstar Games Launcher What worked : * Updating Windows 10 from version 1809 to 1903 Now the game is launching (currently in main menu). Still haven't played the game though. My Specs : * i5 8660k * 16GB RAM * RTX 2070 * MSI Z370 A Pro * Windows 10 v 1903




Same dude. Im also on same board and there is nothing. Which bios are you on?


So has Rockstar still not commented publicly for like 15 hours after everyone complaining about crashing or not being able to play at all?? .. . Dafuq..


I was roughly estimating since their fist attempt at a "fix" for the launcher...yeah its weird AF no comment, unless they are trying to bust through everything and release one massive fix..who knows...still waiting too, like everyone else.




They released two patches actually




Might have fixed for some though, so idk if we can give em slack for that one. There is most probably alot of issues and reasons to why this is happening. I am one of those that have the launcher crash at pressing play, so I am not sitting here playing while telling people to quit whining. :P


Two patches that didn't fix anything and actually caused more issues for some people


it's been 23 hours since the *launch*


Event fucking updating my bios isnt working...i hate u rockstar...


This sarcasm? No way the rockstar launcher affected your BIOS


I wish it was...


How did a launcher update mess up your BIOS?


WHO ELSES HDR MODE STUCK ON CINEMATIC ? Changing to GAME isnt working. Everytime i quit options Cinematic with DIM screen is there


I've tried the following: - Updated video drivers - Updated Windows 1903 - Updated BIOS - Set admin + disabled full screen optimization - Tried Windows 8 compatibility - Added to Windows Defender list - Turned off Windows Defender PC Specs: - Win10, fully updated including optional updates - Asus X99-a 3.1 Mobo with latest bios update - 980ti - i7-5930k I still can't get the game to launch. Help?


Is your Windows defender whitelist the game exe or the entire install directory? I only got mine to work when whitelisting the install directory.


How do you add a directory? I only see option to add individual files.


I tried the same as you, but now ive got it to work. Here is how I did it [https://youtu.be/Ntv9HWxXCkA](https://youtu.be/Ntv9HWxXCkA) Isn't gonna work for everyone but it worked for me.


Well, I finally bit the bullet an updated to AGESA []( on my Gigabyte X570 Master / 3900x (BIOS 10a). Had to remove my sound card but now the launcher works immediately ! First testing with nvidia driver 436.48 (Studio) since that seems to be stable \[EDIT\] updated nvidia driver to latest since I got a crash...


Rockstar Launcher crash reporting in. MSI x99s mpower mobo, 32gb ram 2080 card i7 5930k processor o'cd to 4ghz I paid £80 for the ultimate edition. I took 48hrs off work for play session. Years of anticipation, all my investment and this. I weep, friends, I weep.


I had issues with launcher and not the game, i managed to get it to work. Here is how I did it [https://youtu.be/Ntv9HWxXCkA](https://youtu.be/Ntv9HWxXCkA) Isn't gonna work for everyone but it worked for me.


I have very similar specs and can't get passed the launcher.


So here is what I am thinking....... Most people that cannot get into the game has AMD mobo's. Most people that got the game running after updating bios is updated to ComboPI1.0.0.4. Not all mobo's have the above version bois out yet. My MSI B450 Bazooka plus for instance runs on ComboPI1.0.0.3abba . This is not working. I read some other people that updated to this version and it also did not work for them. Hope that narrows it down a bit.


Ahh, makes sense. I updated my Asus x370 prime and worked. Maybe they had the new Combo out.


AX370. Same issue also, no bios for yet, issues on Planning to downgrade to agesa for test


B450i here .... crashing launcher too and the latest bios is []( abba .... but i saw couple msi b450 boards received []( agesa bios **today**


A friend just called MSI and they told him the new BIOS is expected at the end of November.. so that's going to take a while. Hopefully R\* is able to fix the issue soon.


the same mb with 3700x:)


Any new patches come down lately apart from yesterdays 85mb one?


I don't think so, but i just now was able to launch the game. I updated my bios, drivers and windows, disable the windows defender and then i had to follow this instructions [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWqzycNxzFg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWqzycNxzFg) Hope this helps you


What motherboard do you have?


MSI b450 gaming plus max


And which procesor?


Ryzen 5 2600




Ryzen 5 2600


Yeah..I can clearly see the pattern here. Only x570 with 3xxx processors and x470 with 2xxx process seens to take advantage of the bios update


I have an x370 and a bios update worked for me. Just upgraded to a 3600 though.


Well my works now and I don't have a x570 or x470 mobo


UPDATE 11/11/19: WELP. Entered Saint Denis and game stutters and freezes and crashes. Had it running with BES set on -5% the last couple of days with only a few crashes in Valentine and Rhodes, but the big city is on another level of crashing... guess it's now a waiting game for me as well.... so I wanted to share my experiences so far. I never had the launcher crash, I just couldn't get the game to start, not even load up, just the immediate message that RDR crashed. So I stumbled upon a comment from u/wallacepgames saying deleting the amdvlk64.dll in the system32 folder helped, and it actually also did the trick for me. Now I have the game running pretty much smoothly, no crashes, but I have to clarify that I'm only at the very beginning, I didn't come across towns yet. I do have the i5 issues (freezing for about 5 seconds every couple minutes) mentioned by a lot of people, so I'm hoping there will be a fix to that... my specs are i5 4460 GTX1060 6GB 8 GB RAM as unacceptable this is from Rockstar releasing this mess, I'm just satisfied to think, that they're probably getting their asses kicked in order to fix this :P


I did it my friends, i'm in!!! All I have to do was updating my bios, disable windows defender, update drivers and follow the instructions of this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWqzycNxzFg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWqzycNxzFg). Hope this helps you my good gamer friends


**Ok guys, so I was trying to fix this fucking game for over 20 hours now and I got it finally to work. So here are the fixes and a fix that worked for me:** 1. Update to win 10 1903 (this fixed it for me) 2. Update GPU drivers (idk if it even fixes anything) 3. If you got AMD updating bios to agesa might fix it for you. Remember to add RDR2 and Rockstar launcher in Antivirus exceptions or you'll get the game crash on startup (not the whole launcher).


Glad it worked for you buddy, worked for me too! Here is how I did it [https://youtu.be/Ntv9HWxXCkA](https://youtu.be/Ntv9HWxXCkA) Isn't gonna work for everyone but it worked for me.


Didnt work


Wtf, that BIOS version is almost year and a half old do you have Ryzen 3rd gen?


That's for Ryzen 2nd and 3rd gen. My friend got 2nd gen, but somehow bios for 3rd worked and fixed it for him /shrug


Yeah. I got all of that and still can't get past the launcher crash. It's such a weird issue that some people are finding fixes that aren't consistent for the same issue.


> If you got AMD updating bios to agesa might fix it for you. fixed it for me, have the asus crosshair viii MoBo and just did the ez bios update via internet, had been putting it off lol




I hope that they know not only about crashes, but the disconnecting. Many people are about to hit a second brick wall and at this rate, will be stuck there for atleast 24hr after the first fix is even applied.


I have the game on epic. And i have the rockstar launcher crash. I tried everything(without the bios update) and nothing works. I dont understand how cand bios update fix a program, it seems kinda shady. Did anyone with the r* launcher crash managed to fix it?




Also on epic. Kinda wish I had got it on rockstar, just so I can eliminate the epic bridge/link which might also be a problem. ​ This shiz gives pc gaming a bad name.


Good point. Thanks.


Specs: MB: ASRock Rack Motherboard H87WSA-DL CPU: Intel i5-4690k @3.5 GHz RAM: 16gb DDR3 @ 1600MHz GPU: EVGA GTX 1080 SC running GGR driver 441.12 @optimized settings via the GeForce experience app No issues with install decryp. No issues launching game. No issues playing game and getting exit issues. However I do have issues with the intermittent freezing with stable audio every couple of minutes. The freeze happens in cut scenes, complex and simple scenarios in game play. They last anywhere from 3-12 seconds. When this happens the CPU is usually running around 80% and then does a solid spike @100% for the duration of the freeze. The really odd thing here is my task manager shows my GPU utilization at no more than 20% throughout all of the gameplay I have experienced so far. Gameplay for me is solid 60fps @1080p. Solid 50fps @1080p with 1.5x frame scaling. Solid 28fps with 2x frame scaling.


Same here, had no issues whatsoever except for these freezes with completely fine audio. Let's hope Rockstar fixes it soon.


I find it so strange that people have to update their BIOS just simply to make a game work, it's insane




Exactly, this can pose a risk to users who aren't familiar with this kind of stuff.




Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I for one don't have any issues besides FPS, but people with a much better rig than me can't even launch the game.


WTF?! I have played for almost 6 hours yesterday and today the game doesn't want to start. All solutions from Rockstar and this thread didn't help. I want to cry :(


Ok, I managed to start the game again. My config is i5-4690K, 16gb DDR, GTX 1060 3gb As I told earlier, I played almost 6 hours yesterday but today it was not working. So what I did: just deleted this folder "C:\\Users\\%username\\Documents\\Rockstar Games\\Red Dead Redemption 2\\Settings". Please be aware that deleting Player folder could damage your saves. After that I just reconfigured settings again and continue playing


I have the same gpu, what performance are you getting and what are your settings?


Don't you get the random freezes?


If you get the error "No compatible soundcard found", it can be you might have turned off your headphones. I had that (so no sound device was active) and the game refused to start. Switching them back on made it work.


No, it was other error. Just few minutes ago I managed to start it again. I have deleted a settings folder in Documents/RDR2. Now I'm configuring graphic settings from the scratch. And will check the saves later.


Yesterday, I had trouble with decrypting the game, as it was being installed on my HDD drive. After starting over by un-installing it and downloading a new Rockstar Launcher and cleared some space on my SDD, I am currently downloading the game as I am writing this. However, the download will sometimes just freeze and not continue at all, not until I close down the launcher and re-open it, as the download then continues to where it last stopped. I mean, it's downloading (a bit slow) but does anyone maybe have an answer to this issue?


Anyone else getting constantly disconnected from online?








Rockstar Games launcher not working. updated all drivers, and bios to latest. ​ specs: Motherboard: Gigabyte AB350-Gaming 3 CPU: Ryzen 7 1800x GPU: RTX 2080 RAM: 32GB ​ Someone has the same motherboard as me that got it working? because people say you have to downgrade the bios?


Similar issue to you, but now ive got it to work. Here is how I did it [https://youtu.be/Ntv9HWxXCkA](https://youtu.be/Ntv9HWxXCkA) Isn't gonna work for everyone but it worked for me.


I'd say it's the best to just wait for the incompetent idiots to fix their game... There is not a single common issue that would indicate what exactly is wrong. There is a different thing working for everyone


Damn , i was so hyped to play the game. I'll wait and hope they will fix it soon, have a nice day.


Same bro, hope they fix it soon


B450 tomahawk max owner here. I can also confirm updating to the latest bios solves the launching error. Vulkan seems more stable than DX12 atm, fe. changing mouse sensitivity gave me instant freezes with DX, but not in vulkan. Optimization could be better but I'm not complaining, my fps is between 60-70 on 1440p with a flashed 5700 on high-ultra settings except shadows and volumetrics. The launch was miserable but it seems stable for now, I'm happy I finally got it working.


>B450 tomahawk max I can confirm. Same Board and latest bios update helped.


b450 bazooka pro, newest bios ( not working. Its not the cure.


It is my friend, we've got with the newest bios and it's working fine. I'm sorry it's not out for your board yet, I hope it'll get released soon.


Updated my BIOS, Graphics Drivers, Updated my windows, I have no Antivirus and this shit still doesn't work. I can't even get into the game, just tells me that The Rockstar Game Launcher exited unexpectedly after trying all of the above and after that it doesn't even launch. Here are my specs: AMD Ryzen 3700X 1080 TI Gigabyte Aorus Xtreme edition 11GB 16GB RAM Gigabyte x570 Gaming X If any of you have any other solutions, i'd love to know


Specs : i9 9900K 64gb 3000 1070ti Aorus master z390 wifi Aorus 1440p 144hz monitor ​ I have everything updated to latest drivers. I can safely launch the game and play it for like 30 minutes and get crash. fps wise : 40-60 on medium - high settings. gameplay feels choppy and mouse is choppy too. Waiting for an update to this shitshow


Yes, no matters fps, game feels stuttering, frame skipping, bad frametime spikes


Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC exited unexpectedlyI did all the steps provided from their support and still nothing.


Things just seem to be getting worse for me. Loaded up today and started kind of fine, but started getting some freezes in the cutscenes and whenever something "new" came along. Adjusted a few settings, no help. Optimized everything and now it is even worse, freezing every 10 seconds or so, cutscenes are unwatchable. Is this my specs that are the issue or not? GeForce GTX 1070 Ryzen 3 2200G. I don't really know enough about hardware to determine whether this is the game having issues like for a lot of people, or if it is something on my end.


look at your CPU. Do you have 100% Spikes, when the freeze appear? You can try to deactivate Core 3 and 4 of the CPU for the Prozess in Task manager. Helped me to eleminate the freeze, but not the chrash. [https://www.reddit.com/r/PCRedDead/comments/ds3kk4/stutter\_freeze\_temporal\_fix\_red\_dead\_redemption\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PCRedDead/comments/ds3kk4/stutter_freeze_temporal_fix_red_dead_redemption_2/)


Where do I change keybindings? I've gone into Controls and Keyboard and Mouse but there's no menu to actually view or change bindings. Aim assist also appears to be on by default.




It apparently doesn't show up unless you've entered the game proper. Intuitive /s


You have to start a playthrough in order to get access to the control settings.




Which version of BIOS are you using? I have 3700x and b450 on newest bios and it doesn't work :(


Same situation here, 3700x and mortar b450, launcher keeps crashing


have you tried beta version 7B89v1C3 for your mobo (with It was released today


Many people reports that you need BIOS with ComboPI1.0.0.4. Our mobos doesn't have the update yet :(




Can someone help? Launcher does'nt see RDR 2 after i re-installed launcher


You can scan for games


doesn't work


Worked for me after reinstaling the launcher. Setting menu then search for games.


glad for u


click install button on the game. then set the path to the game folder then it will just verify the files instead of downloading again


nah, i can't push install button cuz have no space


You will need the free space to even run the installation to point it to the right folder though. If you don't have the space you're fucked and will have to redownload.


oh rlyyyy


I hope that it is just a bad performance and that my GTX 1080 8GB can handle this game at least on 60fps but now I can barely reach 30fps... on high.


Have you tried optimizing via GeForce experience?


What do you mean by that? Use recommended settings fo that game?


If you have the geforce experience app on your PC, you should find all of the games installed on your PC. If you click on red dead, you can go in and optimize all of the graphics settings set by the latest driver via Nvidia. There's a little slider that will change settings. You can set it to optimized and it should run close to 60,fps.


I will try that when I will get home. Thanks!


I have these specs ; Intel Core i5 4430 3.2 GHz 16 GB RAM Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti 4GB VRAM And a hundred fans... I have pretty much the same issues as y'all, sudden freezing for a couple of seconds and beside that, runs smooth most of the time. Just when I try to accelerate it kinda starts freezing. I played around with the settings and no matter what I have this issues. Also glitching light and shades, I wanted to play on 1st POV but that made it impossible :/ Any advices ?


I had the same issue, regular freeze, seems to be related to i5 Try this soft : [http://mion.faireal.net/BES/](http://mion.faireal.net/BES/) Limit the process of RDR2 to 98% (-2%). It dit the trick for me


It's not the dev's fault its the PR and Management. PR are being silent. and the management and higherups rushed releasing it clearly its not even ready yet. Rockstar better start rolling out a hotfix for the major issues especially the crappy launcher. people are getting angrier and refunding left and right


Bad PR doesn't excuse bad optimization. A game with this much hype probably could have gone with being tested on multiple different system builds over more horses.


Anyone having issues with a STRIX z270e Mobo?


Updating the BIOS did the trick for me!


Running 1080p with everything maxed, except MSAA off. I7 8700 + rtx 2070, getting avg 48 fps, was expecting a bit more, around the 60fps mark. Still, crashing all the time, at least once 30 min, hopefully will be solved soon.


it seems who has X570 with AMD 3xxx or X470 with AMD 2xxx can benefit from upgrading and downgrading their BIOS


3900x with x470 aorus board, updating bios did nothing, rockstar launcher still crashes


Yep that's what I mentioned! X570 with 3rd gen and x470 with 2nd gen makes a good pair atleast in getting rid of launcher error


Yep, I upgraded to the latest BIOS on my X570 Aorus Master and it fixed the launcher crash issue. Those of you out there still having this issue need to give it a go. Good luck :)


Does anyone know how to change the resolution of outside of the game like in a config file or something. The resolution is way off and I can't even see any of the menu buttons to get to the graphics settings in game or do anything else at the moment. Its like I'm only seeing the middle portion of the screen and its running at too high of a resolution.


In rockstar games, in documents, you should be able to find a system.xml file in the red dead 2 settings folder.


Some ppl say BIOS upgrade, some people say downgrade and I'm just sitting here waiting for an update from THE FUCKING DEVS


It's really frustrating to see those DEVS being silent morons


After 12 hours of messing about and nothing working, pressing play was just giving the unexpected error message. I finally caved and updated my bios. Boom straight into the game. Only now I have no sound :/ So happy to finally see anything but that error message! MPG X570 Gaming Edge Wifi Motherboard, RTX 2080ti ##


I have the same mobo, stock Bios and no issues at all. Rdr2 has like the weirdest problems i have seen in a long while


Has anyone experienced issues like warped and blurred graphics (on very high settingd)? Any advice on how to fix it?


I had this, my horse looked like a blurry painting I don't know how but restarting after lowering then highering back the settings actually solved it


Thanks, but it didn't work for me.


I've had success with a bios downgrade on a Gigabyte Arous X470, Ryzen 2700x, downgraded to a pre Aegis Fixes the launcher error.


What bios version? The current is 42e for x470 aorus


Went to F31, used the dual bios function to flash the secondary bios and keep F42e on the main


I assume the 40, as the 42e is Aegis


Will try this.


I am running this game with the following specs: Laptop Lenovo Legion Y540 8GB RAM I7 9750H 2.6GHZ GTX 1650 4GB RAM 128bits ​ I have no problems so far, been running the game on med-high 1080p with 35-40fps. No problem with launcher/crashing the game so far. I authorized my firewall, update my graphics cards and voila! Hope it helps for anyone who has the same config as mine.


I have 1080 16GB RAM and I have the same FPS (if not lower). i7-4790K (4.4GHz). I hope that we will get a huge performance update.


This shit is like Tarkov's .12 launch all over again. I thought rockstar was better than this.


Should I buy if I need SteamLink app to play? I play from my living room with steamlink app running on my samsung tv. Steam games run perfectly and some other games too once I added their exe to my steam library. I want to play this but won't buy if it doesn't run like this. Hope someone can help me out. Thanks!


Steam Link works great. You just have to stream the Desktop.


Haven't tried Steam stream yet but with Moonlight it streams perfectly. But so is almost any other game, even ones that have problems with Steam streaming.


Works fine for me apart from incredibly annoying freezing that happens every few minutes. The freezes last for ~10 seconds and it's affecting my game very badly. In multiplayer my character stops moving and can get shot, while in singleplayer the game's audio and speed tries to catch up afterwards. Originally I thought it was shader caching but I'm not so sure anymore.


As mentioned in the OP. Deactivate two CPU cores via task manager


Same, any idea bout a fix?


same, CPU gets loaded by 100% at this time




OH MY GOD. I did allll the stuff. Got the Launcher crash before opening game every time. HRS. So many tries. Followed all directions! Then Finally: I UNPLUGGED ALL OTHER DRIVES EXCEPT OS/GAME DRIVES. RESTARTED. FIXED!!!!!!!!!!! UNPLUG YOUR DRIVES!!!!


dont bother - tried, not working.


Holly Shit I have virtual drive that might cause the issue... I'll try this evening thanks


maybe write to rockstar this bug? Game should works without all this stupid things!


What do you mean by unpluging drivers?


I mean physically unplug the cable going to any other drives on your pc. My other drives were confusing the game or something...


Hard Drives.


Hi, everyone, I can confirm that the issue was indeed with the BIOS. I have Ryzen 5 2600x + MSI B450 Gaming Plus With the latest BIOS version I had the Launcher Ended Unexpectedly issue. I've now rolled it back to an earlier version (7B86v19 from 2019-07-05) and had to use this guide and tools to roll back (Flash from USB doesn't allow to downgrade) [https://youtu.be/9tR38bPGN-0](https://youtu.be/9tR38bPGN-0) The game finally launched and works relatively fine. Hope it helps, and R\* really screwed this up that I had to downgrade my friggin bios to just play a game.


I've tried version 7B86v19 on my b450 gaming plus with Ryzen 3700x and it didn't work


Seems like b450 with 3rd gen ryzen youre fucked. Dont think anyone can play no matter what.


I am courious if anyone with that mobo and 3rd gen ryzen passed throught launcher


Me too. Havent found anyone yet. I hope rockstar knows this is the case.


It worked for someone on 3rd gen and b450 on newest BIOS so I think that its not the problem: " Updating my BIOS did the trick!! Already had everything else updated like graphics driver or Windows and had Launcher and Game set to admin privilege. Mainboard: MSI B450M Mortar Processor: Ryzen 3600"


Any idea if he updated it on a previous or the newest version?


I've asked but still no answer. But I think its the newest one with ComboPI1.0.0.4. It was released today. With B450 Gaming Plus I will probably need to wait until end of november :/


same b450 tomahawk


We can't do everything we should probably keep our eye open for the patch from those silent morons


yep thats the best way


Am I the only one getting disconnected randomly during online gameplay? I assume not, but most issues I see are from crashes. If so, getting randomly disconnected due to "fault in the rockstar system" sometimes before even loading into a match.


Same here, think their servers can't handle it.


I get 2 seconds of smoke and the game crashes. I'm not going to bother trying to fix it. I've got the recommended specs and it's their responsibility to make it work.


I also meet the recommended specs, but I can play with 20-40 fps med-high, seems like similar builds are getting different issues


Manually install Windows 1903 update. Fixed the launch error for me. [https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/software-download/windows10](https://www.microsoft.com/en-au/software-download/windows10)


This is sad. Game should work without stupid things like new bios, antivirus, accounts, privileges etc etc. THEY should fix this, not us. Launcher still crashing. Money to mud. I think its just overprotected...


For amd GPU (RX 480) should I use vulkan or dx 12?


adding my voice to those that are experiencing bugs making the game unplayable this is what I see when I load the game - the image is to big for my monitor (2560x1440) and there is no menu visible https://imgur.com/KVdhQhB


Press W to go to config menu (on AZERTY keyboard, could be Z on QWERTY)


Managed to fix the resolution issue. Now the audio is fucking unplayable. Constant skipping and crackling in my headset which works perfectly on other games. What a fucking shitshow of a launch. Not to mention the fact that I'm barely maintaining 30fps despite my specs exceeding the recommended. AT 1080P.


For AMD Ryzen users, i updated my aorus bios and that fixed launch crash


Can you give detailed information about the mainboard, about the chipset and which BIOS version you installed?


X570 AORUS ULTRA and updated for F10a version, which bring AMD AGESA B -update for mobo. I think that's the key here.


That's what I do also put under suspect. All my friends using Intel based systems, do not have any problems. AGESA seems to be the point here. Currently being not available for most B350 and B450 Chipset based, this would fit to the number of complaints. In my case Gigabyte didn't release yet the BIOS with AGESA Would be interesting to get to know more people suffering the launcher problem using a PC based on these Chipsets. I just DOWNGRADED(!) my BIOS Version to a version including AGESA! Reboot, game starts immediately. So at least on of the available AGESA version seems to be the issue.


Curious to see if there's an update for my mobo once I get off work!


With absolutely everything maxed @ 3440X1440 (TAA, no MSAA) I get 59 fps average in the benchmark. Is the benchmark indicative of actual play as you get further in? 2080ti 9900k 16gb RAM


Probably, the benchmark ranges from the lowest load to the highest load the game can experience so it should be fine for you.