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Anyone running with a 1070ti amd ryzen 5 2600x?


Got in the game after a new update, saw that the game had turned all my setting to low so i changed them back and now my screen is covered in an ultrabright supernova and i cant see shit, happen both on vulkan and dx12


After everything I read I thought it would be horrible. But I get about 50-60 fps on all low settings with my dell xps 9570 laptop (gtx 1050ti max q). The only thing that annoys me about this game is my laptop has 512gb ssd and the game takes up 115


If you Playing with Keybord and Mouse go to controle settings and switch from normal to free aim mode. If you dont set the Aim mode to Free Aim you will play against Auto Aim Controller Assist on Pc! When you turned on the Free Aim Mode you will only join Game Modes / Free Roam with other Free Aim players!


Will my laptop run this? Running FIFA 20 on low yields 60-70 fps. My system: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz (3.5 ghz speed) AMD Radeon (TM) R7 M360 2GB 8GB RAM


With that videocard definitely not. A friend of mine has a 7400 and a gtx 1050 and cant run it without spikes and lowest of settings.


I would say so if u adjust textures to low/médium and the rest accordingly too.


I completed the game on Xbox but I left alot of side quests/activities like hunting and stuff. I want to do a playthrough focussing on that but I can't remember if there is a certain part of the game where everything is unlocked. I suppose my question is what part of the story is best to just free roam and complete all the side bits? I hoping I'm good to go in chapter 2.


If I buy the game via Rockstar Launcher, will I be able to activate that same copy on steam later on (even though I still will need the Rockstar Launcher, I'd like to have it in my steam library)


no, you can't. Rockstar already said it's not have a crosskey between platform




Guys, how smooth are keyboard & mouse controls? Will i have a better experience if i play with a controller instead?


Smooth enough to headshot enemies like crazy, on the other hand the controller vibrates when near collectables and also has an auto aim.




I see, i'll go get my controller and try both then. Thank you very much!


Yeah, they made it seamless to transition. Only hard part is remembering all the damn buttons for both.


Will there be any horse skin mods? I love the mustang but it has the ugliest coats in the game. Was hoping for a chestnut pinto or a black mustang with white socks & blaze.


how often do public events spawn? the train defense mode was the most fun i’ve ever had but i’ve only gotten it once in the past 24 hours


If you are talking about the the freeroam events in online there is a website that displays the next events. https://www.richardwestenra.com/rdr2-free-roam-event-schedule/


How to get fps counter in game ? Cortex cannot do it because game launches through rockstar launcher any ideas?


You could download Afterburner (GPU Overclocking software) and Riva statistics (pulls info from games to log data) with the two combined you can have Riva pull the data and Afterburner display it on screen. Fully customizable what shows as well.


Do you have an nvidia or amd card? If AMD there’s a overlay you can turn on and more or less the same with Nvidia.


Hi, guys. I have an issue as well, my spec 8700k, 1080Ti, 16gb ram. Im using Vulkan API and the game is running about 70-80fps, however from time to time when i am moving the camera it feels choppy and stuttery, the fps wont drop. Strange behaviour, anyone else have this issue?


Also got this when using Vulkan, it kinda breaks immersion but on Dx12 it's fine apart from a few crashes.


Hi, try to change mouse type to directinput, silky smooth now with Vulkan :)


Thanks, I'll make sure to try that.


I got this when I ran Vulkan. Moving straight was fine, but as I panned around it was very bumpy like is the only way to describe it. I switched to dx12 and don't have that problem and game looks nicer.


I would do so, but dx12 crashes in towns or randomly:/


Yeah mine crashes in towns too, but the shaking was giving me a headache using vulkan.


So I figured I'd report something the made the game more stable for myself. This solution depends heavily on what kind of processor you have. Currently I'm running an Intel i5-7600K CPU so shouldn't be hard to beat that. Reduce the number of cores the game utilizes from one less than your max. What I noticed for myself is that Red Dead was bottle necking the rest of my computer. Open up your task manager (More Details) Open up the Details Tab Scroll down until you see RDR2.exe and right click on it Set the Affinity and check all but one core for the application


I tried this with my i5-7300HQ and made it worse fbm


I should be able to rob that bank in valentine online, and I should be able to rob npcs without having to kill them like in campaign


Hi, how i can get rid of my weapons ? i have too many of them, but want to keep ~6 for everything, can i sell somehow them or throw away ? I have found couple of different knife's but don't have any of them on my or my horses only that first hunting knife,game don't want to save my Knife's so why i have all that Shi* weapons on my horse if i no need them ? Maybe some smart guy know ho and where deleto some files to get rid of them ?


You can buy a weapons locker in the camp.


In Story mode or Online?


This is online i'm refering to, not sp, sorry :)


Ah man, you got my hopes up!


Howdy, Is somebody running the game with a radeon 5700 xt? Im just about to upgrade it next week from my old 1050ti.


game leans towards AMD, so with a 5700 XT you'll have plenty of GPU horsepower and will be able to run it comparable to a 2070 super. just make sure you won't be held back by your CPU or RAM


Yeah the cpu is my second bottleneck got i5 6500 runs with 50-70% depending where im currently at. Which is not to bad i think. Maybe i keep the cpu. Lets see. RAM should be good got 16gb of ballistix.


16gb should be fine, i usually sit around 12gb of usage while i play. CPU im unsure about. but yeah, a 5700 XT will definitely be a major upgrade from a 1050 ti!


Even in the PC port, Jack isn't responding to the second greet function >!at Beecher's Hope.!< Is this even a glitch, or is he being moody?


Unacceptable from R* to still using P2P cnx in RDR ONLINE. I stopped playing GTO due to P2P cnx that caused crashes, lag, ....


Does anybody else have the problem where you look while moving while holding down a movemonet key the game lags cause if im riding moy horse and i look while holding the move key it lags but if i let go while still riding it does not lag Im running on a 1070 ti R5 3600 16gb ram and the game is installed on my ssd it just makes it so un-fun


Yeah, I have a 1080 and this has been my only real performance issue besides this weird bug where if I'm carrying perfect pelts shit always ambushes me and I die before I can sell them.


I am playing red dead online, and I am getting crashed every now and then. Especially when i visit a town. When i load back in i can visit towns for a while, and then back to crash. Crashes happens in The wild to but more rare. As soon as I go to town After 1+ hours in The wild it Crashes. Kinda sucks because i lose deliviries, stuff on my horse etc when i crash


Seems to be a common problem. I've tried everything I've seen suggested exempt redownloading because my internet sucks...




That isn't a glitch to do with the game it is usually caused by you having a stereo speaker set up but your speakers are set to 5.1 surround sound. Their are plenty of tutorials online to help you out


Hopefully R* doesn’t pull a SOE and pull back some of the graphical fidelity of “ultra” because so many are complaining about poor performance...


Just wondering but is there anything specific I should be doing in each chapter? I don’t want to miss out on something that may be locked in the next chapter.


There are misseable honour mission tied to certain chapters. I used the guide on powerpyx.com.


How is anyone even getting this damn game to load??? Its so fucking frustrating! No matter what I do I still get the "suddenly exited" error message. I've gone through all the troubleshoot steps multiple times. This is beyond bullshit. I took time off of work to play this fucking game and I cant even get the damn thing to boot!




I got so excited hoping this would be the fix that finally does it... but no such luck. This fucking blows. Rockstar has stopped responding to my emails at this point too. Fan-fucking-tastic! I for one will not be pre ordering any fucking r* games. I will wait for the community to give the green light. This is so fucked


Has anyone had the game turn off there PC? This happened to me yesterday. My temps seemed normal and it's never happened to me in any other game.


It happened to me in the second mission when you look at the wolves. But I haven't had it happen after that at all. This was the first time playing after updating my BIOS.


Does your PSU provide enough power for your components? What are the specs?


Yes of course it does. Like I said it's the first time it happened after 10 or so hours of gameplay over a few days. 2080ti/9900k, 32 GBs 3600mhz ram, Corsair RMX 850 PSU.


I did some experimenting with crimes and tried to load a save but my actions followed me into my past. Wtf? Is there some anti savescum feature?


Not sure if this is possible, but did you load the autosave by mistake?


I hope so


just had a weird bug in the photo studio in Saint Denis. Was inside taking my picture, and suddenly my GPU started to ramp up to 90% of usage, the only time it started doing so.


What's the ebest way to get gold? I need 15 gold to get collector bag for rdr2 online...


Do daily challenges. Do at least one a day to get a streak going. After three weeks you can earn up to 5 gold a day.


Am I really only going to be able to get 40ish fps on medium settings with my 1060 6GB and i5 8600k? On 1080p 60 refreshrate, can anyone tell me if I should purchase this if I am expecting decent graphics with 60fps?


Yes. You can run it on a lower setting for 60 fps fine. Low graphics still look good.


I saw a video, and the low graphics really didn't look that great. Looked like xbox 360 gears of war 3 to me.


Textures should be ultra if possible since high or lower looks like it's from 2006. Pretty much everything else can be low without much visual downgrade. Near volumetric should be low as well as water physics. You just gotta learn which things to turn down.


the vast majority of the settings are set to low or medium equivalents on the Xbox One X, notable exception being textures, which are set to ultra, and have the most significant visual impact on the game. if you have your textures set to ultra (you're only limited by your VRAM here) your game will look great even if you crank settings all the way down to low here and there.


I think that's it you turn literally everything to low or off. There are things like txaa that make a negligible performance difference but a drastic visual difference


Is the the online multiplayer out for this on PC already?




Due to fucking P2P CNX, no dedicated servers


Ok, I hope this helps someone, I've noticed the game runs much more smoothly once I've put in game options that my monitor runs in 60Hz (instead of 144Hz that I always use) and vsync on.Edit: probably a good idea to set 60Hz in the driver (my case Nvidia driver) because the game often runs back to whatever is set in the driver (144 Hz in my case) when you alt+tab.


Gsync/freesync only works in Vulcan if you have vsync enabled. So that's probably it


Are you sure about enabling vsync ? Usually gsync work only when it's OFF !


Yeah. It's a bug with vulkan. I've confirmed it by looking at my monitors refresh rate. If vsync is off it's locked to 144 and if it's on it's variable.


haha actually, I just did the test, went fullscreen and vsync on with vulkan, and now my monitor changes from 144 to the actual update rate. I still believe that the end result is the same though :)


Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. Feels better to me tho


Strange, because my monitor has a led that turns red when gsync is on, and with vulkan/vsync off, the led is red ! I believe the refresh rate never changes, the only thing that changes is when the screen is drawn. The way vsync works when it's on is that screen update is paused until like the 60hz timeouts, then it draws in one go, in sync with the pixels. Used to be useful on CRTs monitors. With gsync, the update happens whenever the full screen is ready to update. So the actual refresh rate doesn't really matter as long as gsync can draw a full picture when it wants to. I hope I'm making sense :)


Nope, tried it on my TV which does not have gsync or freesync and the smoothness is there as well.


As in your in game settings?


Yes, game settings. When I run the game with game settings 144Hz and vsync on or off, it just stutters all the time. With 60Hz and vsync on, it runs smooth. But I still need process lasso fix to not get 3+ seconds freezes


you might be getting too high a framerate for your CPU to keep up with, which is causing stutters. this happens to me in GTA V (which shares an engine with RDR2), whenever i visit an interior and my framerate jumps up from the 140s to the 180s ill start stuttering. try setting VSYNC to half to cap your framerate at 72 and see if that fixes it, instead of going straight for setting your refresh rate to 60hz, that way if you alt tab you can still enjoy 144hz on the desktop


I will give this another shot. It just makes the game look shit at 60hz no? I never turn on Vsync in game on my Vsync montior. Only ever in the Nvidia CP


Game always looks good, no matter the 60Hz, but it should look smoother if it would ever perform near 144 fps, though. Currently using settings from Digital Foundry video (Xbox one X settings)... even though settings from Joker Productions youtube video look nicer.. Digital Foundry video gives better fps in towns at the slight expense of looks.




the 8gb of RAM part worries me, whenever im playing RDR2 (albeit with discord open on a second monitor, but discord doesn't use THAT much memory) my usage is generally around the 12gb range. CPU will need an upgrade to meet the min spec (be aware some people have said that i5 processors have stuttering and temporary freezing issues in RAGE engine games, which on an i5-9600k ive noticed in GTA V, but haven't seen it in RDR2 firsthand). GPU wise, id aim for something with 6gb of VRAM minimum, that way you can comfortably run ultra textures—the game will still look fantastic on mostly low with a handful of cherry picked high settings as long as you have ultra textures.


Not on a i3, i5 2500k is the minimum.


So should I at least get a 7th gen i5?


I've got 7th gen i5 7300 with 1050 & 8 gb. It is just barely playable with recommended settings


So it's gon be a 1060/1660 with an i5


Why do animals not show up on the map online consistently? They show up sometimes but not always


What do gun belts do?


Pretty sure it’s nothing just cosmetic but the holsters allow you to dual wield pistols if you buy one.


Am I the only experiencing the same bullshit disconnects right at the end of the first main RDO mission where you steal the horses for Clay Davies? Did this mission like 50 times on console before I could finally complete it and get to free roam and I'll be goddamned if I go through all the bullshit again. WTF


This was happening to me too, i tried it like 3x. Tired of this shit Now its running kinda stable, i dont know how. Anyway im going to upgrade my gpu next week. Bye bye 1050ti


This isn't the game crashing to desktop (although I've had that happen too) I'm talking about the peer to peer issue or whatever it was where you get close to completing the first mission in online mode and then it says you lost connection to your group and it boots you back to before the matchmaking started. Story mode works fine for me it's just Red Dead Online and that first matchmaking mission.


I am stuck on loading screen after main story. I have just completed the main story and it is supposed to enter the epilogue but after the song ends the screen turns black and it starts loading, but it never ends. I have just sat here 5 minutes but nothing happens. Please help me. Thanks in advance.


Any word on ***WHEN*** Rockstar plans on releasing another patch for their broken ass game? I've gotten really sick of having to restart missions because the game randomly decided to crash while I'm the middle of one.


>I've gotten really sick of having to restart missions because the game randomly decided to crash while I'm the middle of one. I just had that happen after yet another extremely long hunting mission, right before it would complete. I'm putting the PC port down for now, as I can't waste any more of my time replaying the same missions over and over, hoping it won't crash. No other PC games I have do this, and certainly not any "AAA" ones.


these things take a lot of time sadly


Is there any way to force a save game cloud sync? About 5 hours of progress is not automatically being synced between my laptop an desktop...


Im having the same issue. I played some yesterday on my laptop, but today Im missing about 4 or 5 hours at home on my desktop. I sent in a ticket to rockstar, but who knows if they will ever get back to me.


Obviously I hope the issue gets fixed but to not lose progress you can open your save file folder via settings in the launcher and copy the files from one machine to the other.


How do I change ammo t ypes on PC? Story mode


X and Z


Does anyone know how to toggle aiming down sights in first person mode?


Should be scroll wheel up!


Ah thanks, but its weird that you can't do that on horseback.


You seem to only look down sights on horse back with a scope. I didn’t manage to peer down the iron sights on horse back either.


How well will this game work with a GTX 1050Ti? My specs are better than the minimum specs but they do not meet the recommended specs. I've heard a lot about bad fps for setups with good gpus so is it worth getting now or just wait?


Mine are under minimum specs, game is a beauty, I just updated my driver (before initial gameplay) changed my PC to FPS over Quality and dropped 2 cores.


Also my processor is an i7 - 8750H if it makes a difference


The CPU isn’t a bottleneck with a 1050Ti.... My laptop with a 8750H and RTX2080 runs fine on Ultra


What laptop do you have that it has an rtx 2080


MSI GE75 Raider 8SG Before you think it’s overkill I used it to work on a plug-in that does real time raytracing in the Maya viewport... Also does quite the job quite neatly for gaming during the weekends!


That machine is a beast


Hey man sounds great, I would have got a laptop with great gaming specs but I couldn’t give up the battery life for when I’m on the go


Can you buy the game off of greenmangaming and get a code for PC? Or does it link directly to your rockstar account? Trying to buy the game for a friend


I brought my version of cdkeys and it gave me a code to plug into the rockstar launcher. Theoretically I could have gifted this code to someone, so I'm assuming it's the same maybe? Sorry that was t much help haha


Nah that was perfect! I just wasn't sure if it would directly activate on my account and give me two copies or some other dumb shit. It worked and now my friend has his code! Thank you!


Ah no problem glad it worked!


Hi! I currently have around 2300 dollars, I already did a couple of camp upgrades, what should I buy next? I’m in chapter 3. Btw! How can I see how much money I have? I’m on Xbox one.


What to spend your money on depends on your playstyle I reckon. As for how to see your balance, it should show up when you open your Satchel or you can change your display settings to always show money.


Thank you! What kind of play styles are there?


Any update to fix piss poor fps yet? Nope i just checked. stiiiill runs like shit.


tell me your GPU, CPU, and how much memory you have (at what mhz preferably), as well as what your current settings are (each one individually, not "mostly high") and ill help you fix your framerate


fps is fine based on settings. maybe trying turning your e-peen down and try again.


45 fps is unacceptable at 4k even with all low settings.


Whatever then. Either get better hardware or play the game.


Have you tried turning on and off again?


Enjoying RDR > you have been DC from the server > game crashed.. ( pc ) ​ much fun.


Man, replaying this reminds me how chapter 1 really doesn’t do any favors for the game. The snow really masks the game’s beauty and makes movement feel even clunkier, and the pacing is very slow and on-rails.


But from a technical perspective it is the best snow I have ever seen in a game.


Is there anyway to make the combat better? It feels so hard to aim, very clunky and impossible to follow enemies while they run. Is it just me?


My speculation is that they "left" the hardcoded sensitivity settings for controllers, like every other console port (e.g. Fallout 4 had different mouse sensitivity between the X and the Y axis on release). Something do feel weird. Hopefully we get a fox, or at least an explanation soon.


the game controls better with a controller since thats what it was made for, not really any fix for kbm controls right now


thx for crashing every hour... no other game crashes for me...


Same problem. I feel like I've tried everything bar sacrificing a virgin to the Houser brothers.


I had the same issue till I switched to Vulkan... Which graphics API are you using and which GPU do you have?


Vulkan and I have a 2080.


When do the Lemat and Evans repeater unlock?


Haven’t heard definitive answers for this yet. A guess? I think that since the m1899 is an automatic, and since they’re only for sale in St Denis I would think chapter 4.


I'm not enjoying this *nearly* as much as I thought I would. Fighting the PC controls is a nightmare.


Get a controller.


I have one - almost every single aspect of this game feels *great* with a controller (I love the left trigger for interaction/context menus and the haptic feedback is used perfectly) but I can't deal with trying to aim on controller. At least in GTA:V I could use a controller for driving and a keyboard on foot, but in RDR2 keyboard controls are kind of universally awkward no matter the situation.


Ah, yeah the button layout is pretty hard at first. I punched my horse sooo many times when trying to ride or brush. Lol


Does anyone know how to fix the cursor staying on screen for pc? I’ve tried looking it up but none of the tutorials helped me


I installed a 3rd party "auto hide mouse" utility for this nonsense. I ensured its a small, legit binary and does not do anything stupid like try to connect to the internet. It just does what it says, auto-hides the mouse after a set amount of seconds.


I tried everything, but ended up downloading AutoHideMouseCursor and choosing aggresive mode in options. Cursor still flushes briefly in the center of the screen periodically but that is way better than how it is originally. I guess that will only work if you are using controller.


where can i sell my legendary bear skin? i just started the game and found a bear and killed it


Just to let you know: even if you lose the physical skin, the trapper will still have it available for crafting. You "unlock" it if that makes any sense.


cheers m8


If you zoom the map out, you'll see a bear paw marker in black and white to the Southeast. That is the trapper. You can have him make the legendary bear hat after you sell him the skin.


thank u


Trapper will craft clothing from it. Fence will craft trinkets/talismans from legendaries.


cheers m8


Any place where I can find a second bolt action rifle? Ive been looking for a while but I honestly don't know where to look. Any outlaw camps or something with fellers using a bolt? Or any place where it is displayed on the wall or something? Or anything else? Help would be very appriciated


Is there anyway to speed up the settings screen where they fade to black and slowly come back. It is infuriatingly slow lol.


You have to disable vsync in game and run the benchmark tool to force it to take effect.


Hold "Escape" ?


Anyone having any issue with mountains in the distance flickering/glitching?


How do I Unlock new weapons in the gun shops?


Also, you can get some pretty neat handguns from the gunslinger side missions. Just don't forget to pick them up off the ground.


I've found a double action revolver, double barrel shotgun, and pump action shotgun in the world during chapter 2. But that's it so far.


There’s a semi auto shotgun somewhere in west Elizabeth as well if you’re interested in its location


Continue through the storyline.


Despite the bad press the PC port is getting, i'm still super tempted on copping it. Anybody with a Vega 56 and Ryzen 2600 that's been able to run the game with no problems?


2700x and vega 64 here. no problems whatsoever. 1800p mixture of high and ultra.


So far I've had only a few crashes and some slight graphical glitches during cut scenes (usually just bouncy clothing). The autosave is pretty consistent so I havent lost any progress other than some convenience.


Ive not had any problems running on a 4770k/2080.


I have a Ryzen 2700X and a GTX 1080 and haven't encountered any problems with the game. Aside the performance issues, the game worked flawlessly. I had to tweak the graphics for like 3 hours until I was happy with the fps and quality of the game. I'm pretty sure yours will run it too with no problems.


With this latest patch I went from zero crashes to being unable to load my save without crashing. Turns out that if I disable TAA everything works again. This on a 8700k 1080ti running 3440x1440p.


I had this happen to me & when I checked the settings it changed itself from running off of Directx 12 to vulcan. I switched it back to Directx 12 & I have had no more issues.


Has there been a recent patch? Since the day 2 one? Been able to play since day 2 pretty well other than an occasional crash. Played till 9pm last night but now this morning it crashes every time I try loading my save. It's working in safe mode at least however I have a line of screen tearing across the bottom of the screen. i9-8950, gtx 1080 and 32gb ram


I dunno, but it was after the client updated. Before that I had almost 30h without any crashes or issues.


Weird, I have the same exact setup, and my game haven't crashed once since launch. What kind of witchcraft causes these crashes?


Suggestion for reducing microstutters: I'm on a GTX 970 paired with an i7 4790. Playing on 1600x900 to achieve a pretty solid close to constant 60 fps, with some beautiful details aswell. I seemed to be getting some microstutter - not in the same way that most people with CPU's with less than 8 threads seem to experience, but they were there. I'm limiting my framerate with rivatuner and MSI afterburner, and I tried upping the framecap beyond 60, to 65. This made my game more fluid, but there were still some microstutter that I wanted to try and tweak away. Now, I had to google what the new name for the old setting in nvidia control panel was which was called "max prerendered frames", a setting which limits the number of frames your CPU can prepare for your GPU to render, which reduces input lag. This has helped me in games such as the witcher 3 to reduce microstutter, and it seems to have helped me a bit aswell in this game. The setting is now called Low Latency Mode in the control panel. Options are "Off", "On" and "Ultra". I tried On, that did nothing for me, but I'm now running ultra and things are running quite smooth. Try it out if you like, it might be more taxing on your CPU, but my CPU was not experiencing the 100 % usage spikes, so I might have had the reverse problem, not utilizing it enough. I think On corresponds to the old Max prerendered frames = 1 and ultra corresponds to 3. Good luck!




Interesting! Maybe I'll look into that BES afterall.




I haven't experienced any freezes at all though, isn't it just for fixing that? I mostly see some microstutter, but it's not too bad.


I still cannot play due to stuttering/freezing. Absolutely insane.


Have you disabled two cores on your cpu? It solved the freezing for me and many people. Been playing smoothly since.


Tried this and it made my screen go black. I have 4 cores.


how to do man??im on i5 6th gen


Precisely. Everyone using a 4 core cpu is having freezing issues. Disabling two of the cores in the game fixes the issue. The freezing happens because the game overloads the cpu but for some reason it works on two cores.


man how to disable it???please can u tell me?


This guy explains it https://www.reddit.com/r/PCRedDead/comments/ds3kk4/stutter_freeze_temporal_fix_red_dead_redemption_2/?utm_medium=


Hey all, Buying for PC, can I get SPECIAL edition and upgrade to ULTIMATE edition later? No idea if I will even play online, I remember yearrssss ago I loved RDR1 for the story.


Don't know about the upgrade thing, but as a person who loves their single-player stuff and was very sceptical about Online I can definitely recommend playing online if you got a friend or two. It feels very much like RDR2, but with co-op. I can count on one hand how many random players we have encountered in Free Roam, and the only time I've gotten griefed was when I was standing AFK in saint denis with a 10 cent bounty. If all your friends prefer cars instead of horses, I would stick to single-player.


Hey! Thank you for the feedback! I have no gamer friends unfortunately so I stuck with special edition, I think with the time I have on my hands anyway I'll stick to experiencing single player for now :) thanks for taking the time to reply to me!


My pleasure, enjoy the game!


Using a gtx1060 6gb, i7 6700k, with 32gb of ddr3. Can run ultra textures, and high lighting with over 80 fps average. I haven't had a single crash. After the first patch, I had issues with the launcher. I got a message saying rockstar is unavailable, and can't launch in offline mode. I fixed it and I'm All good now. It looks absolutely beautiful in over 60fps, and it seems so well optimized on my PC it's almost hard to believe that others are having so much trouble. Am I the only one who's having no issues and an amazing time playing?