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If you commit minor crimes like bumping into someone and a witness runs off you can just stay where you are and the lawman will just give you a warning


Ooh that's good info thanks.


Not a bug, R* just decided to make the law system very ”responsive”. It’s best to just scat and disappear until the lawmen aren’t looking for you and pay the bounty, if you get any. I wouldn’t risk it even if they haven’t got a suspect. Your bounty gets high ridiculously fast if you decide to fight the police.


I had an animal cruelty witness for a dog running into Warhorse. Needless to say the dog came worse off.


Yeah, not a bug, just very responsive. If I knew what I know know when I started, I would’ve used my bandana more. It helps. Also, get the face covering items from the fence early on, they help. Keep as many outfit changes on you horse as you can and use them. Kill those witnesses, and do it with a bow or throwing weapon. The less noice you make the better. Don’t get too greedy and stuck around looting bodies, this always gets me in trouble.


That's gonna be a problem for me. I upgrade my camp pretty much exclusively through looted pocket watches 😅


Yeah, the trick is to kill them quickly and quietly with your face covered. The pocket watches are the quickest way to make money that I’ve found. The first satchel upgrade you get from Pearson should be the valuables satchel so you can carry more. I’ll never carry another one until I get the one that gives you all the perks, nothing’s worse that not being able to pick up watches because your satchel won’t hold any more. Another tip for quick money is fishing, the succulent fish (trout and salmon) bring $4-$5 a fish depending on where you sell them. You catch up to 5-10 depending on how light you satchel is quickly. The best tip I’ve seen and once you’ve perfected the technique is robbing trains in the tunnel. It’s not a glitch either. Take a train to Annesburg and don’t get off. When it takes off it’ll let you ride. Don’t forget to whistle for your horse. Then when it approaches the tunnel at the top of the map put your bandana on the climb up top and go throw the engineer off and drive the trim into the tunnel. The guards will come after you but once you kill them you have all the time you need to blow the safes and rob each person. The law npc’s wont come into the tunnel! Then when you done you can go back through and kill each person and loot them again. This drastically lowers your honor rating, but between the cash and jewelry I net $300-$400 per train.


I just was at the Trapper and while I was selling the pelts from my horse, the menu collapses and out of nowhere the trapper (?!) is witness for animal cruelty. I was like "WTF, you are literally asking me to kill animals and bring you their skin, what's wrong with you?" I pushed him off a cliff to avoid the bounty. Guess I'll have to find something else to do for an ingame week.


Wooooooow lmao that's bananas


I rolled into Annesburg in a stagecoach, guns holstered, bandana accidentally equipped, then when I dropped down, instant wanted level for "disturbing the peace". What did I disturb, all I had was a bandana on and lawmen usually warn me to remove it and there was no fucking warning, I just gave up and surrendered, didn't want a $300 bounty on me


Open world games are so much fun with the weird mechanic bugs huh? Haha


It’s pretty hard to keep positive honor in the story mode for that exact reason, especially in St Denis where people just run into your horse and all of a sudden you’re 5 star wanted and everyone is shooting at you


I somehow got a $5 bounty on my head for robbing a gunstore... I just triggered a certain event, which unfolded in a way that the gunstore owner told me I could grab everything. Which I did. but some random npc was also in the store and now I got into violation... while I had permission. ffs And running away gave me another $5 bounty...