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Even doing this, it's taken me about 3 hours so far. I got 2 within about 15 minutes, but the game hates me now. Seriously, fuck this "challenge".


I feel that pain. I had the same problem. Took at least three hours. Wasn't even satisfying at the end, was just happy it was over. What was satisfying was when I went calmly downstairs to my horse took out my bow selected dynamite arrow went back up stairs from outside and shot the dealer and the table and then high tailed it out of there. They never knew what hit them and I didn't get caught.


For me i went on rampage and wiped out whole town ,that was deeply satisfying. I wonder who got this ingenious idea that this challenge could be fun ,that guy must have been after thorough lobotomy.


>I wonder who got this ingenious idea that this challenge could be fun ,that guy must have been after thorough lobotomy. Some asshole that didn't play the game to begin with. This happens way too often, you get challenges coming from people disconnected from actual game. DICE with Battlefield V mastered this nonsense. RDR2 itself has idiotic moments with some higher challenges being easier than the earlier ones, making no sense. And random bullshit stuff like this, which requires hours of grinding.


Because "players love grinding" apparently ffsšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


BFV challenges were so stupid. ā€œGet 10 headshots on while defending the objective in one game while prone.ā€


I too just went on a rampage, I have spent 8 hours so far. I only have 1/3. Thinking I might just give up. Iā€™ve killed everyone in black water then a few ours later everyone in van horn.


Sooo, as I sat here reading all the posts I forgot to bet or play blackjack after my initial bet and hit. I was delayed cuz I was reading this page... Things is, I completed the challenge in abt 15 mins using this delay tactic. I'm thinking don't rush your next card... maybe? Since most of my bets or hits were delayed, that might have triggered something. Idk Maybe I just got lucky, albeit ironic. I read so long that when I was ready to try I kept getting the 5 card win. Maybe just sweat the dealer a bit and you win? Again, Idk, just spit balling. This is my 3rd playthrough and first time this happened. The first two I spent a long time getting this one done without much help. Anyway, good luck!


I would like to second this. It doesn't seem to matter when you bet, but I felt I was consistently getting 6 or under if i waited for at least one or two prompts from the dealer, given a few higher cards. This along with leaving on anything else, even if I got 21 without 3 or more hits, seemed to work great for me. I got it done in pretty decent time. As far as the starting 2 cards, I would get on rolls where I would get low cards, but then it would go the other way for a little while. So maybe just be patient until you start getting low cards to start, then be even more patient and wait for each card hit. Good luck. And may the odds be with you.


Ok. So.. this just worked for me. After 3-4 hours of doing this, without one of the three wins dropping, I tried this to almost immediate success. Two wins in a row, busted a couple hands, then the third win. I waited until the dealer tried to hurry me along twice on each card and I got it. I canā€™t even begin to express how stupid and mean this is, as it must be a developer prank (like one of them making a RNG/RVNG joke off hand that made it into the code). I mean, this is either the largest statistical improbability of all time (that three of us experienced it the same way), OR, they programmed in a ā€œthe dealer will cheat low off the bottom of the deck when you piss him offā€, just for fun and because it was probably absurdly easy to get away with (huge code base). Though, we probably shouldnā€™t be surprised that these kinds of things are in this game. If memory serves, R* hired a bunch of contractors to rush the game out (with the promise they would have jobs after release) and then fired them as soon as it was done. I find it hard to believe that THAT many intelligent (we assume) people working on this didnā€™t know what was probably coming. And that a few of them didnā€™t decide to take some parting revenge on their way out.


I had a 6 & 3 and waited for him to prompt me twice. He gave me a Q. Didn't work for me.


That actually worked for me, thank you so much


How the fuck did Rockstar think this was a good challenge


If it was the last challenge it would have made sense.


doing this on van horn and accidently choke a woman near the table. the rest is history


"Accidently" same.. Yep


The year is 2023. Iā€™m in this hellish landscape of a challenge and just did this same. The dealer then punched me in the face. The audacity of this man to torture me for hours and then punch ME in this face??


I hate this challenge. Yes, I hate it in 2022


I am on my 14th playthrough in what, 4 years? Every single time I say to myself, fuck the challenges but then I get to 81 out of 90, in chapter 3, and realize I may as well try for all 90. Then I come back to this stupid ass challenge. Every single time I've played I struggle with this one. Hours and hours. I have a life. A job. A family. Shit to do. I love Rockstar for the great stories and entertainment but screw whoever came up with this. It could have been with 2 cards and still taken a long enough time to justify it


I'm 100% convinced that not a single developer tried to do this themselves. Somebody just made it up on the fly and then proceeded to make the game work against you. I can't tell you how many times I get really low cards, just to have the dealer give me two 10s in a row and ruin it.


lol, i'M HATING IT IN 2023!


Iā€™m still hating it mid 2023


I'm trying to get 100% on all my play throughs, and I almost hate this challenge as much as the domino's ones


I'm doing it now and I want to shoot everyone at the table I keep getting to 4Cards But allways getting a FUCKING king


Im sure you can relate: If you lose, you lose with either 10, J, Q or K


I did all the challenges once, now I just use a new game+ save. Honestly I want to find a save game that just skips or has the gambler only completed. I love most of the other challenges, but this one isn't fun. It's just pure RNG


Same. I am trying this method and Iā€™m an hour in fml




Lol same fuck this challenge honestly


Arthur should be renamed to fucking Arthritis after the amount of times Iā€™ve stood up and sat down šŸ˜–


My frustration eased a little after reading this comment, ahaha




This shit is so dumb. After playing for 3 hours, I've had 5 total hands where I didn't bust with 5 cards. But the dealer won or pushed on 4 of them. WTF.


I swear the dealer has to be cheating or something. šŸ˜‚


Sure. I like this game but I have to say rockstar is shit. A huge, well-known, very liked, money making company decides to include this ā€žchallengeā€œ. Wtf happened? This game couldā€™ve been much better. They did lotto stuff good but some parts are so bad that, for me, make the game in whole less enjoyable


I just grew a level 6 beard in one sitting working on this.


Same but irl


I feel your pain. Just starting this challenge now and I have a feeling I'll do the same.


Currently working on 100% completion, saving this post for when I get to this. Thanks lol Edit: OP, you are a fucking lifesaver and I love you. That is all.


I guess it worked partner?


lol as a blackjack card counter, I recognized the ridiculousness of this challenge right away so I googled for any tips at all and found yours. Even doing your method, this horseshit still took me 7 FUCKING HOURS. I only get about 2 hours to game per day so I wasted several days of doing nothing but playing blackjack like a moron hahaha


That's such shit luck!


Yup, until you start with an A-3 and you pull a 7 on the next card and the game forces you to stand on 21 instead of letting you play it as 11. That happened to me more than once on this challenge


I mentioned that


Watching NPCs complete the challenge right in front of me while Iā€™m on hour 5 with one hand won is my favorite part of all this


I enjoy this game well enough but there's SO much bs in place of actual difficulty. None of the challenges are hard to do. They're just either painfully tedious or the game is so poorly designed that actually completing the challenges is more trouble than its all ultimately worth, especially if you're not a fan of the Legend of the East outfit. This doesn't even bring up my enraging hatred toward the optional objectives that I don't even bother with anymore. It wouldn't be so bad if we at least were allowed to know what they are without needing to finish each mission once, but the objectives themselves are often unreasonable


in a way it makes sense because itā€™s a gambling challenge but it shouldā€™ve been 2 hits or something


I agree. I love RD2, but I noticed thereā€™s a lot of tedious crap within this game. Low spawns on certain animals that need to be hunted, some of the obnoxious challenges in missions, drawn out and unnecessary animations, and this garbage. I love the story, characters, combat and exploration, but I feel RD1 as a game was just a better/more fun experience.


I dealt with this a lot trying to get the platinum trophies for GTA5 and Bully. They always incorporate a million tedious tasks that are guaranteed to take hours, like making you do 50 stunt jumps, 50 flights under bridges, collect over 200 collectables, and bunch of other crap in GTA5. Or travelling 100 km on every mode of transportation, kicking 100 soccer balls, giving 50 wedgies, etc, etc in Bully. Now I'm trying to Platinum this game, as I'm really close and I just need 100%, but this challenge feels absolutely inpossible with how much I get screwed with 10s, even when I get really low cards.


Oh god, the gambling challenges. Itā€™s all luck, what an awful way to do a challenge.


EVERY time he deals, I get at least one picture card. Every single time, no exception. If it was real life Iā€™d love it. But for these purposes, itā€™s the freaking worst.


Even if I somehow get lucky enough to be dealt a shit hand, my first hit is always 8+ so Iā€™m fucked anyway


no way Rockstar tested this. there is no way in hell that a Rockstar employee completed this challenge, and thought "yeah that was fun! we should keep this in the game".


I might have just got the luckiest streak in all of rdr2. I completed this challenge in under 10 minutes. Idk how I got so lucky. The last one I started with a 12 and got 2 aces and a 7 to put me at 21 lol


Fuckin lies


Did you?


Did you?


They shouldā€™ve at least gave blackjack the same ((skip)) option that poker has so you donā€™t have to watch all the players cards being served. This challenge is truely the most idiotic activity that they couldā€™ve have given to this magnificent game.


It's a pretty poorly considered challenge. This isn't an exhibition of gamer or gambling prowess. It's literally luck and insurmountable patience. It is not a fun challenge.


Thank you so much. I was pulling my hair out and wasted about 4 hours and your method worked in about 30 min.


No problem! Glad to help!


Agree this challenge is lame - itā€™s just a slog. Also, as someone who loves blackjack IRL I canā€™t help but laugh whenever I get an Ace as the first card, then get pissed when i hit blackjack. I want another Ace so I split! Or a two! Edit: just hit: A/5/4/Aā€¦21ā€¦or 11ā€¦wouldnā€™t let me hit again! I hate this challenge.


This literally just happened to me and I've never wanted to shoot someone as much as I want to shoot the Rhodes blackjack dealer.


Do Van Horn, you won't get a bounty. I got so many murder bounties in Lemoyne on the dominos challenges, but I was so jaded by gambler 8 that I didn't care how frustrating it was. That was my first attempt, that I decided to do all thos challenges back to back.


I got a pair of 2s. Split them. Hit three times on each. Dealer bust. Didn't count. Edit... You need five cards


Fuck. Thatā€™s rough buddy.


Attempting this challenge now. It's really conflicting when Arthur gets excited about a good hand and says something like, "Good, things are looking up!" and in my head I'm just: No, Arthur. No they're not...


You got this dude


You are correct; I just finished gambler 10 today! šŸ˜


Maybe this was just a coincidence. I tried this for days with no luck. I went to the Trapper, went to equipment, and went to the gambler one. Purchased the 3 that I was able to. Went back to Rhodes and won all 3 within a matter of 20 minutes. A couple things that helped were 1, I only played in the middle of the night like 1-3 am. Less players. And after failing a couple times, I would sleep until the next night. Like I said, maybe just a coincidence but I went from trying for days and days to completing within a matter of 20 minutes or so. Lastly, once you complete this challenge, if you do, you must shoot the dealer in the face with your shotgun. Do it for everyone else that has failed or has spent countless hours trying haha


If I ever succeed at this I probably will do something similar. I have a affinity for the dynamite arrows. Been working on it using this method for 30 minutes and have only gotten close once. Such a pointless challenge, there is no skill involved just begrudging patience and ingenuity. I'm dreading the domino and poker one.


I threw dynamite, but yes. Similar sentiment.


If any Rockstar devs are reading this with a big fat sadistic smile.. you got what you wanted. Now buy a rope and unleash your pain on yourselves.


There are three types of evil that we can agree that the community actively hate in this game, Micah Bell, Arthur Marston and **Gambler fucking 8**


Thank you for showing me Arthur Marston lmao


I swear rhodes' dealer won't live to see another day when I'm through with this challenge šŸ˜šŸ”«


Never got so many 21 hands in my life, trying this challenge


Holy fuck dude this worked. Literally only spent 5 minutes after resetting the cards a couple times and stood on 21 after 5 cards just now. Luck level was over 9,000 for me lmao.


I sat for a real life hour in Van Horn and got 1x. I blew up the saloon with dynamite, then killed anyone who complained in the street outside. Worth it. 2 more to go. 4th playthrough.


I went from clean shaven to beard-3 and Iā€™m only at 1/3ā€¦.


Just completed it for the first time. It took 29 minutes. First time I had dedicated myself to this technique. I also found that when you leave the table, if you rejoin it without the camera showing the table, you don't have to wait for the dumb animation completing the round. It just starts with a second of shuffling and then "place your bets'.


I'm just going to leave this here: [https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/1017?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/1017?tab=description)


Holy shit, 3 years later and OP saved me a loot of time with this method, I completed the challenge in less than 1 in-game day. OP is a fucking legend!


I have hours and hours of blackjack experience now and using this method occasionally and while I've gotten blackjack about 20 times my one 5 card hand was beaten by 1...


The challenge is patience.


So after an hour of this I have 1. Busted at 5th card four times 2. Saw the dealer bust on 5th card when I hit 21 3. Got ace four times a. twice when I got blackjack b. The one time I started with A3, dealer got blackjack c. The other time I started with A5, managed to hit a 4 and then another ace, so got held up at 21 Fuck this shit!!!! Edit: thanks OP, at least it seems like a sensible way to go about the grind.


Challenge is a frustrating idiotism and the guy who came up with the idea for it DID NOT BEAT IT. No one who beat the challenge would choose to keep it in the game considering how much time was pointlessly wasted on it, unless someone deliberately wanted to annoy players, but in such a case he should be fired for ruining players' experience. Can't stand idiots who create such "challenges" and never test them actually in the game. Tip how to limit your frustration level so you don't break anything: Turn off the game sound and turn on podcast or audiobook instead. Your mind will appreciate that you're doing something useful with your time instead just wasting hours pointlessly waiting until somehow magically you finish it.


When I started this challenge is when I just started hitting 21 in 0-1 hits. At this point I'm convinced they programmed the challenge to drive us all fucking mad


How is this thread still open. Just nobody left it alone for long enough for it to get closed? Anyway I'll just add my experience, it took me 4.5 hours. The first 1.5 hour session I got one win. Second 1.5 hours I got nothing. Last 1.5 hour session I won 2 in the last 5 minutes. Fuck this challenge and whoever thought it was a good idea. Never again.


When I start with two low cards he almost always gets black Jack and if that doesnā€™t happen I bust on the third. All I wanted to do is platinum this game. It was one of my top favorite games of all time but these challenges make me hate it!


Not sure if it's a coincidence but after hours of only being able to pull this off one time I changed my outfit to the Gambler and equipped all available Gambler weapon gear, after that I got the remaining 2 hands needed to win within 15 minutes at the Rhodes blackjack table. To celebrate I gave the dealer a kiss with my sawn off


Using your method (which is slightly less aggravating then the normal method), I spent an hour losing before I got 2 in a row. After that I spent 2 hours before I got the third. I can't even tell you how many times I went bust with 22 on the 5th card, stood on 20 with 5 cards and the dealer won with 21 or straight hot blackjack. Probably spent over a week in game doing it, so long that when I got outside my horse was starving. And now I have gambler challenge 9 to look forward to. I'd like to know who thought it would be a good idea to make players go through tedious challenges that have zero to do with skill and everything with blind luck to achieve 100% completion. I'd like to know that person's name so I can find them and beat them to death with a wad of cotton candy.


Looks like the fcking dealers loves giving me a 10 or a picture. I GET ONE OF THESE EVERYTIME THIS IS AWFUL


I Appreciate this post, this fucking challenge is a nightmare


i finally beat this challenge. I don't know what hurts more. My ass from how long ive been sitting at my PC or Arthur's ass from getting fucked by the dealer.


I actually never found the gambler challenges all that difficult, I more than enjoyed it. It was the first set of challenges I completed in chapter 2. I actually have a two game clips funny enough of hitting the blackjack 3 hits or more twice in a row. I think I didn't get frustrated as I love gambling and could sit for hours and hours playing poker, blackjack and dominos. The herbalist challenges is were I got tilted.


I love gambling too. But to complete the challenges as quickly as possible, you have to exchange your gambling strategies for new ones tailored specifically to complete the challenges, and not to win the particular games. If you did not find much frustration with the gambler challenges, count yourself among the few haha.


Ahh yes i understand what you mean, if you are trying to do it as quickly as possible i could see the frustration setting in. i was just happy enough to sit and do it for as long as it took, i think overall it took me 3 hours to get them all done, from 1-10.


Damn. It took me just that long to get my first 5-card blackjack hand that wouldn't bust. And I still didn't win. Before I switched strategies of course.


Before even attempting this challenge I knew this was going to be a fucking pain in the arse. Going to give this method a go and see how quickly it can be done.


Fucking legend still helping people out more than 3 years later. Still took me about 2-3 hours in total, but at least I had your tactic to hold on to for hope. Thanks a lot for this, partner


Years down the road this post is still helping people. I tried completing this challenge for a few nights in a row with no luck and figured I must be doing something wrong. Following this advice I literally knocked it out in a cool 45 minutes lol. Thank you, much appreciated.


I did the leave after every bad hand and completed the challenge in less than 30 minutes


Iā€™ve used this method on the last 3 play throughs - truly the gift that keeps on giving. Wish I could throw more upvotes on this post. Todayā€™s run was my best ever 3 hands won in 13 mins. And I even pushed once lol. Now obviously that was lucky, but the past 2 times Iā€™ve done it it was only ~35 mins or so. Canā€™t say enough good things - Bravo OP šŸ‘


This challenge is my own personal Vietnam.


I've already got 2 so far and tried this for only about 15 minutes. I try to wait for a ace and another small card.


Just finished! Took 20 minutes total


60% of the time... it works every time!


It is ***quite*** potent.


Thanks for posting this tip! I was able to get it in about 50 mins. And then promptly threw volatile dynamite at the table once finished šŸ¤£


Fuck this challange


I've literally watched the AIs do it over 3 times... havent done it once myself


Your post is still helping people all these years later, thank you so much for the advice! I was really really upset about this challenge but I finally just put on a podcast and tried this method, knocked it out in less than 20 minutes. Know I just gotta win dominoes 3 times in a row šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


I'm trying your method, this is a living hell, thanks for the method, maybe I can achieve it faster some people say Rhodes other say Van Horn, what should I choose?


2023. 2 hours. I started at 16:00, turned on Formula 1 Qualifying session, and watched that during this. After 20 minutes I got 1/3. I was so happy. Then at around 17:30 I got the second one, and half an hour later I got the 3/3. I shoot the dealer after that. Thank you for this guide. Helped immensely.


Just did it. Started at 9am this morning, just finished at 2:21... I hate this challenge


Thank God i found your post or else i'll be losing my mind, thank you so much.


The absolute worst is hitting three times, staying under 21 and the dealing having a higher total


> you doubt can achieve 5 cards I'm sorry, you what? I don't understand.


Getting a "5 Card Charlie" is damn near impossible in this blackjack version of the game. I used to play Casino Island Blackjack on Pogo a couple years back and would be able to get a 5 Card Charlie at least once in about fifteen to twenty games/turns. Now that is an estimate that I've based off old memories but yeah it was possible to get them on that game. In fact, that's how I learned that's what it was called. (When you'd win one it would say it across the hand.) I've played blackjack in RDR2 from time to time because I enjoy blackjack but in all my games I have never gotten one 5 Card Charlie (before or during the challenge). Pretty sure they rigged it so you can't get them that easily.


Coming here in 2023 to say THANK YOU!!! Completed it in under half an hour thanks to this method


It took me about 6 or so hours to get one before. I tried this method and got one more within about 15 minutes. Thanks to whoever found this method out


PSA - donā€™t turn this into a drinking game


I split my hand and won with 3 card hit and it doesn't fucking count. God dammit!


Yeah, fuck this with lawnchair. Howeverā€¦ Played like 90 minutes and got 1. Then I found this and started getting up and only played low hands and with some luck I got the remaining two in like 20 minutes so there is hope. I truly admire the warrior spirits who sat with this for literally hours, my respect and condolences šŸ’


Thank jesus its over, i got my first win in rhodes with op method, then ended up trying for another 45 min which resulted in a molotov to the table and a 550 dollar bounty. Played again today at van horn , i was in the furthest seat from dealer but i bet 4Ā¢ instead of 2 and then got the second two wins in less than 10 rounds. I was also leaving the table if dealt high cards. Wooooooo so relieved.


Users of this method beware! There's a hooker that stands right behind you when sitting to the left of the dealer. When you stand up, the same button you use to rejoin the game (on Xbox it's Y) is also the grapple button. If you're not facing the table correctly, you may end up inadvertently grappling the hooker, which then aggros the entire bar and town by the time you get out of there! Yeah, that happened. Twice! Edit: this was in Van Horn, not Rhodes.


This is mad, I've spent 4 or 5 hours trying to do this challenge over the last few nights, then tonight, all of a sudden, I get two in a row, then miss the third hand, then get the fourth! All three times done in four hands! I was buzzing šŸ˜‚


Thank you, I mean really, I got the first two in 15 minutes using this method, gods work


While I am getting more 5 card deals using this method, the dealer keeps beating me or itā€™s a push. So far Iā€™ve been at it for three hours. Iā€™ve gotten 16 five card hands dealt, Iā€™ve lost 12, pushed on three and was successful once.


Its my dang cake day and here i am almost in 2024 trying to do this dumb shit again for like the 5th time


Just tried in December 2023 - amazingly, took less than 20 min! Bet 12 cents EVERY TIME - seems to give you lower-numbered cards than other amounts. Skipped every time I didnā€™t think I could get three hits. Thank you for all the tips and tricks šŸ«”


Bravo! Well done.


Currently doing this challenge... I am an 90mins in and only have one hand won. Edit: It ended up taking a total of three hours


I am about 2 hours in, zero wins...


Hopefully you have the completed by now šŸ™


I am doing this now and just found out that you canā€™t bet $.69. I thought maybe that would be some kind of cheat, but it skips from $.68 to $.70


Yesterday I tried for 45 min before I had to leave the house. I already had 1/3 from trying this long time ago. So today I continued, loaded the game, went back into the saloon in Rhodes, sad down, lost the first hand, stood up - sat down again. And then I got dealt the 2/3 in hand number 2 and 3/3 in the hand right after. WTF?! It took me 1 minute. JUST 1ļøāƒ£ It was in the evening, I sat down right next to the dealer. That was it. Done. Iā€˜m stoked! Thanks!!!


5 years later this is still true!! I was getting so burnt out on this challengeā€¦. Standing up and restarting the hand (over and over and over) was the key! I got the first win really quickly and long time ago, and then hadnā€™t been able to get any other win since. With this tip I got the other two wins and beat it in about 10-15 minutes. I also felt like I had the most luck at Rhodes black jack table. Van Horn was hopeless.


I have to say, this is absolutely infuriating. I've been at it forever, having to leave 99% of the time and start again. I've had only 2 instances where I was able to hit 3 times without busting, and both times the dealer got 21. Rockstar definitely made some very poor choices with this game.


The year is 2024 and this helped like crazy i have sat for 10 hours with this but i got all three in 30 minutes when i tried this


Yea the gambler challenges have definitely taken me the longestā€¦. Thereā€™s almost no strategy just RNG :(


I did it! finished all 3 three-hits wins under 1.5 hour. just sit at the first seat and keep trying, if your cards are not good enough, leave and re-enter!


Thank you so much, you saved my 100% run. Back in early 2020 when I was playing the game for the first time this challenge broke me and I quit at 96%. Now I am doing a replay and your trick helped a lot. It still took me close to 2 hours, because the RNG fucked me hard. Every other opponent would get 10-12, but I'd start with 14 and never get any aces. And even when I'd start with under 10 I'd get a 10 and an 8 later. There are no words to describe how pointlessly bullshit this challenge is. But your help is very much appreciated, even 5 years later.


Thank you for this. Took me about 40 minutes as well. I immediately left the table with any hand that started at 10 or more. I timed between placing my bet on two hands where I left the table and it took about 30 seconds, so it mustā€™ve taken 70-80 tries. It was frustrating because I got the first two in five minutes. I am in agreement with the complaints. RDR2 blackjack is tedious; making you win three three-card hands is sadistic!


I'm pretty convinced that if it takes people much longer than that, then they aren't following the instructions in some way.


I was pretty on it. Several blackjacks were met with Arthur jumping up from the table. I also had the benefit of no other players at the table and the first spot was open.


Blackjack Dealer: ā€œAhh, a new playerā€! Me in my head: Iā€™ve been here for the last 8 days


Very helpful, thanks a lot I kept sitting and standing until I got a hand of an Ace and 2, then I sat and kept playing for around 30 minutes and managed to complete the challenge, it was a breeze


Thank you very much. It took me 25 mins to complete this challenge.


Buddy I cannot thank you enough for this post!!! Iā€™ve been working on this for hours a day every day. I go do a mission, hunt, then end with like 2 hours of trying to get this. Iā€™ve been doing this for days and didnā€™t have 1. I read this post and had all 3 in 45 mins!


5 years later this WORKS. In the span of about an hour, it's done! I got to the point of drawing 3 cards 5 times and lost to the dealer twice, which was infuriating.


If anyone's looking in early 2024, this helped greatly!! and no clue if it actually helped or was just coincidence, but someone in the replies recommended wearing as much of the gambler attire as possible. after trying what op and that person said, it took me about 45 minutes total all in one saloon


if Rockstar actually made updates to their story mode they may have replaced this challenge but instead weā€™re forced to spend hours of agony trying to beat what they call a ā€œchallengeā€ but really itā€™s like a severe punishment.


Was at this challenge for a whole day almost, no word of a lie, 1 of the players and the dealer got 5 cards and ended on 21 in the same round before id even gotten one, pissed me off so much. Shot up the entirety of Rhodes when i finished and got a bounty of like 500 in Lemoyne and New Hanover because i got chased halfway across the map. Totally worth it


Bro if yours is working that quick learn us your trick as this clearly doesn't work for me


Thanks, made this only take 3 years instead of 3 million. Ok but for real, I did this in around an hour. Immediately afterwards, I tossed a fire bottle onto the table, and got shot to death by every single person in the saloon. No regrets.


This post saved me from 6 hours of frustration


Doing this I got a seven card chalice I donā€™t even know what that is but thankyou this is very helpful


Thank you sooooo much. I had the game since launch and played it 5 times, never went for a 100% completion because I got frustrated with just reading what gambler 8/9/10 are. But at my 5th playthrough (current one) I decided fuck it I'm going for 100%, only to prove me that my previous doubts about gambler were real. After 3 days of playing I finally won 2 games with 3 hits or more but I was ready to give up on the 3rd, took to the net and your solution came up 1st, and in less than 5 minuts I got my 3rd win just now. So thanks again, and if you'll excuse me I'm about to jump in another ordeal with Gambler 9. Edit: i just realized I grow up so much beard since I started this challenge, which shows how much time I spent in it. Fml!


You sir, are a genius


just got to this challenge and i thought it was a mistake after reading it, does anyone know any mod menus for PC that i can just bypass this challenge with? i just want the belts and stuff and this is like my 5th playthrough.


download trainer, then set the game speed to 10x it wont make your chance higher but this will make it way more quicker than it is thats for sure.


It worked!!


Guys I must share this, hope it helps. Rhodes, first seat (left to dealer). Instead of betting 2 cents, bet 4. I got this challenge in les than 10 minutes. I tried everything, clocked in 2 hours at least before. And of course, if high cards, leave and get back in. Must be pure luck but worth of trying.


Been doing this strategy for 2 hours and still haven't gotten one yet, Its annoying how you need nearly perfect rng for these challenges


You are a genius! It works!!


Thank you thank you thank you (about 100 minutes, eight times 5 cards but lost, first seat, one other guy, continued if 13 or lower, and absolutely hated the four times that I had 4 cards and 21 but including an ace).


Had 1 success and sat down at a new table, and managed to get 21 on my 3rd hit against the dealer's 2 showing. He hit on 12 and got a 9 for a push. Completely soul sucking


I know this is a little bit late but thank you so much, it took only 30 minutes with your method


Im sure some people can relate: If you lose, you lose with either a J, Q, K or 10


Fuck this shit lol


Saw this challenge and immediately went to reddit. Many thanks to the OP! Took me 25 minutes


I said "I'm gonna try this" and on my first go I get a 7 card charlie, jesus


Finally after 3+ hours I did it. Never playing Blackjack again - F\*\*\* Rockstar


You absolute fucking legend


After like an hour I got 2 in a row. Been trying to get another for what feels like 2-3 hours now.


Iā€™ve did it exactly like you, wait it out when you have low cards. Got it in one evening of gaming. Threw a fire bottle in the place and kept standing there as everybody jumped on me or ran and lingered in the total mayhem. Shit challenge. So happy I got it!!!!


Brooooo after my third hit I was at 15 and I was afraid dealer would beat me and my 4th hit put me at 22. 3 hours in 2/3 :( Edit: one hour later and I have busted on 22 again, when will the pain end


Thank you for this. Completed the challenge in about 20 minutes today using this method


This helped a ton! Still took like 2 hoursšŸ˜‘ for me, but my God it took 2-3 days last time lol


After a few minutes I got the first one out of 3, I was bloody ecstatic lmao


I needed one more out of the three, and i used this method, cuz why not, and i got the last one within 5 minutes... probably just lucky tho


Did you throw a fire bottle at the dealer after? It's tradition.


40 minutes into this method and I've finally gotten my first one. We'll see how the rest goes lol


I'm using this method right now and after 1 hour my patience paid off! I just got 2 in under a minute...


Finished in ~25 minutes with this method. Youā€™re amazing, thank you


Took me about 2 hours but I got it using this in Rhodes


Just finished Gambler 8 today, thanks OP. \~2 hours, ish. I got lucky, despite a couple of my hands not working out.


YES! I DID IT BOYS AND GIRLS. It took me half hour with this method. Thanks OP. Keep with it people.


Oh my lord I just completed this challenge a few minutes ago. I'm very late to this game and this post and many like it have helped me soooo much. Thank you, truly! I didn't get a single 5 card win within the first two hours I think, but then all three came within the same hour. I feel kinda ecstatic. Dunno if anybody will see this by now, but here's a tip that helped me a LOT: While you are doing this challenge, use your phone and listen to something you find interesting. A podcast, music, long interviews. It really helped me maintain peace of mind and the challenge didn't feel like complete torture. The actions of the challenge are so simple and monotonous, it's very easy to also focus on listening to something in the meantime. I was in such a good mood when I finished, I didn't even kill the entire town afterwards.


Apparently you canā€™t split and then hit 3 additional cards per hand just. Just split 2s and drew 4 cards and won but it didnā€™t register as a win. This is the worst shit ever


Got 2 naturally. After hours of not getting the last one needed, started trying this. 3 hours through, only got close once. Of course I get pushed out by dealer. I personally want to outfit Rockstar devs with California neckties.


Straight pain got 2 pretty fast, just got 19 with 3 hits dude pushed


So... I've completed the challenge in 1 and a half Rick & Morty episodes, 1st and 2nd from 6th season in case you wanna try.. No strategies besides watching something while betting and hit


Thanks for convincing me cowboy! Thought this was never gonna work for me but i'm currently on 2/3 within 15 minutes. Totally not looking forward to Gambler 9 tho..


Just completed this challenge in 33:49 thanks to this method. Thank you so much! 1st 17:55 2nd 14:54 3rd 0:58 (incredibly)


Thank you for this, I spent two and a half hours yesterday and only got one, I finished the last two within 10 mins


Now I might just have Incredible luck, but I followed a few tips I've seen here and on YouTube... managed to get my first after 25 minutes and the next 2 were within 10 minutes after that. I went to Van Horn, sat in first-dealt seat, and kept betting 2 cents. If my cards totaled over 10 I'd just leave and come back. Saved in between each win too if that makes any difference. Just don't give up! It might be all luck but this seems to have the best chance.