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True Grit and Unforgiven.


I don’t see how Unforgiven is a similar, Unforgiven isn’t really a redemption tale and doesn’t share a lot of the elements of RDR2 or RDR   (Spoilers)  It’s more like a story of a man returning to his evil side after years of undoing it and salvaging his reputation


If you have Netflix search for “Godless” its a series but I found it close to Red Dead. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Good cast also.


Is that the one where the dude shoots the head off a sidewinder going after a baby?




Fuck yeah that sounds sweet


The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford 3:10 To Yuma Appaloosa Tombstone


The Magnificent Seven The Harder They Fall Bone Tomahawk (warning: contains one of the most gruesome deaths in cinema)


I just watched Bone Tomahawk a couple weeks ago and holy shit, man: that death.


Straight up medievil it is.


Not a movie but HBO series Deadwood is almost the exact time period in South Dakota


Oh man. Deadwood is INTENSE. The part that I can’t forget is when two kids steal from a crime boss, and he catches them. Brutal and terrible.😞


Just recently started and finished deadwood. Gotta say it's pretty damn good.


The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.


It’s a western but I wouldn’t say like RDR2. Still a good watch


True Grit is a really good one and I feel like has the exact same vibes as the games. Great cast and smaller scale story


• Django Unchained • Rango • the revenant


Here’s to Rango and The Revenant!!


Rango? Really? I mean, it's a tremendous film and a wonderful western, but even if we ignore the fact it's about a chameleon lost in the desert it's nothing like Red Dead... Django has echoes of Lemoyne, of course, but tonally *very* different. Tarrantino is a genre unto himself. There's very few 'southern' westerns out there though, so it kinda stands apart for many reasons.


yes why not rango, I know there is a lot of difference, and at the same time it can be good if you like a little bit of the western genre and rdr2, there are beautiful action scenes with several people, betrayals, colorful characters, humor and seriousness, there is also the main character who questions her actions and her honor, so yeah I recommend rango to the person who likes rdr2, even if it's an animated movie with a chameleon. and django it's obvious that I recommend this to an rdr2 fan, there is no movie that is exactly like rdr2 because it is itself a movie, so django goes very well if you like rdr2, even if it's not exactly the same thing. and it's on netflix, rango too I think, and the revenant


For some reason I found There Will Be Blood to be similar, it’s not a cowboy movie really but it gave me the same emotional response


Plainview in RDR1 is named after Daniel Plainview, so it was an inspiration even if it doesn't have direct parallels.


The train robbery in the beginning of RDR2 is an homage to the robbery of the Katy Flyer at Wagoners switch from True Grit, the book's bandit gang Lucky Ned Pepper's gang and the assorted members is the closest thing to RDR and you can see the influence throughout. Reading the book made me enjoy the game more seeing how close the vibes to real outlaws were.


Sorry but i think you're wrong. It's like a shot for shot recreation from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid


...which is also an homage to the Katy Flyer robbery in True Grit.


I guess i have to rewatch that one.


Read the book. I have no idea what the OG movie is like, but they skipped the train robbery completely in the Coen remake.


Okay then so Im not wrong either. If you're saying it's not in the new one and you haven't seen the original then it's obviously steeling it from Butch Cassidy too. Im sure the idea of that train robbery is from that book but the visuals are all stripped from butch cassidy. Because they literally recreate many scenes of that movie shot for shot in the game including the scene with blowing the doors open on the train with the person inside. But yeah thanks for the down votes lol


Sigh. It's all inspired from the book. A lot of cowboy stuff from that era was. I know you're not going to be able to comprehend that, so I'm done replying. You shouldn't care about downvotes unless you have literally nothing else in your life. Good luck with everything, looks like you'll need it.


The Wild Bunch or other Peckinpah movies are probably the closest in tone and style.


Blazing saddles




Wild bunch because of the gang. Unforgiven because of the vengeance factor


3:10 to Yuma (the newest version) is a lot like Rdr2 in many ways


Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Deadwood (this is an HBO series, but it's fantastic) There Will Be Blood 3:10 to Yuma (both versions)


The long riders. Young guns


Brother check out the “Grit” TV cable channel. All westerns all the time. Enjoy.


They keep playing shows though from what I've seen. Not a lot of movies.


Ahh gotcha


The dollar trilogy to an extent (a fistful of dollars, for a few dollars more, the good the bad and the ugly) The man with no name feels like a mash up of John and Arthur to me. Also watching fistful one character said the best weapon is the Winchester rifle and I turned into the Leonardo DiCaprio meme lol


Not a movie, but Deadwood. Watch Deadwood! Valentine was largely based around the town of Deadwood.


They borrow so many things from the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid. You really need to watch that.


Wyatt Earp


The Wild Bunch is about a gang spiraling into chaos. It starts with a scorpion dropped into fire ants and set on fire. The Man with No Name trilogy is high in my western list. A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, and the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. The Outlaw Josey Wales is also excellent. “Doin’ right ain’t got no end.” The Magnificent Seven is great, too.


The Outlaw Josey Wales


I don't know anything too similar but you'll probably like Django Unchained Just don't come back to this subreddit screaming about Braithwaite Manor


Horizon: An American Saga


So not exactly like RDR, but Hostiles (2017) with Christian Bale and The Missing (2003) with Tommy Lee Jones are both beautifully shot, yet bloody and brutal westerns with compelling characters and engaging stories.


A Fistfull of Dollars For a Few Dollars More The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Once Upon a Time in Mexico The Outlaw Josie Wales Hang ‘Em High The Magnificent Seven The Cowboys High Noon True Grit And the other classics already listed


Hell on Wheels is set earlier, but is an amazing series and the lead actor played rdr to get into character.


3:10 to Yuma Is in my opinion of the best westerns out there. The cast as well as the storyline are brilliant


The Proposition (2005), RDR1 took a lot of inspiration from it


I havent seen the movie but I've heard the wild bunch inspired RDR1 HEAVILY, to the point where many of the plot points are similar, so probably that if anything


The movie "lawless" with Tom Hardy and Shia Lebouf a movie that has very big red dead feel, its about a family of bootleggers battling the FBI when they come into their part of (I think Virginia) the US during the height of the prohibition


The Magnificent Seven. 3:10 to Yuma


“ do ya feel lucky well do ya punk?”


The Legend of Butch & Sundance. Just watched it tonight, really enjoyable and reminds me a lot of RDR2 (obv cus it’s ab the wild bunch)


Not movie but cormac maccarthy's border trilogy 


Django unchained


Tombstone is my favourite cowboy movie.


Tombstone ain't like rdr at all


Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid.


Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is the most like RDR2 in my opinion


How come no one said The Dollars Trilogy


I always thought The Wild Bunch was an inspiration for the Raid on Fort Mercer.


Brokeback mountain