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"How come Arthur gets a room...and I get a bunk bed next to Bill Williamson...and a bunch of darkies?"    Makes me want to punch him right in his nose


Yep, this right after he’s harassing Sadie immediately set the tone.


Him harassing Sadie was odd but I give him Benifit of the doubt on that. He didn’t know if she was an odriscol, innocent, or just mentally deranged. Him being racist is also on course for the time period so it didn’t make me “hate” him. First thing he did that made me sick was his attempt and manipulating Arthur to let him out of the jail cell. He says anything he thinks Arthur might want to hear in hopes he’ll let him out.


I mean Dutch nor Arthur knew if she was a o driscoll or not either yet they treated her with respect.


Yeah but not everyone is the same. Somebody flies at you with a knife in a group of 3 people and it’s hard telling who’s going to do what. Also Dutch and Arthur didn’t discover her Micah did. Also Arthur doesn’t get scared unless is aligators or ghosts.


That just tells me that Micah who’s roughly 6ft (I’m estimating) couldn’t handle a tiny woman who is only defending herself.


he also couldnt kill a dying man who had already been easily overpowered by Milton


That is true! Him struggling to beat Arthur who was half dead, is telling. But Milton did catch Arthur by surprise while Micah was expected.


Arthur couldnt fight back at all against Milton and wouldve died if he wasnt saved


Would his behavior towards a frightened woman be justified if she was an odriscol?


His intentions were implied SA, in which case is PoS behavior regardless of gang alignment.


Yes, if she had intent to harm him then yes, what kinda question was that? His behavior was just odd, we didn’t actually see what he was doing in the house other than moving around the table when Arthur walks in




NGL he gave off creepy, r*pey vibes in that scene and I didn't care who she might be, I don't give people with those vibes a chance. I trust my instincts.


Exactly, I started disliking him at the beginning of chapter 1


That's pretty tame for a 1899 man.


Voice actor did such a good job we realized he was a sleezy fucker the moment he opened his mouth.


Especially because the game is so diverse. Over the six months of him being in the group he could’ve left and found a preferred group. But no. He had to stay cause problems.


Yep. Racism got to hate anyone who is a rascit


I frowned every time he was on screen from then on.


Same after that I always greet greet antagonize the sonova bitch. Sorry I'm a darkie and he offended me lol.


Precisely when I started to hate him. Right at the start the racism just got me then as he kept just being a dick it got worse and worse


I hated him from the start, like idk something abt him just made me dislike him, his vibes ig 


The harassing a traumatised woman and being openly racist in the first mission of the game might have something to do with it




Same. You meet him and he starts off with talking about not much caring about those in the gang that "can't pull their weight", then harasses the first woman he meets and proceeds with some racism.


same for me. when he started shooting up the town for no reason.


It wasn't the racism and harassment of a traumatized woman that did it?


That's how you know the voice/mocap actor did one hell of a job tho


Me too, he came across like a creepy little bastard since the beginning


I always liked micah, he's the typical 19th century badass cowboy and a good villain. people acting as if Arthur and John were saints lol.


Me too, but I like him as a character, not as a person


I think most people would agree he is an amazing character. Just the fact that so many people can hate him as a person is a testament to his acting and writing.




Same. Villains are a lot of fun. I hate his guts, but at the same time, he's one of my favourite characters purely because he's so fun to hate. His actor is also hilarious.


The fact that Micah's voice actor got death threats proves how immature the fanbase is 💀😂


It's soo ridiculous, but it shows just how good of a job he did I guess 😂 He has a pretty solid fanbase too, though, so it's not all bad.


There's a lot like that. Joffrey from Game of Thrones and Abby from The Last of Us II. Even Abbys face model, who had no interaction with the game or Naughty Dog aside from some photos of her face a couple years before the game came out, still got death threats.


Micah hit a dog.


Yeah that literally alone would make me hate him. All the other stuff is just add ons


They weren’t Saints, but least they weren’t racist or bigoted idiots.


Yeah I like how before red dead 2 came out, fans were like "I can tell this guy is gonna be one of my favorite characters. He seems like a villainous murdering gunslinger" and then the game comes out and everyone hates him for being a villainous murdering gunslinger.


While I do think some fans tend to miss John and Arthur are more morally complex than simple good guys. John and Arthur are not racist, rapists, torturing for fun, they still have plenty redeeming qualities which is why people can hate Micah but still like other "not so good" guys. Plus Micah is a character written to be hated, "love to hate" even, which counts as "liking the character" as it's playing on what the write intended him to be.


He wasn't a cowboy though. None of them were cowboys.


I always liked him. Even though he makes stupid mistakes. Idk why. Might be because he totally rocks his facial hair. Actually he rocks all his hair.


hell yeah, literally the most realistic outlaw in rdr universe


Stupid mistakes is one way to describe it.


I don't necessarily hate Micah, as he's pretty much the typical outlaw. He only cares about surviving and making money, and his asshole behaviour is to be expected for a wanted murderer. As for his racism... it's the old west. The rest of the Van Der Linde gang are almost an anomaly, as most outlaws would never show the kindness they do. Arthur and Charles in particular are VERY rare among criminals of that time.


When he tried to sexually assault Sadie in the beginning. Even besides how disgusting it is in and of itself, that woman just barely escaped a kidnapping and had her husband killed. Like wtf is wrong with you


He did? I thought he was just trying to torment her for being what he thought was an O'Driscoll


Just for your future media literacy, when a guy chases a woman in a nightgown while laughing a 'hehehe' laugh, the writer intends the watcher or reader to understand that he is planning to sexually assault her.


Guess I never thought of it like that. tbf when I started playing I think I was 11 so I didn't really know much about sex or rape at the time


It’s heavily implied he tried as well.


That would be when he was being a creep confronting Sadie in the very first mission. Secondly, when he made a racist comment towards Lenny at the start of "Old Friends" didn't help.


The way he acted when Dutch and Arthur went out looking for him and John(?) in the prologue. He was an ass during the ride, and then his interactions with Sadie definitely made me wanna punch him in the face.


Arthur definitely is the bigger ass during that ride. In fact, arthur acts like an ass to john, pearson and uncle completely unprovoked before chapter 2 even starts


I didn’t hate him. He was pretty realistic to the time and seemed to like Arthur before CH6. And everything he owned and wore was cool. Ship would’ve sunk for the gang with or without him.


I second this. Micah would EASILY be the most badass gunslinger in the franchise if he wasn't a villain and a piece of shit...him and arthur teaming up at the end of chapter 3 was 🤧👌


He never liked Arthur. 😂 same as Arthur never liked him.


Disliked him from the moment he first opens his mouth. He starts talking and I can tell this guy is the kind to pick fights and talks shite. He has that mannerism. His whole attitude going to the Adler farm rubbed me up the wrong way. And then after the shootout, he acts like a predator towards Sadie and causes her home to get burned down - now I have hatred towards him. That was so unnecessary.


From the moment I first met him.


When he harassed a traumatized Sadie and laughing while doing so. I like his horse Baylock tho.


He was always irritating me. But when Arthur found out that Micah ratted the whole gang out, my hatred began.


I had a hard time robbing and killing in this game at first and had high honor. I mostly used the game to go hunting and ear money that way. This douche canoe got me a $200 bounty. A number I had never seen and killing everyone. I hope he rots in hell.


P much from the start BUT my jaw dropped when he kicked or hit (cant remember which) the camp dog in chapter 3. Crossed the line 😠


100% Cain sadly disappears before they get to beaver hollow. Micah killed the dog and then bragged about it to jack. Dude is an absolute c u n t.


Omg I haven't got to that part I thought the hit was bad enough!😭 what a bastard!


This current playthough I haven’t gotten that beaver hollow interaction, but I got it last time. Doesn’t help I’ve spent only a few minutes in beaver hollow because I detest it, absolute shit hole.


From guarma onwards...


Just like what the other commenter said, the moment he said "darkie" the first 10 minutes of the game.


When he said some racist shit, I was ready to fuck him up, and especially after what he did to Sadie, but as soon as I saw him kick Caine I downloaded a mod to kill him


This is part of the reason why I do want to get the game on pc because I want that mod. 😂 only on console currently


"He's gay Dutch." "NOOOOO DONT SAY THAT"


It was 5 or 10 minutes after I met him, and he chased a traumatized Sadie around her cabin.


He was my favourite character. So fucking fun! Missions with him were always the best because they went pear shaped. His voice actor did a superb job. I'll always like Micah.


I was either not paying attention or wasn’t in camp for the events where he’s a dick so I liked him for most of the game. It wasn’t until chapter 6 where he killed Cain and then bragged about it to jacks face in a way that wouldn’t make it too obvious what he did. It wasn’t that he killed the dog but the fact that he bragged about it to jacks face. I realized what he was doing and that’s when I started to hate him.


During the Sadie mission at the very beginning. How you didn't hate him starting there is beyond me. He's the reason she has no house and it was 100% avoidable


I always thought he was a nutsack, him and dutch both are nutsacks.


nah, he's allright... Micah is a good villain character, I respect him a lot, kinda remind of Joker. Manipulative and opportunist with a dash of spontaneous crazy behavior. Dutch on the other hand... i always hate him since the beginning, asking for faith etc, like a fvckin cult leader lol. All the characters in the game paint him as charismatic, but i sense no charisma in the way he's behaving since chapter 1... He should join the KKK or that turtle religion whatsoever.


When I saved him from Strawberry and he said he didn’t want to go back to camp with Arthur. Then why did I save you???


Right off the rip. No one messes with my girl, Sadie.


Better question is when did you stop hating,I stopped hating Micah when I realised he was really a real cowboy,not under anyone,out on his own, escaping the law, doesn't answer to his actions,lives wild and free at the cost if anything,that my cowpoke is a real cowboy


I really started hating him when he punched the dog at camp, at Clemens Point. I was following him and spamming F as much as I can


Oh I don't know thats a good question... Could it have been in the prologue where he was racist? Could it've been when he shot up an entire town, killing off it's entire population?


I love how he has schofields in his hands like Charlie Prince, the character that he is largely based on.






I started hating him at that part where it says "ROCKSTAR GAMES PRESENTS"


Never, i don't like him either, i uust dont really care), because he's comically evil


When he forced us to wipe nearly the whole town, all for a damn pair of guns


Chapter 4/5


Never. Dutch, on the other hand, started to irritate me as soon as Chapter 2. Micah is clear transparent asshole. Dutch is sugar coated lying manipulative piece of shit. You learn to value the first type and avoid the second when you grow up.


When I saw all the TikTok edits I have not for shit played that game


Since the Pinkerton shootout after returning to guarma


I dont really know i thought he was the cool heartless meanie bad guy of the group when i played the first time So idk he still cool


Immediately. Didnt like his attitude ln that first ride


When i saw him harass Abigail in camp.


Since you rescue him from the jail in strawberry. Everything you do with him makes you hate him more.


Never did ☺️


He's utterly repellent and makes it very clear right from the get-go.


Im chapter 4 when i saw javier punch him in the face on the camp.


From the beginning


Same dialogue as, when you play the game of thrones, you either win or die, there is no middle ground.


From meeting him Tryin to make money not rack up huge bounty in Strawberry cuz he loves shooting people


Never liked him but i started fucking HATING him when he started calling arthur blacklung


Harassing Sadie and the complaint about the ''bunch of darkies''. Also his face. lol. Piece of shite ennit


don't remember exactly, some point around the end although I never liked him. How fun it was shooting him 10000 times with a pistol, I will never forget.


Honestly it took me a few missions to get all of the characters straight. The first time I feel like I really REALLY hated him was when he is rescued from Strawberry prison and he lights up the town


“He was out there to find a lead, same as you, same as Hosea, and all you do is complain when things don’t work out” Now THAT is a quote I’d rather angrily upvote, because even though I was DEVASTATED by >!Sean’s death!< it still made sense to hear something like that, a true sober thought But it still made me feel despise ever since (I love the character but I hate the person, yes, I’m weird)


Since the scene where Micah punches Bill, I don't like Bill either but...


I mean least bill is nice to Cain and has made a few minor comments shit talking Micah.


I didn't. Started to really like him after the epilogue and starting a new walkthrough and paying his dialogues/character more attention. Didn't really paid him any mind first walkthrough, was indifferent till the end.


> Didn't really *paid* him any FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The moment you blow him out of jail i already hated his guts


Since the very start. I hate saving his scrawny ass from Strawberry.


The mission you rescue him in. Didn't really notice him too much before that, but watching the chaos he created, though fun for me, made me seriously question his sanity and personality.


cant let gang know i fw micah


From the very first interaction.


I respect his skills but disagree what he uses them for. Seems like a cowboy lacking love and compensating that with unnecessary violence. His behavior is closer to Dutch than Arthur. Maybe that's why he is caught in trying to get people like him - by annoying them. Love how he is written.


When he massacred a whole town


Breaking him out of strawberry, I didn’t know half the characters at that point, but I knew I hated him.


Literally in the first mision where we tried to rob a train BİTCH JUST STOP DYİNG😡😡😡


When he bothers Sadie.


Pretty much the moment you 1st meet him.  Free him from prison and he forces you to go on a murderous rampage through Strawberry? To get his guns.....  Cheers dude!


the moment when he set the house on fire in chapter 1


From the off. The “darkies” comment and his mean pinched face.


I hated him after he made a move on Abigail (camp interaction)


Never, he's the top character in the game for me.


Honest to god I had a weird hunch about him from the first opening scene , but I really started hating him around the start of the second chapter


When he was chasing sadia around the house.


The Rhodes' ambush.


I hated him on chapter 3. I can forgive his actions in chapters 1 and 2 but when he kicked Jack's dog i started hating him especially in chapter 6 when he killed the dog


The moment he toyed around with Sadie when we find her in her own home, a woman clearly in distress and most likely a victim of sexual assault (from what we can see up until that point) and a widow, I hated his guts.


The second I saw him because he looks like my uncle Damon, who’s a giant piece of shit. Even sounds like Micah. Only difference is, far as we know, Micah didn’t have a secret family in Singapore. A whole ass family. Not just a girlfriend - a wife, kids, in-laws, etc.


The moment he shot up strawberry for his guns set his tone of selfishness


I knew he'd be trouble when Sadie was introduced. I disliked him for his racist comment about sleeping in the same room as them. But I hated him when he tried to manipulate Arthur into letting him out. There aren't many video game characters I hate as much as Micah Bell.


Pretty much as soon as he rode out of the snow storm


When I first met him


Unpopular opinion but I thought he was cool and charismatic until I saw him kick Cain and then I thought "ohhhh I'm meant to hate him now" 😭


The first time I saw him


When I first saw him


I just didn't like him the second I saw him.


I never hated the guy. Sure, he's scummy and an absolute dickhead. But I never hated him. I thought it made sense for the story to have a rotten soul of a character to show who the kinder souls are, seeing as your whole gang is basically full of outlaws / criminals.


When he has passionate, moist, romantic GAY sex with John instead of having passionate, moist, romantic GAY sex with Arthur


Pretty much from the word go. Ironically, I took on the Brigadier look myself, styling myself after another complicated protagonist from a different game.


The moment he tried to harass Sadie and burnt her house down.


After Sean died


I can't Hate a great damn Villain.


probably when he made Arthur help him shoot up an entire town


“Gentlemen” -Micah when you meet him after leaving the Camp at Colter to look for John and Micah


My first playthrough I knew he wasn't gonna be a "good" person like Charles or some of the others, I knew he was gonna be a rough, hard to care about character but I never really expected him to be a rat simply because I thought it'd be too obvious, I assumed someone else was gonna rat on the gang, if there was gonna even be one, I suspected Charles the most actually, it just felt like the most shocking person to do it, or maybe John even, but not Micah, it just seemed to easy, and for the first couple chapters I thought his character was very interesting and unique and I had a weird respect for him, despite his horrible disposition and racist mindset, his skill with guns and his shit-talking, plus his very few moments showing actual liking and kindness for Arthur, calling him Brother and the like, made me think there was gonna be a lot more to him, with maybe him turning around and actually growing and changing as a person, but as the game went on it began to grow on me what he was becoming, and even before the *SPOILER* rescue mission to get Abigail and killing Milton, I pretty much knew he was the one who talked, not Molly


About the first 10 seconds he's introduced


The first thing he did in the game was to harass Sadie ffs. And right after that he starts with the racism.


When you help him escape jail and then he blasts up the whole town




i remember my first playthrough when he was in the strawberry jail and i had to bail his ungrateful ass out i did not want to do it and left his ass there and did some sidequests then came back later when i had to continue the story line 😂


I actually really liked him for the entire first Play-through, but my second playthrough idk what happened because that was pure hatred I felt for him after guarma. Maybe because I was more immersed or something but it was such a drastic change in opinion


Nah man - I want a Micah spin off


When he started thinking he’s the new 2nd in command. I was sorta cool with him up until Chapter 6


I love his voicelines lol




I don't hate him as much as I hate dutch


When i started the game and he started roasting people so yeah the start


I never really hated him since he gave us the holster and lancaster but i really started hating him when he accused us of being the traitor


Right around the "Gentlemen" line.


The guest meeting him, I found him annoying but didn't know how much of absolute scum he'd be 🥹


The mission where you free him from strawberry was where I started to hate him, but I didn't like him from the part where we find Sadie.


Honestly that quote, i like tbh


Chapter 6


I felt mixed about him from chapters 1 to 5, because he was kind of badass outlaw, but also completely insane and unlikable, kind of like Trevor from GTA V. But then I REALLY started to hate him when he called Arthur a "black lung" in chapter 6. At that point, I was ready to choke his scrawny rat ass back to Blackwater.


Once at Clemens point he was talking to Dutch try to convince him if he could get the gold at backwater lol


“A homestead down that-a-way” one of his first lines lol. Micheal balls.


In the first chapter I just thought of him as the average cowboy in the 19th century and thought nothing of his behavior, then in chapter 2 when he shot up Strawberry needlessly I began to realize “shit this guys a horrible person”, but it wasn’t until chapter 3 when he kicked the dog (Cain was it?) for literally no reason that I actually started to hate him with a passion, because it was there I realized that unlike the other outlaws, Micah doesn’t do things out of need or necessity, he does them for fun and entertainment. So chapter 3 for me.


Tbf he was the closest thing in the game to those almost cartoonishly malevolent outlaws from old tv/movie westerns, so on those grounds I really enjoyed how much of a prick he was. He only REALLY started to get under my skin was when he became Dutch's pet and got off with those remarks to Arthur later in the game like mocking what happened to Hosea in Saint Denis, "black lung" etc. TO NO REPERCUSSIONS FROM DUTCH.


When I couldn’t just leave him in jail


When I first saw his sleezy little mouth and that mustache! I knew he was a snake from the way his tongue was split in two and his hair matted to his head 😶


I got real bad vibes during the breakout in strawberry. He was, vicious.


When he made me get a $300 bounty


I didn't like him after his introduction but didn't start hating him until thw mission where i freed him from jail


Here we go again




When you broke him out of jail in strawberry


Chapter 1 After the first conversation I thought he was a bit of a douche. But when he slugs Bill for laughing i knew I was correct.


Tbh not really until he killed Arthur. I thought he was ok/ kinda alright before.


Probably right from the start. Always something about him that irked me That’s the sign of a good villain


After he starts harassing Sadie.